Thursday, July 30, 2015

YC? TLTS - No-one Served But Cop This, The Balls-up In Your Courts

Hello France, the UK, Canada and Portugal, and welcome to my attempt to explain the inexplicable without actually identifying 1) who and/or what it's about, 2) the identity of the State Authority involved, and 3) whole slabs of my specific involvement in various issues related to this whole debasco (debacle/fiasco) because any and/or all of that stuff may possibly be a potential breach of that legislation if and when Authorities decide...(wow, way to immediately clear things-up-Ed)...well there's nothing like well defined legislation to help resolve any confusion...(and this is nothing like well defined legislation-Ed)...taboomtish and indeed, and that's the first massive hurdle to prosecuting/defending the swathe of charge against me...(don't you mean 'charges', plural-Ed), it's multiple counts of the same charge...(ah yes-Ed)...

Following a heap of feedback on this issue, I feel I have been asked a specific question that requires a very specific answer/explanation, namely, please explain What The Shreck is happening with this Court stuff re this 'ere blog...(fair enough, it is quite confusing'-Ed)...quite? I've been doing this since May 2014 and it's unfathomably farcical, but pretty much all I can say about all of what's happening is that I'm currently facing a bunch of 'charge' that I can't identify specifically because that would immediately identify the Authority involved and that itself might be a crime under that Authority's legislation...(again, wow-Ed)...I know...

Because even identifying the Authority involved is potentially an offense under it's related ludicrously vast and undefined legislation, I have had to find a pseudonym, hence the Authority is 'Club GoGo Bananas' (CGGB) and the head of that Authority is 'The Banana Lord' (TBL)...(sorted-Ed)...moving on...

However...(ooo, a 'However', I love a 'However', there's always something chunky clunking purposefully this way when you open a paragraph with a 'However'-Ed)...fair enough...however, obviously I have asked what I can say, and what I can do is talk about the Defamatory Agenda of The Border Watch and the relentless errors and deliberate deceits in their 'reporting'...(you mean their version of events-Ed)...exactly, and address those errors and deceits in their version of what is happening with my Court case, and of course those things said and done in open Court as witnessed by the ABC and TBW 'reporters' and attendant randoms... 

During the May 12th 2015 open Court hearing the Magistrate mistakenly/accidentally thought I was 'fessin'-up to me heinous crimes of Talkin' About Stuff, and he read out the first charge and had started into the second when my Legal Eagle swooped to interject with 'hey sorry Mr Court dude, but we're pleading Like Way Not Guilty to that shizzle'...however, the Magistrate had already read-out the charge/legislation which includes the name of the Act which includes the full name of the Authority involved...(so the Authority has been identified by the Magistrate in open Court?-Ed) front of a bunch of randoms and The Border Watch and the ABC persons...(yeah, but you, the 'Dirty Perp' what is facing said charges, you can't even identify that Authority 'cos that might be a breach of the Act/legislation?-Ed)...sort of...(sort of? what, even that's not definite?-Ed)...exactly, sort of...(strewth-Ed)...

And so I can quote the Magistrate, and probably even include the Authorities name, etc, but I choose to err on the side of caution and just quote the legislation as read-out...I'm not even going to identify the section or the date the Act was enacted, just in case...and so;
     "On the (date) at Mt Gambier or other places published or caused to be published information
       tending to suggest that a particular person is, has been, may be, or may have been subject of a
       complaint, report, assessment or referral under this Act and that might enable a person who
       had made a complaint or report under this act to be identified or located.
       Section ?? (a)&(b) of the CGGB Act (date)
        This is a summary offense."

The actual legislation;
     "A person must not, except as authorised by the (*Banana Lord) or a court hearing proceedings
      for an offence against this Act, publish, or cause to be published-
         (a) information tending...(as above)...under this Act; or
         (b) information that might enable...(as above) be identified or located; or
         (c) the fact that a person has made or may be about to make a complaint or report under
              this Act; or
         (d) information that might enable a person who has given or may be about to give
              information or other evidence under this Act to be identified or located; or
         (e) the fact that a person has given or may be about to give information or other evidence
              under this Act; or
          (f) any other information or evidence publication of which is prohibited by the (*Banana Lord). 

So, (a) and then (b) where some of my 'charges' are just (a) everything is potentially illegal, saying anything about anything is possibly a crime, talking about stuff is a crime...but my real concern is (f) which by application gives the Banana Lord all encompassing powers to suppress all discourse, including the media and to stop the media even reporting that it's being gagged...
(Wow, there's about a dozen things I've spotted already that are vastly encompassing...I take your point that just about anything could be a breach of this legislation...even the opening line doesn't make sense, I mean, for example, what does "publish or cause to be published" mean? and particularly in the Modern Media Age-Ed)...well indeed, but back it up further to the ridiculous statement, " Mt Gambier or other places..."...(so you've committed these horrendous crimes 'somewhere, or somewhere else that's not that first somewhere''s, somewhere then-Ed)...stop laughing Ed, it's not funny...(it bloody well is-Ed)...

