Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Paranoid People Are Watching Me, Listen...

Hello and welcome to the blog Aotearoa (New Zealand), Ukraine, France and Italy...and no time for niceties today because, whilst I'm going to try and grind-out a post-a-day in whatevs way is necessary, there's a bunch of stuff to catch-up on because I've missed so many days...(and then along comes stuff like yesterday's (*Monday May 4th) interviews on the ABC Local Radio about WorkCover and the Emergency Service Workers and/or the ES Levy, and I could just see your distemper rising, and I for one knew exactly where this post was headed-Ed)...and so away we go...

Feedback: re some 'recent' conversations I've had, namely,
1)  re the attached articles from The Border Watch newspaper, and the coverage of my 'trial' as compared to the coverage afforded former Labor Acting-Police Minister Bernard Finnigan and his Child Pornography charges...this person wasn't reading the blog at that time, but coincidentally paraphrased my posts with their views about how inappropriate it was to put me in 3 times, including page 2 with a photo, etc, and Bernie gets a vague piece on page 7...the third story about me is riddled with the usual deliberate lies, and errors that in places contradict themselves...

For example, the paragraphs "The defendant..." and "At the time..." refer to the initial hearing (February 2nd 2015) that I wasn't aware of because I wasn't summonsed by SAPol (police)...(as acknowledged by the Court at the hearing April 14th 2015 but ignored by TBW-Ed)...indeed...and has me supposedly claiming that I didn't know about that February hearing via a lawyer who was at that February hearing that I was claiming via that lawyer, to not know about...(wow, even if any of it was true, it still doesn't make sense-Ed)...indeed...cutting-edge nonsensical dribble...

I note that a 'senior Adelaide medical practitioner' has just been convicted of 'one charge of possessing Child Pornography re 18 files found on his computer'...and he gets a 16 month gaol term fully suspended, $1500 of fines, suspended from work for only 6 months, and then the Magistrate suppresses his name because identifying him might not be 'fair on his psychological state'...(so, only one charge relating to heaps of stuff, no gaol time, a fine that's less than a weeks income for a medico, and his name suppressed, and back to work...sweet baby cheeses, that'll teach him to access Child Porn in this state that takes protecting children so seriously that we even have a Minister for it-Ed).....we do?...

(Oh yeah, Attorney General John Rau is our Child Protection Minister-Ed)...seriously? well that's just bullshit, the Labor Party is a wholly corrupt entity entirely involved in and committed to it's pro-paedophile even try and suggest that there's a single person in the SA Weatherill Labor Government who genuinely gives a damn about children, a single person who respects children and their rights and acts to protect them, that is an un-defendable position in defense of a room of full of paedophiles and their supporters/enablers...(you mean the Liberal party don't you? you mean it's the Liberal Party that's a room full of paedophiles and their supporters/enablers?-Ed)...I mean yes and yes...

My personal experience re the St Martins Cover-up, as carefully defined on this 'ere blog, is that both Labor and Liberal and effectively the entire South Australian state Parliament are corrupted by a bipartisan pro-paedophile agenda, an agenda well beyond and simply not explained by mere self-interest...anyway, moving onto a conversation...  

2)  with someone who does read the blog and said with a bemused look on their face that it was a bit 'strange', but said in a way that was both accepting of the blog and self-effacing...(whaaa?-Ed) was like 'I don't really understand some of the blog, but that doesn't make it bad or wrong or anything, just that I don't understand bits' was actually really nice to get such genuine and positive feedback...(no, I can see how it might be...someone reading the blog and doesn't get some stuff but still pleased to talk to you about it, etc-Ed)...absolutely, and as I said in response, 'I do try to do some silly/ridiculous/jokey stuff and by definition the blog can be overwhelmingly intense and complicated, and heck, I write it and sometimes I get confused'...

So I'll keep talkin' to myself...(I'm here for you mate-Ed)...whilst pushin' forward into the Dead Joke Zone via a series of confected characters...(piss off-Inner Bastard)...fair enough...and cracking hilarious gags about people's names, eg TBW classic, alleged reporter Anelia 'Oh My God It's Mayoral Candidate Nick Fletcher I Better Pretend To Interview The Back Of This Strangers Head' Blackie...(classic-Ed)...ta'...or her former TBW Editor and now Mt Gambier City Councillor Frank 'The Jellyfish That Grew A Spine And Roared Like A Mouse From It's Ivory Tower' Morello...and also talkin'...

3)  with 2 gentlemen who were telling me all about the Global Control Conspiracy with things like the Trans Pacific Partnership, Free Trade, etc, and the attempts to crush dissent via legislation like our recent MetaData laws here in Oz, etc, and similar observations...(and you said-Ed)...'mates, ya' don't need to go any further than our ICAC here in South Australia to find evidence of legislation designed to crush dissent and silence criticism and/or questioning about corruption', I said I did...(and they said?-Ed)...'do we have an ICAC? I didn't know that'...( they knew all about Global whatevs, and Federal whatevs, but didn't even know that we have an SA ICAC, bastardised antithesis of an ICAC that it may be?-Ed)...errr, yes and yes...they didn't know we had one, and yes it is a bastardised antithesis of an ICAC...

(I hope you were able to help relieve them of their burden of ignorance re the SA ICAC?-Ed)...indeed, and replace it with the yoke of knowledge...(isn't it cute when their mouths hang open with surprise like that-Ed)...indeed it is, and I rarely have a conversation with someone where there's not usually a point of mouth-hanging-openness...(and call you a vain, arrogant Man-Bear Stuff-Pig, but there's the rare occasions that mouths hang open before you've even opened yours-Ed)...good call Ed, indeed it is a reality that occasionally I get introduced to people/places/whatevs and someone stands there staring with their mouth just hangin' open...just sayin'...

I don't have the time or energy to try and dissect the current farcical shenanigans going on with our alleged Independent Commissioner Against Corruption and the Police Ombudsman, and/or these pantomime joustings between Labor and/or SAPol (police) and/or the Police Association, etc, etc,'s all absolute bollocks conjured to create the illusion of propriety and professionalism and fierce independence, etc, etc, because when push comes to shove, they're all singing from the same hymn book, a book that brings us chapters like the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(book him Danno-Ed)...ah, a zeitgeist reference to classic TV show Hawaii Five 0, nice...

But yet again I've churned out a post that 1) doesn't get to the advertised fare, and instead 2) makes me the subject more often than not, but 3) in my own defense I ain't bein' left much choice given that the general debate as it reaches my ears...and it that I'm the problem...for all that's goin' down, I'm apparently the problem...anyhoos,

Tomorrow: The WorkCover and Emergency Services Post

Apologies that I didn't get there today, but here's to trying...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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