Sunday, May 17, 2015

From The Sublime To The Pleadin' Ridiculous

Hello Japan, Russia, Aotearoa (New Zealand) and Germany and welcome to the blog...and I'm gunna' kick-off with a quick dot-pointing of the Court stuff re the alleged 'charges' that I'm facing...again, due to the random, haphazard, and entirely undefined nature of the legislation that is being wielded against me, I've chosen to follow my lawyer's request to err well on the side of caution...I also appreciate the position they are in, trying to define and apply a swathe of ludicrously vague yet sweeping legislation, and that me chirping away about these issues on this 'ere blog may serve to further complicate matters...again, in this context, I choose to follow that specific advice/request to rein things in a bit...

And a quick shout-out to those wondering about other topics I've covered in previous posts...I remain absolutely opposed to the lunacy of Fracking, anywhere, but in the South East with our massive Aquifer at risk, it's just moronic bastardry...I tried over a year ago to engage with Anti-Frackers from Penola, and was told ever-so politely to sod-off, they've got it covered...Wind Turbines remain an unreliable almost farcical novelty that are an economic millstone around our collective necks, and the legislation in South Australia denying Citizens any Rights of Appeal at any level, that is unadulterated Fascism...whatevs the issue, the State using legislation to deny Citizens access to the Courts, is Fascism...

I remind availees that in June 2012 I (like several others) drove to Portland (in my case via the Turbines at the nearby Bridgewater Bay, a round trip of over 250kms, mostly in the dark) to attend that particular Wind Turbine meeting, and stood up and gave an impassioned speech from the floor about our charming legislation, named it as Fascism, received a rousing round of applause fa' me troubles guvna', and then Pacific Hydro's rep on the night, Lane Crockett, said openly that he agreed that the 2011 Development Plan Amendment legislation in SA was/is 'unfair on non-host residents', etc, and all of this was reported very positively in the Portland Observer the next day, front page, especially my rant and Mr Crockett's acknowledgement...please see my early posts on the Wind Turbine issue...

There are also the issues of critical mass in that 1) these issues and many others already have many people involved, so I have tended to try and address the horrendously inappropriate issues that have slammed into my lap over recent years...(you mean like the rank, institutionalised, pro-paedophile corruption evident in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, or the rank Nepotism, Insider Trading, and gross corruption of appropriate process witnessed in the perpetual shenanigans of Mt Gambier City Council?-Ed)...yeah, just like that...things that others aren't doing anything about...beyond that I ask that ma' peeps bear with me through what is now very much about 'Blogging' full-stop...

2) As others have put to me and as is my personal belief, my Court case has reached a 'critical mass', in that it is now no longer solely about me, this is now about the State's ability to control 'Blogging', and in that context, the ability to stop 'Blogging' has been said to me that, 1) yes, whilst this is clearly about just 'getting me' regardless, 2) given the 'test-case' or 'precedent' nature of the case combined with 3) the subject of the issue, 'Blogging', that 4) this Court case has moved well beyond 'me' to a point where it is now about stopping 'Blogging' in South Australia, and that therefore 5) I have a responsibility to all 'Bloggers'/Citizens/whatevs to not root this-up and hand the State exactly what it wants, a way to stop 'Blogging'...and in that context I can only ask that availees bear with me 'cos there's a shreck-load of stuff goin' on here that I simply cannot discuss at the moment...
I'll just also note the randomly haphazard and unprofessional manner in which my case has been handled thus far, grossly inappropriate conduct magnified exponentially by the seriousness and precedent nature of the issue, and the massive and extraordinary, almost total powers indicated of the Authority (that I'm not at liberty to identify 'cos that itself 'might be' a breach of this Authority's legislation)...(where wow meets strewth-Ed)...that despite the freakishly frightening power that this Authority already wields and as shall only be further massively increased if the charges against me are proven, the prosecution of the case against me has been all over the shop, thrown out of the Mall, and is currently out in the carpark kicking a buses hubcap for looking at it the wrong way...(you're saying that it's somewhat unhinged and incoherent-Ed)...somewhat... 

(Could we just go back a fraction?-Ed)...sure, what's buggin' ya' matey?...(well, when you said "...rein things in a bit"? mean like in the last post where you referred to "...a phalanx of corrupt public officials...", and then caned the local media for their corruption, etc, mean rein it in a bit like that?-Ed)...yeah, exactly like that...and in that context, again, I have sought specific advice as to what I can and/or can't post, and have been directed that talking about things that happen in public spaces, eg, the open Court, eg, things like the SAPol officer handing my lawyer a large roll of documents as we're sitting down in the Court for the latest hearing, that's cool...(and I'd assume that addressing the repeated multiple and in many cases deliberate distortions/deletions/deceits in The Border Watch as they try to grind their axe by slamming it repeatedly into a slab of angry granite named Nick, all a' that's in play, yeah?-Ed)...absolutely...indeed, it would be remiss of me to not correct the record on behalf of TBW...

