Monday, April 20, 2015

Self-Justifying Feedback

Hello and welcome to the blog and thank y'all for joining us once again...(yo!-Ed)...moving forward as best I can and I can only apologise if that means I get to midday after waking early at 0400hrs...(you left the 'n' out, moron-Ed)...sorry what?...(nothing...just sayin' you're tryin' to get out more often-Ed)...well, yes, yes I am...anyhoos...anyhoos, long days and news full of Bernard Finnigan, etc, etc, and if I don't get to a post before about noonish, I struggle to even get near the computer...

I can only say that I continue to at least try to get my rambling, shambolic shizzle into something that vaguely resembles some sortta' mess potentially possibly capable of actual sortage...(don't wanna' rush into anything-Ed)...and I ain't gunna' defend myself over that stuff because I've fought as hard as a man can with his hands still held gently against his side, and against what could be fairly described as unfair odds...(odd don't you think that it takes one so odd to still move forward against said odds?-Ed)...well cheers Ed, I think...I know full well that I'll need to be puttin' up both hands into the air when it comes to claimin' my fair share of Bein' Shreckin' Out There...and I may well have both hands up, but I ain't surrenderin'...(oh nice, witty Wilde, witty-Ed)...cheers...

And of course SAPol (police) still have my laptop so that's just fine...(just fine-Ed)...and at my last hearing the Magistrate got shirty because my legal eagle asked for a heinous and wholly irregular second adjournment...(more adjournment?!!...morrre?!!!-Ed)...settle down, but yes I take your facetiously implied point that Bernie has had 30 hearings over a 4 year period, and muggins 'ere gets attitude for asking for a second adjournment...and that attitude in a context where 1) I wasn't even aware of the first hearing because I wasn't even Summonsed to the first hearing, and 2) am still yet to get any explanation or apology for that failure, and 3) am still waiting for SAPol to provide me with the specific details of what exactly it is I've said/done/posted/ the moment it looks like they want me to plead to 'doing the blog' because making any actual charges stick will involve a lot of relocating their entire case to the top of a very steep hill...(pushin' it right up there-Ed)...indeed...

And the farcical pro-paedophile system is going flat-out to protect former Labor Acting Police Minister Bernard Finnigan, who has effectively had a series of trials now...(across 4 years-Ed)...indeed, but one expects nothing better from the vast majority of Adelaide lawyers because they're just as pro-paedophile complicit as the vast majority of senior police, South Australian's politicians, public servants,the Judiciary, etc, etc...I've lived nearly 13 years now of watching all of these fine upstanding people cover-up the gross abuse of dozens of 7 year old kids re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

And now Bernie's lawyers are blaming Google for confusing poor Bernie, and/or they reckon ya' can't tell if the kids are under 14, etc, etc...if you really need to know more just Interweb it, I'm sick of it...there's heaps there...on the weekend it was Bernie's lawyers trying to play down evidence that Bernie entered specific search terms saying 'you can't believe in the mere facts of words'...(omg-Ed)...'those tricky 'ol facts, eh...(I'm actually writing a hilarious new movie based on the Finnigan trial-Ed) tell...(yeah, it's called Weak Excuse Of Bernies-Ed)...ahahaaha  haha ahhh, pricks...and even the search terms are banned from publication...what a corrupt joke...

So just a very quick dot-pointish post to address some feed back re things I've recently had to say about the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, Rory McEwen, and The Border Watch...with the RLRA all I can say has been said and the feedback on that is fairly consistently believing disbelief...(whaaa?-Ed)..well people are believin' what I'm sayin' about the many ways in which Council has been betrayin' and deceivin' Ratepayers with layers of trite shite about Parklands Plans and Easement scams, and hence the disbelief that springs from that well of realisation...(nice-Ed)...ta'...

I don't know what else to say about the RLRA other than if one (availee) is still needing some convincing, or is newish to the post, etc, please review the many, many posts on the issue...bottom-line, Council and it's Vested Interests mates have planned (since 2005) to build a huge expansion of the Lakes/Centro/whatevs Plaza on/across the Rail Lands site, and have routinely/repeatedly/readily lied to Ratepayers about a range of alleged but false hurdles, eg, the Deed and/or the Easement...(and now have burned $4million on pointless trifles and buggering-up all the drainage, etc, but not touching the iconic Old Station or going through to Margaret St, no Sound Shell, etc-Ed)...and so to Rory and The Border Watch...

It has been put to me that what I say needs to be defined and documented and even defended and I can only apologise because I thought I'd already done all of that several times over and then some...(well I did too, but hey, run it again, because at the very least it all bears repeating, unfortunately-Ed)...indeed Ed, and I can think of no better way of defining the pro-paedophile corruption of both Rory McEwen and The Border Watch newspaper than with their own words, so here again, the TBW front page from May 2005...(oh my gourd, it's 10 years, it's been 10 years since the bastards did this-Ed)...yep, it surely is 10 years since the bastards did this as attached below...

