Saturday, May 9, 2015

Mi Screant, Su Screant: The People's Bastard

(*apologies for no post yesterday, etc, so ignore the following '3 posts in 4 days' stuff...(do you have a note?-Ed)...errr, yeah? t'is...(Dear Mr Ed, Please excuse Nick not doing his post as promised but he had an apoplectic wig-out whilst watching the news last evening and anything he came-up with blog wise could have been misinterpreted as defamatory and/or threats-Nick's Excuse)...ahh, did you see the story about the state Liberal leader Stephen Marshall calling again for a Children's Commissioner?-Ed)...yeah, yeah I did...(I can see how that might set you off, but please explain to the rest of the class-Ed)...sure...**(and the blog just dumped 2 hrs of work...yay...***and that was 0700hrs and now it's gettin' on for 1900hrs...I'm having a bit of a shocker really...)***...

(****and now it's 0600hrs Saturday after yet another 'drop-out' and yet another 'Error- there's another computer on this network with this IP address'...(is that the one where others, far more knowledgeable than you or I in such matters, them peoples are of the opinion that that's likely to be someone 'hacked-on' to this 'ere blog or using your laptop and/or someone on this 'ere blog via the laptop, whatevs-Ed) mean the laptop that SAPol siezed when they raided my home exactly 1 year ago because I've apparently transgressed the Unshrekinbelievable Law...(don't you mean 'the Unwritten Law'?-Ed)...well it's both...and it's also the Law where you can't actually talk about facing charges re that Law and/or identify that Law because that would indicate that someone had been investigated under that Law (by that Authority) therefore breaching the legislation/Act where it states that 'indicating that someone had/might/may/whatevs be subject of an investigation' is in itself breaking the law...(wow...whatta load of bollocks-Ed)...****)

(I'm very confused, which '*' thingy are we in now? '*' thingy or thingy '**'?-Ed)...ummm, how's about we just go from scratch and it's all just 'a post'...(probably where were we?-Ed)...well I was going to explain my post-stopping wig-out of last evening (Thursday)...(please do-Ed)...but just this bit first...I don't apologise for dwelling on my stuff again because I want to cover a certain exchange about moi, an exchange that very much illustrates what I've been talking/typing about re 1) me being targetted/Pariahtised as the problem, and 2) there are people who will just believe that because that's what they're told, and worse 3) there are people who do know what I'm on about and how I've gone about it, and yet they still criticise me...and hence the title...(yeah, I was gunna' ask about that-Ed)...

*Pariahtise/Pariahtisation:- A word I made-up...(made-up by basically living it, Pariahtised that is-Ed) describes the situation often described as 'shooting the messenger' and how that relates to the treatment of whistleblowers/bloggers/whatevs where the person pointing out the problem becomes pointed at as being the problem and is attacked, their career threatened, etc, and in a very small, very insular community like Mt Gambier, that person can be easily attacked behind their back, shut-out of the social circles and/or those of influence, etc, etc...(and attacked via the dodgy local media-Ed)...yes, that too, it's basically all the same animal, all the same game...doesn't just happen here of course, or just to me, but anyhoos...

And so it came to pass that someone whom has apparently never met me, doesn't read the blog, etc, described me as a "miscreant", as someone 'just out to make trouble'...(thought they hadn't met you?-Ed)...hahaa...the title is a very bad pun based on the Latin saying about 'My Home Is Your Home', Mi Casa Su Casa, and using the title 'miscreant' that I was apparently attributed in a recent very public discussion about me...I know that the conversation is sometimes about me and/or this 'ere blog and/or topics/commentary/jokes/whatevs from this 'ere blog, because people in and/or near those conversations sometimes give me subtle hints like, 'we were all at this soiree, don't ya' know, discussing your blog and what you said and the fact that you're right damn you sir'...(subtle like a kick to the groin is-Ed)...that's a rather crude simile, but yes...

