Friday, May 29, 2015

South Australia - The Officially Corrupt State

Hello Belarus, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Colombia, and Switzerland and welcome to the some recent posts I may have briefly expressed some mild concerns about the functioning of South Australia's version of the Independent Commission Against Corruption...(briefly mentioned mild concerns? bocconcini! (sweet baby cheeses), you've mercilessly flailed ICAC as a corrupt construct acting with committed intent to hide the institutionalised corruption in SA-Ed)...ok well yes I did say that didn't I, but don't be confused by the "mere fact of words"...(nice, a super-slippery segue straight into SA MLC Bernard Finnigan's Child Pornography Magical Disappearing Trial Tour, and his lawyer's defense argument that the Magistrate shouldn't be influenced by Bernie's search-terms, web-sites visited, etc, don't be confused by "the mere fact of words", classic...and what's happened to 'is trial anyway?-Ed)...

Damned if I know Ed, it's now nearly 6 weeks since the Judge/Magistrate retired to consider the testimony of the single SAPol (police) witness, and I've heard nought, seen noughter, and done an Interweb search thingy and the latest story I found was still from April 20th 2015, itself saying that the whole shebang was running longer than expected...(it's gone "longer than expected"?...this Bernie clown has had 30 hearings over the 4 years since he was arrested at his home and taken into custody under the blaze of media camera lights in April 2011-Ed)...well, good point well made Ed, following the initial genuine arrest, every effort has been made by all involved to fudge this along and avoid the clear reality that the then (April 2011) Labor government's Acting Police Minister Bernard Finnigan, our local rep in the Upper House, was busted by SAPol for nearly 2 dozen Child Pornography charges...

And a hilarious ABC interview this week with Chief Justice Chris Caracas who just happened to be in Mt Gambier for the 150th of the Old Court House celebrations on the very day that the highly publicised ICAC case just happened to be in the new Court House across Bay Rd...(did Chris sit-in on that ICAC case, 'cos I did hear him say that he was gunna' do some cases whilst here-Ed)...dunno...but in that interview Chris was bangin'-on about how the Courts are too slow and overloaded, underfunded, etc, etc, and no-one mentioned Bernie's Adjournment Bonanza...     

Rippin' The Rug From Under Justice:...does the openly acknowledged semi-hallucinatory and instantly disorientating carpet pattern as currently being removed from Mt Gambier CourtHouse (Interweb it people, I can't do everything) does the acknowledged psychological effects of the carpet throw very long very trippy shadows over every case ever held there since it was laid...(how so?-Ed)...well, if perps, stooges, larrikins and miscreants have been temporarily un-hinged by the wacky threads, how is any plea/evidence/whatevs to be considered sound, 'cos every mofo trippin' dude...(mmm, yes, that's a sound legal argument/defense  right there, "every mofo trippin' dude", pity you won't be able to use it now-Ed)...anyhoos, speakin' of rippin' the rug out from under things...  

Any veneer of propriety and appropriate conduct in South Australia has been completely erased by the openly corrupt Jay Weatherill Labor is now just open slather corruption, open season on state assets and resources as the Weatherill government sells-off our state to it's mates...(or just gives it away like what Ray-Jay's just gone and done with the absolutely primo Festival Plaza land-Ed)...and it's a wall of criminally Fascist legislation, a terrifyingly powerful Star Chamber-like joke of an Independent Commission Against Corruption, extraordinary and Fascist SAPol (police) powers to go anywhere, grab whatevs, grab whoevs, no reason needed, etc, etc, etc...(yay-Ed)... 

And in every context, in every application these massively Fascist powers are used by the State against the Citizenry to protect the rank corruption of the Labor government and the reality of what South Australia truly is, a state run by paedophiles for paedophiles, and a state that suffers the wholesale corruption that can flourish behind this...want to see stampeding bi-partisan support for an issue in SA parliament?...(well I'd suggest ya' just show the Liberal Party that their vote/the Committee/the Inquiry/whatevs, that what they're doing will expose their own Party's extensive history of pro-paedophile corruption, and watch them stampede to agree with Labor-Ed) pro-paedophile corruption...South Australia, this is your Parliament... 

