Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Our ICAC - Just A Brutal Reminder Of SA's Official Paedophile Corruption

Howdy y'all and welcome to the blog...and again, given we find ourselves in the shadow of the 13th anniversary of the June 2002 removal of "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling from St Martins Lutheran School, and the resultant State-sanctioned cover-up of those abuses, there'll be no apologies for venting about the paedophile stuff with a less than subtle reminder of just what a corrupt paedophile-controlled state we live in...(good ol' SA, the Paedophile State-Ed)...yay...and when you look at the paedophile nightmare that surrounds us, that right there is the crux of the crucible that spewed forth our farcical Independent Commission Against Corruption...(SA ICAC...whatta' joke, whatta' sad, sick, corrupt's the pinnacle of the pro-paedophile corruption that runs SA-Ed)...indeed it is...

With all due and genuine respect to all availees, firstly, I'd like to think that for all the massive shreck-up that I undoubtedly I am and for all the traumas and damages I carry...(let's call them Mental Illnesses, just as a convenient way of describing it, for lack of a better term say-Ed)...sure, whatevs gets ya' through the night...anyhoos, with/despite my Mental Illnesses, etc, etc, I have earned at least the credibility to be taken seriously when I say 'genuinely'...(yeah, ok, I'll give you've gone very, very hard down a very straight line down a very crooked road, and there's a developing, gathering trail of official/political carnage in ya' do have a certain credibility in that context-Ed)...ta'...and I sure as shreck ain't noble/courageous/whatevs nor am I trying to be 'that person', I am what I is and that's just that...

Point being, I know I cut crook time and again about St Martins and the SA paedophile corruption, etc, but I ain't creating this stuff, all I'm doing is pointing at it and sayin' 'what the shreck? that ain't right', and time and again, day after day, it's the rampant pro-paedophile corruption of official authorities, the Rann/Weatherill Labor government, etc, etc, you simply cannot escape it...I can't deal with a Mt Gambier City Council issue or a SAPol (police) issue or with government, their bureaucracy, even the Courts, with any of these issues, without immediately running into a swathe of corrupt politicians and public officials whom I know as fact are openly complicit in the St Martins Cover-up...I ain't gunna' apologise for being deeply distressed and depressed and very, very angry about that...(hey, what's large, angry, and a dirty hippy?-Ed)...I've got one for ya', what starts with 'come here' and ends with 'ouch'?...(Blackadder BBC TV) 

So, we've just had the June long weekend 2015 and therefore the 13th Anniversary of the removal of "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling from St Martins Lutheran School here in Mt Gambier (June 2002)...and 13 years of the official State cover-up of those abuses by the Lutherans, the wholly corrupt Rann/Weatherill Labor government, the pathetically redundant and corrupt Liberal Party, corrupt SAPol (police), corrupt Education Dept, corrupt Teachers Registration Board and Crown Solicitor, wholly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, the wholly corrupt Rory McEwen, corrupt Steve Perryman, the wholly corrupt ABC, the wholly corrupt The Border Watch, etc, etc, etc...(sorry, I thought you were the problem?-Ed)...well apparently...

Apparently, despite all of these people knowing exactly what has happened in 2002 and since, all of the above have chosen to involve themselves in the St Martins Cover-up...(only it ain't gettin' covered-up so good lately-Ed)...orr, I dunno, seems to going swimmingly really, given everyone listed above in this freak of a State, and a raft of Federal politicians, all know exactly what's happened because I and other parents have proven it, all of it, proven all of it not once or twice or even thrice but over and over and over again...but what's happened to resolve it? what has good ol' Mt Gambier done to resolve the gross abuse of a class of 7 year old children? anyone?...(nothing?-Ed)...

Oh no, way better than nothing Ed, good ol' Mt Gambier has kicked-off on, has attacked and vilified and Pariahtised and blamed us parents who have tried to resolve the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...we have been and continue to officially be openly, publicly blamed/identified as the only real problem...for 13 years I and/or other parents have been openly attacked whilst nobody else does anything to resolve the situation...(well you've just contradicted yourself mate, because there's been a massive effort to resolve the situation, only in a context where Labor, Liberal, State Authorities, the Lutherans, etc, consider 'resolving it' to mean 'covering it all up and making it all just go away'-Ed)...perfectly contexturised thanks Ed, I was struggling to define that...(it's all about context I said-Ed)...yes I heard you...

And again, for the record, I know that there's a bunch of people reading this locally who will feel a degree of guilt about this and even anger towards me for my en masse bashing of Mt Gambierites, but this whole town is responsible for the St Martins Cover-up...(it takes a village, don't ya' know-Ed)...ta' Ed, Council's very own words flung back at them re their 'Children's Charter' bollocks, "it takes a village to raise a child"...everyone in this town who has been and/or currently is in a position to address the St Martins Cover-up, is instead complicit in the St Martins Cover-up...and it's like the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, it's just not up for debate anymore... 

