Thursday, May 14, 2015

Apologies, I Was Wrong, It Is About Me

Hello Ukraine, the USofA, Romania, and the UK and welcome y'all to this 'ere many recent posts I've tried to define the fine line between posting stuff about me and me posting about stuff, and repeatedly run into the conclusion that in many places that line simply doesn't exist anymore if it ever did, in others it is so smudged and smeared that it's near impossible to say where it really lies, where it starts, where it finishes, and elsewhere it has been erased, eg, by the corrupted reporting about me in the local media...(I'm not seeing a lot of line left-Ed)...nah, there's a bit just here, look...(umm, sorry, that's not your line, that's where I drew a line in the sand earlier-Ed)...ah well, I'll come and stand here then, with you, next to this line in the sand...

*and my computer just suddenly decided to 're-boot' itself dumping the last 2 hours work, again...(that's happening a lot lately...almost like someone's on here deliberately deleting/dumping stuff-Ed)...almost...and bingo, right on cue, as I try to manually save, yet another "network error" notice bobs-up telling me that 'another computer with the same IP address is currently on this network'...*  (twice today now)

**I also wish to identify that this post is presented heavily censored as I defer to my legal advice (that the whole situation is so confusing, the Act is so poorly defined, etc) that it is prudent to err on the side of extreme caution...I choose to follow that advice not least of all because I know that all involved are just hangin' to slam me with a Contempt of Court charge or another bizarrely nonsensical breach of the bizarrely nonsensical Act, or just whatevs...

I also note that, despite the whole case being about 'talking about stuff ya' not allowed to', I have received no specific directions from SAPol (police) or the Courts about what I can and can't say...(that's because they just want to leave it wide open in the hope that you stray into some area they can try to get you for-Ed)...that'd be my reading of the situation Ed...anyhoos, the very limited stuff I have posted today re my Court case is with the specific directions/advice/approval of my lawyer, and thusly I'm sticking strictly to the matters as played-out in open Court, and even then deliberately avoiding some stuff...

And some vague apology for no post yesterday but I couldn't be bothered, and I'm revelling in the rare air of not being bothered about that not being bothered...given all that's happened lately, the bizarre happenings of this week have lifted me to a point where I genuinely feel that I've actually achieved something with this 'ere blog, and that's a hugely cathartic and releasing realisation...(and when you say 'bizarre...this week' you are of course referring to your latest Court appearance re these 'charges' of talking about stuff-Ed)...indeed I am Ed, my latest hearing on Tuesday May 12th 2015...if you think this shizzle's been bizarre thus far, what's happened this week makes Bizarre the last station on the outer trunk line, where you put on ya' best hiking boots before trekking-off into the undefined wilderness beyond...(I may be gone for quite some time-Ed)...indeed...

And I'd just like to point out that I cannot even identify the Act under which I'm being 'charged', because that would then identify the Authority involved and it's involvement and that is apparently a breach of the Act...(so you can't identify the Authority or the Act that authorises that Authority to act, because identifying that the Authority enacted to action that Act has actually acted, and/or identifying the Act itself, both and/or either identifies that the Authority has acted to do what it's supposed to do, and that's a breach of the Act?-Ed)...even after the Authority has supposedly acted to do what it's authorised to do and completely exonerated everybody involved of absolutely everything, including things they haven't even been accused of...(my head hurts-Ed)...well take a coupla' Panadol or somethin' and harden the shreck-up 'cos we're just kickin' off buddy...

How is it that I can be facing 'charges' for just talking about this stuff yet The Border Watch newspaper can report that I am in Court, "...on a charge relating to the publication of information about a person subject to a complaint.", which identifies the legislation therefore the Authority therefore that the Authority has acted therefore TBW has breached the Act by reporting it...(omg-Ed)...and how can the case be heard in open Court in front of a room full of random strangers...(yeah, fair enough, but you'd need to have a fairly specific understanding/knowledge of the Act to make the connection clearly described by TBW-Ed)...indeed, but on Tuesday 12th May 2015, for whatever reason, the Magistrate read out in full the first of the 20 'charges' (22?-still not sure) that I'm allegedly facing, a 'charge' which includes the full title of the Act which itself includes the full name of the Authority and verbatim wording of the identified section that I've allegedly breached...

