Monday, May 4, 2015

It's Not About Me...Except Of Course When It Is

**(Apologies for no post for a few reading through recent posts, it wouldn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out that I've been struggling with even doing the blog at all for the last 6 months because in many ways I don't really see the point...I sit down to it for maybe an hour and get up and walk away for 23, come back, do it again...(my how the time flies when you're having a funk-Ed)...oh nicely done Ed, a witty alluding to the often confrontational and depressive nature of doing this 'ere blog, depression often being referred to as being 'in a funk'...

I have been trying to redress the imbalance of the first 18 months of obsessive over-posting, the Agrophobia stuff, etc, but still do what I genuinely feel needs to be done...(and indeed have promised-Ed)...indeed, namely, continue to produce an accurate, reasonably entertaining blog by working to the equivalent of a full-time job, ie, 40 hrs/wk, in part to excise the debt I feel about the DSP stuff, albeit the DSP being available to anyone who qualifies...I have in part failed to do that 'full-time' but I'm still trying...and in that context, the entire blog is all about me because I started it to help deal with my anger and trauma, etc, and try to address the corruption I've witnessed/been subjected to as a parent trying to get some sort of official action...(other than Cover-up-Ed) the teacher who abused my child and dozens of others at St Martins Lutheran School here in Mt Gambier...

And as part of that I have also used doing the blog to address my personal issues of guilt around 1) failing to resolve the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up, and 2) being on the Disability Support Pension and in Public Housing...again, in that context, I ask no-one's permission nor seek their approval, this is how it is for me, and I didn't create it, it is just the way it ain't nuthin' but a Thang...(nuthin' but a Thang-Ed)...I greatly appreciate the personal statements of support saying that what I find myself doing is worth doing and worth being done well...

I continue to obsess about having the TV and/or radio news on 18 hrs/day, and genuinely try to be as accurate as possible 'ere on the blog, what with my constant flurry of furious flensing and vitriolic venting and rage-riddled ridicule...and because I am a perfect person I am incapable of occasionally straying toward being triumphal or mocking...(I think you missed 2 'nots' in that last sentence-Ed)...indeed, and forgive me if when I point out what I feel I have achieved with this 'ere blog whilst trying to act genuinely with this 'ere blog, forgive me if that strays toward triumphalism...(can I just make the point, with the infinite wisdom of hindsight, that doing the blog all day every day for 18 months proved to be a very convenient way to effectively ignore the Agrophobia stuff whilst suffering it, and even while talkin' about it on the blog...ironic really-Ed)...I dunno' what you're talkin' about...moving on...  

Other than that, in my reality Mt Gambier has clearly indicated that it is not just happy to be effectively run by paedophiles and/or pro-paedophile corrupt public officials, but that somehow, no matter what I do to try and address that, no matter how appropriate my behaviour has been or continues to be, it's still somehow going to be my fault...(what's your fault?-Ed)...well what have you got?...(ooo ouch, I walked into that one, but I take your point that it seems like no matter what you do, somebody's gunna' whinge about you and/or how you've gone about it-Ed)...even when I calmly discuss things that are happening around town that are impacted on by the blog...(or where others have said to you, 'hey, that's the blog whats done that, congrats'-Ed)...yes, that has been said to me a coupla' times...point being, I clearly am not doing this for the accolades/admiration/whatevs, and whilst I'm far from perfect, just read this 'ere blog and tell me I'm the problem...

So ultimately, there's a whole bunch of people who are going to continue to blame me and vilify me at public functions albeit in my absence, etc, no matter how I say what I'm saying, and the facts of the issue will be willingly ignored...and then when I put myself on the stage, eg, as Mayoral candidate, half the pricks didn't even show up...(not including those who were working that night, but, yeah, fair enough, and I'd say didn't dare show their faces more like...and fair enough, too, I can see how you might feel that's about you-Ed) I need to just get the shreck over it and do the blog as I've promised and as I genuinely believe is the thing to do...(until this Federal 'Meta-Data' legislation reaches out and shuts down bloggers like yourself-Ed)...well indeed, that's what it's been introduced for...back to this post, again done across several days)**

Hello Ukraine, Turkey, Macau, and Saudi Arabia and welcome to the blog...and I guarantee this post isn't just one rambling, verbose, whingy, whiny, wad of self-indulgent self-justification...(oh dear-Ed)...oh come on, give me a break, I don't really have much choice but to talk about me when acknowledging/addressing feedback, etc, because apparently the issue continues to be 'me' rather than the issues I have identified on this 'ere blog...(well, when ya' put it like that-Ed)...I do put it like that...(no, I do take your point-Ed)...

