Saturday, June 13, 2015

Carpét Diem - Seize The Dazed Please Bailiff

(Wow, sometimes this shizzle just about writes itself almost-Ed)...yeah, like doesn't it though? I mean, you just have to grab any one of the 3 Latin phrases you know and ram every shockin' pun ya' can think of  into it...(super-Ed)...I was gunna' go with Rippin' The Rug Out From Under The SA Courts, but given the internationally infamous hallucinogenic properties of the aforementioned rug, the current title just about writes itself...please find attached the article from The Border Watch re the carpet changes, but I reckon there are much better photos available Interwebbily if one were to go a searchin'...

This photo in no way captures the soporific effects of the swathe of carpet in (that was in) the waiting area outside the Courtroom...100s of square metres and part-way up the walls in true 1970s style...I found that if you looked down at it whilst walking, that's when it got really 'swimmy' and depth perception, etc, was hard to focus on, and sometimes I'd get the sensation that I was standing knee-deep in a facilitate the sharing of the joy that is this 'sensational' design and it's wondrous workings on the human psyche, please to be finding also attached a real-time life-size scan of a small slab of said Magic Carpet, and a photo of my bitta' rug to give an idea of the overall pattern...

Cuttin' A Rug:..(and how'd you end-up with a "...small slab of said Magic Carpet..."?-Ed)...ah yes, more 'carpe diem' really...I was cruisin' past the Courthouse on a Saturday recently and said Mr Carpet Replacement Man was on-site and there was carpets plural stacked by the door outside so's I turned my l'il chariot 'round and went back and asked for some...I told Mr CRM that his 'removallings' were famous on Facebook and that Magistrates et al from all over the country were after some, etc, and he responded that some was already for sale on E-bay (don't know by whom)...I offered to cough-up a few coppers for some of his wares but he was good enough to just give me a coupla' square metres of off-cuts, and hence here 'tis...

I fully expect that availees across the globe will do as I plan to and photocopy-off several thousand A4s worth and put said pattern across floors, up walls, in their cars...(someone's already doing that with actual off-cuts-Ed)...on their cars, paper the cat, etc, etc...(come near me with that nonsense and you will be a dog's breakfast mate-Mr Woofs the Wonderhound (not his real name))...I personally am going to get it copied to cloth if I can, so's as to produce a suit...(to wear to Court?-Ed)...exactly...(would have been hilarious to do it whilst the carpet was still down-Ed)...absolutely...('will the defendant please move about so's I can see where the heck you are'-A Magistrate)... 

Oops, forgot to say howdy...Hello Ukraine, Colombia, Japan, and Mexico, and welcome y'all to a rather dot-pointing post about stuff I need to catch-up on because I actually haven't anywhere near enough 'carpe diemed' (seized the day) recently:
1)  Back a coupla' weeks ago the ABC Local Radio ran 2 interviews on the one morning that to my mind perfectly encapsulated just how manipulative and betraying the ABC Mt Gambier is of the community it regularly claims to represent...(should represent-Ed)...indeed Ed, and that's what riles me so much about their conduct...(is this the stuff about what a vital community service the Regional ABC Radio is to the South East and Regional SA in it's entirety, given the Adelaide obsessed nature of the Labor/Liberal/whatevs parliament and other media?-Ed)...yep...(and that, to your summation, that they have ultimately grossly failed in that very serious responsibility-Ed)...indeed Ed, I'd argue what good an ally who betrays you...

The early interview with a local Union leader, Brad Coates, was about the horrendous changes that Weatherill Labor have recently made to WorkCover, meaning that people who have lost literally an arm and a leg, will likely lose their wage support income from WorkCover after only 2 years...(whatta' bloody disgrace this Labor government is-Ed)...indeed...I was deeply moved and concerned by Mr Coates accounts of badly injured workers losing all support and therefore hope and how that meant he (Brad) was doing 'suicide watch' type phone-calls with some of his Members, was a very intense interview...the later interview with Emergency Services Minister Tony Piccolo, however, was another ABC 'Dorothy Dixer' embarrassment...when it's a relatively un-influential local person (apologies Mr Coates) there was one ABC attitude, but as soon as it's going outside the region or it's a Minister, etc, it's back to the half-asked questions and failure to hold interviewees to account, etc...this is classic ABC Mt Gambier...

