Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Our ICAC: Where Corruption Goes To Thrive

Howdy y'all and welcome to the blog for yet another round of baffling bollocks that one could not create even if one were so predisposed...of all the issues I've covered on this 'ere blog, a regular topic has been the farcical yet simultaneously terrifyingly powerful nature of South Australia's version of an Independent Commission Against Corruption, and how our ICAC has been established by the Weatherill/Labor government with complicit Liberal support, to 1) hide high-level corruption, and thus 2) protect the corrupt...(and why not start at the top?-Ed)...well indeed, yes, when one is covering-up institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption in South Australia, one starts with the Premier, then runs through all Ministers, Department heads, Backbenchers, then the pathetic Liberal Opposition, onto SAPol (police) hierarchy, etc, etc...

(And actually we don't really need the ICAC to cover-up the paedophile corruption that defines South Australian politics, because we have SAPol and an entirely corrupt State Parliament doing all that already-Ed)...true, good point...(and when, for example, the evidence trail in a Child Rape Cover-up really hit the fan and sprayed all over Premier Jay Weatherill's desk, The J-Man just instigated yet another corrupt Royal Commission to cover that up-Ed)...you are of course referring to the absolutely farcical DeBelle Inquiry...(yes, the Royal Commission put in place by Jay to cover-up Jay's involvement in the cover-up of the rape of an 8 year old in a school-Ed)...and a very successful RC in that context 'cos Comm DeBelle followed the paper-trail right into Jay's computer, right there on Jay's desk, and then shazzam! made it all just disappear...(that's just wizard...good ol' SA-Ed)...

And of course there's the perpetual pro-paedophile attitudes and resultant corruption of SA Parliament, the most obvious example I can think of being the 2008-2011 SARC Inquiry no.52 (into the Teachers Registration Board), an Inquiry that we parents 1) forced from a reluctant Parliament, and then 2) provided extensive submissions and reams of documentation, and even 3) attended at their hearings in Adelaide to give personal testimony...(as did one of the very courageous children-Ed)...indeed, even one of the kids gave evidence to this pack of scumbags whom call themselves 'Honourable'...(pathetic isn't it-Ed)...and then the SARC produced Report no.52, a deliberately error-riddled piece of dross that exonerates all involved...

And the Bernard Finnigan Child Pornography Trial continues to remain 'disappeared' off the radar, over 5 weeks after the single judge retired to consider the evidence of the single SAPol (police) witness, re the 2 remaining charges...whilst the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up is clearly indicative of how paedophiles and pro-paedophile ideals control South Australia's Parliament, Police, Judiciary, Public Service, etc, it could be argued that it has occurred largely behind the scenes and therefore the public are largely unawares, but the Finnigan stuff has been front and centre over and over, 30 hearings over a 4 year period and then just disappears, then another hearing, disappears again, etc...this is the SA Courts for you...  
Then last evening on Channel 7's Today Tonight program they ran a long article about the Authority that's supposedly gunna' sort out all this corruption, our ICAC and ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander, including interviews with senior New South Wales legal figures involved with NSW ICAC, etc, who described our ICAC as 'the opposite' to theirs, and a "toothless tiger"...this program ran for over 10 minutes about the ICAC's alleged investigation of Labor Minister Jennifer Rankine and her 'dealings' in creating a high-paying position for her mate, including running 'round the planet in Business Class, etc, etc...(let me guess, everything's fine, everyone's exonerated, and everything's suppressed-Ed)...if we were playing darts you scored 180 (3 triple 20s)...all fine, all exonerated, all suppressed... 

Because all the Race Course stuff below has pushed this ICAC story down the line a bit, I'm gunna' flail this li'l bunny a whole bunch more tomorrow...but for now, this...

Where's The Fire?: because SA Labor/Minister Tony Piccolo has suddenly dumped their/his Emergency Services Merger Plan bollocks like it was a fistful of very hot potato's...(what? this nonsense about a new ES Overlord/Commissioner controlling all services, etc, nonsense that they've been shoving down the collective throats of the 3 groups involved (Metropolitan Fire Service, the Country Fire Service, and the State Emergency Service) for at least 6 months, you mean that 'plan'?-Ed)...that's the one...and I don't believe for a moment that it's a case of Labor listening to the wall of opposition from the Services and general public, other than they know that they're staring down the barrel at a massive and humiliating failure to again ram things down our throats...and Labor swore blue in the face that we/they were past the 'Declare and Defend' governing that has defined their now 13 year term in office...

OMG: it's a new logo for Mt Gambier and a revamped website and this is going to rocket us into the global consciousness apparently, all for $25,000...can't believe I'm complaining about Council not spending enough on something, but consider the lunacy of $500,000 for lights around the Blue Lake, nearly $700,000 for the ludicrous Volcano movie, etc, etc, and only $25k for 'global branding'...(and the design is really not good, not good at all-Ed)...whatevs...furthermore, it's likely less than Mayor Andrew Lee and CEO Mark McShane will spend on their little sojourn to China this week..(yay-Ed)...and we're off to the races...   

