Thursday, May 21, 2015

Nick Fletcher: The Gentleman Behind

Hello Hong Kong, Ukraine, South Africa, and Belarus, and welcome to the blog...just a quick self-justification/reminder that I'm just a person, one person, there's no actual 'Ed' or 'Inner Bastard', etc...(piss off-IB)...fair enough...and as one person I miss stuff even when sitting there, eg, in a Council meeting 'cos I'm trying to take legible notes, track who's voting for whatevs, etc...and there's probably heaps that I miss 'cos I don't understand the 'insider language' and/or technical details, etc...and so somehow I missed/forgot/whatevs Council's new $25,000 website and badging, etc...(didn't miss much-Ed)...well indeed... 

Checked out the new video by Grinding My TwitFace on the InterwebTube, and it runs maybe 90 seconds of random photos that mostly only locals would have any idea about...(what's with the dude sittin' there in an empty room fondling a guitar?-Ed)...well I recognise that as the inside of the Old Town Hall, so's I'm guessing it's something to do with the Jazz Academy thingy...(yeah, but who the heck is going to know that?-Ed)...yeah, the rather unsettling soundtrack lacks an audio guide as to what you're actually looking at...(why wouldn't you spruik 'world class cave-diving of all grades' rather than just have a photo?-Ed)...indeed Ed, this is one of those situations where you definitely need a frame of a few solid words to allow the picture to paint the rest...

I really hope that it's just that I don't get this video and new logo 'art-wise'...(dude, the logo looks like a pile of grubby hippy-plectrums dropped on a table...bring back the old one or better still don't change it...change for the sake of it is just stupid, and this all looks pretty stupid-Ed)..indeed, but regardless, there's been no Public Consultation what-so-ever and a relative pittance spent on what is meant to be our brand to promote us to the world and I live here and I don't see it, I just don't get it...but I digress...

I'm not getting paid for doing this 'ere blog, nor does it get done because I choose to...(well not 'choose' in the usual sense-Ed)...indeed, 'choose' as in 'I choose to do this rather than have it do me, again'...(you referring to your massive Lymphoma tumour you survived back in 2004/05, a tumour largely resultant of swallowing the anger and frustration and guilt of failure, etc, etc, related to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...that's 2 yes' statements about working full-time on this 'ere blog as part of usuaging the guilt I feel about being on the Disability Support Pension and living in Public Housing and the failure to resolve the St Martins Cover-up, etc, are all about me, but me doing what I need to do because I feel it must be done....the fact that this blog exists at all is proof enough it needs to be done...that I can write the things I do, that these issues even exist, that proves this blog needs to be done...and that is why it gets done...

OMG: doesn't former Mayor, current Councillor Steve Perryman just love the sound of his own voice, he just can't shut-up...(indeed, what an egomanic little rodent he is...and I notice the little shreck won't even make eye contact with you settin' there in the public gallery, the gutless prick-Ed)...Ed, Ed, such vitriole, such venom, one might be forgiven for thinking that Stevo mate...(maaate-Ed)...was a corruptly complicit co-conspirator in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and that therefore you hate him for the corrupt little pro-paedophile scumbag politician that he is...(and I ain't askin' no-one's approval/forgiveness/whatevs, not nuthin', when it comes to hatin' on that little shreck of a man-Ed)...a personal opinion needs no further justification than fact...

And last meeting he presented a series of his own personal Amendments to a raft of issues that had been decided in Committee in the previous month's meetings...(so they have their Committee meetings, reach resolutions, vote on Motions, etc, and then Stevo mate-Ed)...maaate...(Stevo just trots out his own version at the Full Meeting as suits him?-Ed) a nutshell Ed, in an insanely self-involved nutshell...

