Monday, June 1, 2015

Gray Gray Goes From Cray Cray To Gaga Re MGRC GeeGees

Howdy y'all, welcome to the first in a flurry of catch-up posts somewhat different to the usual fare in that there's strictly one topic per post, not the random stuff I usually produce, and where other's words will be allowed to do the speakin' for them...(I particularly like the hilarious and very classy The Border Watch headliney thingy, "Club flogging dead horse", it's an absolutely appropriate title for a story about a dangerous track because there's nuthin' funnier and indeed punters love nothing more than a few dead neddies stewn about-Ed)...a little heavy on the sarcasm for my liking Ed, but your point's well made...

(Still not quite in the same league as TBW's headline re the 'Ice' Epidemic and our local SAPol Superintendent Twilley stating that he knows people of stature and position in our fine society who are 'Ice' users-Ed)...remind me...("Drug Use In High Places"-Ed)...hilarious because it's just not...

What I find particularly disturbing about all of this whinging about the jockeys and/or the Mt Gambier Racing Club bumff,etc, is that in the stuff I've seen/heard/read/whatevs, I've ne'ry heard a mention of the young woman who was killed during a race meeting at Murray Bridge on October 214th 2014...Kaitlin Forrest, her name is Kaitlin Forrest...and I have no hesitation in gouging straight from there and straight at those many voices who were scathing in their blaming of the jockey's...(including that clown Peter Walsh on the ABC-Ed)...if you say so...and even Gray Gray seems to be having a go again, so's I'll say it again...

Firstly, whatta' disgrace for anyone to blame the jockey's in any way shape or fashion, but whatta' gutless effort for those actually responsible for the track to be involved in that blaming...the other clowns are just clowns...secondly, the Mt Gambier Race Course is a workplace, the MG Racing Club has failed to provide a safe workplace, and that failure is in a context where a 'safe' workplace is still instantly potentially deadly...on a perfectly safe straight track a horse can stumble, fall, bring down others on top of it, etc, etc...sending those dumb animals to go thundering around a known dangerous course where it's slippery in the turns, well that right there's a genuine and massive Occupational Health and Safety issue...(it's dangerous for the horses too-Ed)...taboomtish...

I ain't even gunna' try and unravel the contradictions and discrepancies here-in, I'm just gunna' let this one explain itself...please find attached Graham Greenwood's usual piece, From The Front Porch, from Friday's TBW (May 22nd 2015)...(I've always said that that this 'ere blog is very homagey of Gray Gray, and indeed should be called From The Back Door-Ed)...charming...followed by his perfectly executed back-flip of Wednesday 27th May 2015...(Gray Gray jumps horses so often, tumbling about with such dextrous flexibility, he's kinda' like a one-man Cirque de Soleil crossed with one a' them Prancing Horse show thingys, but still manages to end-up in that ol' barbwire canoe and that same ol' creek a' shizzle-Ed)...indeed, and then the reality as finally acknowledged Friday 29th May 2015...

I'm confused about the timetable of works/repairs/whatevs, but I did think there'd been a series of pokes at repairing the damage done initially, and I don't see where the cancelled meeting from a coupla' years back is even mentioned in any of this stuff, the one that was moved to Keith 'cos of the MGRC track's problems, and then cancelled completely 'cos stewards couldn't fly to Keith...

I'll just leave it at that 'cos there's so much stuff here already to read through...

Tomorrow: The Court Stuff I Hope

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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