Fresh from slamming massive Emergency Services Levy cost hikes on various ES workers, eg, Country Fire Service volunteers, and spending several $100,000s trying to ram through some farcical ES Overlord/Commissioner Restructure but then suddenly withdrawing that due to massive opposition...(and with increasing numbers of CFS volunteers/units refusing to fight fires on Crown Land because that's working for the government and their telling the government to get stuffed-Ed)...indeed, with all that going on, Tony got an unimpeded passage to his main point, that Labor's gunna' spend a fortune building a monument to fallen ES Volunteers/Workers...(what, so's politicians can have somewhere to publicly parade their carefully confected sycophantic sympathies?'s about some proper funding for CFS brigades so they don't have to hold raffles and sausage sizzles to buy new water tankers, etc-Ed)...well!...

Language Warning..........BOLLOCKS:...Pope Francis has instigated his own Catholic Whatevs Judicial Structure to supposedly go after his own Bishops, Cardinals, and other various frocked-up freaks for their paedophile corruption...(not a fan of Religious companies like the Catholics, are you?-Ed)...the Pope has apparently said that there'll be nowhere to hide for no-one...(and can I just say how refreshing it is to be able to get 5 minutes into the day before the flood of paedophile stories begins-Ed)...but that happens every day, only it usually takes less than 5 minutes, and I can't believe you'd be so naive nay stupid as to believe that the Paedophile Organisation that is the Catholic Church is suddenly going to stop raping our children and then attacking and destroying those same victims should they dare to speak-out against the rank Corruption of the Catholic Church...

It's absolute bollocks that yet again the corrupt Catholic Church is allowed to investigate themselves, and defines just how absolute this corruption is and the total lack of genuine intent from Authorities re holding these shrecks to's as farcical as the Truth, Justice, and Healing bullshizzle that we're gettin' shoved down our throats here in Oz by that truly creepy piece of low-life Francis Sullivan...(it's almost like you're sayin' that parents, etc, should resolve these issues for themselves because the Police and the Catholics, often one-and-the-same, are just going to continue to cover it up-Ed)...oh I'm headed there alright Ed, and what's wrong with a bit of anti-paedophile vigilanteeism anyway?...(I do hope you're being super-heavily sarcastic-Ed)...well of course I am, but I'm also just following the advice given to parents by SAPol, and passing-on that advice...

And I'll go there if I bloody well feel like it because back in 2002 when teacher Glyn Dorling was removed from St Martins and the whole the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up first kicked-off and parents were regularly in the Mt Gambier SAPol (police) Station and SAPol were refusing to accept written statements from parents, refused to interview Dorling, etc, this time, police several times told parents to 'sort it/him out for yourselves'...I wasn't there on the specific occasion, but other parents were straight-out told 'take him (Glyn Dorling) out in the pines and don't bring him back'...this is clearly a statement encouraging/directing parents to be engaging in vigilante action, to take Dorling out into the Pine plantations that surround Mt Gambier and kill him...this is what police said to parents...

But then, Dorling's lawyer (Stephen Lieschke, Premier Jay Weatherill's business partner) from the Teachers Registration Board hearing (2003-04), took it upon himself to ring a Child Protection Activist in February 2005, a conversation I did 'hear witness' via speakerphone...Mr Lieschke straight-out alleged nay stated as fact, that 'in the TRB/Crown Solicitor hearing a father confessed to a plot by parents to get Dorling and throw him off a cliff'...(but you were the only father who appeared before that rankly corrupt pack of paedophile protectors from the TRB and CSO, so he was stating that you confessed to conspiring to murder...that's lunacy-Ed)...from Stevo mate, yes it is, but just exactly the standard pro-paedophile corruption you'd expect from Jay Weatherill or his scum-bag business partner...

(But hang on, you've supposedly confessed to a 'murder plot' in front of the TRB/CSO, so what did they do in response to this startling admission?-Ed)...well nothing obviously because it didn't happen, and when parents contacted the TRB about these statements the TRB confirmed that nothing even remotely like that had been stated by anyone in the TRB/CSO hearing...(so the police straight-out incite/direct parents to kill Dorling, but then the state Premier's business partner rings-up people to tell the most extraordinary lies about a Parental Murder Plot?-Ed)...yep, a plot I allegedly confessed to in the TRB/CSO hearing...(wow-Ed)...but I digress...    

