Saturday, June 20, 2015

Wind Me Up, Guvna' - More Relentless Pro-Turbine Propaganda And Media Bias

Hello India, Ukraine, Romania, and Pakistan and welcome...just a very quick apology for lagging a bit with this 'ere blog, and then long catch-up post to try and address some of the latest avalanche of absolute crap pouring outta' the Wind Turbine lobby and various Turbine companies, et al...on the home front, I have had familial visitationings here-abouts just last week, and then on Monday, a mad bout of food poisoning on the same day I had Court, again, all day, and then yesterday (Tuesday 16th June) I dragged myself off of the chaise lounge of my own recalcitrance...(a recalcitrant recliner, nice-Ed)...yes, recreational recalcitrant reclinationing no less...dragged myself from there to Council's June 16th 2015 meeting...(yay, anyone else there?-Ed)...nope, just me and a lady I sortta' recognised but think is a Council employee...(wow-Ed) is a little bit bizarre and rather sad...

**further apologies that it's now Saturday 20th June...Monday really sucked the life outta' me, more the illness than the 'all day in Court' stuff, and clearly more than I realised when this post was started several days ago...still working hard to be 'moving forward' with this 'ere blog and the many issues there-in, the/my Court stuff, my own health, etc, but knobblin' myself with the Salmon Mousse hasn't helped...anyhoos, moving on...**

Feedback First: though because I greatly appreciate the amount of comment/advice/feedback/whatevs, re my comments/post re 'Facebook Warriors', etc, of a few posts back, and my stuff about similar comments being levelled at me from/by City Council...(amongst others-Ed)...amongst many others apparently...but anyhoos, as was put to me, those specific comments were apparently about someone who is anonymously posting stuff about paedophiles and/or their alleged addresses, etc, here in Mt Gambier...if this is true, I can unfortunately understand how someone could be so enraged/frustrated/traumatised/victimised, etc, etc, that they may well engage in this sort of behaviour...I can only say that it ain't me nor is it anyone I know, well certainly not that I'm aware of...(don't look at me-Ed)...

I do understand though, really I do, and the proof is written right here where-in here I am and my name is Nick Fletcher and here in this 'ere blog is what I was driven to by frustration and fury and madness and abject desperation...and here too the things that drove me there/here...and so have I brought down upon me the wrath of the State of South Australia...given all that, I can understand why someone might 'vigilanteise' anonymously...(tell 'em about the availee the other week-Ed)...ah yeah, said they're readin' this 'ere blog, and I responded/self-referred with "angry much?", to which they gently smiled...(they get it, the large angry hippy stuff, they get where you're comin' from-Ed)...indeed...but whilst I understand why someone might go anonymously feral on the Interweb re paedophiles, for a range of reasons I cannot condone this...

1) You may well get it wrong...I'm tryin' really hard to be as accurate as, and yet I make errors that require correcting...and I do...and I apologise too, where warranted...Righteous vigilanteismii can be a very fickle creature and beyond control once you've set It to the chase, once you've loosed It to the hunt...
2) I've already had a vigilante half-wit Councillor at my home back in April 2011 delivering me a threatening letter, etc, because they felt somehow justified in that grossly inappropriate act, and then good ol' Council covered it up, etc, etc (previous posts)...
3) I cannot in the context of doin' this 'ere blog...(it's all about the context I said-Ed)...because it damages what I'm trying to do in getting credibility for a debate that our charmingly corrupt li'l town just doesn't want to have, and every excuse real, imagined, confected or concocted will be a just cause to attack the messenger and dismiss the issue, ie, Pariahtisation...(and attack 'blogging' in general as being inappropriate and anti-social, etc, as something that should be stopped or at least very heavily controlled, like the mainstream media is-Ed)...all good points Ed, but movin' on... 

