Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Brief Apology

Sorry for lag in this 'ere blog...had visitors for days, then been really crook with food poisoning...(and yes it was actually the Salmon Mousse-Ed)...well, too much Smoked Salmon stuff yeah...and then a full day in Court on Monday, whilst still crook, etc, then dragging along to Council last night...I'm out on my feet having achieved stuff-all all week...normal blog service resumes tomorrow...apologies and thanks for your patience and ongoing support...

And literally just now I've become aware of an ABC Mt Gambier article re the Gaol and the Sex Offenders there-in and the wonderful Rehabilitation Programs, etc, etc...everything I've been screeching about re the ABC's pro-paedophile silence/corruption and the Gaol population, etc, all neatly addressed in one little piece of vacuous nonsense...(I'm sensing some sarcasm laced with gentle rage-Ed)...very sensible of you... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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