Furiously Back-Pedallin':...Council has decided to re-instate the $20,000 of funding they recently pulled from the South Coast Bike Thingy...(is that the one where former Mayor now Councillor Steve Perryman got up at the May 2015 Council meeting and, amongst a protracted series of personal diatribes about the changes he'd unilaterally made to various items/Motions/whatevs that had already been through the formal Council Committee he Chairs/heads/whatevs, stated that Council should axe the $20k?-Ed)...that's the one...(and as part of his justificationings he stated that 1) there wasn't much income generated for Mt Gambier 'cos not many of the Tourers stayed here, etc, and he knew that because 2) he'd gone around town and checked-out all the accommodation providers-Ed) on Ed...

(But hang on, Stevo mate's a Motel owner himself, and notorious already for syphoning off acts/customers via his mate/fellow Councillor Frank Morello (also Helpmann Theatre Manager) and having multiple other massive 'Conflict of Interest' issues, so how is it appropriate for Stevo to skulk-about town further misusing his position as former Mayor/now Councillor to effectively spy on his competitors? let alone for the reason of axing that funding?-Ed)...more great questions that look a lot like statements Ed, how is any of that rank corruption in any ways appropriate?'s a bloody disgrace...and now Council has suddenly reversed that decision because apparently the race organisers have written stating that their 400+ pedallin' peeps and support peeps will actually spend 2 nights and approx $180,000 in Mt Gambier, along with extensive TV coverage for the City...

That Tender Sinkin' Feelin':...'cos we're paying $24million to Japan, Germany, and France ($8m each) for them to Tender for building the new submarines we apparently need...(we're paying them?-Ed)...yep...(to Tender for our business?-Ed)...yep...(I don't know what to say-Ed) neither Ed, me neither...and all this amid reports that our 'new' subs will be obsolete right around the time the first one hits the water...(just thought of what to say-Ed)...yeah?...("I'm a Sub Tender and so's my wife"-Ed)....nice, but I prefer my impersonation of that hilarious clown, Federal Treasurer Smokin' Joe Hockey, recently outed for using his parliamentary accommodation/travel allowances to pay rent to his wife whilst staying at their/her house in Canberra...(shreckin' charming, he really is one piece of very trite work-Ed)...isn't he though...such an inspirational "lifter" to all us lowly "leaners"...(and the impersonation?-Ed)..."I'm my own landlord and so's my wife."...(sup-shreckin'-perb dude...and of course due credit to Monty Python's most excellent Life of Brian-Ed)...indeed...

Adelaide Pushes A Huge Pile Of Ship Out To See What Happens:...a coupla' weeks back the first $3billion Air Destroyer Warfare Boaty Thingy built by/at the Adelaide Submarine Corporation was ceremoniously shoved into the 'Ol Briney at Port Adelaide, but our militaristic nut-job Prime Minister went surfing for charity in Victoria(?) instead...(but he's mad-up for bombing crap, eg, $500m at the drop of a bomb I mean hat for Syria/Iraq, and that's the start-off funding of an as yet undefined and expanding involvement there-abouts, and $billions on fighter jets, eg, the 300dozen F-28 Whistling Pig Flying Targets we've just signed-up for-Ed)...dude, who's bringin' the happy today?...(well not me obviously...he didn't front to launch his countries latest piece of hardware? what the hell's goin' on?-Ed)...well, to me as to many others, this is a clear indicator that PM Abbott didn't want to face the reality (and subsequent harsh questioning) that he's already decided that 'our' subs will be constructed elsewhere...(ouch-Ed)...exactly...

Oh Life's Just A Cabaret Don't Ya' Know:... not sorry for the following punning in such dire circumstance, but the Adelaide Submarine Corp is a lame-duck dead in the water...(and ya' don't get much lamer than dead-Ed)...good point Ed...but quite frankly, given the institutionalised corruption in South Australia and how that immediately compromises the cost/effectiveness/whatevs of any project, it's hardly surprising that the Federal government would throw it's cash somewhere else to hopefully get a product it can use...and I sure as shreck ain't celebrating this ASC stuff, 'cos if/when that folds, there's gunna' be wholesale carnage across Regional SA as the Adelaide-centric Labor government shreds everything outside of Adelaide to keep throwing a bankrupt Adelaide it's yearly party pieces of Festivals and Car Races and Geriatric Rock Concerts and Cabarets darling...(it's just bread and circuses mate, it's governing old school Roman Emperor-style, with bread and circuses-Ed)...indeed...
Tomorrow:  My Own Court Stuff Perhaps

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...  

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