Wednesday, July 8, 2015

My Court Stuff - The Border Watch vs Actual Journalism

*Sorry this post is so long...done over several days and lots to's to shorter daily posts asap*

Hello one and all and welcome to the blog...I am your host Nick Fletcher and I continue to move forward, there I said it, and in a manner that best serves my purpose and intent and at a pace of my choosing, but always toward doing a full-time blog again...(get in my son-Ed)...and this here is my maaate, my friend, mon ami, dare I say it, my confected literary device, Ed...(cheers-Ed)...'Ed' being my way of engaging in widely conflicting discourse presented as a conversation/discussion rather than dot-pointed diatribing or lecturing, and also for setting-up jokes and stuff...(one does what one can daaarling-Ed)...due to scanner issues beyond my affording, I'll do this latest The Border Watch farce one paragraph at a time...(it's actually a prime opportunity really...I mean, ya' have to write it all out but it needs to be addressed/corrected literally right through-out so's just do it-Ed)...true...

And great attitude too Ed, when life hands you lemons, say 'what's this bollocks? I ordered the shreckin' Porterhouse'...(well I think the saying is 'get handed lemons, make lemonade', but fair enough, when your actions are metaphorically supplying prime rump, ya' don't want to be served a burnt chevapachichi wrapped in greasy bacon-Ed)...and this meaty metaphor is of course about how I have put myself-up repeatedly for the scrutiny of the rankly corrupted TBW and ABC, yet they flatly refuse to engage with me, choosing instead to take repeated and corrupt stabs at my back via often defamatory statements that they trot-out regardless of the realities, and/or by pretending I don't exist,, the farcical behaviour of TBW alleged journalist Anelia 'OMGINFIBPTITBOTSH' Blackie at the October 2014 Mayoral Forum, twice snubbing me from feet away, and then not including me in the article...(hilarious-Ed)...if it wasn't so corrupt and deceitful...(good point-Ed)...

Good ol' Anelia 'Oh My God It's Nick Fletcher, I Better Pretend To Interview The Back Of This Stranger's Head' Blackie was present when I politely pantsed every other Mayoral candidate (bar one) by calmly and intelligently shoving the communal denigration hurled at me about what a bastard I am, by taking that abuse and gently ramming it back down the throats of those halfwits from whence it came, people like TBW and the ABC...(well, the throats of those halfwits who bothered to show-up for the Forum-Ed)..indeed Ed, so many people who have had so much to say about me behind my back, so many of them were in town on the night but failed to even front-up...(wow, you are one scary ManBear StuffPig-Ed)...apparently...but it's the Fear of Accountability, the fear of the words what comes out It's mouth what terrifies them idiots, not the It itself...(yeah fair enough-Ed)...

(Did the ABC even have anyone there, at the Forum?-Ed)...not that I saw/recognised, dunno', whatevs...but they furiously refused to even acknowledge it had happened, never even mentioning it...(not even when Mayoral candidates Andrew Lee and Bob Sandow tried to talk about it in their post-forum interviews the next week-Ed)...indeed, ABC's doyens of journalistic integrity couldn't change the subject fast enough...can't talk about a room full of elephants when every elephant has a huge 'Nick Fletcher for Mayor' tattooed on it...(hilarious-Ed)...but I digress, quick, to The Border Watch everyone...

"Case Transferred - Fletcher to make appearance in Adelaide court over charges" the 'headline' from this latest hilarious piece of dross from TBW Thursday July 2nd 2015 (page 7)...not only is this article defamatory and libellous, but in places it's just farcically nonsensical...(oh, you're not bangin' on about you being 'defamed' again are you? after all the scorn you've heaped on the various and voluminous vacuous defamation threats hurled at you by corrupt cowards and professional paedophile protectors, eg, lawyers, the Crown Solicitor, etc-Ed)...fair point Ed...indeed, in many a previous post I have hosted the many and unvaried attempts from a galaxy of pro-paedophile stars as they and/or their lawyers have tried to use 'defamation' to bully, harass, intimidate, and outright threaten me in vain attempts to silence me re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

(But ya' still whinging about being 'defamed'-Ed), I'm whinging about a corrupt media and corrupt politicians, et al, knowingly lying to denigrate me...simply by definition I am being 'defamed', and it's happening whether I whinge about it or not...(fair enough-Ed)...I've been routinely threatened with 'defamation' for speaking the truth, but the lies about me being knowingly told by corrupt people like those at TBW are by definition 'defamation'...the difference is I have been/am being threatened by multiple scumbags as they try to scare/bully/threaten me into not talking/writing/bloggin' about their actual (and often pro-paedophile) corruption, where-as TBW et al are deliberately circulating known falsehoods about me to try and discredit and denigrate me, not least of all because of their rank pro-paedophile corruption...(ok ok, you've made your point, often-Ed)...