Not A Word Of A Lie: that I can be a bit like an old steam engine when I find myself stuck in the public gallery of yet another Mt Gambier City Council meeting, witnessing the swathe of egomanic corruption that defines any Council soiree and yet unable to speak because that would be 'unacceptable' and I could be slung-out, for good...(not giving the bastards the satisfaction?-Ed)...oh ai...and I'm settin' back there huffin' and puffin' and lettin' off pressure, hissin' steam from random vents, etc, and so's it was I found myself sitting back to stretch and putting my hands on my head, exhaling exasperatedly at Stevo's shenanigans, and just lookin' at him across the room...and he wouldn't look at me...and I had no idea, but then yesterday during a radio thing about 'body language' it was stated that 'hands on head, leaning back' is an act of superiority and dominance bordering on open contempt...(ahaha, classic-Ed)... 

Absolutely nothing has changed on Mt Gambier City Council from the previous Council (2010-14) to the present, and the entire Council should be sacked/removed/banished from the Realm/whatevs, because the corrupt vested Interests that put Stevo there in the first place clearly still have their little monkey-boy running the show...(indeed, Stevo mate is Chimp to Rory McEwen's monkey-boy, dance-Ed)...geez Ed, remind me to never get on the wrong side of you dude...(dead set and damn straight, you ain't gotta' monopoly on the angry chair dude-Ed)...and fair enough too...

Say My Name, Say My Name:...(say what's with the Beyoncé reference?-Ed)'s Beyoncé is it?...(think so-Ed)...whatevs, I'm just referencing the hilarious opening to Council's April 2015 meeting when Mayor Andrew Lee did the Apologies/welcomes/whatevs stuff, and he said 'howdy' to Stevo's daughter by name, then 'howdy' to several Social Worker students present, and then there was a brief but laden pause, a breathy stutter, and then the magic happened, " gentleman behind..."...(ahahaha, can't even say your shreckin' name, hilarious-Ed)...indeed...

Forget triumphal or mocking or gloating or whatevs, I've copped a wall of abuse for over a decade from these dickheads on City Council and in Mt Gambier Police Station and the Lutherans, etc, etc, etc, so if I want to laugh out loud at the extraordinary display of discomfort witnessed in 'stutter stutter the gentleman behind' then I damn well will...more than one of these clowns has tried to laugh in my face about a few things, pick fights with me in public meetings, threaten and abuse me at meetings, etc, etc, and every single time I've pantsed them in spectacular fashion...and I'm so all up Council's business, all up in the Mayor's grill and shizzle, that he couldn't even bring himself to say my name...ha...

Apparently Prince Harry reckons that everyone should have to do National (military) Service and that would sort them all out and everything will be just super...apparently Harry reckons that being in the military has turned his life around, stating, 'I don't know where I'd be if it wasn't for National Service'...(well, still third in line for the throne of England I'd think-Ed)...well exactly, but I'm not sure he is in line, I think that's Chuck and his actual son Billy, to be followed by Billy's boy, what's-'is-name...(whatevs-Ed)...and I think it's important that all our youth understand that if they work hard, study diligently, and be good citizens, they still can't be born into the inherited massive privilege of our boy Bluey...('Bluey'?-Ed)'s an Aussie nickname for a Ginger, 'Bluey'...(well obviously-Ed)...

I'm thrilled to see that 'middle Australia' is so impressed with the Abbott/Liberal government's latest Budget, so impressed in fact that a whole 0.5% have turned/returned/whatevs to the Dark Side, meaning a full 1% increase in the Libs 2-party preferred vote...(a whole percentile? heady numbers indeed-Ed)...absolutely, it is the Power Of One Percent...(so, Smokin' Joe Hockey and his ranks of Right-Wing idealogues have realised that they're headed for electoral Arma-shreckin'-geddon off the back of their 2014/15 Budget of Class Bastardry, so they suddenly wrench on the handbrake, spin the wheel, and now we're still goin' over the Budget Disaster Cliff, only now we're travelling backwards..oooo, it's just like having a real Fiscal Policy isn't it?-Ed), it's exactly like a pack of soulless nutters have been spooked into behaving almost like actual human beings because they're terrified of losing an upcoming election...(you always have to ruin my fun, don't you?-Ed)... 

