Sunday, May 24, 2015

SA ICAC: Putting The Rankine Rank Corruption

Hey ho here we go and whatta' ya' know...all things being randomly unequal, I'd like to open as I sometimes do with a quick acknowledgement of the life of extraordinary experience, luxury and relative security I have been born to as a White man in a stolen land...(well said sir-Ed)...

Beyond that, I can only apologise in advance for the rage evident in the next few posts because I cannot and will not apologise for being enraged...(the news?-Ed)...yes, it's the news, the bloody news...and it slews relentlessly from the Daniel Morcombe murder and/or recent Appeal by the man convicted for Daniel's abduction and murder, then it's nearly 10 minutes about the Child Abuse Royal Commission and the institutionalised abuse of children in Catholic homes and orphanages, then news of potentially 1500+ people involved in child abuse in England, probably/possibly linked to the Jimmy Saville child abuse case, etc...and then it's the current South Australian case of a Childcare worker with Families SA, allegedly the organiser of an 'international Child Pornography ring'...

Yesterday the news was again awash with the gross abuses committed by the paedophile institution known as the Catholic Church, and today's The Advertiser is chockers with this Families SA case and more about the Chloe Valentine Royal Commission and the RC yet to come...and also in The Advertiser today, a wholly hypocritical bleat about 'protecting children' and 'what a monster the Families SA worker is,' etc...and in my reality it's just another screeching hypocrisy relative to The Advertiser's complicit compliance and deceitful distortion of the truths re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(ah yes, of course, The good ol' Advertiser, that in January 2005 printed an article on behalf of the Lutherans completely denying and hosing-down the St Martins case, and whom then, despite many weeks of polite persistence and negotiationing by parents, flatly refused to print anything further, ie, the truth-Ed)...indeed, good ol' The Advertiser...

Whilst in the middle of my Chemo/Radiotherapy shizzle for Lymphoma (2004/05) I and other parents liaised constantly with The sheckin' Advertiser, including me going into their Adelaide office, where I was 'spoken to' by their junior Editor/staffer, Sam Weir...Mr Weir showed me the very common indeed non-courtesy of making me sit in the foyer and spread my many documents on chairs and the floor...(sure as heck wasn't going to allow you into the building proper-Ed)...indeed...and despite me proving irrefutably that they'd printed multiple falsehoods and clearly had run only one side of the argument/issue, etc, The Advertiser flatly refused to print anything further, not even a watered-down 'Right of Reply' from us parents, not even something to say 'sure, that's what the Lutherans say, but we disagree', not even an acknowledgement that we parents had contacted them (TA) and had challenged the article...

(Knowingly printing multiple pro-paedophile lies and mis-truths on behalf of the Lutherans and Labor government, and flatly refusing to rectify those mistakes or even offer a balanced response from parents, who the shreck do they think they are, The Border Watch?-Ed)...indeed...and I don't want to hear any bollocks about how TBW gave us parents 'Right of Reply' or tried to do what they could, etc, because 1) when we parents managed to get Mr Peter Lewis to name St Martins and "text-book grooming paedophile" (FCPU) teacher Glyn Dorling (Parliament sitting in Mt Gambier May 2005), good ol' TBW kicked-off on us parents with a front page slandering by the rancidly corrupt former Member for Mt Gambier, Rory McEwen...and 2) I/we have had to go cap-in-hand to TBW time-and-again asking them to address their own conduct/mistakes and deal with the realities...and on many occasions TBW has flat-out have the ABC...

I've covered this in many previous posts, including earlier this year, and it's now 10 years since we parents managed to achieve that extraordinary public declaration by Peter Lewis, only to be so corruptly betrayed by TBW and Rory McEwen...(but remember mate, you're the only real problem here-Ed)...apparently so...apparently the person who talks about the rank pro-paedophile corruption of the Advertiser, TBW and Rory McEwen and Steve Perryman and Jay Weatherill, et al, that person is the problem...(so, the problem isn't the problem, talking about the problem is the problem?-Ed) Mt Gambier and South Australia, yeah, can't tell ya' about elsewhere exactly although it does appear that way, but definitely here, yeah, the problem being discussed is considered the only problem...

And an Über-segue straight into the heart of the alleged 'investigation' of Labor Minister Jennifer Rankine by our version of ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) and the ludicrous cover-up by the ICAC of what has clearly happened, and all as reported on Channel 7's Today Tonight last week...apologies but I'll have to give that story a full post because it's so long, gourd knows when though, so please try the TT Adelaide website re this story, it's not up yet but hopefully soon, might be available on I-view,'s clear proof of what our ICAC was created to do, pick-off mid-level public servants and the like, thus supposedly justifying it's existence and proving it's worth, and all the while burying the real corruption in SA...(you mean the Labor Party?-Ed)...I mean both of them, Liberal, Labor, the whole damn lot of them...

