Thursday, July 2, 2015

Comin' Up For Air And Straight Back Onto The Rails If Not The Horse

Hello y'all availees and welcome to The Mount Gambier Independent, my attempt to appropriately and accurately apply my abundant anger to addressing the crippling corruption that seems to define Mt Gambier and South Australia...profusest apologies for continually failing to fulfill my recent repeated promises to crank-out daily posts, but please accept that I've had some shizzle goin' on, and of course, there are days when just sitting down to do this 'ere blog is a confrontation in itself...and I've had quite a few of those days lately...

No apologies for deliberately trying to unravel myself from the sense of guilt and debt, etc, that I carry re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and how that drove me obsessively into completely over-compensating via this 'ere blog, etc, etc...and I need to divest myself of at least some of that guilt and I genuinely feel that I have...(what? only 13 years of fighting tooth, nail, and sanity, and you're finally gunna' let-up on ya'self a little bit about how the St Martins stuff is somehow your fault? that's being a tad selfish don't ya' think?-Ed)...well yes thanks Ed, I appreciate your supportive sarcasm that '13 years is a slack effort', but I guarantee that I ain't walking away from anything anytime soon...(business as usual? asap?-Ed)...yep, asap abap...(abap?-Ed) best as possible...bau asap abap...(nice-Ed)...

Apologies again for the brief break (down) in transmission of this 'ere blog, but I'd had a very, very long week following a very, very longer week, following a very, very long month, after a very, very long year, get the idea...(fair enough to say that, yes, you've had some shizzle goin' on-Ed)...and the weirdest thing Ed, is that as I feel that this 'ere blog has started to achieve some positive outcomes for my community, the less I feel obsessed with it...(and clearly you are achieving stuff who follows this 'ere blog and other local media could have missed the tit-for-tatting, the toing-and-froing, the stuff that you have a gouge at via this 'ere blog, and then there's a related reaction/response/whatevs, eg, the stuff with Council trying to ban people from electronically recording meetings, the recent ABC Child Abuse stories, etc, you're clearly kickin' goals by punchin' buttons-Ed)...well encapsulated and metaphorised Ed, kickin' goals by punchin' buttons...

And so comes the sense of release from the burden of guilt, and as is my wanton need upon addiction teeters so I pick-up the pieces I am and just get that shizzle back together and this 'ere blog apologies for that brief attempt at pseuedo-poetry, nor for staggering forward with the following latest stuff re some of my personal favourites, starting with;

Q&A:...puts that clown to air in 'is silly little 'at, and I'm banned-off the ABC...(whatta' joke-Ed)...indeed...apparently, trying to talk about paedophile issues gets you (me) banned off the ABC...(and outta' The Border Watch-Ed)...indeed...(unless they're printing known falsehoods and nonsensical gibberish about you re your Court case-Ed) mean like today's latest effort...(exactly...pathetic yet hilarious, corrupt yet incompetent, riddled with errors and statements that defy logic and rationale-Ed)...everything one has come to expect from TBW...stuff it, I've got my lawyer's clear direction about what I can say re TBW's rankly corrupt reporting of my Court stuff, so that's up for review next, either tomorrow or the post after that...but I digress...

I'm currently banned, censored, attacked, and vilified by the ABC who flatly refuse to even look at the St Martins Cover-up...(because they know all about it-Ed)...exactly...knowing all about it is exactly why they refuse to touch it and instead have chosen to attack me...(what does it say about the media in this town, this state, and this country, that they all know about the rank corruption of state Premiers Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill, local MP Rory McEwen, et al, in helping the Lutherans cover-up the daily, structured grooming and abuse of a class of 7 year old children, and yet they, the media, refuse to touch it?-Ed)...well it says they're pathetically weak at best and corrupt by definition...

Weak At Best, Corrupt By Definition...says it all really...

(And how's that workin' out for them there in the local media, this helping to cover-up Child Abuse by attacking you? how's that going for them?-Ed)...oh Ed, dear oh dear, people have had things to say about me in official ways that they really, really shouldn't have because comin' their way there will be, nay there is a wall of legal pain, a very large very angry wall of legal repercussions that they cannot avoid...I'm comin' to getcha'...(oh sweet baby cheeses, you're not screeching 'defamation' yourself now are you?-Ed)...mate, it's all defamatory of me because it's predominantly lies, and lies told knowingly and deliberately to try and discredit and denigrate me...(fair enough-Ed)...but no, in this context, I'm not talking about defamation of me, I'm not even talking about me specifically, and there-in, my friend, lies the beauty of it, 'cos it's the actual act of lying that is the Storm Approaching and not what lies in the lies themselves...but again I digress...

Back on Q&A, a narcissistic, opinionated half-wit gets front-and-centre on national ABC television to talk absolute bollocks...(I thought you said you were banned-Ed)...oh haha, it's like 5 minutes since you did that joke I don't think...anyhoos, if you're not aware of this Q&A issue you've been livin' under a rock 'cos it's gone ballistic with PM Tony 'The Mad Monk' Abbott squealing about how the ABC is the 'Them' in the 'Us of Team Australia vs Them', and inquiries into the program, etc...(it must be bad too, because that beacon of Objectivity, Reason and Stability, Mr Andrew 'I Only Look Like A Rabidly Right-Wing Arsehole' Bolt has been driven to criticise the ABC-Ed)...yeah, and it's not like Andy gets upset about the ABC much...(well actually he hates them and regularly criticises them and calls for the ABC to be scrapped completely-Ed)...yeah, that was the joke we were doing, remember?...(oh yeah, sorry-Ed)...