Under the Rann/Weatherill Labor government (2002-present) we've had a relentless wall of fake efforts to address the paedophile-control of Adelaide, with multiple Parliamentary Inquiries and Commissions and various other lawyer's picnics that have no intention of doing anything other than continuing the paedophile-controlled status quo...from the massive 2002-2003 Layton Report, the 2005-2007 Mullighan Inquiry, the DeBelle Royal Commission, the 2007-2011 SARC Inquiry into the Teachers Registration Board, 2 more recent/current Royal Commissions with apparently another to come...and of course, this shreckin' joke of an ICAC...and every step just pantomime, just theatre...(just bollocks-Ed)...indeed, absolutely all of it just more cover-up and more corruption...and so too the ICAC, an Authority designed, enacted and empowered to protect the paedophiles and/or the corrupt...

(I think, sorry, I know when you say "paedophiles and/or the corrupt" you mean our state politicians, so just say it-Ed)...indeed, the fact that this frighteningly powerful yet unaccountable ICAC even exists is testimony to the bipartisan support for corruption/paedophilia in our State Parliament, Labor, Liberal, Family First, all the Independents, every soulless paedophile-protecting scumbag who dares to call themselves 'Honourable'...and of course you've got the main spider right there at the centre of the web as Speaker of the Lower House, that truly creepy piece of work, Michael Atkinson...(and that egomanic Union scrote Russell Wortley is President of the Upper House-Ed)...indeed, these are the fine, upstanding citizens whom are running our Parliament...whatta' joke, whatta' sad, sick joke...(and people wonder why we're going backwards as a state-Ed)...I know, I know...

I remind availees as per recent posts that I and other parents organised Peter Lewis to stand up in Parliament (when it sat here in May 2005) and name St Martins Lutheran School and teacher Glyn Dorling, and in response the wholly corrupt The Border Watch newspaper gave the wholly corrupt Premier Rann/Labor and local Member Rory McEwen front-page to deny/lie through their collective teeth and attack and denigrate us parents as people who had "hounded the teacher", and were/are 'conspiracy theorists who think everything's corrupt', etc...(but pretty much everything in this sad, sick state is corrupt-Ed)...well indeed Ed, it's the classic 'Political Reverse Psychology' thingy where Rory states/confronts the obvious reality in absolute terms with ludicrous hyperbole and challenges people to believe it, therefore trying to dismiss whatevs issue/claim/allegation as being ridiculous...

St Martins Principal John Alexander did it when he put his long piece about 'Rumours' and 'pray for the perpetrators of bad rumours', etc, in the school's newsletter in 2003, including the statement that 'if it were true (the rumour) the school would be front page across the nation' (paraphrase, but damn close)...(and therefore, because it isn't, the rumour must be false, right?-Ed)...exactly...and many people were just itchin' to find a conscience-soothing 'out' and Johnny gave them exactly what they needed, every empty excuse they needed to turn on us other parents rather than deal with the abuses their own kids had suffered...just recently I had someone refuse to believe that any abuse had occurred in 2002 because 'if the police didn't charge him, then nothing happened'...(wow, there's none so dumb as the willingly ignorant-Ed)...indeed, but I digress... 

I think but don't know for sure and surely cannot prove, that at least one major, high-profile paedophile case in South Australia that was publicly exposed has since been silently swallowed by the ICAC, likely to never be seen again, and also suspect but obviously again cannot prove that other cases have disappeared into that same ICAC Black Hole...and that's exactly what SA ICAC is designed to do...and I guarantee that the victims of those horrendous crimes will be the ones being hammered with threats and bullying from the ICAC and SAPol, threats based on the ICAC legislation, legislation that was designed and instigated to allow exactly this sort of threatening and bullying, this total control and total suppression of issues...(you mean like this ludicrously corrupt ICAC exoneration of Jennifer Rankine?-Ed)...yep, exactly like that...

And I completely reject this farcical shrecking-about where ICAC is awash with ludicrous 'secrecy powers/provisions' and is happy to wield these powers when it suits ICAC or it's Labor masters, whatevs, but no-one else is allowed to comment about ICAC's conduct or criticise it's operation, etc, yet then stuff just appears in the media about ICAC investigations, etc, because ICAC can just say whatever it likes about whatevs, do's 100% Whatevs with 100% power, and that is truly scary...(can't you get in trouble for just talking about ICAC?...isn't the first Rule of ICAC that no-one's allowed to talk about ICAC-Ed)...if ICAC feels like it, probably, maybe, dunno, when and if it suits ICAC and their agenda/purpose?...gourd knows because it's a complete dog's breakfast...(you touch my breakfast and I will gnaw you a new one-Mr Woofs The Wonderhound (not his real name))...settle down, nobody's touching ya' breakfast...(that's right, no-one's touchin' my breakfast-Mr Woofs)...

