Thursday, July 23, 2015

Just More SA Labor Government Pro-Paedophile Propaganda From ABC Mt Gambier

Hello to Ukraine, France, Greece, the USofA, Aotearoa (New Zealand), and y'all else, and welcome to the blog...**please excuse chronological inconsistencies 'cos this 'ere post was started several weeks ago when I was still hangin' tough from my illness and the accumulated trauma of the relentless stampede of paedophile stories through the media, and of course a raft of other issues, not least of all the latest nonsense from Mt Gambier City let's get stuck in...**

Feedback: so extensive that I'll have to do a 'Feedback' post all it's own...and cheers y'all because I've used that 'Feedback' to gain a foothold in the long climb back to doin' this 'ere blog...(only one thing worse than being talked about-Ed)...what? the The Border Watch printing knowingly defamatory lies about me?...(well yes they do do that but no, I was referring to the famous Oscar Wilde quote, 'only one thing worse, not being talked about'-Ed)...that does seem somewhat appropriate... 

There's a long, wisdom-drippin' sayin' that I heard but won't attempt to quote, about how it's way un-cool to brag about the stuff you've achieved...(but it's also way very cool to calmly claim and acknowledge your achievements?-Ed)...yep, that's the one...(and I assume there's something in there about accepting responsibility for your own cock-ups?-Ed)...don't know, didn't hear that, it was just the stuff about 'gracious victory', ya' know, all that 'being a good winner without gettin' arrogant' stuff...(fair enough-Ed)...and I'm tryin' to be all over that idea with how I run this 'ere blog 'cos I am having an effect and ultimately I believe that overall it's a positive affect...(also fair enough-Ed)...and in that context I genuinely believe that these latest ABC stories are desperately trying to counter the dialogue I have established via this 'ere blog re the many St Martins/paedophile/corruption issues and the TBW/ABC's complicit conduct in the St Martin's cover-up, deceits about the New Gaol and offenders there, etc...

**Friday 17th July-and yesterday the ABC took the perpetual rolling balls-up that is there rank corruption, took that balls-up all the way to the basket with yet another long propaganda piece about the Mt Gambier Gaol...(everything's just fine?-Ed) Ed, don't be so cynical, everything's not just fine, it's super-fine...(sounds like they're pulling the wool over people's eyes if you ask me, the 'everything's super-fine wool' if you will-Ed)...oh Ed I will, ewe and your woolly puns...and Stan Thompson laughably referred to this whole Labor propaganda piece as "a coup" for the ABC...(but they've been invited in there, and invited purely so they can run this deceitful bollocks on behalf of their Labor paymasters-Ed)...exactly Ed, can't believe a single word of it even if any of it was actually true...and that, ABC, that's what you do to your own credibility when you lie so often...

It's not inappropriate to address the swathe of personal vilification I've copped from Mt Gambier City Council, the ABC, The Border Watch, Rory McEwen, et al...all of them what have attacked me personally...(have at you sir-Ed)...but rarely to my face...(well have at your back anyway, sir-Ed) their deliberate campaign against me, a campaign mired in/inspired by the rank corruption of the St Martins Cover-up, Mt Gambier City Council, SA Parliament, et al, and how by just standing my ground via this 'ere blog, I've not just addressed much of that personal Pariahtisation but also some of the corruption, the most obvious and immediate example being these pathetic attempts by the ABC Mt Gambier to convince people that the ABC in this town is anything other than a collective Labor stooge fully functioning to further facilitate the pro-paedophile corruption that's destroying this state...(ouch-Ed)...

Stan Thompson and Stuart Stansfield and Alan Richardson, et al, the ABC Mt Gambier, are fully aware of and thus completely complicit in the St Martins Cover-up and, like TBW, have regularly given their rankly corrupt mate and former Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen a platform to openly attack parents, me in particular, and dismiss the St Martins case, etc...the ABC has repeatedly 'banned' me as a personal favour to Rory, and for nearly a decade now have refused to give families any air-time at all, eg, despite us getting a Parliamentary Inquiry (SARC Inquiry no.54 - apologise that I may have said 'no.52' recently, sorry) to investigate the Teachers Registration Board, etc, is the abject corruption of the media re the St Martins Cover-up that allows the rank corruption of the St Martins Cover-up...why am I the only 'media' in this town talking about the realities of what we've done as a town, as a local media, the effort that's been exerted to support the St Martin's Cover-up...(are you sure it's not you that's the problem?-Ed)...I'm not the problem, but I'm workin' on it...(get in my son-Ed)...

It is the abject corruption of the media re the St Martins Cover-up that allows the rank corruption of the St Martins Cover-up.  

