Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Border Watch Newspaper Is A Bloody Disgrace

Hello Israel, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Singapore, and Italy and welcome to the blog...for various reasons there are several part posts lining-up in the 'draft' section of this 'ere blog, and I know I've repeatedly promised particular posts, etc, but when this Bernard Finnigan stuff came up it effectively imposed itself at the top of the list...if one all ain't already aware of the specific issues involved, please avail one's all's selves of a quick Interweb search...there's plenty of stuff about about this case, and here's a dot-point run-down anyways...

1)  In 2009 Bernard Finnigan was not elected but appointed by Labor to replace a deceased Labor Member in the Legislative Council (SA Upper House), and at that time had his office here in Mt Gambier...then at the March 2010 State Election he ran on the Labor ticket and was elected a Member of Sow Strayan parliament.
2)  He was still a Labor MLC...(and also Acting Police Minister-Ed)...indeed, I was getting to that, and the Acting Police Minister in April 2011 when SAPol officers/detectives raided his home, arresting him and seizing his computers, and duly charging him with originally (reported as) 20+ Child Pornography offenses...there is extensive footage of this arrest on most news stories...(which begs the question, 'how did that media know to be there?-Ed)...great question Ed, great question...
3)  The Mike Rann Labor government immediately dumped Bernard whilst simultaneously screeching about "his right to the presumption of innocence"...(hilarious-Ed).
4)  In the 4 years since, the case has been in different jurisdictions and charges have been repeatedly changed and/or dropped or changed then re-instated again and then most dropped again, etc, etc, over a reported 30 hearings/adjournments, until this week Bernard finally faces only 2 charges.
5)  That case is now being heard in a closed Court by a single judge with a single witness whom happens to be a SAPol 'electronics expert'...(strewth, whatevs genuine intent there was in this original arrest, the pro-paedophile system that runs Adelaide has clearly got control of it now-Ed)...well Ed, it certainly appears that way and I'll believe otherwise when the Acting Police Minister gets gaol time...(ain't gunna happen-Ed)...I know, I know...but I'll just run through it again quickly...

Bernard Finnigan was Labor's Acting Police Minister in April 2011 when he was arrested for at least 14 (possibly 20+?) Child Pornography offenses...this indicates that somehow SAPol knew that he was accessing certain sites, making certain searches, etc, because they went to his home to arrest him and seized his stuff, and immediately charged him...this also seems to indicate the veracity of the offenses/charges...it has then taken 4 years and 30 hearings in different Courts, repeatedly changed charges, etc, etc, to end up in a closed call it secret hearing with only one Magistrate and one witness...(unbeshreckin'lievable-Ed)...indeed, zany South Australia, eh?...    

Now yes, it's true, The Border Watch and I do have a very checkered history..(yeah, but that's largely due to their rank corruption of the truth as suits their agenda, up to and including their corrupt, complicit, and collusive conduct re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...well indeed, and if you'll let me finish, but if one removes my name from the equation and the issues still remain, then TBW's coverage of said issues remains wholly self-serving and resultantly corrupt...

Please find attached the page 7 article from The Border Watch Friday 10th April 2015...and where to start?...(hows about with 'and TBW continuing their fine tradition of protecting South Australia's paedophile politicians and their pro-paedophile colleagues'-Ed)...good start, strong, yeah I like it...(and then follow that with a quick factoid re-iteration of TBW's rank pro-paedophile corruption as witnessed in it's relentless protection of the chronically corrupt former Member for Mt Gambier, my mate Rory McEwen-Ed)...you mean where TBW repeatedly gave Rory mate...(maaate-Ed)...front page coverage to vilify and denigrate me (and other parents) and deny the St Martins situation/cover-up, as part of his broader pro-paedophile corruption...(yeah, that's the one-Ed)...

In response to feedback, no I don't know whether Rory McEwen is himself a paedophile or whether he's just such a selfish and corrupt person that he chose to help cover-up the St Martins abuses because that was politically expedient and personally profitable in this paedophile controlled state...(several people have commented about how often they saw him at St Martins in 2002 after this stuff all kicked-off-Ed)...indeed, seen 'im there myself, but that doesn't mean that he was there for any reason other than to collude with St Martins Principal John Alexander about how they and the Lutherans and Labor and Liberals and SAPol, et al, would organise themselves to cover-up the gross abuse of dozens (potentially hundreds) of children by teacher Glyn Dorling...

