Sunday, June 7, 2015

Don't FaceBook Warrior, Be Happy

Hello USofA, Greece, Mexico, and Turkey, hello again Turkey...just gunna' crank out another quick post re some stuff about paedophiles that's been appearing on the Facebook site of a Mt Gambier City Councillor...(both-Ed)...sorry?...(both sites...that Councillor has 2 Facebook sites and there have been comments on both about killing/hurting/whatevs paedophiles as retribution for their heinous crimes-Ed)...I thought Facebook is/was/goes all 'frowny emoticon' about those sort of 'violenty' comments?...(dunno, obviously not, perhaps it has to be specific threats or something-Ed)...whatevs...

And I'll quickly own my quickening pulse and rising ire as being due to my personal perception that these Councillor's comments are directed directly to/at me...(yeah, I think you're over-reacting just a little bit, not everything that happens 'round here is about you and/or this 'ere blog-Ed)...fair enough, not everything, but there has been a specific and definable propaganda from Council that has specifically targetted me (and this 'ere blog a' mine) for being a scurrilous trouble-maker runnin' about making random, unsubstantiated, and basically untrue claims about an otherwise faultless Council...(ah yes, I see your point-Ed)...indeed, and furthermore, I'm not aware of any other idiots doin' what I'm doin' as per this 'ere blog, not in this town anyhoos...(another good point-Ed)...ta'...

So when I become aware of/see a Mt Gambier City Councillor making disparaging comments about exactly what I'm doin', comments that follow a specific pattern of Council's as established over many years, namely  denigration of anyone who rocks their li'l Ship a' Corruption, and I know that that Councillor knows about the St Martins Cover-up, then I do have trouble not putting all those ducks in a row to create a line that leads straight to me...(yeah, fair enough, as you say, given that these sortta' statements are traditional fare from the fine folk at the wholly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, fare frequently furiously flung in your face about what an absolute A-grade arsehole you are, well I can see how ya' might feel that these same comments being made by a Councillor, on a public website, might be about you-Ed)...ta'...

And that all segues rather beautifully into the latest 'polite warning' I've received from the Electoral Commissioner Kay Mousley that I need to cough-up a signed declaration re my 'political donations' as Mayoral candidate back in the October/November 2014 Local Government Elections...(is that the one where you stated in writing and phone discussion with Ms Mousley that you weren't providing Statement One about Not Nuthin' to the wholly corrupt, thuggish, bullying Mt Gambier City Council, and gave several examples, eg, the lady publicly attacked by Council for complaining about the dangerous drainage ponds,or when Councillor Ian Von Stanke comin' to your home in April 2011 and the corrupt refusal of CEOs Greg Muller and Mark McShane to do anything about it, etc, etc, it that stuff-Ed)...damn straight...
I rarely if ever use 'social media' other than doin' this 'ere blog...gotta' Facebook page (I think) that my child set-up for me but I don't use it, occasionally check-out others stuff where necessary, follow a coupla' other peeps pages/blogs/whatevs, etc, and so it is I've become aware of these particular stories/statements/whatevs...and thusly awared, I was then somewhat bemused to read the Councillors statements about the problems with "...little campaigns by community warriors..." and the problems CWs create...(but that Councillor's doing 2 Facebook pages and has had an opinion on many issues, and one site is specifically a sortta' 'Community Newsy Page Thingy'...surely they themselves are a 'community warrior'?-Ed)...well indeed Ed, point one well made...

And I 99% support the CNPT 'cos it can be very useful and there has been some great stuff on it, etc, but I put it to the Councillor involved that they need to get their personal shizzle outta' the public page and onto the private one...(dude, your whole blog, this 'ere blog, it's all about your personal stuff and what you think about it, etc, etc, it's a bit rich to go someone else for their 'personalising'-Ed)...fair enough, but I'd argue that I'm actually in most of what I discuss, and/or directly involved in creating that news/incident/whatevs, in a context where just about everything that's happening 'to me/about me/whatevs' is a cause for concern for the whole community...(fair enough-Ed)...and that's all about the CNPT, it's all good, just keep what's appropriate where it's appropriate...

