Monday, May 11, 2015

The Columns Of Pillory - TMGI 2.0

Hello Singapore, China, Macau, and Greece and welcome to the blog as I try to get back onto a nearly post-a-day routine, roughly say, 5 posts a week, as being sortta' like a proper job...and of course I continue to try to be as accurate as possible, and if I do say so myself, a bit humourous where possible...just like to praise myself-up a bit for some of the recent posts that I've previously bad-mouthed 'cos I re-read a couple and they're not that bad after all...(I like the NSW Health spokes-Rastafarian bit re the man charged with dealing Marijuana, who's defense was that he was selling to hospitals/Chemo patients, etc...I like it for being amusing yet respectful of those getting treatment in a context where you're directing attention to the very clearly defined and broad-based acknowledgement and application of Medicinal Marijuana...because it works-Ed)...right on man...

I liked the piece we did with 'The Punchline' and the whole 'Extra-Genitational Support/Joe Hockey Strap/Warren Truss stuff', and added to that, the stuff about seeing 'The Punchline' appear a mile off on 'One Mile Ridge Rd', etc...a whole series of terrible puns and a lovely day-trip around the Dead Joke Zone...(yep, great stuff-Ed)...and thanks for the feedback, apparently some appreciated the pieces about Joe Hockey and the 'keep on going Joe' bit and smokin' Joe's Liberal colleague Tony Pasin saying, 'I get up early and I steal...'...also, again, someone complimented me/commented on the carefully crafted word-carnage I unleashed in a few short sentences back in August 2013 re my response to 'Comments' left on the blog at that time...(oh, you mean when that gutless prick was comin' onto the blog anonymously as 'Dick Stretcher' and leavin' really vile, bigotted, abusive and clearly defamatory comments about all and sundry, basically slandering and abusing you and anyone who knew you and/or lived near you?-Ed)...yeah, that's the one...and my fictional paragraphs about knowing who DS was/is, and the very level threat conjured from thin air, "who's in the shadows now, dickhead?"...(classic-Ed)...

And that's why it's a shortish post, because I'd like to ask that availees go to 'Comments' and read/re-read through that stuff as being yet another example of 1) the sort of bigotry and discrimination I've put-up with ever since I moved to Mt Gambier, and 2) how I'm the one acting with relative appropriateness and respect and honesty and accuracy and the common decency and conviction of my beliefs that I put my name to everything I I Nick Fletcher? damn straight I am...anyhoos, please read those 'Comments' and call it this weeks homework...cheers... 

I thought that a 'Meme' (cutesy photo with hilarious title/slogan/comment) was a one of those 'double-selfies' photo thingies...(whaaa?-Ed) know, where people take photos of themselves taking photos of themselves, a 'me me'...(nah, I get it, a 'me me', everyone look at me, but I guess that's what a selfie is basically-Ed)...exactly, 'what's wrong with this photo? I'm not in it'...and I suppose that means that a 'selfie-stick' is not what you beat a 'selfier' with as they mill moronically about snapping pouty pics of themselves...(yeah, sorry, it's a small hand-held extendable pole with a cradle thingy that holds a phone/camera on the other end, used for panoramic shots, groups, etc-Ed) just don't want me to have any fun at all, do you?...(nuthin' to do with me mate, just the way it is-Ed)...fair enough, moving on...

And the Bernard Finnigan trial continues to, well, continue...(say what the? didn't the Magistrate retire 3 weeks ago to consider his verdict re the evidence of the only witness, a SAPol (police) 'electronics expert' ?-Ed)...well, if you call sittin' and watchin' Child Porn for 3 weeks 'retiring', then yes I guess that's what's still happening...well over a month after the alleged trial began the entire case has just disappeared off the media recount, Mt Gambier based Bernie was the Labor Acting Police Minister in April 2011 when SAPol (police) officers/detectives raided his Adelaide home and arrested him for 2 dozen charges re Child Pornography, and 4 years and 30 hearings/adjournments later, after multiple changes to the charges, in different Courts before multiple Magistrates, he's finally faced only 2 charges in a closed Court before a single Magistrate with one witness and it's all suppressed...(wow-Ed)...  

And reviewing some of the news stories and did another Interweb search about this wholly corrupt pro-paedophile pantomime of a trial, and there's still nothing past April 19th 2015, but I did run into a TV news story that I hadn't seen before, and it explained why the single Magistrate hearing the case ordered suppression of the website names/addresses that Bernie has been specifically charged with accessing...(dare I ask?-Ed)...because 'at least one of them would direct/allow others to immediately access Child Pornography'...(wow...because if people type-in that address/term/whatevs, it immediately takes them to Child Porn...isn't that what he's charged with?-Ed)...yep, and his defense has been that the 'terms' aren't specifically indicative of trying to access Child Porn..(the same 'search terms' that the Court has suppressed as leading directly to Child Porn?-Ed)...yep...    

Beyond Bernie: the Labor Party is a corrupt pro-paedophile organisation, a criminal organisation wholly involved in the criminality and corruption that defines this sad sick state of paedophiles...(orrr come on, that's a bit rough...I know, I'll fix it, let's have a festival-Ed)...sure, why not, and how's about a bloody market maybe...(are you referring to Mt Gambier City Council's ludicrous bleating about their one plan for the Rail Lands in the centre of town? another bloody market?-Ed) on Ed, but more on that later...(no wait, I've got it, what's better than a market or a festival?-Ed)...dunno...(a Festival of Markets-Ed)...omg, that's genius, but can we come back to it laters?...(sure-Ed)...