(I can imagine that it is rather frustrating/depressing to live in the Surreality that you do where you've hung ya'self out to dry in the public eye time and time again in seeking to address this relentless 'character assassination' cowardice bullshit re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...well indeed...(that cowardice where people like Rory McEwen have knowingly betrayed you and many others and publicly denigrated you and defamed you, not least of all on the front page of The Border Watch-Ed)...yeah, yeah, I get it, you agree that it says everything about all of us when I'm the one whom somewhere, somehow finds the motivation/courage/whatevs (I can't even define what) to continue with this, and yet others still see fit to ignore all of it in their continuing judgement of me...

And can I just take you back Ed, to your wonderful new word 'Surreality', I'm going to use it from now on because it just says it all about the reality I experience and as I've expressed here on the blog...(cheers, it just occurred to me-Ed)...'Surreality' - a reality so strange as to be surreal...and in the case of the blog itself, that's in the genrĂ© all it's own, 'Surrealityism' - an unbelievable work of fact that is a work of friction...(nice-Ed)...**and just to get this posted today, jumping to dot-pointing**   

Some Points Remade: because not every availee has read every post and I've been asked...

1)  The character 'Ed' is just me, no-one else, just me trying to generate a few bad jokes...(mission accomplished-Ed)...and have a conversationy exchange, etc, to break it up a bit rather than just deluge availees with the dooming and the glooming that tends to wend it's way inevitably through the blog...(well I for one certainly appreciate the effort-Ed)...cheers....

2)  Re the knucklehead who faked her Cancer and surviving it, etc...(Belle Gibson-Ed)...and she had a blog or 57, and 'sold' something else and I really don't know or care, other than to say that I have been absolutely honest/blunt about my Lymphoma Cancer and all the Chemo and Radiotherapy, etc, and the multiple misdiagnosis prior to treatment, etc, and that's just the way it is...I've been brutally honest about my recent/current Mental Health issues, and some other general stuff that hopefully explains/justifies 'me' a bit, for example, the post 'Self-Esteem: The Issue I'd Love To Have'...

3)  When I talk about groups as being responsible for certain actions, those people who I'm not pointing at and saying 'hey you, watcha' doin' there?', those people all already know to not take offense...and the Others, if they take offense then they take offense to being held accountable for their own actions, and a perfect example is Mt Gambier City Council...(of course it is-Ed)...just sayin', as an obvious example...our local Member Troy Bell (Liberal) would be a good one as well, what given my seething contempt for his political kith and kin, he is a rare fish in a very murky pond...

(Yeah, fair enough, he has been quite pro-active and did get some extra funding for the Patient Assistance Transport Scheme after Labor's 'Health On Earth' Minister Jack 'The Rat' Snelling had said 'yeah, there'll be an Inquiry, sure', but on the issue of increased funding, and I quote directly somewhere...ah yes, no that's not it...hang on, here it is, " ain't gettin' penny one from me you slags", unquote-Ed)...that doesn't look like a genuine Labor quote to me...(I didn't say it was a genuine Labor quote, it's from The Mighty Boosh BBC TV show-Ed)...really...anyhoos, whatta' lovely pair of segues into...

Yeeha!: that Benson Radiology invested in a MRI machine only weeks ago and have this week received a Federal 'license' that means average punters like moi will be covered by Medicare, reducing scan costs from a minimum $250 down to $30-$80 (these $ figures are very approx, but definite big reduction)...I believe that this result is despite rather than with the participation of Country Health SA/Labor...and Minister Snelling said 'yes' to an Inquiry about PATS but absolutely 'no' to more funding, then eventually was pushed into it by the efforts of Mr Bell and some others...

It is easy to construct a reality where there have been some small steps forward in local health provision for Mt Gambier...(and with the MRI, a small leap for joy as well-Ed)..indeed, but it continues to be the case that Mt Gambier is massively under-serviced across the board, eg, Mental Health, Drug/Alcohol Counselling, etc, and that there appears to be far more Federal and private funding than state Labor puts's all about Adelaide people...which keeps on seguing into...