Very Poor Form: indeed from the Mt Gambier Racing Club re the debacle that has become the Glenburnie Racecourse and the Mt G GeeGees, leading to yet another race meeting being cancelled there...I wasn't going to touch this really because I recognise that this cancellation is a terrible outcome for Mt Gambier in general, and whilst the geegees don't rock my world, all things geegee are very important to many people...however, on Friday May 15th 2015 the very important Mt Gambier Gold Cup (along with 4 other races) was scrapped for safety reasons re the very poor condition of the track, and the condition of the track is 100% the responsibility of the Race Club...and yet, the dialogue coming from the Race Club is that it was the jockey's fault...(omg, you are shreckin' kiddin' me?-Ed))...wish I was...

Attacking The Little Man: or woman who is a jockey because they were the ones whom expressed concerns for their own and their mounts safety on the 'slippery' track...(the selfish bastards, fancy having very real concerns for your own safety in what is clearly already a very dangerous workplace, and the associated safety of the horse you're riding, and for generally not wanting to get trampled to death for the sake of a pointless horse race...selfish bastards-Ed)...and better still...(somehow I knew it would be-Ed)...according to the bleating comin' outta the Race Club, it's not just 'the jockey's fault', but these 'jockeys' were all from Adelaide...(oh, well, why didn't you say?...'Adelaide jockeys', them damn outta-towners tellin' us our business-Ed)...well indeed...

And a beautiful albeit fleeting segue into a personal observation about the ongoing attempts to denigrate and demonise me, abuse and criticism that includes great swathes of 'he's not even from here, who the hell does he think he is comin' here and tellin' us what to do?'...(seriously?-Ed)...yes, this is what I hear here and there time and again, it's been mentioned to me several times...(but surely you spend the vast majority of your time tellin' Council et al what not to do?...'hey, stop being so corrupt', and, 'oi, don't rort the Ratepayers monies'...ya' know, all that sortta' stuff-Ed)...you make your point well Ed...

(A question...you state that this is "...yet another race meeting being cancelled there...", but I've heard repeated statements that this is the first time the Gold Cup has been called-off-Ed)...very clever wording isn't it, almost like the Race Club was/is carefully trying to avoid the unpleasant reality that yes, this is the first Gold Cup cancelled because of the track condition, but it's not the first races/meeting to be cancelled/scrapped/moved because of the track, and only 3 (4?) years back a whole meeting was moved to Keith (210kms from Mt Gambier) and then cancelled anyway because a storm system stopped the steward's plane leaving Adelaide...no Stewards, no races...(ouch-Ed)...

The facts are that there has been almost no rain across Spring/Summer, rolling into a dry Autumn with barely average rainfalls, and yet the Mt Gambier Racecourse can't even handle that, can't handle average rainfall spread over weeks...this has repeatedly led to races/meetings being cancelled/scrapped and/or moved, and in that recent case, moved only then to be cancelled anyway...and the Race Club is saying 'that's just fine' and 'it's the jockey's fault', etc...disgraceful...it's Mt Gambier and it rains, hopefully a lot, and therefore this will happen again...(well I think the Race Club should shreckin' well suck-it-up and stop blaming others for what is clearly problems with the track, and therefore the responsibility of the Race Club-Ed)...damn straight...(and very damp turns apparently, that's the problem-Ed)...clever...fix the bloody track before Mt Gambier loses that carnival as well...

Think I'm over-reacting talking about losing the Carnival altogether because the track isn't basically safe and/or reliable?...I ain't the only one talking about it...why would trainers/owners/caterers/whatevs go to all the trouble and expense of gettin' involved when there's a distinct possibility that it ain't gunna' happen and they'll all do their dough?...and does anyone here remember the International Tennis Tournament that Mt Gambier lost (to Pt Pirie?) only a coupla' years back because our incompetent Council couldn't even maintain the courts to a safe standard?...anyone?...and then Mayor Steve Perryman went into the local media sayin', 'no probs, it's no biggie, didn't make us much money, whatevs', etc, etc...(well I for one remember that appalling 'give-a-stuff' attitude/interview...at the very least, that tournament was International Advertising for Mt Gambier that you just can't buy, and now it's gone, never to return...idiots-Ed)...

Possibly Apologising: because I thought that I saw it reported that that prime piece of corrupt, betraying scummery known as Martin Hamilton-Smith (elected Liberal, skulked across to Labor, betrayer, scumbag, etc, etc) was scooting off to China with all the other dodgy public officials we're paying to junket-on-over there, but today I read that he's off to Europe at our expense, apparently to tour submarine facilities re the Adelaide Submarine Corp...(well I for one think it's wonderful that Mighty Marty Moose is profitting so substantially from his corruption and betrayal, because he's clearly worked very hard on making sure he does alright, albeit at the expense of everyone else in the state...I'd hate to think that such a rancid turncoat wouldn't profit from their greed and corruption-Ed)...indeed, why aspire to a career in SA politics if you can't personally profit from your own corruption?...

Tomorrow: Just Goin' Forward and Stuff

(Can I just say how fortunate that the horse that featured in the recent ABC Radio play about the Australian Lighthorse in World War One, was a horse called Bill the Bastard, and not that other famous horse Flicka-Ed)...why lucky that it's 'Bill' instead of 'Flicka'?...(because his nickname was 'Bill the Bastard'-Ed)...so?...(well if Bill's a 'Bastard', then Flicka's a 'F..-ED)...okay, thankyou, that's quite enough...a quite hilarious enough, but quite a lot of it none the less...(cheers-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog..cheers and laters...

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