Two weeks ago (**a month or more now) Stan Thompson ran 15 minutes of prime bumph about how the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission 'has been' to Mt Gambier which turned out to be 'had spoken by phone to a coupla' people', and that contact was via his 'guests' the Victim Support Service, and Know More, who are some sort of legal liaison for the Royal Commission...this entire story was a dot-point attempt to address the criticisms I've levelled at the ABC and the Royal Commission on this 'ere blog, starting with the ABC actually doing a story about Child Abuse...(but even then it's at the very outer edge of actual abuse issues-Ed)...well spotted Ed, so, one little dot at a time:
1)  the ABC is actually doing a story re Child Abuse,
2)  an interview that says 'gee whiz, look at us, were so sensitive and aware that we're running a story about the poor people who might be upset about all this nasty paedophile stuff in the media all the time',
3)  and if you've got an issue with Child Abuse there are some services you can ring like the Victim Support Service and Know More,
4)  who themselves talked about how Abuse Survivors 'feel better to talk about their traumas', etc, which justifies and quantifies the Royal Commission, and,
5)  partly refutes my point that the RC is ignoring parent submissions re the St Martins Cover-up and isn't even coming to Mt Gambier, and does it by deliberately false statements like 'the RC has been to MG' when actually it was a couple of phone calls.

Availees won't have to go far in this 'ere blog to find the conclusive evidence I've provided that proves how deeply cynical and manipulative this little effort is from the ABC...there are no Child Protection Services in Mt Gambier, no counselling services, not diddly-squat...the RC hasn't been, won't be comin', and will continue to toe-the-line re ignoring the St Martins case...and it's an absolute disgrace to use people's suffering and trauma against them with glib statements about how grateful they are to be able to talk about it...this is undoubtedly true for some, but what about the rank corruption of Authorities, Religious bodies, etc, particularly the rank corruption of the Lutheran Church?...corrupt child abusers one and all and none will be held to account...

For the recent ABC stuff re the Mt Gambier Gaol, I'll go with a direct quote from a Mt Gambier City Councillor's news Page Thingy (as referred to in recent posts), because it opens with the blatant error that,
     "The team at ABC South East SA always push the boundaries and get the stories that (sic)
       important to our the community."
...whatta' joke...(that's not a joke, that's just absolute bollocks, the ABC South East is rancidly corrupted, particularly with their definable pro-paedophile conduct-Ed)...indeed, conduct they're trying to address and refute by running pathetic non-stories like these, stories that are riddled with Labor government propaganda, outright lies, carefully worded deceits, and deliberate glaring omissions...(well that's just a general description of standard Labor governings-Ed)...well quite...this is arguably the most cynical piece of pro-paedophile shizzle I've seen from ABC SE thus far, and that from the people wholly complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(indeed, so when it comes to gross pro-paedophile corruption they really know their stuff-Ed)...

I refer availees to the ABC Mt Gambier's Interweb site and the article/s itself re Sex Offenders at Mt Gambier's all there, all the lies about Rehabilitation and none move to Mt Gambier and everything's fine just's bollocks from start to finish..........(is that it? that's not a very concise excoriation of the article-Ed)...yeah, sorry, just don't have the energy to drag through it all all over yet again today, and if you're even vaguely aware of the realities they're immediately obvious, eg, the figures about how great these 100s of hours of rehab are and the fantastic results, etc, are absolute nonsense that completely ignore and/or contradict the international data on this issue, particularly on the issue of re-offending, known as Recidivism...(I don't recall that word, Recidivism, being mentioned at all in that article-Ed)...whatevs...

These people are in gaol for vile crimes against vulnerable others, and given Adelaide's appetite for supporting paedophilia and the Judiciaries open affection for perpetrators as witnessed with the relentless parade of suspended sentences, good behaviour bonds, etc, these prisoners are often recidivists guilty of multiple crimes against children, gaoled for yet another conviction and/or parole breaches, etc...just in the last fortnight (**month**) Adelaide Courts have given a Scout Master a suspended sentence and a $100 fine for Grooming and Raping a young man, and another man a suspended sentence and $200 fine for Accessing and Disseminating Child Pornography of the 'most extreme kind' depicting violent sexual assault of small children and toddlers...

