Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Who Ordered The Large Angry Hippy?

**pre-emptive apologies for what rapidly deteriorates into another angry diatribe, but it's been a shocker of a week, cheers**

Hello Romania, Malta, Belarus, and United Arab Emirates, and welcome to the blog...this week has been one long 'paedophile story' throughout the media, and there's a coupla' very angry posts hangin' in the wings, so, today, compared to most other posts I've churned out, I'm going for a relatively random niceness post about positive aspirations, blah, blah, blah...but even then, by definition, trotting out a post of positive ideas for Mt Gambier merely produces a long list of lost opportunities and Council corruption and failures...(here we go-Ed)...I know, I know, but what else can I say, what other reality is there?...(yeah yeah, I know, get on with it then-Ed)...on with the getting...

But First:...I am aware that some kids (now young adults) who were subjected to abuses by teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School, some of those people may well read this 'ere blog...we are all aware of the horror stories pouring quite deliberately out of the Royal Commission re the systemic rape of children by the Catholic Church...we all are similarly aware of the life-long effects on abuse victims, lives of drug-abuse, broken relationships, chronic Mental Health problems...(for some reason that all sounds very familiar-Ed)...and the horrendous rates of suicide, etc, etc...whatevs this 'ere blog means to individual availees, mine is but one voice in a maelstrom of sadness and corruption...

When I put myself through this 15+ hours a day, day in day out, I do it for several personal reasons (previous posts), but I'm also trying/hoping to get across to these young adults (if they read the blog) that;

1) you are not the problem here, this was done to you and the only person responsible is every adult involved...(from their own parents right through to teacher Glyn Dorling and St Martins Principal John Alexander, and onto every corrupt, weak adult who's helped the Lutherans cover it up-Ed)...indeed, we as adults are responsible for letting this happen, and we as adults are responsible for covering it all up...(well, trying to cover it up...I mean, community-wide discourse about the ongoing Cover-up 13 years after the event, that's not how a State-sanctioned Cover-up of Child Abuse by the Lutheran Church should go-Ed), people are meant to succumb to the relentless corruption of their state's Premier, their SAPol (police), their local Members, their Council, etc, et al, and break under the deliberate trauma heaped on them by a system that is so wholly pro-paedophile corrupt, so that those paedophiles can get back to molesting and abusing our children without interruption...that's how it's meant to go...  

Anyhoos, re the young adults, 2) in amongst all these deliberate faults and failings and refusals and openly pro-paedophile corruption, etc, there are some people, some adults who did/do give a damn about you and other kids and have all but destroyed their own lives trying to make it a reality that the paedophiles have had their day running this state, as they clearly do, I'm trying, I've got my hand up, who else in this community has the common human decency to step-up and say 'this St Martins Cover-up stuff is just wrong, and it must be righted'?...anyone?...

And before I can even get to the Council stuff, career stooge Stan Thompson is bailing from the ABC at the end of July 2015, so's we can all look forward to 2 months of vacuous bleating about what an inspirational institution Stan is and what great work he's done for Mt Gambier and how much we'll miss him and other relentless sanctimonious eulogisationings , blah, blah, blah...Stan Thompson is a key co-conspirator in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and has been instrumental in the ABC screwing us parents over time and again...

I have no idea who this clown was when he joined the ABC, or what he was doin' before the St Martins Cover-up kicked-off, but in my reality, Stan long ago realised that his bread was buttered on the paedophile side of the fence in this sad, sick, corrupt state, and that's exactly the side where he has chosen to dwell...(and hasn't he done nicely for himself along the way-Ed)...indeed...for several years he played us deeply traumatised parents like cheap violins, with his fake sincerity, his faux sympathies, and when it didn't suit him anymore, he just turned his back on us and our children and our suffering and corruption of the Lutherans, SAPol (police), the state Labor government, etc, etc, et al, and meandered-off for some easily-earned professional pocket-lining... 

I personally provided Stan a swathe of highly sensitive personal documents by way of proving my/our statements about the abuses at St Martins and how authorities had grossly failed at every level, etc, and he's apparently lost those...(probably gave them straight to his mate and co-conspirator Rory McEwen-Ed)...wouldn't surprise me in the least...Stanley also met several of the families who had the courage and love for their children to fight against a wholly corrupt pro-paedophile Labor government and State Parliament, corrupt SAPol, corrupt and/or incompetent Public Officers, corrupt City Council, knows more about the St Martins Cover-up than Our Man Stan, and he is explicitly complicit in the cover-up of the abuse of dozens of children...

Completely apart from his collusional corruption re St Martins, Stan has routinely betrayed and sold-out his community with a cacophony of sycophantic 'Dorothy Dixer' interviews about critical local issues, particularly with state Labor politicians...(yeah, but he's hardly Bobby Crusoe in that boat is 'e, South-East ABC is a wall of vacuous and corrupt automatons who do exactly what they're told...there's barely an original thought bubble between them...and think I'm being harsh on the poor ol' ABC and some of it's lesser employees?-Ed)...well, now that you mention it, I reckon you're being a tad harsh, yeah, surely they're not all corrupt and idiots and/or corrupt idiots...(of course, not all of them, just the vast majority, and when you get to the pointy end, the management, they openly officially dumped the St Martins issue back in 2007, even as early as 2006-Ed)...fair enough...

And I can't even get into the first paragraph about Council stuff before the whole thing spirals away into that litany of Council faults, failings, and costly corrupt collusionings, because that's the legacy this wholly corrupt Council has built for itself and Mt Gambier...anyhoos, with as minimal accusationing as possible, here's some positive ideas that'll never happen because 1) due to the corruption of it's constituent members, Council has already fiscally fisted Mt Gambier right-up side the head...("somebody say opella"'s a song lyric...don't worry about it-Ed)...I won't...and 2) if it's me proffering a reasonable idea, even a great idea, it's likely to get scant if any attention and certainly no traction with a vindictive, bullying, arrogant, corrupt, selfish Council...