Sans that I thought I had explained sufficiently to this Councillor what has happened re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and therefore they know full-well that it took parents nearly a decade of appropriate approaches to the appropriate authorities before finally resorting to 'social media' out of sheer desperation, having exhausted every corrupt authority and media organisation in this sad sick pro-paedophile state...(sorry? they know about the St Martins Cover-up? so this Councillor knows about St Martins and what you and other parents have been through, let alone what happened to the kids, and they're posting that stuff?-Ed)...slow down Ed, people make mistakes...

And that's exactly the context I choose to approach this post/address these comments, because I genuinely believe that these are at worst clumsy comments that have resultantly caused great trauma, distress and displeasure for a number of people who have been directly involved in the St Martins Cover-up, and undoubtedly other cases, but that that offense/trauma/distress is not deliberately intended...unfortunately, given that these comments about 'community warriors', etc, come from a Councillor and explicitly mimic City Council's denigration of me and what I'm doing, y'all will excuse me if I do believe when I read,
     "...these little Facebook campaign pages about "local paedophiles" etc, don't work"..."
     "...unless it's based off fact and conviction...  
...that these comments are directed straight at me...

And while we're there, there's no such thing as a 'free event' at the Main Corner/Town Hall facility because Ratepayers have paid for every inch of that place, then pay for every light on, every security person present, every sandwich served, etc, and a private business profits from every catered soiree...(do you mean because the private operators of the Main Corner have an un-challengeable stranglehold on everything that happens in that wholly Ratepayer-funded Commercial Function Facility via the 'Perpetual Lease' they have due to a corrupt Council meeting where Council just handed the even more corrupt original lease from Councillor Des Mutton's son Lachlan over to their other mates, without any Public Tender/Consultation/Whatevs?-Ed) have a way of asking questions that look a lot like statements Ed, ya' know that?...(it's a gift-Ed)...but we digress...

And can you imagine the trouble that that bastard Nick Fletcher would be in if he started posting/hosting/whatevs comments as appear on these site's, eg, "Rock spiders should be hung", "Bring back the electric chair", "He needs to be put down now.", "F.....g wanker love to get my hands on the scum bag", etc, etc...(yes, I see what you mean, all valid commentaries but problematic in their implied threats of violence, etc-Ed)...exactly...not the Councillor's words but still on their site, and if I were to post the like I'd be in a world of trouble...(I concur-Ed)...  

I have been aware for some years of this specific case of Incestual Child Abuse referred to, and as horrendous as it undoubtedly is, it still pales in comparison to the officially sanctioned Rann/Weatherill Labor government conspiring with the Lutheran Church to knowingly protect teacher Glyn Dorling, a man described to me by FCPS (Flinders Child Protection Service) as being a "text-book grooming paedophile" who had clearly "researched" the litany of psychological, emotional and physical abuses he committed against dozens of junior primary students (6-8 years old), starting Day One of the 2002 school year...the Lutherans moved Dorling to Mt Gambier in the late 90s after 'sacking him' from a Lutheran school in Adelaide, and then protected him from various parent complaints, legal actions, etc, before moving him again from St Martins in 2002, etc, etc...

What this Incest case does highlight is 1) how much of this type of crime/story/whatevs re what's happening in Mt Gambier, how much of this stuff never officially sees the light a' day, and 2) the farcical sentencing from an apparently pro-paedophile Judiciary who regularly give these sort of miniscule sentences, many of which are then fully suspended...

And now a list of the rancidly corrupt in this town whom know full well about the St Martins Cover-up and are either directly involved and actively absolutely complicit, like say Rory McEwen and Steve Perryman, or say those 'stalwarts' of the ABC Local Radio, Stan Thompson and Stuart Stansfield...go on Stuart, pull this shreckin' post down champ...everyone in this town knows what you've done Stanley and Stuart, you and all your gutless, selfish, corrupt comrades there at the wholly corrupt ABC...and again, if you're in the handful of hard-working, genuine peeps at the ABC, I can only apologise in that obviously I don't blame you for what your paymasters have done to make you part of their corruption...(very nicely put sir, exactly how it is...your bosses at the ABC make you all look like corrupt pro-paedophile minions, ain't nobody else's fault but there's-Ed)...indeed...