With the Scout Master's sentencing, the Magistrate justified no gaol time for this man who groomed and raped a teenage boy in his care, justified it with the statement that 'this man will receive better counselling and support outside prison' (paraphrase)...(sorry, what?-Ed) heard...(but the whole ABC narrative is/was about how everything's just fine with a prison full of sex offenders and paedophiles, not least of all due to this fantastic supposedly world-leading counselling that prisoners get that sorts everything out, and yet an Adelaide Magistrate has stated as fact that a child rapist won't be doing time because he'll get better treatment outside gaol?-Ed)...exactly right Ed, as lunatic as it sounds, that's exactly right...(but that means that either the ABC stuff is absolute bollocks, or it's just another rankly pro-paedophile decision from a rankly corrupted pro-paedophile Judiciary via a sympathetic Magistrate who was just looking for some lame excuse to not gaol a paedophile...which is it?-Ed) tell me Ed...(hooray for SA-Ed)...
And what a sanctimonious, hypocritical sack-a'-shreck is The Advertiser/Sunday Mail Editor/Manager/whatevs David Pemberthy who yesterday (**weeks ago now in the Sunday Mail**) contributed one of the most hypocritical and cynical slabs of sanctimonious crud re this sentencing issue re these's plain offensive given The Advertiser's history of covering-up Child Abuse, particularly the St Martins case...(and didn't mention the MP Bernard Finnigan Child Pornography Court case that has now run 4 years from his arrest in April 2011, and has now simply disappeared off the the face of the planet-Ed)...indeed, and I still cannot find an Interweb mention beyond April 21st 2015, when the Magistrate had already retired to consider 'the evidence'...(whatta' corrupt pro-paedophile joke-Ed)...and hello, welcome to South Australia...

More concerning are the blanket statements of government propaganda re the MG Gaol, presented as fact by this interviewee Counsellor, that prisoners aren't released into Mt Gambier unless they're originally from here...bollocks...(how the shreck would they know anyway?-Ed)...absolutely Ed...this is an outright lie, eg, taking someone back to Adelaide and dumping them at the Bus Station with no support services and enough money to get back to Mt Gambier is not 'releasing them in Adelaide'...this pathetic ABC article/propaganda mentions nothing of day release programs where offenders are let out to wonder about our community to help them re-assimilate, or the Supported Housing in Mt Gambier specifically set-aside for offenders, etc, etc...(Mt Gambier media has an extraordinary ability to filter-out any facts that conflict with their agenda/attitude-Ed)...indeed, it's called Corrupt Bias Ed, and you'll find it reigning supreme in the Mt Gambier media...(corrupt people doin' the corrupt bidding of their corrupt mates-Ed)...indeed Ed...

And can I just say what a sad day it is when that 6 foot of self-confessed freakshow Nick Fletcher is the relatively accurate voice of sort of morality and kind of justice in this town...(yeah, but you're comparing yourself to TBW and ABC South East, so you've set the bar fairly freakin' low-Ed)...dude, I ain't set the bar nowhere, these clowns have taken their own credibility and buried it under a pyre of lies and pro-paedophile corruption...all I've done is dig down through all the corruption and degradation to get to that bar and raise it back into the light...  

And as if all that isn't absolutely pathetic enough, now Pope Franky J Catholic has spewed out another load of hypocritical dross, whinging about Environmental Issues and the inequality of Wealth Distribution...(wow, that is a hypocritical load of bollocks...the Catholics are vastly wealthy land-holders, largely responsible for environmental destruction and poverty across the planet, and their own Mission Statement, the Bible, says that god put everything here on Earth, including women, for Man's benefit-Ed)...pretty much...(but hasn't Frank and/or the Vatican just sacked/defrocked/charged 2 Bishops re Child Abuse-Ed) what? it's purely unavoidable damage's just the Catholic Paedophile Octopus with it's tentacles caught in a trap, readily hacking-off it's own limb to's like this bollocks with charging Bishop Phillip Wilson, it's pure window dressing in a facade of contrition...more laters...

Tomorrow: Following Advice, Some Court Stuff

Whatta' Sad Joke:...that the farcical Adelaide Oval is apparently up for some award for Design or some's a $700+million, 3rd Rate Tent that Labor sold-off the South East Forestry Estate to pay for...(yeah, but $90m of that went on a huge bribe to the SA Cricket Assoc to get them to back the 'new' stadium by paying-off SACA's massively self-indulgent debt-Ed)...yay, huge bribes, selling-off profitable state assets due to pathetically corrupt mismanagement, and thought-bubble election promises...well done Labor, rooting SA into the ground one corrupt deal after another, one pro-paedophile day at a time...

And who gives a damn what that rancid Labor stooge former SA Liberal leader Rob Kerin says about the Budget or the Milk Gate Price or Free Trade, whatevs, because he's just another soulless sack of politician deeply, complicitly involved in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and now being a highly-paid Labor stooge running the Labor government line...(he's nearly as big a corrupt turncoat as that thick sliver a' sanctimonious self-satisfaction, Martin Hamilton-Smith-Ed)...indeed Ed, even that motor-mouthed li'l betrayer MP Geoff Brock isn't as corrupt as Mighty Marty Moose...(yeah sorry, I just got carried away, what with all the betraying and all the pro-paedophile corruption, etc-Ed)...I understand Ed, really I do...when you're looking at a vast wall of pro-paedophile corruption, and that wall is State Parliament itself, the Police Force, and the Judiciary, it can be somewhat overwhelming...

Yet here I am...and I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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