No School Like An Old Fool: once predicted right here on this 'ere blog...and I'm sure I'm not the only one...(whaaa?-Ed)...latest reportage on the weekend re future plans for the prime North Tce/Frome Rd/Botanic Gardens site where the Royal Adelaide Hospital currently sits, has the Labor government backing away from their repeated 'promises' to build a new school there, and now it's apartments and other hotel-style structures and an 'art precinct', etc...(but that's what you're right again-Ed)...well I did post about this, but I didn't predict anything Ed, I just reported the interview I saw several years back when the 'new RAH' was announced...the then Sow Strayan Health Minister John Hill was standing in the Adelaide Rail Yards saying 'we're gunna' move the RAH from there to here, and there (Frome Rd/North Tce) we'll build boutique hotels and luxury apartments'...

This is the fall-out from the corruption that runs Adelaide via the Labor Party and it's co-conspirator, the Liberal Party...the RAH was moved so that Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill. etc, can build vastly expensive edifices to their own egomanic glory, which also generates 1) heaps of work for Labor's Union support and construction developers at 3 sites/projects, and 2) luxury apartments for all the corrupt politicians, etc, on the prime site overlooking the Botanical Gardens...(3 projects? I see the RAH and the hotels as being 2 sites, etc, but where's '3'?-Ed)...the 'new Adelaide Oval'...(of course, the Oval they built on top of the original as a knee-jerk last minute Election promise-Ed)...and then sold the SE Forestry to pay for...

I remind availees that only weeks ago a woman from Ardrossan on the Yorke Peninsula (600kms from Mt Gambier, 150kms from Adelaide) spent 9 days at Mt Gambier Hospital with a broken leg (plus other?) sustained at home in Ardrossan...(what?! why wasn't she in Adelaide if there wasn't a bed for her at any of the several local hospitals up that way?-Ed) bed for her there or in Adelaide, apparently...(sweet baby cheeses, how bad's the rest of the system when ya' end up in Mt Gambier Hospital as a last resort? the shreck was her family meant to visit?-Ed)...well exactly, it's a joke with no punchline and nobodies laughing...only a coupla' years back, Labor openly stated that Country patients had been discharged early and en masse to free-up some beds for Adelaide patients...

And on top of this, further reports that the $2billion+ De-Salination Plant at Hallett Cove will never be used beyond the minimal 'maintenance' operating that's currently happening to stop it seizing-up and failing completely...and the official excuse is that the water produced is too expensive at 5 times the cost of water pumped from the Murray River, but I remind availees of those wide-spread reports/allegations of maladministration and technical dysfunction and malfunction where-in it was claimed that parts of the plant simply didn't/don't work and therefore it wouldn't/couldn't ever produce Commercial quantities of potable water, not even close...

(And what happens when the River runs dry? the SA share of Murray catchment holdings up Menindee Lakes way in New South Wales are near empty now, and Broken Hill is nearly outta' potable water, etc-Ed)...I know, I know...and where's the only relatively fresh water in this state if ya' Creek crokes and ya' damned De-Sal can't cut it?...(under us plebs here in the South East?-Ed)...exactly...notice anyone sticking-in massive new pipes around Mt Gambier recently?...(well SA Water were just doing that around the Lakes area over don't think?-Ed)...I try not to...but seriously, this is purely speculation from me bordering on an attempt at humor...I mean, surely not...

Tomorrow: More Mt Gambier City Council Stuff

As difficult as this will be for some to believe, I've worked really hard, tried really hard to rein-in my deep loathing and contempt for the majority of City Council, and stick with dealin' with the facts...(gunna' stop tryin?-Ed)...not really, I'd call it just some harsh truths delivered unceremoniously...(I'd call it 'ouch'-Ed), I'm sure, will Council...but before I've even got there, I'm going to change to the subject of interviews this morning on our local ABC Radio, being WorkCover and Emergency Services...more outrageous contempt from Labor for the people of South Australia...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

**Just saw (0500hrs Monday 4th May 2015) a 'Severe Bushfire Warning' issued for South Australia...but SA's a big place and I'm fairly sure it ain't for down our way where there hasn't been a lot of rain, but it's greenish and damp underfoot...just reporting on ABC that it's very dry around Bordertown, etc, only 150mm of rain since August 2014, down from an average yearly 320mm for the period**

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