And of course our charming pro-paedophile Premier Jay Weatherill back-slid his way into town to appear at the Generations in Jazz and sleaze his way through yet another insanely insincere speech, this time about 'our' event and 'our' Jazz course, etc...(is that the Jazz Academy stuff where locals were secretly suddenly shoved outta' our own Town Hall to accommodate what has allegedly been planned for years?-Ed)...yep, that's the one...(and where Jay Weatherill promised $750,000 as start-up money, and then Minister Geoff Brock promised "another $500,000 from RDA" (Regional Development Australia) and then only allegedly $500k was coughed-up-Ed)...unless of course it was handed over but no-one's talking about it, for some reason...anyhoos...

No bias or discrimination is particularly helpful or constructive, but I'm so sick of this neo-Liberal bleedin' heart, self-involved bleating from the Federal Labor Party about non-straight people and their rights and their discrimination and marriage equality and their whatevs...whatevs!'re shreckin' grown-ups and if you really want to, you can find legal avenues to effectively go around the law...(in my head, I'm always yellin' what about the kids?'who's actually protecting kids?, etc-Ed)...yeah, I know it's a bit harsh, but I'm a bit like that myself...and as for the ludicrous comments from Labor's Tanya Plibersek, well...(ludicrous?-Ed)...well quite...she stated that Labor was no longer going to allow it's Members a 'conscience vote' re gay marriage laws/rights/whatevs, that they must vote for it, because apparently, according to Ms P, gay marriage inequality is like Rascism, Sexism, and a coupla' other 'isms'...(whatta' load of crap, how is this even remotely similar to Rascism?-Ed)...I know, I know...

(And what about that scummy little rat SA Labor MP Ian Hunter who dodged off overseas to marry his boyfriend because it's not legal in SA?-Ed)...yes, great point Ed, or should I say points...1) there's no 'gay equality' in the supposedly enlightened SA, where Labor have been in power since 2002, and 2) their own Minister has knowingly, willingly engaged in circumventing the law he is part of creating and/or responsible for...and 3) comparing 'gay marriage equality' to Rascism and Sexism is just ludicrous...tell an Aboriginal man to dodge-off overseas to escape Rascism, tell a woman to go overseas to avoid Sexism, tell an Aboriginal woman to dodge-off overseas to escape both...

I've said it before, I don't hate Ian for being gay, I hate him for being a corrupt pro-paedophile scumbag who was a sitting member of the parliamentary SARC Inquiry/Report no.52 that officially acted to officially bury the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...I gave my evidence/testimony with that buttoned down shreck-pig sittin' right there, and then he and the other corrupt clowns that are South Australian parliament conspired to produce a Report that is deliberately erroneous and protects and covers-up the pro-paedophile corruption clearly evident with the St Martins case...(whatta' disgrace-Ed)...

More Or Less Mental As: as the new 6 bed designated Mental Health Unit at Mt Gambier Hospital is now allegedly due to open in late June rather than the April just gone...(but wasn't Country Health SA on the ABC only a few months back stating that everything was go go baby and staff were all lined-up, etc, etc, and now it's what, late June?-Ed)...yep, apparently CH SA is just so concerned that Mt Gambier gets 'the most appropriate staff, the right people because of the pressure', etc, that they haven't actually recruited anyone specifically...well except for a psychiatrist who's signed-up for a whole 3 months...    

And then this morning, another atrocious ABC 'Dorothy Dixer' interview with the CH SA representative that strolled around the realities/problems of recruiting any personnel and failed to hold her to account for the appalling state of services across the board, but particularly with Mental Health Services and this alleged unit...she kept referring to 'an integrated system with Whyalla and Berri'...only last week the ABC ran concurrent pathetic 'don't worry, be happy' interviews about Drug/Alcohol Services and Mental Health services, and the upshot was that these were effectively phone services with very occasional and spasmodic contacts...the whole tone of these interviews was about how things are great because there are these services available, but there was nothing about full-time services, emergency treatment, eg, an 'Ice-psychosis' episode, the new unit, etc...and then this morning, this nonsense about staffing...

I have long maintained that the ABC Local Radio is absolutely critical because of Mt Gambier's isolation and irrelevance to Adelaide, etc, but it's this sort of deliberate deceit and manipulation of the realities that make the ABC more the problem than they are the solution...local senior ABC staff clearly are far more committed to their personal advancement than their alleged and oft spoken-of affection for their communities...if they genuinely care so much, why be so complicit in the community-destroying corruption that they know is happening?...(well that's a rhetorical question, surely? you just answered that, these people are loyal to themselves and each other and their precious little ABC empire and then us plebs are exactly that to them...and is there anything more sickening than their affected, confected fascination and concerns for their community?-Ed)...indeed, sincerity faked to perfection in a moderate hotbed of corruption...(nice-Ed)...
Tomorrow: Catchin' Up On Some Council Shenanigans

And just in the news this evening, a 56 year old Victorian-based senior public officer has been charged by our version of ICAC, the Independent Commission Against Corruption, for 'mis-use of public office' in the 12 months up to January last year, and will appear in Mt Gambier Magistrates Court in a fortnight...(can't wait to see what this bollocks is about-Ed)...or where it goes...looks to me like an ICAC desperately trying to justify itself in a context where it has no integrity and no credibility...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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