Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Apparently, I'm "Obsessed With That Stuff"

Hello and welcome to a sortta' day off for me, but still a short post of many documents...I usually enjoy being proven wrong about stuff...(it's true, you do don't you, all that stuff about 'writing about problems and hoping to be wrong because if I'm right then things are really wrong'-Ed) know me too well Ed, but on this occasion it was just wrong the way someone got all up in my grill and shizzle with some charmingly bewildering observations re my conduct re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

Apparently, I'm "obsessed with that stuff"...(hence the title-Ed)...yep, and also I "need to get a real job" and also "need to get a life"...(charming-Ed)...told you so...and I went past the retort ringin' in my head, something along the lines of, 'you know, I'd be really offended by that if I thought you had the faintest idea what you were talking about', I went past that and quietly, politely explained some of the broader issues to this person...(but they just kept going?-Ed)...exactly, how did you know?...(ah, I know the type, ain't gunna listen, don't wanna' really know, ain't about to either apologise or change their mind, a pig-ignorant idiot if you will-Ed)...yes, I will, that'll do nicely...

And as happens in my reality, I was tryin' to clean-up the multiple piles of newspapers, documents, bills, etc, when I ran into these copies of actual documents, and I thought, what better way to address my personal anger at this idiot and at the St Martins Cover-up in general, than by posting them...some availees will have already seen these so apologies, but what can I say, apparently I'm still the problem and yet here's letters proving that in August 2005 the then Premier Mike Rann, and the then Families and Communities Minister (Families SA) and current Premier Jay Weatherill, they both, 1) knew about St Martins, and 2) officially blocked Comm Mullighan investigating the school and/or "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling...

Also attached, again from The Border Watch May 6th 2005 where TBW gives Rory McEwen the front page to viciously denigrate us parents in knowingly protecting a paedophile...(way to go Rory, top effort TBW, great work all 'round really-Ed)...only slightly surpassed by Rory's corrupt rantings on WIN TV in March 2006, as I transcribed verbatim at the time, also attached...

The other letter stems from my June 1st 2012 chat with Premier Weatherill on ABC Radio Adelaide, a chat in which he claimed to have 'no memory' of having been involved with Comm Mullighan re Mt Gambier, etc...(but the letters? in the letters he says-Ed)...yeah, I know, sorry to cut you off but I know where you're going..apparently Ray Jay's been involved in stopping, has officially signed his hand to stopping Comm Mullighan investigating stuff so many times that the St Martins incident just doesn't stand-out as memorable...he then hand-balled it all to Grace Portolesi whom, like the rankly corrupt stooge she is, dismissed the whole thing without even contacting me...(wow-Ed)...

So this is what I've been doing with my life, this is what a day off looks like in the reality of Nick Fletcher...(get a real job? what an idiot...nobody in this damn State goes harder, no-one tries harder, has anyone shown a fraction of the fractious determination to resolve against outrageous opposition, against the combined pro-paedophile corruption of the Legislative, the Executive and the Judiciary, against the wholesale pro-paedophile corruption that defines SA-Ed)...well ta' Ed, but there are those who'd argue it's more a certain indicator of instability even delusion to even consider unhinging even some of the paedophiles swingin' from the bloody chandeliers in this sad sick state...

Tomorrow: More Stuff And Probably Some Nonsense

And of course a quick review of the extraordinary interviews Stan Thompson ran on the ABC this morning, all about how the Child Abuse Royal Commission has been in contact with some people from Mt Gambier, etc...forget my rage, forget my ego, whatevs, Stanley had a checklist in front of him and he was checkin' it off twice, no problems, and I'm calling it that that list was prepared directly from this 'ere blog...all the points I've raised recently about the cynical, manipulative joke that the Royal Commission is behind the facade, it's not coming to Mt Gambier, etc, the pro-paedophile corruption of the ABC, etc, all the little ducks gettin' funky in one very groovy line...nice work Stanley...almost...(almost? until along came a bastard?-Ed)...and it just is that I am...(nice-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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