Go through this blog and read about how, according to Sandra Winter-Dewhirst, your bosses got together as far back as 2006 and decided to dump the St Martins case, and all the shizzle they've heaped on us families/parents, etc, since in protecting the Lutherans and Glyn this blog and then tell me I'm the problem...

And I'll quickly, briefly tangentialise by genuinely saying that if you're a junior whatevs at Council, SAPol, the ABC, wherevs/whatevs, then ya' should know by now that I ain't swingin' at you...(and if you're a new availee of this 'ere blog, he does this shizzle all the time...unloads mercilessly at the corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, Labor/Weatherill government, SAPol, etc, after/whilst warning all others to keep their collective heads down-Ed)...and if ya' can't get ya' head 'round the idea that I'm talking to your corrupt bosses, maybe save ya' bloody whingin' about me and utilise it to a better purpose, eg, addressing and then removing the paedophile-control of Mt Gambier, indeed the paedophile-control of all SA...

(It's not a bad effort really-Ed)...what is...(well openly flagging your intentions to flail all involved, albeit flailing them with a rod they've created for their own backs-Ed) mean the whole 'Frankenhippy' thing?..(yep, that's exactly what I mean...these corrupt pro-paedophile clowns like Mike Rann, Jay Weatherill, Rory McEwen, Steve Perryman, et al, and how their own actions have created the problem you've become re their pro-paedophile corruption-Ed)...admittedly, on my worsest days I crawl outta' the grey and into the light fueled only by an unquenchable rage and thirsting for revenge, but when I get here, here on this 'ere blog where it is I take my rage and my vengeancings...(you made that word up-Ed) I is and here is my anger and for all the misshapen monster of vengeful hatred that I undoubtedly have been driven to become, here is the only place you'll see that rage...

As a genuinely gentle person I don't even feel really comfortable about goin' this Councillor and certainly won't be going onto their Interweb sites, albeit public sites...(indeed, I'd noticed that you haven't even named them or their websites-Ed)..yep, some will know whom I'm talking about anyway, but I'm hoping that this post will prompt unsaid Councillor to realise what they've done, make a sincere apology, on both sites, for the trauma and insult caused in ignorance but caused none the less...and in fact make it apologies plural for the gross offense and distress that these comments have caused to others in this community...   

Jest In Closing:...the new service we provide, TMGI Travel, which includes comprehensive reviews and comments from world leaders, eg, "Not as good as any of the hotels in my Mother Russia of course, but yeah, it's alright I s'pose."...(whaaa?-Ed)...sorry, Putin on the Ritz...(ah nice, a traditional, well-worn, hand-turned joke about the Russian President's name, re-worked to be almost funny before I dragged us kicking and screaming into the Dead Joke Zone-Ed)...and so ends the humour...

Tomorrow: Finally My Court Stuff

Corruption FIFA All:...starts to go pear-shaped for the fat-cats involved, including Australia's senior Football (Soccer) officials...just watching this hilarious investigative journo Andrew Jennings doing his whingy, whiny child-voice impersonation of our multi-millionaire/billionaire/whatevs FFA El Presidenté Frank Lowey, '", I didn't know that Jack Warner was pocketting monies..."...hilarious...(I was nearly as shocked as FIFA President Sepp Blatter that there's corruption in FIFA-Ed)...indeed, and the hilarity continues because it's just being announced that Sepp has resigned...(whatt'a disgrace-Ed)...whatevs...(and I was gunna' go with Blatter Splatter - When The Fans Hit The Sepp-Ed)...uhh, nice try...

Just being reported that people who are being constantly re-traumatised by the reporting of Child Abuse Royal Commission stuff, can get 'counselling'...(where?-Ed)...yeah, didn't say that, just that they can...(helpful, not-Ed)...indeed, it's my experience that there's no Child Protection Services of any form in Mt Gambier...and quite deliberately...

I am Nick Fletcher I'm a large, angry, hippy, and thus this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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