I repeat, that I have still not received any specific and/or written direction from the Court, SAPol (police), or even my lawyer as to what I can and can't say here on the blog and/or elsewhere...(but this whole farce is about what you can and can't say, particularly on your blog-Ed)...yep...(so surely proper direction on that issue is critical-Ed)...well absolutely, which is why I believe that it's a deliberate failure in the context that the State of South Australia and it's various Agencies/Authorities/whatevs are clearly just out to get me regardless and at any cost...(and having failed to do that thus far, even with all of this 'charges' lunacy and extensive investigation, etc, they're just gunna' leave ya' hangin' out there in the hope that you shreck-up in the interim so that they can then go ya' for that instead?-Ed)...are you sure that's not my hymn book you're singin' from?...

If I may use the 'bunny' metaphor yet again, only this time about meself, where I'm the bunny and I'm settin' right in the middle of a dirty great autobahn/freeway thingy, and there's a wall of semi-trailers slewing and swerving and sliding and turning and twisting and all the whilst barrelling toward me, and the single-best strategy for my own survival would appear to be to stand perfectly still, stand my ground, and what shall be shall be...but even then that bunny ain't cowering frozen in fear, it's standing there with a furry digit extended...(ooo, angry bunny-Ed)...a bit, yeah, for sure, but an angry bunny hopping to improve things...get it? 'hopping to improve things'? yeah?...(strewth, moving on please-Ed)...fair enough...

Because of the rambling pre-ambling of previous paragraphs. I'll get the Court hearing stuff started and just run into the next post, etc...gettin' it done as best I
1)  We (me an' me legal eagle) walk in to the Courtroom and sit down and immediately across comes the SAPol prosecutor/officer and hands my lawyer a thick roll of documents...this was apparently at least part of the 'Discovery of Documents', etc, as ordered by the Court at the last hearing (April 14th 2015)...(hang on-Ed)...slow down, way ahead of you buddy, yes, Discovery was ordered by the Court in April but then only done by SAPol in the Court as the session started last Tuesday 12th May 2015, and yes, why was this Discovery only done minutes before the hearing started?...

(I'd go further and say/ask, 'how can the hearing even begin before you've been supplied all of this documentation and had a chance to avail ya'self of a lawyer's advice, etc?'s just's almost like that was a performance for public/media consumption to make it look like they're goin' through all the right procedures, etc, ie, 'here, check us out handing over this huge wad of documents that show how hard we've been working and what a massive case we have against him', etc, etc, you know the sort of thing?-Ed)...I do Ed, and I agree up to a point on all the points you've raised, but I believe there's more to it than that...

(More?...if I may?-Ed)...please...(on May 7th/8th 2014 2 SAPol Anti-Corruption detectives from Adelaide came to your home, then the next day came back and very politely raided you, seizing your laptop and repeatedly stating "expect to be charged", then you didn't hear squat from SAPol until reading about your own hearing in The Border Watch the day after it happened (February 2015)-Ed)...all true, yes, but what's your point?...(and then SAPol didn't even Summons you to that first hearing, and now, 4 hearings in, they're still handing over files/statements/whatevs re their alleged's farcical-Ed)...again, we agree, but your point is?...(well, in open Court, in front of the TBW and ABC reporters present, SAPol have been seen to be still handing over documents that you should have had 6 months ago, etc, so if you haven't even seen those documents/statements/allegations, how can you plead 'Not Guilty'? how can you plead to anything if you're yet to see the full case/allegations/whatevs?-Ed)...

Excellent question Ed, and a point I raised effervescently with my lawyer when advised that I needed to plead something at this May 12th 2015 hearing...indeed, I initially refused to plead, due to the Discovery failures by SAPol...but, strictly following my lawyers advise, I entered a plea, and my default choice of plea was obviously 'Not Guilty', albeit equally obviously a plea entered not knowing exactly what it was/is that I was/am pleading to having not done...(I got one of those headaches comin' on again-Ed) would blame you mate, it's in equal measure mind-boggling and mind-numbing...more tomorrow...

"I'm Ok, How Are You Doing?":...(wow, that sounds like the rancidly selfish droolings of an insanely narcissistic betrayer-Ed), you're right Ed, it is a quote from that prize smear of pond scum, Martin Hamilton-Smith, and ends his extraordinary article in today's Sunday Mail, an article where-in he just denounces as ignorant those who criticise his rank betrayal of the Liberals/his electorate/us all, stating outright that he's done us all a huge favour by crossing to Labor...(whatta' prick-Ed)...he glowingly endorses the same Labor Party/policies that only months before he was wholly opposing/criticising/whatevs as being the work of morons and incompetents...(he is a real piece of work-Ed) Ed, as he himself unwittingly identifies, there's no loyalty in SA politics except to self (and paedophilia, the 2 bipartisan issues), and Marty Moose is just a definitive example of that corruption and immorality...(yay for you Marty-Ed)...   

Tomorrow: The Pleadin' Obvious - Mo' Court Stuff

(You're really goin' to milk that whole 'pleadin'' instead of 'bleedin'' joke thingy aren't cha'?-Ed)...absolutely, these are desperate times my friend, dark, desperate times...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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