Turbines 'll Save Us? Wind Me Up Guvna': with this relentless pro-Turbine gumph, including the extraordinary statement from a Chris Judd (?spelling) who I think is involved with some part of the 200 Turbine CERES Project planned for Yorke Peninsula (sorry, I was in the car)...anyhoos, an interview where-in he stated that the noise produced by Turbines was exactly like 'the breeze through the trees' (sic)...(ah yes, the 160+m high Whistling Grinding Swooshing Monstrosity That Smashes Birds Outta' The Sky Gum, a classic native plant  to be found on every ridge-line across SA if the wholly corrupt Labor Party have their way-Ed)...indeed, a piece of massive industrial plant...I've just 'Facebook commented' (for the second or third time in my life) about some stupid 'meme' of 3 little ol' windmills with the comment 'Making Oz ugly for 200 years'...(is that an attempted sarcastic response to PM Tony Abbott's comments that he doesn't like the look of Turbines-Ed)...I believe so...

(But Turbines Towers are 120+m high with huge 40-50m blades and they go-up by the dozens even hundreds for many kilometres, usually deliberately placed along the top of ridgelines, completely dwarfing and dominating entire landscapes, horizons, etc,'s this sort of non-sensical, emotive, irrelevant crap that makes-up/underpins/justifies the vast majority of Turbine support-Ed)...exactly what I said, albeit I said it slightly more politely...and last evening the ABC's Lateline ran an interview with Senator David Leyonhjelm and Kelly O'Shannassy of the Australian Conservation Foundation...(what the shreck is the world coming to when Davo's the informed and balanced voice in the debate-Ed) a Card-Carryin', Tree-Huggin', Large, Angry Hippy, I am deeply disappointed with the ACF, the Greens, etc, because they are just as deceitful and manipulative in pursuit of their gaols as the Coal Lobby, etc, and particularly when it comes to these ridiculous Turbines and the Fascist legislation in South Australia that forces them on unwilling communities, etc...

And Ms Shannassy can go and get royally stuffed for yet again randomly slandering everyone opposed to Turbines by saying that they are 'highly-funded by the Coal lobby'...(but that's crap, of all the peeps I've met/know whom are opposed to Turbines, they're all farmers, local community home-owners, adjacent non-host and even ex-host property owners since turned Anti-Turbine, etc, etc, there's not a lobbyist of any description amongst them...the closest thing to a 'lobbyist' I've seen/know/met would be politicians like Senators Nick Xenophon and John Madigan-Ed)...I know, I know, I was at those meetings too...because this is blowing-out I'll do a post re this interview later...check it out on ABC Lateline for Friday 19th June where due, it was/is far more balanced than most of what else I've heard/read...

Easy Peasy Breezy Treesy:...these amazing 'Sounds Breezy' comments are amongst a plethora of rabidly pro-Turbine nonsense spewing from Inner-City Greenies and self-opinionated half-wit TV commentators, eg, the farcical Turbine Infomercial that Channel 10's The Project produced last week, an unambiguous Turbine promo masquerading as an actual news item...(I rarely watch The Project because it's predominantly ill-informed populist pap and propaganda, and this Turbine effort is typical-Ed)...harsh Ed, very harsh, but I take your point that shows like this are often 'lowest common denominator' stuff that latch onto popular issues and as in this Turbine 'report', offer an 'armchair inner-city activist' the 'informed right' to hold forth about a topic they otherwise know next to nothing about...(ouch-Ed)...

Yet again it's been wholesale one-way pro-Turbine propaganda right across the media, but the ABC has been absolutely the most woeful...(yet again-Ed)...the ABC has a long and corrupted history re Wind Turbines, a massively biased pro-Turbine stance, a biased stance clearly defined across this 'ere blog...I refer availees to some early posts re this issue, including the extraordinary effort of a coupla' years back when the ABC Mt Gambier ran a lengthy pro-Turbine feature, refused to put any 'Turbine opponents' to air including telling me that they'd 'moved on to other topics', but then put 2 anonymous half-wits to air to denigrate us  'opponents', including accusing them/us/me of working for the Coal Industry...(ah yeah, I remember that one, classic...a swathe of rancidly one-sided pro-Turbine diatribe riddled with known errors and outright lies from all involved, then the ABC completely blocking any criticism/correction, and then it's open season on us horrid complainers-Ed)'s because we're dirty hippy bastards Ed...(bastards to a man, a man whom in my case what is actually a confected literary device-Ed)...