Landing A Stab In The Park:...and having just given a huge chunka' the Festival Centre site to a private company...(and $120million cash, just for good measure-Ed)...indeed, $squillions of taxpayers dollars and a swathe of prime land that's technically in the Adelaide Parklands area that surrounds the city, well now State Labor have also given themselves power to carve-up these supposedly 'iconic' Adelaide Parklands for unrestricted development...and please don't tell me about Independent Planning Authorities, etc, etc, I'm sorry but I just don't believe that 'genuinely Independent' is an animal that exists in SA, nor that there is any genuine attempt to stifle the wholesale corruption at the head of government in SA...closer to home...

Robe Marinara Dramarama- A Recipe From Cooked Books:..I'm sure it's just my scythingly cynical nature, for me an unnatural state riven irretrievably into moi by years of dealing with the rank, institutionalised corruption of local, state, and federal government bodies and authorities, people like the South Australian Parliament, SAPol (police), Mt Gambier City Council, etc, etc..(yeah, yeah, "covered this in previous posts", etc, etc, blah. blah, what's ya' point?-Ed)...but this recent announcement by Robe Council that everything's just fine with the $1million shenanigans re the Robe Marina has not improved my disposition one jot...(well I for one am thrilled that the Council has got 'an Auditor' in to sort it all out, because it was looking like some dodgy little scrote/s had tried to rip-off Robe's Ratepayers to the tune of $1m, which isn't a great look let's face it, but if "the Auditor" says it's all okeydokes, well then that's just fine-Ed)...just fine...

According to Robe Mayor Peter Risely, everything's fine, just fine, just really, really fine, and "the Auditor" (whom I didn't hear actually named, may have missed it) has confirmed that the monies ain't missin' and it's all just fine and it's all still there in the books/accounts/whatevs, etc, etc...(sorry, I wasn't able to take notes, so not keen to quote, but you get the gist)...but what really steamed me up was the ABC Local Radio interview with Pete...

Unfortunately, this was exactly the sort of 'Vested Interests/Dorothy Dixer' interview I've come to expect from the ABC, interviews where it sounds exactly like the questioner is just lobbing-up pre-scripted questions as provided to give the interviewee a well sign-posted guided tour through the truth and out the other side, entirely unscathed by accountability...(and chuck in a nice bitta' denigrating the person raising the concerns just to smooth the whole thing over and make the problem and them go away-Ed)...ah yes, classic ABC...close out the interview with a question about the cost, which sets up Pete beautifully to whinge about the time wasted by staffers investigating shizzle and the expense to Ratepayers of an Auditor and all this apparently unnecessary investigation...

(But I'm confused, if everything's just fine and the loan/monies/whatevs is all just settin' right there where it should be, why 1) was there a complaint/question in the first instance, sparking question 2) why did Council need an Auditor and great swathes of staffers time to sort it out? it shoulda' just been as simple as 'there it is, sorted', how much could that cost?-Ed)...absolutely Ed, all great questions...

Penola, You Are Fracked: I can only apologise to those involved in opposing this Fracking lunacy that is already happening either side of Penola, apologise for 1) my venting about being re-buffed and rejected when I tried to get involved...I know people involved who have been perfectly welcoming and even supportive of my efforts re this 'ere blog, etc, but the fact remains that when I went to the top a' the tree, I was ever-so politely told to sod off and ever-so politely hung-up on...and sorry 2) that you're going to get Fracked to within an inch of ya' lives, and there's barely a single genuine voice of opposition in South Australian parliament and you ain't gotta' snowball's chance in heck of stopping it...