The whole Glenburnie Racecourse 'revamp leading to constant flooding' issue was explained to me recently, and it struck me the direct comparisons that could be made with the Mt Gambier City Council's appalling handling of the Rail Lands Re-development leading to extensive flooding problems there...(yeah, I see what ya' mean, they both appear to be massive and entirely unnecessary earthworks pouring money into a Councillor's family's and/or mates' business, and the result is disastrous-Ed)...and can I just say how pathetic that some people continue to attack the jockeys as being responsible for the cancellation...(how's about you suck it up, fix the bloody track and make it a safe workplace for those you send out there for your entertainment and profit? how's about some of that instead of blaming the jockeys?-Ed)...quite...  

Chronic Shortage: in the United States of America means that legal distributors/retailers are struggling to keep up with escalating demand...('chronic shortage' of what?-Ed)...yes...(yes? yes what? there's a chronic shortage of what?-Ed)...I said, Chronic...(no, I know there's a chronic shortage, but a shortage of what?-Ed)...Chronic...(ahhhh, no, not 'how bad is the shortage?', I get that it's bad, but what is there a shortage of?-Ed)...Chronic, there's a shortage of Chronic...(sorry, are you making a woeful joke about problems with supply re the burgeoning demand for Medicinal Marijuana across those USofA states that have legalised MM, a joke based on the immediately obvious slang for Marijuana, the 'Chronic'?...and haven't we done that 'Chronic' joke before?-Ed)...who cares, it's a classic...

AusCann Can't: apparently sell/supply to Aussie patients/hospitals/whatevs, the tonna' Chronic their gunna' export from Norfolk Island to Canadia (yes, that's how it's spelled,'Canadia') by the middle of 2016, expanding to 10 tons/year asap...this Aussie export success story is licensed in Australia to grow in Australia but cannot sell/supply in Oz...(omg, how hard does it have to be?...get it done because it damn well works, sweet baby cheeses!-Ed)...indeed, I agree Ed, I genuinely believe that we should give Chemo patients an 'herbal' Oatmeal/Carob cookie or three and a big cuppa' warm sweet milky tea and watch them giggle their way through if not completely avoid the nausea and appetite loss, etc, on the fast-track to improved health...Medicinal Marijuana - do it just because it works...(This is opinion, not specific medical advice)

In fact, the facts stand any scrutiny, there should be regulated industrial cropping of Hemp (which is un-smokeable) in Australia because it has multiple uses from cloth to rope, etc, and uses far less water in production, pesticide, herbicides, fertilisers, etc, than crops like the voracious Cotton...Hemp Seed and/or Oil is widely used as a food/additive and even potentially high-grade lubricants...and of course there's the Medical applications both realised and anecdotal, eg, the massive immediate benefits for some epilepsy sufferers...let's move beyond the ignorance and bigotry and utilise this valuable herb for the many positives it offers...
Wide World Of White Man's Sport:...whole matches from the Indigenous Women's Rugby Tournament (sorry, don't know title?)...say What The Football?...(must be one of those 'other' channels, you know, one of those 'multicultural' ones-Ed)...indeed Ed, politely but pointedly put...can you imagine seeing these matches on 'mainstream' media where female sportsters are often very second-class citizens as witnessed with coverage like that in The Advertiser (Adelaide's daily paper) where women's sport rarely features...(unless they're in volleyball bikinis-Ed)...does that woman have cellulite?...(I think you'd better very quickly identify that last comment as being scythingly cynical of the issues of relentless body-image barraging that women are subjected to, not least of all by 'women's magazines'-Ed)...ta', you've done it for me...

This rugby was obviously on SBS4 NITV (Special Broadcasting Service, Channel 4 - National Indigenous TV)...(hooray for SBS, 1 through 4-Ed)...indeed, yay, but I think ABC won't be showing the Women's Football League (Soccer) anymore either...elsewhere on telly, I had to turn the sound down on reportage of the latest lies from Catholic lounge lizard George Pell...(ooo, he's nearly as creepy as SA Liberal's leader Steven Marshall or Labor's Michael Atkinson-Ed) nuthin' 'postable' to say about any of that today, nuthin' that wouldn't likely get me hauled-off and locked-up...(you are one large angry hippy aren't you?-Ed)...cheers, one does what one can...and one's done for today...

Tomorrow: Bringin' The Joy Yet Again

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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