Ah yeah, nice segue into a quick reminder...Dear Availee, there's no-one else involved in doing this 'ere blog, good ol' Ed et al are just characters I utilise to set-up jokes, discuss opposing ideas without just listing 'pros and cons', try taking the edge off the anger and the relentless Child Abuse stuff through the media, etc, I'm roughly aiming for something a bit like writing the script for a political sketch comedy show or similar...Mr Woofs the Wonderdog is real but it's not his real name...and as always, I try in all ways to be as accurate as possible...(which is automatically far more effort for far more accuracy than the pathetic local media-Ed)...indeed...    

This segues back to what I was saying about the heavily censored and biased reporting of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and The Border Watch newspaper, not least of all when it comes to me...for example, did anyone other than those present at the October 2014 Mayoral Forum hear/read/learn how it was that that abject bastard Nick Fletcher carried the day/evening/event...TBW readers saw a small photo that indicated I was present but I wasn't mentioned in the full-page article...(hilarious..ignore It and It might go away, hopefully-Ed) the Forum I was twice outright snubbed by TBW alleged reporter Anelia 'Oh My God Here Comes Nick Fletcher I Better Pretend To Interview The Back Of This Strangers Head' Blackie...twice she snubbed me, including the above incident after the Forum when some poor strangers scone received a rather thorough grilling from 'Scoop' Blackie...(and that's what passes for press professionalism and journalistic integrity in this town...whatta' bloody disgrace-Ed)...oh it gets better...

The ABC didn't once report the Forum and I'm not sure they even had anyone there on the night...(nearly as unprofessionally hilarious as the post-Forum/pre-election interviews with (now Mayor) Andrew Lee and Bob Sandow where they both mentioned/tried to talk about said Forum and their ABC 'interviewer' completely ignored that, not even acknowledging the Forum even existed and definitely not sayin' 'hey yeah, how did that Forum thingy go the other night?'-Ed)...and remember of course, that I wasn't given any airtime by the ABC Mt Gambier, they officially censored me out of the 2014 Mayoral Election...(but that's not very corrupt is it?-Ed)...but we digress...

The Anti-Science Of Turbines - Where Lack Of Evidence Becomes Ano.1 Proof Of Fact To The Opposite:...and that's some rootin' tootin' good science that is right isn't white therefore it must be every other colour...every time, out trots this sad old 'there's no evidence of health problems' nag for another thorough floggin', but the simple reality is that there is no evidence because the science hasn't been done either way, so therefore none exists, good, bad or completely indifferent...there is no science either way...(I am so sick of this stuff...'ooo oooo, but the HHMRC and the EPA say there's no evidence that Turbines cause Health Issues, ooo oooo'-Ed)...that's being a little bit taunty and childish, but you do make your point that an acknowledged 'lack of evidence to the contrary' is a bazillion miles from 'proof that everything's fine, just fine'...

It's a very carefully worded and very deliberate manipulation of the truth, deliberately presented in 'reverse order' because the realities are a whirring, grinding, whooshing, whistling, pulsing Death Knell for Turbines...(and why?-Ed)...because now Acoustician Steven Cooper has done that Foundation Study (my term) at Bridgewater Bay near Portland (Victoria, Oz) and proven that there are a range of Sound/Noise/Pressure/whatevs 'Emissions' from Wind Turbines, and that these can be detected and monitored at/in/around people's homes adjacent to Turbines...this is the closest thing anyone has done to an actual study of Wind Turbine Emissions and is merely the jumping-off point for a series of Environmental/Health/whatevs studies that should all have been done already but haven't...  

And as another perfect example of the many deliberate deletions and outright deceits perpetuated by all sides of the Body Politic, as and where it suits them, I remind availees of Green MLC Mark Parnell's unforgettably outrageous lies on the ABC Radio re Turbines and the SA legislation and his claims that 'people can Appeal any Turbine Planning Applications and/or Decisions/Approvals that affect their homes/properties/communities/whatevs'...he continues to say this knowing it's a lie...I am not the only person who has explained at length to Mr Parnell the exact Fascist realities of the 2011 DPA and subsequent adjustments to that DPA, and how this legislation originally removes any Court Access/Right to Appeal of any Planning Approval, including the ludicrous Statute that Visual Amenity issues for 150m+ Turbines at only 1km from non-host homes can be addressed by planting trees...sound ridiculous? that's the access to Courts to oppose/stop automatic Development Approvals, and no Right of Appeal that 'a hedge' doesn't extinguish...Fascism, pure Fascism from a Fascist Labor Party...more Turbine stuff soon, cheers...

