Friday, April 17, 2015

Snacks For Zantar Part II - Council Goes Loco

Hello again y'all in the USofA, Pakistan, Poland, and Ukraine and welcome to the blog...I know that I've blogged heaps about the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, particularly recently, but this issue has unquestionably dominated Planning and Development decisions by Council for a decade, and just at the moment it is the main drain on the Vein of Pain that Council has opened up on Ratepayers with their (Council's) expanded borrowing of $6 million in their 2013/14 Budget, the many $millions squandered and/or lost and/or stolen from The Library and Main Corner Projects, the ongoing $2.8m running cost of those 2 facilities, etc...and now, via the attached document/page, confirmation that Ratepayers have their collective Communal cojones ...(no offense ladies-Ed)...perched precariously on the tracks should rail ever return to Mt Gambier...

As unlikely as is the actual physical like 'sit in your car fuming at a crossing' style return of rail services to let alone through Mt Gambier, whilst that's unlikely, the technical and legal reality is that Council have sold Ratepayers right down a very rapid river of shit, strapped to a barbwire canoe...(paddle damn you-Ed)...I mean, where on gourd's green Earth will Council suddenly find the cash to stump-up for the replacement works, etc, with apparently only "4 months" to get it all done...    

Dot Pointing Out The Obvious: realities as per page 82 of Mt Gambier City Council's own 2004/05 Yearbook (as attached below), in contrast to the alleged realities as repeatedly presented by Council over many years...
1)  I don't understand how "transfer the freehold" relates to the later clauses 'Council has to replace the infrastructure and the Minister still being able to just take it all back', etc.
2)  I believe "for no consideration" means gratis, which would then contradict what Council has said about 'purchasing' the site...
3)  "Settlement of the transfer took place on 29th June 2005"...and second last paragraph, "Council has executed a Deed with the Minister that defines all of the above matters."

This means that the details in following paragraphs were defined and specifically known by Council in June 2005, yet Council has repeatedly stated that the ensuing 8+ years of inaction and delays were due to unresolved/undefined/problematic/whatevs issues with "the Deed" and/or "the Easement", etc...(and of course the cost-Ed)...indeed Ed, and the cost...(mate, I'm no Realtor or no lawyer with no book learnin's  nor nuthin', but that entire document/page would seem to contradict the opening statement about "freehold"-Ed)..excellent point Ed, what exactly does "freehold" mean in a context where Council has to do only exactly 'This, This and This'...(and Pay for the privilege-Ed)...and Pay for it, yes, and then "the Minister" can just grab it all back, stating, "You ain't gettin' penny one from me you slag"...(Mighty Boosh BBC TV)...

And "Council acknowledges with respect and admiration"...strewth, whatevs...and then in trots my mate Rory McEwen...dear ol' Rory...everyone's great, everyone's a mate, and everyone's out to plate a great stake in the plum site that Councillor's and their mates have viewed as their own personal property ever since this stuff went through in 2005...

I also note that this proves irrefutably that Council had a clear run at the Rail Lands by mid 2005, and therefore went past not just a new Aquatic Centre to do the unnecessary new Library and the wholly corrupt Main Corner Project...(and the massive Council chamber extensions and renovations-Ed)...yes, those too...Council did all these after going past the Aquatic Centre and the Rail Lands...(and of course there's all the shenanigans with Council refusing to put the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter at the Rail Lands, and not doing anything with the Old Station, etc, and the lies about a 'Sound Shell', etc, etc-Ed)...yes, it's one long hilarity is it not?...back to the dots...

4)  Council has recently stated that they are denied any "commercial development" of the site by the terms of the Deed...(but that paragraph says "an acceptable level", whatevs that means-Ed) point exactly.
5)  "Council accepts without qualification", etc...and for "liabilities" see "costs there-of"...this confirms Council/Ratepayers are liable for all costs on every issue...
6)  This says a "10m wide easement corridor" but the current bikeway/walkway is in that corridor and maybe 7m if that...apart from that, it hardly seems confusing let alone an excuse for years of inaction.
7)  Then comes the stuff about Ratepayers being liable to replace all Rail infrastructure...(and within 4 months too-Ed)...indeed, bang! get it done and get it done now!
8)  Then "the Minister" can and will just take it all back, sans any compo for Ratepayers...(yay-Ed).

So what Council has effectively signed-up to is, 'Ratepayers will pay for all works on the site, be it clean-up, removal or replacement, whatevs, and then the state government will just take it all back again when they feel like it'...(good work Council-Ed)...but in their relentless avalanche of lies about the Rail Lands site, even their bizarre declaration just prior to commencing works contradicts not just reality but itself...Council openly stated that they weren't aware whether they were liable to replace removed rails, etc, but proceeded to rip everything up anyway, and this declaration of confusion is itself a massive lie...(unbeshreckin'lievable-Ed)...

And of course, what would a Mt Gambier City Council project be without lashings of "community consultation"...but I can't say exactly what happens after one manages "to finalise the vision and concept"...(well history teaches us Nick, that Council proceeds to do exactly what they want to do, massive Retail/Commercial development of the site, but still not before there's an 8 year hiatus where just nuthin' happens at all-Ed)...well nuthin' but a wall of Council lies about why nuthin' was happenin'...(yeah, good point-Ed)...    

In Closing: the Bernard Finnigan Child Pornography trial has already taken a full week (4-5 days ) and his defense lawyer has surprisingly...(not!-Ed)...attacked the only witness, a SAPol (police) 'electronics expert', as being unqualified and ignorant...(geez, it's no wonder the Courts are so clogged if a simple trial like this can take over a week-Ed)...well indeed, but whilst this is apparently/obviously a very simple case, it is concurrently clearly a very special case...

As a Labor Member of the Legislative Council (MLC-Upper House) Bernard was the Acting-Police Minister in April 2011 when he had his home raided one evening by SAPol officers/detectives, and his computers seized and he was arrested on the spot and escorted away...(and all live footage mind you-Ed)...indeed, escorted away that night and charged with reportedly 20+ Child Pornography offenses...

Over the interim, there have been repeated changes of the charges, charges withdrawn then re-instated, then withdrawn again, etc, etc, over and over across has 30 hearings/adjournments in different jurisdictions, and finally down to only 2 charges...(I still can't believe that he's had 30 hearings/ don't get that in murder's ridiculous-Ed)...what? any less ridiculous than the rest of it?..(well no, but...good point-Ed)...

And the good ol' The Border Watch didn't let me down either...(it's because you're so special you-Ed), stop it, you are...(no you are-Ed) you look, now you've made me blush...anyhoos, whilst my burly mate Bernard can only summon 7 skinny paragraphs on page 7, paragraphs not contaminated by such ugly terms as 'Labor Member', 'Acting Police Minister', '30 hearings', etc, etc, my latest 'Court appearance' appears on page 3 for a goodly fat 7, and still stating I didn't show for the first hearing...more on this...

Tomorrow: I'll Think Of Something, Damn It

'Cos I is like way organised and stuff with this shizzle...deadset...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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