And let's not forget that the good ol' TBW and the good ol' ABC have been helping cover-up the abuse at St Martins by constantly doing this 'Pariahtisation' stuff for over a decade now, and/or just flatly refusing to acknowledge things like the South Australian (Parliamentary) Statutory Authority Review Committee Inquiry (2007-2011) into the Teachers Registration Board Inquiry of teacher Glyn Dorling, a SARC Inquiry that quotes 'incidents at a school in Mt Gambier' in it's preamble...please see previous posts...

And let's also remember that this Pariahtisation hasn't just been happened to me, there are a number of parents/families who have been attacked by scumbags like local politician Rory McEwen in corrupt media like The Border Watch...I refer to my posts re the May 6th 2005 front page where-in The Border Watch gave Rory McEwen carte blanche to scandalously denigrate parents...(whatta' shreckin' disgrace The Border Watch is-Ed)'re preachin' to the choir Ed...  

And also let's not forget that my Court stuff is being investigated, prosecuted, and adjudicated by a 'System' 1) riddled with, indeed wholly corrupted by pro-paedophile attitudes, that 2) I and a few other parents have been in a pitched battle against since 2002 re the St Martins/Glyn Dorling Cover-up...for 13 years these exact same Authorities have acted without exception to protect the paedophile teacher and attack those parents who did try to protect their children...and from all of the shizzle in this 'ere blog, the only action SAPol et al are interested in is trying to get me, and so I'm facing a swathe of charges of 'talking about stuff'...(I said it before, I'm sure you'll get exactly the same justice that every guilty person is entitled to-Ed)...yes, and it was equally un-hilarious then... 

And so's to paragraph one...
     "COURT proceedings against online commentator Nicholas (Nick) Francis Fletcher were adjourned
      in the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court on Tuesday and listed for September 11 in Adelaide."
...I'm not the only person in this town whom thinks that it's as hilarious as it is ridiculous how hard TBW is trying to make me look like (The Dirty Perp*), trying so hard right up-to and including creating a (Criminal Alias) for me, highlighted in (Brackets) to indicate all the (Huge Amounts of Criminality) what I 'as done...(ahhh, I get it...according to TBW, you're such a crook with such an extensive history of crookness that you have an ubiquitous Criminal Alias that must be mentioned along with your full name-Ed)...exactly...and I'm such a (Dirty Perp) that my (Criminal Alias) is my actual name, (Nick)...(that is hilarious-Ed)...        (*a 'Perp' is a perpetrator)

     "This follows a request by Fletcher's legal counsel to transfer his case to the Adelaide Magistrates
      Court, where constitutional issues are expected to be raised regarding the charges against him."
...and again with the inferred 'Criminality' and invited disrespect of readers by referring to me as simply 'Fletcher', see also opening title...(well that's how people, the media especially, refer to 'Dirty Criminal Perps' like ya'self-Ed)'s technically true my Counsel did ask for the case to be moved, but if it wasn't moved it was going to collapse anyway, not least of all because 1) the case is so massively unwieldy and ill-defined it simply couldn't happen here, not leaster than that of all because 2) it's all about "constitutional issues" stemming from the ludicrous legislation involved...this should read 'will be raised' not "expected to be"...(well you'd 'expect' that the issues that it's about would be raised in Court-Ed)...wouldn't you though...

     "Fletcher pleaded not guilty to various charges relating to the publication of information about a
      person subject to a complaint before the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court on June 12."'s not "various charges", it's unusually high multiple counts of the same charge...appears to be more TBW inferred (Criminality) indicating a range of (Dirty Perp) behaviours...beyond that, the TBW 'journalist' was sitting in Court on May 12th 2015...2 points here, 1) the next post covers the actual Court proceedings thus far, including the Magistrate accidentally reading out the charge, name of Authority involved, etc, in open Court, and 2) it was May 12th, not June 12th...don't know where TBW got the phrase "publication of information about a person subject to a complaint" from, but I'll post if and when I do...this plea was made following the specific advice of my Counsel that I was required to plead something, and occurred only minutes after SAPol handed across a thick roll of statements, etc, right in front of the TBW, statements, etc, that I hadn't yet seen...more tomorrow...

     "The defendant did not attend court proceedings this week, but was represented by his lawyer."
...the (Dirty Perp) was not actually required to be in Court because it was all technical stuff about moving the case, an agreement that had been effectively reached previous...(wasn't the 'Dirty Perp' driving round and round the Court house block with a very sick Mr Woofs the Wonderhound (not his real name) in the backseat that day?-Ed)...indeed I was, with phone immediately to hand at my Counsel's request, just in case I was required to attend for some unforeseen reason...technically I wasn't required to attend Court on Monday June 15th 2015 either, but I spent all day there, twice, and still wasn't finally present...sounds confusing? more tomorrow...