Anyhoos, whilst this 'exchange' comes to me as effectively hearsay in that the person who told me didn't witness the exchange, having done what I can to check, I confidently understand that there was a certain conversation/discussion about me and about my Court hearing and The Border Watch coverage of it, and that I was referred to as a "miscreant", etc, etc...this was said in front of multiple witnesses, hence my confidence...Miscreant: depraved, villainous or base; a vile wretch...(so they have met you? I'm very confused-Ed)...hilarious...anyhoos, that's what I am apparently and hence the title I made up, that sortta' says, I Am A Bastard (Mi Screant) , I Am Your Bastard (Su Screant); The People's Bastard...I may well be a bastard, but I'm a bastard out to make things a little less bastardised for all you other bastards...

(I don't know why you're so obsessed with large Australian storks-Ed)...(he'll be having a go at the flowers next-Generic Monty Python Character)...stop that! the pair of you, stop know damn well that I'm not having a go at either the flowers or the birds, Ed, I said 'bastard' not 'Bustard', the large Aussie bird...(what do you call a Bustard with a broken wing and unmarried parents?-Ed)...'lucky'?...(no, that's funny but no, it's a 'Busted Bastard Bustard'-Ed)...hope he's not involved in a drug raid too...     
                                     ****just dropping back to original post****

Back in 2003, the incoming Mike Rann Labor government, a government established with the support of chronically corrupt Mt Gambier 'Independent' Rory McEwen, and Mikey immediately convened the voluminous Layton Report...(you mean this massive wedge of report, this report here?-Ed)...hey yeah, that's it, where'd you get that?..(in your bookshelf mate, alongside the farcical DeBelle Inquiry Report, in between the Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitor 'Reasons For Decision' re their 21 month 'hearing/Inquiry' into the abuses committed by "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School, and the 4 year Statutory Authorities Review Committee Report/Inquiry no.52 based on the failure of the TRB/CSO hearing-Ed)...right...

(Yeah, you've got piles of this crap back there...look at this lot...'You have defamed our client and we're gunna' getcha' for it', 'You have defamed me and I'm gunna getcha' for it', "You have defamed me, my client, and the horses we rode in on and we're all gunna getcha' for it'...there's a bit of a theme developing here, are they all like this?-Ed)...most of them, and there's more in that pile over there...(oh sweet baby cheeses...and in this one his lawyers apparently have told him he has really good grounds to sue you...and another defamation threat...more lawyers, more threats...has anyone actually acted to follow through on this quite extraordinary array of threats re alleged defamations?-Ed)...nope...(not one?-Ed)...not one...

(Ya' know, that does seem like an awful lot of threats for zero actual actionings-Ed)...I call it a 'Black Hole of Threats', where the sheer volume of empty threats creates a vacuum of inescapable mass...(nice-Ed)...I'm thinking of putting them in one of those glass display cabinets...(also nice...very gloaty yet triumphal...oop, and here's some more...this one has you supposedly slinging 11 secret jibes and libels about a lawyer, and a range of threats from said lawyer-Ed)...yep, still waitin'...

Is that next to all the crap from the Mullighan Inquiry? you know, the many letters/submissions/whatevs that I and/or other parents exchanged with Comm Mullighan re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up? and the reams of documents from the multiple meetings that I/parents had with him at the offices of lawyer Bill DeGaris and the varied and numerous 'defamation' threats I've had from Billy about my alleged but apparently not actually 'defamatory' conduct/comments/whatevs about his (Billy's) conduct, and then also the Interim and Final Reports from the Mullighan Inquiry, etc, etc...(yeah, that's all here-Ed)...