Nor can I specifically identify the 'Paedophile Ring' that others insist is clearly identified by my posts/this 'ere blog/the reality of the St Martins Cover-up...all I can talk about is the institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption that I've witnessed/experienced...and I've said it plenty on this 'ere blog and sayin' it helps me with the rage and the fury and the sadness that dealing with these issues brings into my life...(I think rage makes fury pretty much redundant, dude, cos rage has always struck me as being like the next gear up from fury...furious implies a degree of self-control, rage is generally defined by a lack there-of, kickin' off from where fury spills over-Ed)...dam your illiterationings...(don't you mean 'damn'?-Ed)...no, I mean 'dam' as in stop as in shut it...and we digress...

Now take all of that Finnigan stuff and consider where you'd place that story if you ran TBW...(well I'd think at the most basic level, the fact that the/a local Member of Parliament was in Court facing Child Pornography charges would justify front-page coverage with at least a small photo, but then chuck onto that the 'Acting Police Minister' stuff and the outrageously conspiratorial 30 hearings over a 4 year period, etc, and that basic front-page story should be ridden-through with Editorial outrage-Ed)...absolutely Ed, I'd reckon any reasonable person would consider that front-page fodder...but not TBW, they've carefully included only the very minimum they couldn't avoid, and the rest is one massively corrupt deletion or gross manipulation of critical facts, buried on page 7...(via yet another 'anonymous' article-Ed)...indeed...and why exactly does so much stuff appear 'anonymously' in TBW?...somebody wrote it...somebody...somewhere...

Some quick points addressing that article;
1)  No photo and does not mention 'Labor' or 'Acting Police Minister' or the whittling down/removal of over a dozen charges, or the 'closed' part of the Court hearing.
2)  Minister Finnigan was arrested and taken into custody by SAPol officers/detectives during not "following a police raid", and there is no "allegedly" because SAPol raided his home due to somehow knowing Bernard was accessing certain sites of "child exploitation imagery"...this article puts events in reverse order and therefore casts potential doubt where none exists...the irrefutable fact is that SAPol knew Bernard was on those sites and went and arrested him, seizing his computers in the process.
3)  It was "revealed" 4 years ago that "some of the images allegedly relate to children under the age of 14."...(and hasn't it been a pillar of Finnigan's defence all along? that you can't say definitively that the kids are under 14?-Ed)...indeed it has Ed... 

Anyhoos, even when one ignores the crassly corrupt deletions and deliberate mistakes from that tiny article and it's deliberately 'buried' appearance on page 7, compare it to TBW's coverage of my alleged missed Court date from back in February 2015 where it's page 2 with a photo of me as big as the article itself, and no attempt to contact me, etc, as covered in recent posts of the time, eg, Summons Goin' On...

And you wonder why I come on here and call you a bloody disgrace...(I don't, I think it's glaringly obvious that you like to point at the glaringly obvious and say 'hey's, what's all that bollocks about then?'-Ed)...not you you idiot, The Border Watch, I'm talking to TBW...(oh, well, yes, that makes more sense-Ed)...anyway, pointing at the glaringly obvious as I do, it's a gift, and a gift shared...(and a gift shared is a gift resented if experience is anything to go by-Ed)...well indeed...

Tomorrow: I Will Now Laugh At Council

The whole 'Some Winsome Wins' stuff about Council's shambolic and failed attempt to ban public recordings of their meetings...(perhaps some wholly wholesome winsome wins-Ed)...yessss, and perhaps not...(perhaps later?-Ed)...perhaps not at all...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...(ooo, sorry, I forgot to ask, how did your Court hearing go today?-Ed)...another adjournment basically, but I can't wait to see how TBW reports that...(how's about Fletcher Fails To Not Show For Court?-Ed)...perfect...the whole thing's a bloody shambles anyway...ooo, and I've got a beauty re the ABC that I'll hang onto for a coupla' days whilst I wait to see what eventuates...(whaaa?-Ed)...happened upon an ABC person today, in an ABC car, whom I didn't know but whom bore a striking resemblance to a person whom seemed very out of place at a thing I attended recently...(still whaaa? with a whom? chaser-Ed)...give it a coupla' days mate, if I'm right, it'll be well worth it...laters...

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