They all know...I challenge any South Australian politician to come onto this 'ere blog and deny knowledge of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...I know y'all are reading this 'ere blog or are at the very least monitoring it so's to be aware of it's contents, etc, eg, the Education Dept pulling-down the Gary Costello post...(you mean the post where you clearly, irrefutably identified Gary Costello as a complicit enabler who, as Principal of Mt Gambier High in 2008, failed to do even basic Mandatory Notification re multiple student statements re the St Martins Cover-up, and the Ed Dept had the post pulled-down with statements about what a great case he/they had for sueing you for defamation, etc, that post?-ED) on Ed, deny knowledge re St Martins and the abuse and vilification of parents...(the Pariahtisation?-Ed)...indeed, the Pariahtisation of parents...the moment Glyn Dorling was publicly exposed (June 2002) as a "text-book grooming paedophile" it was I and other parents who were immediately subjected to a very organised campaign to 1) protect the paedophile teacher, and 2) attack us...

And whilst we're mentioning Rory McEwen and his little mate Steve Perryman, anyone stupid enough to get involved with Rory and Stevo's self-declared 'Tourism Taskforce' or whatever they're calling it, deserves to be betrayed and ripped-off as they most surely will be...(that's being a tad harsh isn't it?-Ed)...bollocks, Rory and Steve are absolutely complicit in the St Martins Cover-up and have routinely rorted the public purse and/or betrayed their communities...and it's so easily proven that I can say it with 100 % confidence that none of these clowns will challenge me for saying it...(ya' know, I find it quite hilarious that these people like Steve and Rory keep-on taking runs at you behind ya' back-Ed)...when it's not on the front page of TBW...(well ok, not then then, but otherwise, it's peeps like these what is constantly having a go at/about you and/or about what you say and/or what you are, etc, but never ever to ya' face, and constantly threaten and harass you, etc, but then keep running into a wall of their own corruption-Ed)...empty threats of defamation anyone? I've plenty to spare...   

And Francis Sullivan of the Truth Justice Reconciliation whatevs, that dude really, really, really creeps me out...a professional media-liar spewing-out the extraordinary denials and fathomless falsitudes of an institution clearly organised around the mass rape of children and protecting itself from the repercussions of this agenda...(how on gourd's green Earth are the shreckin' Child Raping freak-show that's the Catholic Church, how the shreck is the Catholic Church allowed to run it's own investigations of itself?-Ed)...indeed Ed, it's a clear indicator that nobody has any intention of shutting-down these paedophiles and's all about power and control of, and access to, vulnerable people, preferably children...

And that's what we've learned from the Media this week...and now, just to prove I can try to even if I possibly don't actually, some random attempts at humour...

From The Whimsical World Of Mr Woofs The Wünderhund (not his real name) was a crisp, chill Autumn morn as our intrepid traveller stepped-out to greet the dawn with a casual stroll to the park and back with his faithful companion Mr Woofs, and there stood Mr Woofs waiting patiently at the gate, that wry one-lipped smile on 'is dial, and between he and I a guiding trail of half-a-dozen equidistant miniature steam-volcanoes rising majestically into the day...(tip-toe through that, hippy-Mr Woofs)...

I've developed a range of Medicinal Marijuana products based on a refined Hashish blend because that's much easier to 1) monitor and maintain quality control, dosage levels, etc, and 2) store and transport, organise widespread distribution, etc...(fantastic, how does one order?-Ed)...easy, I've set-up a website for orders, etc, where everything is carefully labelled so that customers can decide for themselves what they want/need...(are you on 'social media', you know, Facebook, Twitter, etc-Ed)...absolutely, you can find all our contact stuff via Twitter, and our website has all the details about the business, our products, follow recent developments, for ordering, etc, and of course we have an online order system where you'll see all of our products neatly labelled, etc...(what was that Twitter handle?-Ed)...sorry, yeah, so just go to #hashtag......(that is the Dad-joke of a Dad what knows about 3 things about social media-Ed)...there's 3 things to know about social media?...

We've also developed a marvelous new spray for Ashmatics that utilises the relaxant effects of MM, and can help ease both the physical symptoms whilst simultaneously mellowing the patient right-out man...(dude, any ideas for a brand-name, brand recognition is everything in the global marketplace ya' know-Ed)...absolutely...we're going with Bentolin...(nice-Ed)...we also have a range of non-pharmaceutical pain-killers and headache tablets...(oh yeah?-Ed)...yeah, Canadol...(nice-Ed)...and of course Graspirin...(they should sell like hotcakes-Ed)...we also sell hotcakes...hotcakes, chocolate muffins, and warm milk drinks, for the side-effects of the MM...(mmm muffins-Ed)...   

Tomorrow: Back To The Angry Chair

And just to round out today's dirge, here's TBW's review of their own work from previous issues...and in the week that saw Parliament sit 2 days in Mt Gambier (May 5th/6th 2005) and the St Martins Cover-up officially, publicly exposed, on both days, TBW carefully avoids their own front page of May 6th 2005, Cover-up claims, and barely mentions the sitting itself...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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