Anyhoos, just Interweb search the Q&A episode from Monday 22nd June 2015 and the comments from Zaky Mallah who's been convicted of making/writing/whatevs death threats to Public Officials, has been publicly advocating violence against women, and a bunch of other terrific stuff...he gets live-to air in primetime and I'm banned, can't even get a comment read out over the radio by the announcer...(wow, what sortta' bastard must you be?-Ed)...well that's the point I'm making Ed...(what an extraordinary danger you must times of 'international terrorism crisis' chumly here gets 'is ugly mug all-up on my telly and shizzle, and you can't even get a comment read out on radio, not even relatively innocuous stuff re Wind Turbines or the Forestry Sale/Adelaide Oval debasco, etc, etc-Ed)...indeed...

I remind availees that the last time I attended the Mt Gambier ABC office in January 2014, Stuart Stansfield ordered me out of the building before I'd actually spoken a word, then threatened and called SAPol (police), and then slammed the glass partition shut, locking my documents on his side of said screen...(hilarious-Ed)...and then, while I stood waiting outside, a cop car cruised past with the driver eyeballing me but he didn't stop...I re-iterate my position that this reaction/incident was entirely about the bias, discrimination, abuse, threats, denigration, etc, that Stuart and his charming colleagues at the Mt Gambier ABC have seen fit to hurl at myself and other parents as they, the Mt Gambier ABC and ABC en masse, willingly participate in the St Martins!...

Rail Lands: are apparently done...(like a dinner?-Ed)...if that dinner is a $4.5million smorgasbord of relentless Mt Gambier City Council lies and complicit The Border Watch corruption and dodgy contracts and related needless earthworks, etc, etc, resulting in an al fresco dog's breakfast of dis-organised nonsense and a Death Pit of Stupidity, then yes, done like a dinner...(and I'm assuming that the "al fresco" part of "al fresco dog's breakfast" refers to the complete lack of shelter on the site, apart from the narrow shelters already on the platforms, and the 2 farcical napkin-sized circus tent thingies Council erected?-Ed) Ed, the No.1 priority for any public space development in Mt Gambier should/must be weather-proofing, shelter for Winter, shade for Summer, and the Rail Lands is an open, windswept Winter swamp that in high-Summer will be an unusable baking prairie...well done Council, top job, top job... 

(When we went past the other day I saw 4 Pacific Black Ducks busy beak-ploughing through the sodden lawn just on the side of Railway Tce there, leaving little trails of muddy destruction behind them-Ed)...indeed, I saw them, and there's been very average rainfall for the season that that ground should be so wet, let alone perfect feeding ground for ducks...rather than run through it all again here, please review my previous posts re the Rail Lands Retail Agenda for massive Commercial/Retail development on that site and the corruption and lies, etc, from Mt Gambier City Council in trying to stall work and hide that agenda...I refer particularly to the issues of 1) Council's 'fake' November 2011 $10million Parklands Concept Plan launch at the Civic Centre, and 2) the mysterious appearance then disappearance of 'Stage 4', a 'fake' stage that included 3 main items that will now apparently not happen, namely the walkway through to Margaret St, a Sound Shell, and renovation of the Old Rail Station... 

Please find attached the article from the Lifestyle 1 free magazine thingy that comes in the post/junk mail...this article is the very thin edge of the very dodgy wedge that is Council' completely corrupt conduct across every aspect of the Rail Lands saga...only months ago Council was officially crowing about 'Stage 4' and all the wonderment that it promised of paths to Marge and shells full of sound and now poof! it's all over baby...and whatta' lotta' rot that Council's 'seeking expressions of interest about the Old Rail Station'...that's a blatant excuse to further stall any work on a station that Council wants demolished to make way for development...(you know they could be just angling to sell it to a Councillor's family/mate/whatevs-Ed)...possible I s'pose, but the RLRA is clearly the main game...the Old Station should have been the first thing redeveloped/ Council is talking more bollocks about a minimum $100,000 for a painted 'labyrinth' thingy, and "borrowing" more money to install a skate-park feature...

And what a wonderful segue from the water-logged Rail Lands and the mire of self-contradictory lies that Council has run itself into re their corruption on that site, a segue straight from there to the debasco (where debacle tail-ends fiasco at speed) that is the Mt Gambier Racing Club, and Gray Gray's latest spray re the MGRC GeeGees, also attached below...not satisfied with jumping repeatedly from one 'horse' to another re whom is actually to blame for the unusable state of the track, cancellation of the 2015 Gold Cup, etc, The Power Of Gray-ham now appears to be doing his own water-logged homage to the whole sorry saga with some sortta' Maritime Cirque de Equine act, where-in he's charging through the torrent of reality, standing astride two Albino Palominos, before furiously back-flipping mid-stream onto 2 other horses headed in the opposite direction...(but it's a very clever strategy really, 'cos I got no idea what his actual position really is anymore-Ed)...I take your point Ed, just go with the latest one until he changes it again...(fair enough-Ed)...

Tomorrow: More Moving Forward

Thanks for y'all availees anticipated acceptance of my continuing apologisings and understanding of my humble stumblings as I yet again find my feet...(and keep on kickin'-up a ruckus-Ed)...absolutely...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is The Mount Gambier Independent and it's a blog, my blog...cheers and laters mofos...

Apols, damn it, scanner having an Emotional Personal day or something...documents tomorrow plus the latest latest stuff from Council re the Rail Lands...(more stuff?-Ed)...oh yeah, there's still gunna' be a Market don't cha' know, and you do the Hokey-Pokey with your $100,000 for 'Art'...(whaaa?-Ed)...well you put it in and then you take it out, put it back in...(and shake it all about?-Ed) on...and some stuff about sitting around feeling happy 'cos that'll fix stuff, etc, etc...(I can't wait-Ed)'ll have to...laters...

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