Some Other Quick Stuff:...the South East Local Government Assoc is changing it's nomenclature to the Limestone Coast LGA at a cost of $12,000...just sayin', and relative to the rank corruption in Local Government that I've experienced, corruption that runs to $millions just in Mt Gambier just in recent years, that $12k's just a trifle...(this story gets 4 outta' 5 Golden Whatevs-Ed)!...   

Health Yeah!:...'cos apparently everything's gunna' be just fine...(just really fine-Ed)...with the closure of the 5 (6?) Medicare Locals to be replaced with 1 'Primary Health Network' service for Country and 1 for Adelaide, all set to kick-off seamlessly in July least that's the official line...the reality is that all existing services for SA Rural/Regional Health are set to suffer further from this further centralisation and cutting of services...(oh the joy-Ed)...

Really Wheely Silly?'s being described as "common sense" to re-instate funding for the South Coast Bike Race...(is that the one where Council/Steve Perryman pulled the $20k funding stating that there was no profit for Mt Gambier, etc?-Ed)...yep...(and then you went ballistic about the rank corruption of Stevo (a Motel owner) spying on his competitors from his position as Councillor?-Ed)...yep...(and you expressed concerns that this continuing Council clownery and selfishness and corruption, etc, etc, how all that would see Mt Gambier lose the race stuff altogether, same way they lost the International Tennis Tournament and may well yet root-up the Jazz Academy, Gold Cup Horse Race, etc-Ed)...let's chalk-up another win for this 'ere blog, yeah?...(why not-Ed)...

What An Extraordinary Disgrace:...that Disabled workers who have been ripped-off their very lowly wages are being forced to accept a Federal government Bill to pay them back only half of what they have had stolen...(the Liberal Party are a bloody disgrace...there is no ambiguity here, they haven't yet finished vilifying and blaming and ripping-off the Unemployed and Disabled Services and Domestic Violence Services, etc, before they genuinely go looking for what powerless minority they can next give a kicking-Ed)...I know mate...(take that thieving scum-bag Treasurer Joe Hockey's wage off him and then hand back half and say 'suck it up and piss off idiot' and watch him have a gold-plated hissy-fit from somewhere behind a fat stogie (cigar)-Ed)...yeah, fair call...(they really are quite insane-Ed) Ed, I think you give them far too much credit...

In Closing: the Bernard Finnigan Child Pornography Trial has now been running for over 2 months without a single recent mention in the media beyond April 21st 2015 that I can find...this follows 4 years of multiple hearings in different jurisdictions, including at least one hearing by 3 Magistrates, and also including 30 adjournments, charges dropped/changed/whatevs from 20 down to 2, etc, and then a 'secret trial' with one SAPol (police) witness and one Magistrate and all the evidence 'suppressed'...I note that on Bernie's profile page it still lists him as a member of the Labor Party...(but didn't Labor immediately dump him from the Party whilst screeching 'innocent until proven guilty'?-Ed)...indeed, and he was their Acting Police Minister when busted in April 2011...(wow, the Police Minister is busted with Child Porn, and over 4 years later it's finally gone to trial, but even then it's all just disappeared off the radar completely-Ed)...I don't know what to say...

I find it deeply depressing that the more I inform myself as to the state of our Local, State and Federal politics and the politicians involved, the worse and worse they look as being majoritively insane arrogant corrupt White men with no empathy for anyone other than themselves, and whom are relentlessly betraying their own country in the mad rush to sell and subjugate us to China et al...(yay-Ed)...and collectively these scumbags are capable of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up... 

Tomorrow:  Court Stuff Maybe

Apologies for continual bumping of the/my Court stuff but it's hard to know what can and can't be said...(not least of all 'cos no-one knows and you haven't received any speciifc direction about any of it-Ed)...indeed, because how can anyone tell me what exactly I can/can't say/do when they don't know themselves...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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