Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Hello, My Name Is Nick Fletcher...I Also Write A Blog

(Oh, sweet baby cheeses, is this going to be some sortta' reflectively rambling retrospective about a deeply moving personal journey through issues of self-identity-Ed)...no...(gourd, I can see it now, 'a story about a man who had to discover whether he existed outside of this 'ere blog'-Ed)...yeah well ok, alright, maybe a little bit of that...('and then comes back and does it all for another coupla' years 'cos it's just all there to be done but shouldn't'...be there to be done, I mean-Ed)...yeah, I get what you're sayin', and I appreciate the support mate...

I've had some stuff goin' on recently don't cha' know, and there's lots of it covered here on this 'ere blog, and some that isn't...but not least of all, in the last coupla' weeks I semi-poisoned myself with half my own body weight of 'Use Today' Smoked Salmon and haven't properly recovered, and then poor ol' Mr Woofs the Wonderhound (not his real name) had a massive seizure in the car, collapsed and I thought was going to die before his 3-day, 2 night, $850 stay at Club Vet...and some other stuff also happened, and I just chose to put-down the blog for a while...('chose', 'had to'...we quibble over terms-Ed)...

Elsewhere, those close to me know that I have also been working real hard 'off-blog' at addressing some of my own personal issues...(it's true, I've seen him-Ed)...

For all my faults and failings...(and that's a crooked litany writ right there-Ed)...yes, a long list indeed, and much of which I've covered in previous posts...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...but the rest of what is in this 'ere blog, the bulk of the subject matter, is clearly self-evident as 1) absolutely unacceptable and 2) realities not of my creation...(well except for all the stuff you're addressing via this 'ere blog that then activates a response, eg, Mt Gambier City Council banning then 'unbanning' electronic recording of meetings-Ed)...um ok, that's true...but most of what I might 'create' is just pointin' at stuff and saying 'hey, what's goin' on there?'...(true, but a resultant action generated by you pointing at something is by definition still 'creation'-Ed)...fair point...

And whilst I choose to continue to do this, I didn't choose this in the first instance, I was driven to it, all of it, and it started when the Lutherans knowingly put "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling in a classroom, and then several years later, in 2002, put my child in that classroom...I didn't create the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

Furthermore, I ain't got me no book learnin's 'bout nuthin'...I ain't a lawyer, I ain't a politician, not none of that, and I don't get paid for this, and it's just me...(hey!-Ed)...what? you are an invented literary device used to help set-up jokes, help discuss issues rather than lecture at availees, etc...(oh yeah-Ed)...it's just me and my rather shady tendency toward indeed fondness for bad puns...(I call that many bad puns a 'Rash', a Rash of Bad Puns...you should get that looked at-Ed)...

I only started this 'ere blog after a decade of the abuse and corruption and Pariahtisation, etc, that has been relentlessly heaped on myself and other parents as part of the St Martins Cover-up, corruption up-to and including that of the local media...(aren't you like banned from the ABC and TBW-Ed)..yep...(I'd consider that high praise indeed-Ed)...I do Ed, I do, but unfortunately it's not about me, it's about the rank corruption of that 'banning' regardless of who it is...(yeah, good point-Ed)...and it's exactly that sortta' corruption that leads us back to,

Tomorrow: The Rail Lands Latest

It doesn't take long to explain the fundamentals of the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, and people are still just gobsmacked that their Council could be so corruptly deceitful and wantonly incompetent in pursuit of it, and then spend only $4.5million of the promised $10m, and then deliver such a useless wasteland with a deadly drowning hazard at one end, and that the local media could be so blazingly complicit in these deceits and shenanigans...but there you have it...

I apologise unreservedly for any offense I have caused by just walking away from the blog for a while, but I cannot apologise for having taken that stroll...and I guarantee you it wasn't a stroll in no park, more of a face-down nap in the leaf-litter...just gunna' lay here for a while...(and anyway, I like to think that the presence of your bloggings are cause for far more offense than their absence may ever hope to achieve-Ed)...oh Ed, you always know just what to say to cheer me up...cheers...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and I can with calm assurance promise that every endeavour will be made to do what I genuinely believe needs to be genuinely done...and that is this...cheers and laters...

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