     "Magistrate Paul Foley listed the matter "for mention only" on September 11 to set a date for
      arguments in the court at a later stage."'ll excuse me if I follow my Counsel's advice as to when the next hearing is on, but as identified, I'll not technically be required to attend on September 11th/whenevs and wherevs either...(geez, that sentence is almost accurate-Ed)...never fear Ed, the next line makes up for it...(yay-Ed)...

     "Fletcher was in the news on February 2 this year when he failed to turn up for a court appearance."
...(wow-Ed)...indeed Ed, wow, how many lies and mistakes and denigration can ya' shove into one line...(well lots apparently-Ed)...yeah, it was a rhetorical question...the (Dirty Perp) was in the news, in the TBW, on Wednesday February 4th 2015 re the Court hearing of the day before Tuesday 3rd February...(they can't even report their own reporting correctly-Ed)...there's nuthin' funny about it Ed, this is supposedly Mt Gambier's conscientious font of accurate knowledge, and they can't even get fundamental things like their own reporting right...(yeah, sorry, you're right, there's nuthin' funny about that-Ed)...and the TBW reporter was sitting right there at the March 3rd 2015 hearing when my Counsel stated that I wasn't Summonsed to the first hearing and the Magistrate clearly replied 'yes, and a second Summons was issued, and you're here now, what do you want?' *paraphrase...(wow, and their 'journalist' was sittin' right there?-Ed)...more about that tomorrow too...

     "At the time his defence counsel said the defendant did not receive a summons and was thus unaware
      of his court listing."
...again, the TBW 'journalist' was sitting right there on March 3rd 2015 when it was clearly established that I wasn't Summonsed to the February 3rd hearing, and yet TBW continue to publish this lie...(yeah, ya' right, that's not funny, that's pathetic-Ed)...and not just pathetic, but a deliberate deceit of the people who read TBW...and that right there, that's not just deceit, that's also defamation, text-book defamation...the The Border Watch knows they're printing a lie, they're doing it quite deliberately, repeatedly, and with the specific intent of trying to discredit and denigrate me...of course I also wrote to TBW after that first article but they continued the denigration stuff with repeated comments about how I "claimed" I hadn't even been told of the February hearing, etc...furthermore, more tomorrow...

Beyond that, this sentence doesn't even make has me somehow organising to have a "defence counsel" at a hearing I didn't know about, to claim that I didn't know about the hearing...(perhaps that's the point, trying to make your statement look ridiculous by presenting it in nonsensical form-Ed)...I guess that could be it, but they're also acknowledging that my Counsel has made that claim, regardless of when it was done...(don't ask me mate, it's all over the bloody shop-Ed)...

     "Fletcher, who unsuccessfully ran for Mount Gambier City Council mayor last year, is the author of
      a self-styled blog which delivers what he describes as "social-political commentary."
...the (Dirty Perp) is a loser with delusions of grandeur far above his station guvna', but he's got style...(and he home delivers, that's convenient-Ed)...nice, but I prefer our previous joke about how TBW glowingly references/reviews me as a "" who "delivers"...(words are funny things aren't they?...immensely powerful but funny all the same-Ed)...indeed...(scrotum's a funny word-Ed)...yes, yes it is...(I mean, even if you didn't know what a scrotum was, you'd still think, that sounds like a very funny word-Ed)...well quite...(a very funny word, probably about a very odd thing...scrotum-Ed)...right...(did you know that scrotums are made-up of all the left-over elbow skin from our evolutionary past-Ed)...I did not know that...oh, and it's "socio-political"..."socio", not "social"...

I offer this rather pedantic dissection of the TBW stuff as both commentary on and proof of the defamatory and deceitful 'reportage' they conduct specific to me, and that's just not open to debate sorry, it's right there...wrong/random dates, nonsensical statements, and deliberate errors, the facts are irrelevant in the rush to denigrate me...but it's also about the blaring glare of distrust that this undeniable bias against me blazes onto every page of TBW, every article, every word...if this is how deceitfully they conduct themselves relative to me, then how can I hold as fact any single line I read in TBW unless I was there personally to witness whatevs/whenevs?...(how can anyone believe anything that TBW says?-Ed)...well exactly Ed, and that there's the real a world where our local media coverage is absolutely critical in it's advocacy on our behalf because otherwise we are virtually voiceless and invisible, particularly to Adelaide, where we desperately need a local media we can trust, we instead get the ABC South East and The Border Watch...(bocconcini!-Ed)...indeed Ed, sweet baby cheeses...  

Tomorrow: More Court Stuff

Sorry, this one got away from me a bit..and more of my Court stuff because, well just because it's clearly not just about me...(well it is, it's all about you and what a bastard you is, and...-Ed)...yes alright thankyou, it's about 'Blogging' and 'Freedom of Speech' shizzle, and 'the Constitution', etc...(orrr yeah, it's all about all that stuff, for sure, but it's mostly about what a bastard you is-Ed)...yeah, fair cop...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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