(And what does "...may be..." mean?...that alone has several widely ranging dictionary definitions, across tenses, from 'might currently be' as in there is an investigation underway, through to 'potentially' as in 'it might happen in the future' in the shreck is anyone meant to know if what they're saying and doing now will or won't be potentially a breach of this legislation sometime into the future, and/or is currently, etc? super vague yet all-ensnaring is a phrase that says "...tending to suggest..." something that "...may be..." is a's nonsense-Ed)....and it's undefined nonsense...there are no definitions with this Act, none at all, not one word...what you're reading above is the entirety of it, no definitions's a farcically incompetent and corrupt joke...

(But how does legislation get through Parliament without it being legally defined? there should be volumes of very specific, very legalised explanation of every phrase in that Act-Ed)...indeed, but they don't exist, that's it, that's your lot matey...(but that's not possible, surely?-Ed)...yet here we are...welcome to Democracy SA Style Ed, courtesy of a Fascist Labor Party and a crass irrelevance that calls itself the Liberal Party...  

Because the legislation is so vaguely omnipotent but so totally undefined, my Leagles cannot even give me clear direction as to what it is I can and/or can't say re this 'ere 'blogging' stuff...(weren't the cops the same when they raided your home back in May last year?-Ed)...yep, I specifically asked if I could still 'blog' and particularly about this nonsense, and they said 'sure, but probably best not to mention the Authority, etc, specifically'...same advice from my Leagles, 'probably best not to', but bottom-line, no-one knows because 1) the Act/legislation simply hasn't been defined, at all, before hittin' the Statutes Book, and 2) this is the first prosecution of this ludicrous legislation so there's no precedents to compare it to, meaning 3) people like our local Member Troy Bell cannot help me 'cos he can't even get the Liberal lawyers to give an opinion as to what's happening, let alone what the outcome might be...

(Sorry? you've been to your local Member of the Lower House of Parliament, Troy Bell, to ask for help/advice, but even with the legal resources available to him as a Parliamentary Member of the Liberal Party he can't even get someone to advise him?-Ed)...that's what he's told me...(and where's that Pillar of the Community, that Champion of the Common Man, Defender of Democracy, Senator Nick Xenophon?-Ed)...he knows because I emailed him on February 17th 2015...but I've yet to hear/see a word...he's currently carefully avoiding me and/or the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and avoiding/ignoring the St Martins Cover-up in a manner that can only be described as complicit....(and Tony Pasin?-Ed)...aha, nice one Ed, all of these gentlemen know about St Martins and yet still it continues...(well actually I was talking about this Court stuff, he's a lawyer isn't 'e?-Ed)...oh Ed, you are a gem, I'll drop Tony a quick email but I was already referring to my Court stuff...

Call me a vain, arrogant ManBear StuffPig, but this Court stuff, having my home raided, etc, etc, has been all over this 'ere blog, and I am quite confident that Tony and/or his Liberal mates have some long-suffering intern along for the read...(aha, poor bastard, Solidarity brother!-Ed)...shut it...even if it's just to know when Tony's name bobs-up...but even if you ignore/discount that possibility, this shizzle's been all over TBW, so he must know...even beyond that, even if he's not been made aware via this 'ere blog, or by TBW, someone somewhere must have said at least once, 'hey Tones, seen Captain Bastard's in the news again?'...   
I also cannot discuss the specifics of the farcical alleged actions of this Authority, other than it culminated in the complete exoneration/support/whatevs of all concerned, everything's been done correctly, everything's fine, just fine, and everyone involved is golden...sorted? not likely...(so a State Authority has done what it's supposed to do and there's no fault/malfeasance/whatevs with anyone, so's everyone's golden and everything's fine, just fine, and yet you're facing a raft of charges for talking about it-Ed) on Ed, I'm facing charges for talking about stuff that's fine, just fine...(wow-Ed)...

(Ya' know, it's almost like State Parliament, Labor and Liberal, have just slammed down a massive slab of legislation as a direct attack on 'Whistleblowers', an act of intimidation and impending threat, with a view that 1) no-one will ever be brave/stupid enough to run the risk of falling foul of the CGGB Act and the Banana Lord and therefore never do challenge it legally and therefore no-one's bothered to actually do what they're supposed to have done and that is actually define it, which then 2) produces this current debacle when the undefined Act is applied, allowing for years of further attacks via secret hearings, etc, etc-Ed)...interesting observation a brief distraction before we return to where this whole Banana Lord/Club GoGo Bananas shenanigans kicked-off...