And so it has fallen not so much 'to' as 'onto' me to continue to hold to account Rory, The Border Watch, the ABC, SAPol, the Courts, Council, etc, etc, 2002 a whole class of 7 year old children were daily  subjected to over 4 months of systemic manipulation and grooming and abuses by their 52 year old teacher Glyn Dorling, until he was busted by parents and some junior staff, and then removed from the school because of parents (June long weekend 2002) and SAPol didn't even interview him then dumped the case by mid-July 2002...(whatta' bloody disgrace-Ed)...and parents also negotiated/organised for Flinders Child Protection Service to travel to Mt Gambier (June-August 2002) and interview some kids and their parents and FCPS described Dorling as "a text-book grooming paedophile"...

This was stated to me by FCPS in late August 2002, in a context of spiralling disbelief and trauma from both parents and was at this time (July 2002) that FCPS's original reports and/or statements had been taken from FCPS by the then Labor Attorney-General and now Speaker (of the Lower House) Michael Atkinson, and handed to the Lutheran's lawyers...these lawyers then either directly censored and redrafted the FCPS reports and handed them back, or FCPS were directed to make the changes as identified/provided to them by the Lutherans/their lawyers...whatevs...this was repeatedly stated to parents by FCPS and then confirmed by SAPol in what they said to parents when trying to excuse themselves for dumping the case, 'FCPS took back their report and removed all the stuff we could have charged Dorling with so we had no choice but to dump the case', etc...

And on and on it goes...(I know how it feels-Ed)...through the rank pro-paedophile corruption of the Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitor hearing (March 2003-November 2004), a hearing also organised by parents, in which the TRB/CSO charged Dorling with having kids on his lap, which was duly proved and even admitted by Dorling, before the TRB/CSO completely exonerated him on his defense that the kids were out of control and forcing themselves onto him...yes, I know, but that was his defense and that's what the TRB/CSO accepted...and on through the equally pro-paedophile corruption of the parliamentary Statutory Authority Review Committee Report no.52 (from September 2006-July 2011)...(parents?-Ed)...with the support, we thought, of now Senator Nick Xenophon...

And in all of that all I see is a wall of corrupt pro-paedophile bastards and piss-weak enablers...and I'm the crazy one apparently...and quite frankly, I'm gettin' a little bit pissed-off with being constantly vilified by gutless socialite slugs as being the problem...(it's quite remarkable what people are capable of just not seeing at all, of charging right past in their mad stampeding, so eager be they to be keening their hooves on the speaker of truths that the truths remain non-accosted-Ed)...nice...and here it all is lived large as life in this TBW stuff...

In this article, The Border Watch has given the then Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen front page to rabidly vilify us parents as unstable and dangerous people who have unfairly harassed the poor teacher, and to also attack MP Peter Lewis, the 'Whistleblower' as a "coward", etc, all whilst deliberately ramping-up sympathy for Glyn Dorling...that statement from Patrick Conlon is an outright lie...and do you see one question from TBW even remotely like 'hey Rory, what have you done since parents first came to you in August 2002?...nope?...nope, they've given him the lie that he's doing something now, without holding him to account for the previous years of nothing...

TBW is clearly just trying to address that which cannot be ignored by running this front page, and then doing what it can to facilitate Rory and the Rann/Weatherill Labor state government attacking us and denying the realities of the abuses and the Lutheran's cover-up, SAPol's failures/refusals, etc, etc...and remember that Rory, TBW, the ABC, etc, are all explicitly aware of the St Martins Cover-up, not just distant or disinterested, and have chosen to be duplicitously complicitly involved...(wow...I've read that article a few times now, and it doesn't get any less corrupt or deceitful or generally a screaming indictment of Rory, The Border Watch, and everyone else involved-Ed)...indeed...and 10 years on, here we are...

I'm done with justifying myself, for today at least, so's...

Tomorrow: That Winsome Stuff I Hope     

And the latest from Mr Woofs the Wonderhound (not his real name)...put him out last evening before bedtime, and on the way out the door he expressed or rather expelled his displeasure by getting a meter away from me and then fart-stepping his way over the threshold...scratch, thrrrpt...scratch, thrpt...scratch, thrrrpt ppt...(it's just to show that he cares and that he's thinkin' abou' cha'-Ed)...yeah well, a little more thinkin' and a little less stinkin' thanks...bloody hell it was funny though...

I am Nick Fletcher and I'm a donkey on the edge...and this is my blog and cheers and laters...

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