Look for our wholly corrupt pro-paedophile Premier Jay Weatherill to return from this wholly corrupt Trade Mission junket bollocks to China, and duly announce what wonderful work he's/they've done in signing-off on a Chinese owned Fracking Gas extraction operation encircling Penola to power a Chinese owned Pulp mill right next to Penola...(sucking the living guts outta' the South East Aquifer and chewing-up every Blue Gum within sight?-Ed)...absolutely...remember availees, that some 5 years ago the wholly corrupt Rann/Weatherill Labor gave 'Major Project' status to their approvals for that Pulp Mill, and only recently renewed those's all just settin' there waitin' to happen...

I have previously expressed my absolute non-confidence and non-trust of all politicians involved in this Fracking issue...(except for Troy Bell of course-Ed)...shut-up you...and everything about what's happening at the moment screams Fracking...this latest Parliamentary Inquiry is as rabidly bent as everything else that oozes outta' North Tce...(yay-Ed)...

When Half Empty Ain't Half Full:...when it's a Water Catchment providing potable/drinkable water and therefore the last '20%' or so will be unusable mudwater...(I still think that Adelaide will want that water, dare I say it 'our water' for themselves as this latest drought is unavoidably acknowledged as impending misery for Adelaide, a city who's local reservoirs are very depleted, who's Meningie Lakes catchment/entitlement in New South Wales is already half empty, and who's $2billion+ DeSalination Plant doesn't actually work and has been officially permanently 'moth-balled' without ever being used-Ed)...indeed, but whilst Adelaide's avarice and selfishness will see our Aquifer drained down their drains if they feel like it, Labor have just spent a fortune buying-up water licences/allowances from Victoria...I was just listening the other day to a Victorian Federal politician cuttin' crook about Jay Baby slippin' across the border to buy Vic's water out from under them...

(So we've spent $2b plus change on an unusable De-Sal Plant, and then have spent $squillions more buying water from across the border, water that potentially doesn't actually exist given the official forecasts re the El Nino event that will bring drier/warmer conditions to Southern Oz, which is what where we is-Ed)...indeed Ed, Labor's long-term plan for Water Security in SA is to pray for perpetual massive and multiple flooding events across catchments in other states and try to buy what of that we can...(clever...and have we already done the joke-bit about how Adelaide, by relying on water pumped from a heavily polluted Murray River, how therefore Adelaide drinks the Eastern states sewerage, have we done that joke?-Ed)...can't's not a particularly funny joke either...

Tomorrow: My Court Stuff

(Before we go, I'm opening a franchise of these Hooters-style restaurant things, only for women customers with guys as the decorative service staff, and themed on this 'ere blog-Ed)...this sounds like a very staged set-up desperately skirting around the Dead Joke Zone on it's way to being one of those dodgy comedy show sketches like Amy Schumer did...(nah nah, this is fair dinkum-Ed)...ok, well how's about 'Man-Candy' for a name then?...(ta' but got that sorted, we're goin' with 'Naccas' as in 'knackers'-Ed)...nice, 'knackers' of course being slang for 'bollocks', a theme often visited on this 'ere blog...(exactly-Ed)...

Still, setting up a new franchise can't be cheap...(sure, but we've been very fortunate there in that we're just taking over the old McDonalds sites as they shut down-Ed)...yeah, I heard about that, something about 'failing to remain current' with it's menus/customers/whatevs, leading to the very unusual occurrence of several closures...still, re-furbishing and that will also cost heaps...(well again, we're just recycling the old McDonalds stuff...for example, we're just turning the Golden Arches upside down to create giant Golden Scrotums-Ed)...nice, 'come to Naccas, look for us under the Golden Scrotum'...sounds like a real winner to me...(yeah, but I'm sure we'll still have our detractors-Ed)...probably, there's always some clown who has a ball bagging things...  

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nick we should get together. what you are saying is terrifyingly true. time to start collating the hard evidence (and lots exists) and put the spotlight on what is happening. New political party perhaps?