(Hang open Court, in front of a dozen+ randoms and various lawyers, with reporters from TBW and the ABC settin' right there, the Magistrate read out in full one of the 'charges' that in it's wording identifies the Act and the Authority and identifies and quotes verbatim the actual wording of the actual section of the Act?-Ed)...yep...(in open Court?-Ed)...yep...(and yet, you whom what is facing them 'charges', you've been advised that you probably shouldn't/cannot/whatevs even identify those charges because that may be a breach of that Act?-Ed)...yep...(I can see how you might start to feel that it's a little bit about you-Ed)...yep...('yep'? that all you've got to say for yourself not so young man?-Ed)...nope...           

After nearly 13 years of fighting a pitched battle with the State of South Australia where-in the State has repeatedly acted to protect the paedophile teacher involved, now I am the subject/victim of an action prosecuted by the State...(I'm sure you'll get just the same justice as any other guilty person would-Ed)...oh and again with the other news...

OMG: Delegates to China...what the shreck?...and there's my new bestie, Labor's Minister for Being A Rancid Betraying Scumbag, Martin Hamilton-Smith...(ahh, Mighty Marty Moose, the man who makes miscreants look good-Ed)...good ol' Marty's all aboard this Taxpayer/Ratepayer funded junket with cries of  'there's a hope for jobs, particularly in the regions and we need those jobs'...(so we're sending a phalanx of deeply corrupt, selfish public officials who domestically behave with absolute and callous disregard for the communities they're supposed to represent, we're paying to send these crooks and clowns to have yet more secret meetings in another country that just happens to also be a dictatorial One-Party system riddled with corruption?-Ed)...yep...(well how could that possibly go wrong?-Ed)...well they could organise a whole bunch of stuff that's personally profitable but devastating for 'their' communities, decisions promoted by personal inducements and/or incentives...

It is simply ludicrous to believe that these 'public officials' who behave so corruptly and selfishly whilst functioning right here in their own Council Chambers, Parliament, etc, right here in the heart of their own communities, who treat their own communities with such bare-faced contempt...(who rabidly attack anyone who speaks out with genuine intent, eg, the way they attacked and denigrated that young mum who asked for drainage ponds to be made a little less 'drowny'-Ed)...exactly, Ed, a perfect local example...a concerned young woman who was viciously attacked by City Council, in the good 'ol TBW (reckon it was front page, not sure) for expressing very real, very genuine concerns about these seasonal drowning hazards as constructed in Residential areas by Council...the same Council that then skulked-off behind the scenes and quietly re-engineered those exact ponds...(and never apologised to the woman-Ed)...apologise? Ed, come on, look at who we're talking about...a pack of self-infatuated middle-aged white men...(you'd know-Ed)...who are wholly committed to their own wonderfulness and why that makes it ok for them to be corrupt and rip-off Ratepayers/taxpayers/whatevs...

Cowards, crooks, thieves, liars, arrogant incompetents, and all rolled-up in a big ball of pro-paedophile corruption...and yes I can say that, all of that and then some because I've lived that rank corruption, the corruption of almost every public/elected official I've ever met and/or dealt with at a senior level...every CEO, every Mayor, every Minister, every Member, successive Premiers, and quite literally every single one, corrupt...and the scattered few whom get caught-up in that corruption but are not responsible know full well that I speak not of them and hence both our consciences be clear...(t'is only the guilty whom feel the chill breeze of their own conduct blown down their neck by a very large very angry very hippy-Ed)... wow Ed, great metaphor...

Mt Gambier City Council, you are my rock, my foundation, the guiding light on the hill that leads me to being a better man...(by turning your back and walking away from it-Ed)...nice...these stout yeoman whom lie to/steal from/laugh at their community as though it were their is fundamentally moronic to think that these crooks will suddenly have some sort of Epiphany of Conscience and suddenly reverse their Standard Operational Mode, 'Corrupt', and go into this situation, into any situation, genuinely looking to achieve what's best for us...their decisions, as always, will benefit them, and with a scant disregard for their communities...