I completely reject the premise that the SA ICAC is about appropriate resolution of the rank institutionalised corruption of SA Parliament, SAPol, the Judiciary, etc, etc...I reject it as being anything other than a farcical yet frightening weapon of control being wielded by the paedophiles and crooks who run this sad, sick state...and here in these 2 articles/stories is the proof positive of what I'm saying, a secret 2 year investigation of the rank corruption of Minister Jennifer Rankine and then she's exonerated and it's all suppressed to protect her from her own corruption...(so the ICAC is corruptly protecting Jennifer Rankine from the repercussions of her own corruption? that sounds very corrupt in itself-Ed)...exactly Ed, that's exactly what it is, corrupt as...

So, it's 2 years of secret hearings, etc, it's 100% Secret Squirrel from SA ICAC for the corrupt Labor Minister Jennifer Rankine as ICAC acts to protect her, and the story 'leaks out' after that 2 years, etc, etc...and then for this poor mug from Forestry SA it's wham! from day one, it's front page, full name (Adrian Hatch), photos and footage, describing the charge, naming the business allegedly involved, etc, etc...this case was in Court late morning, and by noon was being intricately reported on the ABC Radio news and The Advertiser On-line service...(so it's 2 years of secret hearings, etc, for a Labor Minister, but then this poor clown is clearly gettin' hung-out to dry by the ICAC-Ed)...well you've stolen my thunder a bit, but yes, exactly, Mr Hatch is being used by ICAC and Labor, etc, to try and give ICAC some sense of credibility where none exists...   

Plotting A Hatch Battoning:...Today Tonight's latest revelations about ICAC's farcical alleged investigation of Jennifer Rankine, etc, are currently available on their website, including stories from June 8th 2015 and the May 23rd 2015 one, being about Jennifer Rankine...(and here again the deliberate and crushing Fascist lunacy of our ICAC legislation in that the ICAC legislation makes us mere plebs even talking about corruption, literally anything at anytime, that is effectively illegal-Ed)...absolutely, effectively illegal as and when ICAC decides it is, but when it's time to protect corrupt politicians, etc, all of those same 'rules of secrecy' are applied to hide the corruption... 

(I can't help noticing the extraordinary coincidences between the ICAC/Rankine Cover-up, and the wholly corrupt conduct of the Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitors Office Inquiry into Glyn Dorling back in 2003/04-Ed) picked-up on that too did ya' mate?...(yeah, to me it's that 'Template of Corruption' stuff again where authorities are clearly operating to a prepared plan/agenda/whatevs in acting to protect a paedophile-Ed)...indeed, start an alleged 'investigation', stop for a year or more, then fudge it through in secrecy, and then trumpet the exoneration that is inevitable from such a corrupt Authority, but the entire thing is suppressed...(yeah, it's exactly what the TRB/Crown Solicitor did to traumatise and distress parents, exact even down to the actual functioning of the officials involved and hiding the evidence, reasons, etc-Ed)...far too exact to be mere unpleasant closing...

Fascist Much?:...Tony Abbott continues to deliberately ramp-up the fear and loathing about 'foreigners' and/or 'terrorism', now saying that Australians need to start spying on each other...(wow, that doesn't sound like Fascism much, does it?...wasn't it the Nazis who refined this 'Societal Spying' stuff?-Ed)...well, they didn't invent spying on your neighbour to help your Fascist government control the both of ya', but yes, I believe it was used, in fact both were used...(both?-Ed)...the fear and loathing stuff, and using that to justify/encourage spying on your neighbours for the government  ...

(A quick question...why isn't it that what the wholly corrupt (George) Bush family and the Saudis have done to Iraq for their own personal profits, why isn't that terrorism?-Ed)...because we did it silly, remember? remember Georgie 'Dubya' Bush and his hilarious 'you're with us or you're against us' bollocks?...(so if you question the rank corruption of the Bush family, corruption that in many places stampedes into wholesale Treason against the United States of America, if you question that Treasonous Corruption, then you're a 'terrorist' according to MC GDubya, himself clearly a most Corrupt Traitor and Global Terrorist?-Ed)...indeed Ed..and you tell me, what's more concerning, a combatant fighting in their homeland against an invading Global Terrorist, or a treasonous President?... 

Tomorrow: Catchin' Up With Some Stuff

And I do actually apologise for what is in hindsight has been quite a ranty and disjointed post, but it is what it is and it ain't nuthin' but a Thang...please watch those Today Tonight stories and read the attached article and note the massive discrepancies as Mr Hatch is hung out to dry...also please note that photo about the 'Historic Courthouse' because that there's SA Chief Justice Christopher Kourakis who just happened to be in Mt Gambier on the very day they Battoned Down On Hatch, and in Court for part of that day...just sayin'...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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