Anyhoos, the point I'm trying to make is that despite whoevs thinks whatevs, I have a rock-solid and massive foundation under my pillars of anger...(and these volumes of columns-Ed)...ah, witty Wilde, witty, pillars are columns and the blog is made up of a series of 'columns'...(columns in which you often pillory politicians, priests and police-Ed)...dude, that's a classic nickname for this 'ere blog, 'The Columns of Pillory'...(and 'columns' also infer ranks of soldiery, where using your words is sortta' like wielding a small army-Ed)...indeed...point being, I don't just whinge and bitch about stuff, I've been right at the heart of the beast for a decade, and I've got the threats to prove it...    

Anyhoos, Steven Marshall/the Liberals are vacuously bleating yet again about the establishment of a Children's Commissioner, as per Recommendation no.1 from the 2003 Layton Report, and then the story cut to our charming Premier Jay Weatherill and this charming observation;  
     "...there's a special place in hell reserved for people who play politics with Child Abuse
       and I'm sick of it."
...(wow, I can see why you might wig-out a tad at that particular screaming hypocrisy from the man who denied any knowledge of the St Martins Cover-up (on air, ABC Radio-Adelaide-June 1st 2012) despite his multiple involvements, including as Families (FAYS) Minister when he officially refused to allow Comm Mullighan officially investigating the St Martins issue, etc-Ed)...that's him...

And yesterday/today the shreck's disingenuously trying to backslide away from this with a chokingly mumbled " sorry..." that  his comments caused offense...(whatta' shreck-Ed)...and that 'apology' is to one person, not for the general offense of what he said let alone the festering hypocrisy of it, he rang one person and apologised to her...whatta disgrace you are Jay Weatherill...'  ****(and back to original bit of post - sorry)****

Hello Spain, Greece, Romania, and China and welcome to the blog for the third post in 4 days on the long road back to giving a damn my dear...(yay-Ed)...indeed...(and I'd have said that you're actual problem is the fundamental inability to not give a is at once your greatest burden and yet your greatest strength-Ed)...well yay for me then, and well done you with the double, triple negative 'inability to not' thingy, way to use your words...(ta'-Ed)...oh, and did I mention that I'm rabidly furious about the pro-paedophile corruption that defines SA?...(only every second paragraph-Ed)...

Ya' know, there's a lot of 'lifestyle/wellness/whatevs' stuff on the ABC Radio, umpteen opinions from various alleged experts, and there's a definable sub-text of 'just ignore things that make you unhappy', and 'don't talk down the team', and 'sure, things look like crap, but think happy thoughts'...lotsa' that stuff...and more stuff in The Border Watch straight-out saying 'don't worry, be happy'...I find this concerning because it denies the realities of unpleasantness, and is easily manipulated to turn opinion against those who do speak out about uncomfortable truths, and turn them into the's the whole Pariahtisation shizzle, and it's inevitably driven by the corrupt whom don't want scrutiny of the problems they've often created...  

Ahahahaaa: that rancid betrayer Martin Hamilton-Smith, who was elected in 2014 as Liberal candidate in a safe Liberal seat and then immediately betrayed his local electorate, his Party, and the entire SA citizenry by greasily sleazing his way across the Chamber and straight onto Labor's front bench as Veteran's Minister where he immediately set-out to sell the Daws Rd Repatriation Hospital...(amazing...and of course just another former Liberal leader complicit in the St Martins Cover-up-Ed)...well indeed...well done Mighty Marty Moose...and no shreckin' wonder then that this prime slice of shreckery has rocketed to a stunning 5% Approval Rate in his own electorate...(which, by the way, he's moving out of das pronto-Ed), whatta' guy...

Apologies that this post is very disjointed, I'm gunna' finish here, etc, but I think I've made my main point, but just in case...I'm a million miles from perfect, surely more miscreant than not, but I am absolutely genuine in my intent and I have the massive back-catalogue of threats and submissions and letters and documents and reports and gourd knows what else, and I'm resolutely content to just keep on tryin' I'll keep trying to stick with the daily post with witty wording as promised, and I will continue to do that trying...

Tomorrow: WorkCover and Emergency Services and Stuff

Again, humblest apologies and here's to pushin' forward...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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