**and that's as far as I got with that Council stuff before careening off into other stuff...sorry**

Joe Hockey can go take a running jump at himself and take the insanity that is the Federal Liberal Party with him...(what a prick-Ed) thoughts exactly Ed...first, they slander parents for 'double-dipping' on Parental Payments, quite deliberately using language like 'rort' and/or 'fraud' to directly infer criminality without making specific and unprovable statements, only to have their own Ministers 'fess-up to doing what isn't actually a crime anyway...(deadset?-Ed)...yep, and now Smokin' Joe's been re-outed for using/rorting his Parliamentary Accommodation Allowance (whatevs it's called) to rent a house in Canberra...(nuthin' wrong with that-Ed)...a house owned by his wife...(oh-Ed)...yes, exactly, oh...(so he's married to a millionaire, actually renting his/her own house, with Taxpayer's money?-Ed)...yeah, Joe's a 'lifter' alright, lifting Taxpayers money straight into his own pocket...(whatta' guy-Ed)...indeed, an inspiration to us all...

This self-satisfied sack of hypocrisy is part of a government that's whole functioning is about generating community division and excusing their own inability to govern for/like actual human beings by constantly attacking and denigrating those powerless to strike back...enter the latest 'crackdown' on people supposedly rorting Unemployment Benefits or Disability Support Pension or whatevs...(and this from the rancid Right-Wing liar that is Tony Abbott-Ed)...yep, him and his insane li'l band of shiny-headed White-men...liars and crooks...

Glibsloganfest:...coupla' weeks back and I tried to watch that Glibsloganfest otherwise known as Q&A (ABC TV)...(ah come on, they do have some good stuff, sometimes-Ed)...whatevs, but I went to watch it and 3 seconds in, up comes that slimy, corrupt piece of Liberal work Arthur Sinodinos, and I just changed channels, simply can't stomach him as being a personified presentation of the rank corruption of our political classes...(wasn't he busted for setting-up an attempted but failed fraud that would have netted him personally $20million?-Ed)...yep, and for being Treasurer of one group that donated to a Liberal Party body that he was Chairperson of (or vice versa, whatevs) but then claimed to be completely unawares of both ends of these dodgy donations/payments/whatevs...

I'll 'Ave Arfa':...(sorry, so we're meant to believe that the Federal Liberal Assistant Treasurer at the time, Arfa', was involved at senior management level in 2 organisations handing cash to each other, yet was completely oblivious to these transactions?-Ed)...that's the story...(and what about the attempted $20m fraud? what's happened with that?-Ed)...nuthin', he's back skulking around Parliament House and bobbing-up in interviews with that sick, smug smirk on it's face...(whatta' scumbag-Ed)...

And yet more bollocks from City Council with yet another Charter or Agenda or Initiative, whatevs, with 11 key priorities about Health...(apparently Council has a Health Officer, Kate Fyfe (?spelling) who's been on the ABC this morning spruiking the benefits of the Rail Lands as a safe environment where children can go and right next to the DeathPit of Stupidity, aka, the effectively unfenced 6 foot deep drainage pond drowning hazard right there, right next to the park bit?-Ed)...I don't even want to think about what can go wrong there, there are no jokes to be made about the Council lunacy and corruption represented by this nearly $700,000 drowning hazard and how it relates to the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...

(Why are there so many bureaucrats on Mt Gambier City Council?...there seems to be a raft of superfluous positions already, particularly where Council is engaging in issues that simply aren't their business in the first place-Ed)...indeed Ed, it's the same model of Career Empire that politicians use to control Adelaide...(how so?-Ed)...well, there are 100,000 Public Servants for Adelaide, that's one PS for every 16 people, and a bunch of Commissioners for this, that and the other, and buildings in Adelaide full of pointless Public Employees furiously emailing each other...(so?-Ed) the bigger the bureaucracy the more important the boss of that is and the more they get paid and they need a raft of highly paid advisors and media managers, etc, etc...

There's roughly 50 people working just for Premier Jay Weatherill, furiously running around in little circles making sure all the paedophile corruption stays buried, etc, so there in itself is a mini-Empire of highly paid possibilities that every soulless incompetent can aspire to latch onto...(didn't Labor pull nearly 50 full-time PS positions from Mt Gambier back about 5 years ago as part of that whole 'Shared Services' bollocks?-Ed)...indeed they did Ed, citing 'cost efficiencies' and 'budget restraints' and a bunch of other crap...and not just ripped 50 full-time jobs away from locals, but also 50 wages out of a small community where that several $millions will no longer circulate through local businesses, etc...(thank gourdness Adelaide's alright though-Ed)...indeed Ed, indeed...

Tomorrow: Dot-Pointing Through My Court Case 

(Well that was a bit of a disaster today, wasn't it?-Ed)...what was, the Court case?...(well no, not that, you said this post was gunna' be about Moonbeams and lollipops and Unicorns and Buttercups-Ed)...dude, you either need to cut way-back on the medication, or massively increase the dosages...(whatevs, you know what I mean, you promised positivity and progression and instead have delivered another angry diatribe-Ed)...sure, sure, but it's exactly the problem that I identified goin' in, there's a bunch of idiots sayin' 'everything's fine, jazz'll save us', etc, etc...(so what's needed is an idiot prepared to say 'hang on, that's not right', and you're just that idiot-Ed)...exactly, and I'm just that idiot...hang on, what?...

(He is Nick Fletcher and this is his blog...cheers and laters...-Ed)...hang on...

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