China Opens A Franchise Called a raft of our wholly corrupt and in many cases clearly insane politicians sell our country out from under us in a voracious race to the bottom, and with the latest Free Trade Agreement, it looks that it's a done is pure insanity and/or absolute corruption to serve us up in the way we are being betrayed, to serve us up to a Totalitarian Communist government that artificially manipulates it's own Economy as and when it suits it...but even as I say that the Chinese Stock Market continues to struggle/drop, allegedly beyond the control of the Party...I find these 2 realities somewhat irreconcilable, but whatevs, our current political cadre are without exception the lowest class of self-focussed shrecks that my limited political knowledge can summons...(speaking of which, shall we?-Ed)...oh yes, of course...

On May 7th 2014 two SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption detectives rocked-up on my doorstep mid-afternoon, video camera in hand, and stated that they wanted to talk to me about my blog...I asked 'what on my blog?'...they said they wouldn't/couldn't tell me until they were formally interviewing me, but stated that in general terms it was about my blogging about Club GoGo Bananas...this discussion went on for several minutes without progressing and I declined to be 'interviewed', saying that I'd get legal advice and come down to Mt Gambier Police Station first thing next my surprise they agreed and left...(but you could have destroyed evidence, left the country, anything-Ed)...I know, whatevs, that's what happened...

When I did attend MGPS at 0900hrs on Thursday 8th May 2014 I followed my very limited legal advice and declined to be interviewed...the SAPol detectives showed me a page of CGGB legislation, stated 'you've done this', and when I asked what that meant, they responded that they didn't know, they were "...just here to gather evidence for the DPP." (Director Public Prosecutions)...when I declined following further legal advice via the phone, I was informed that the detectives were coming to home with a Search Warrant...I fortunately had a witness there, who can confirm that I was repeatedly told "expect to be charged" as the detectives seized my laptop (with password) as evidence, and left...

Coupla' things here...1) whilst the 2 SAPol detectives were overall very polite and by the time they left my home almost apologetic, obviously the whole 'raid' was all a little fraught, and 2) the fact remains that I was raided and had property seized (my laptop) by the same SAPol that I have been in direct conflict with since 2002 when SAPol covered-up the St Martins/Glyn Dorling Child Abuse case...critically, 3) the 2Ds acknowledged reading the blog...(even if it's 'cos they had to 'cos it's their job-Ed)...whatevs, SAPol has irrefutably gone past all of the corruption and malfeasance here in this 'ere blog, gone past all that to come get me...

The SAPol detectives raided my home on the authority of an extraordinary Search Warrant, extraordinary in that it was completely anonymous, allowed the officers to go anywhere, anytime, do whatevs, take whatevs, raid my home and obviously whoever elses home/property that they (SAPol) happened to feel like at the time, etc, etc...this 'Warrant' was 'valid'  for 6 months from issue, and it's issuer? the SAPol Commissioner...(wow, so no application to a Magistrate then? or any other sort of oversight? the SAPol Commissioner just hands omnipotent powers to SAPol officers?-Ed)...yep...(with anonymous Search Warrants that are effective for 6-month blocks-Ed) addresses, no names, no reason needed other than SAPol feels like it, and I was flatly refused my repeated requests for a copy...(wow, I just don't know what else to say-Ed)...Fascism?...(well, if it looks like a frog, it barks like a frog, and it tastes great in garlic and butter, good chance it's the Delicious Barking Frog-Ed)...what?...(sorry, I was being esoteric, yes, Fascism, that looks exactly like Fascism-Ed)...

And how's about comparing that Search Warrant to, um, I dunno, say, what about back in 2002 when SAPol were covering-up the gross abuse of dozens potentially hundreds of primary school kids at St Martins Lutheran School Mt Gambier, flatly refusing to even interview let alone charge "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling, or search his home, didn't even go to the school let alone the classroom which was the 'crime scene', etc, and when SAPol repeatedly stated that they couldn't get a Search Warrant because it was all too difficult and there wasn't enough evidence to get one, etc, etc...(but if you don't investigate of course there's no evidence. and Dorling had already been removed from St Martins, kids were disclosing, numerous parents were repeatedly being turned away from Mt Gambier Police Station and SAPol were refusing to accept written statements, interview parents, etc, etc-Ed)..all true Ed, all true, and still nuthin'...

Sorry, 'cos this is so complicated and getting a very long post, Part II on the morrow,

Tomorrow: YC? TLTS - NSBCT, TBIYC Part II

Including the hilarious episode where I wasn't even Summonsed to my own hearing in February 2015...(oooh, I get it now...'No-one Served' is the non-Summonsing, 'Cop This' is for the cops who should have served that Summons, and onto the self-explanatory 'Balls-up In Your Courts'...nicely done sir-Ed)...ta', one tries Ed, and sometimes these things just about write themselves...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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