I offer as my example for today as it is everyday, Council's litany of deceits repeatedly flung in Ratepayers faces re the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...a rolling scroll writ with a litany of lie upon lie, running over and over, for a decade...and they are still at it with this ludicrous new Committee and plans to do Public Consultation, etc, re 1) what to do with the Old Station, and 2) what to actually do with the entire site...(wow-Ed)...and I'll do Councillor Greco no favours at all by cutting him out from the herd as being someone genuine who's been pushed out in front of a Committee that en masse has absolutely no intention of doing anything with the Old Station...(well other than bulldozing it to make way for the massive Retail extension of the Lakes Plaza as planned by Council, as encapsulated by the RLRA, the RLRA as proven beyond debate right here on this 'ere blog-Ed)...indeed...

I also remind availees that the current Council voted to give Mayor Andrew Lee and CEO Mark McShane blank cheques to go on this little soiree to China...blank cheques...without itinerary, costings, business case, etc, just completely off the cuff...(no wuckin' furries mate, she'll be right cobber-Ed)...oh you are just hilarious...(anyhoos, doesn't at least McShenanigans as CEO have official authority to doll out smallish amounts of Ratepayers money as he sees fit, $5,000 a time or there's abouts, wherevs/whenevs/whyevs/whatevs?-Ed)...and damn you Ed, I had not thought of that, terrific, thanks a bunch...(it's only Ratepayers money mate, don't sweat it-Ed)...

Language Warning Apology: because I don't know how else to say that these *shreckers*  will sell us down the river as fast as you can say 'fat brown envelope'...this is how they operate here and now and always and in all ways, and it's just lunacy to think that that behaviour will change in any way in China...(and of course you can say with such stoic-nudging-brazen confidence that the corruption in Mt Gambier City Council occurs always and in all ways because, well, because it just does-Ed)...indeed Ed, because it just does...quite literally every meeting, every contract, every planning decision, quite literally everything I've witnessed this Council do is mired in a swamp of corruption, Insider Trading, Nepotism, lies and fraud and threats and bullying...and these clowns are going to go to China and betray us, again...(whatta' disgrace-Ed)...

Two Things In Closing: El Nino is apparently upon us again and I'll discuss it at length tomorrow because it's a hugely critical issue associated with drier weather in Eastern Oz (Victoria and NSW) and warmer times ahead across the South-East, and raises issues about an already empty Murray River catchment, and a dysfunctional Adelaide De-Salination Plant, South East Drains, etc...tomorrow...(yay-Ed)...

I'm Not A Messenger Bastard, I'm A Delivery Bastard:...(well actually I'd say you're both, and I'd also say that TBW agrees with me-Ed) so?...(well look at the TBW article about your Court hearing back on April 14th 2015, and indeed the one from yesterday Wednesday 13th May 2015, both of them riddled with crass errors, deliberate omissions, and paragraphs that just don't make sense even if they were true, all hammered together in a deliberate, albeit clumsy and failed attempt by TBW to denigrate you regardless of the facts-Ed)...well yes, they're clearly deliberately trying to Pariahtise me as being The Bastard in all this, but I don't get it...

(Simple, it's a quote from Shrek the movie, with 'bastard' replacing "boy", that refers to what TBW is trying to portray you as, a Messenger Bastard, yet in their reporting they say that you are "...the author of a self-styled blog that delivers..." sir, are the Delivery Bastard-Ed)...yes, that is certainly high praise indeed, and I shall use it from now on as a direct official TBW review of this 'ere blog ...'Mr Fletcher...delivers..."...(nice-Ed)...

Tomorrow: El Nino Stuff And More Court Stuff

Wish I had some optimism to offer but it ain't lookin' real good right now with almost guaranteed drought conditions ahead...if it does kick-off as predicted our best hope will be violent storms across Northern Oz pushing rain in from there...(yay-Ed)...and as for the Court stuff...(sheez-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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