Monday, July 27, 2015

You're Confused? Try Living This Shizzle

Oh wait, you are...if you live in South Australia then you're living exactly the same reality I am, you just don't realise it and/or it ain't happening to you...yet...(dude, South Australia makes The Matrix look normal, just replace the machines in the Matrix with paedophiles and bingo, you're in SA-Ed)...I'd love to disagree with you Ed, but, I got nuthin'... howdy to the United Arab Emirates, China, Ukraine, and the good ol' USofA...and to Turkey too, even if y'all ain't allowed to read this 'ere blog anymore...and just in the news cycle, Turkey is now engaging in airstrikes against various groups in Syria/Iraq, which further greatly complicates the already very entwined alliance structures in that area of conflict...

I think it says it all when the greatest outrage about the sudden if unsurprising Privatisation of the South East Forestry Estate, an act of the rankest corruption and malfeasance and economic bastardry from a Rann/Weatherill Labor government well skilled in pro-paedophile corruption, in all corruption, when that outrage comes from CFME Union rep and Labor's March 2006 State Election candidate, Brad Coates...(yeah, but he was in reality a stooge candidate set-up by his own Party solely, purely to garner the votes of rusted-on Labor voters so that those votes could then be handed to Labor's actual candidate, their good mate and fellow rank paedophile protector, former Liberal and alleged Independent Rory McEwen-Ed)...a good point well made...betrayed by your own Party so's they can get their rankly corrupt mate re-elected and thus continue the St Martins Cover-up, the Forestry Sale, etc, etc...

The response from the Liberal Party has been borderline comatose in it's limp irrelevance...(what a bloody disgrace the Liberals are..they're an irrelevant drain on the State's coffers, and their idea of and/or attempts at 'actual outrage', are more like "being caressed with a natural yoghurt" (Mighty Boosh BBC TV)-Ed)...indeed Ed, you'd rightly expect more enthusiasm and energy from a Sea Cucumber on Mogadon than has been seen/heard from various Liberals...pathetically apathetic... 

What really concerns me though was the article in The Advertiser, page 32, last Thursday 23rd July 2015...apols that I don't have a copy, but several things here...1) by putting it on page 32, the implied un-importance of this report that Labor have suddenly fully privatised the South East Forestry Estate at less than a third it's realised commercial value had it been sold outright, $670m instead of $2billion +, a massive loss for SA and corrupt across a range of where's the outrage on the front page? why haven't the supposedly outraged Liberals forced this extraordinary issue into Adelaide's collective grill and shizzle?...60 Public Employees are being forced to accept private employment with only weeks notice, and 3 year 'guarantees' about future contracts, so where's the bloody Unions protecting their precious shreckin' workers?...across the board, the response is a disgraceful and corrupt roll-over...pathetically apathetic is too polite...

But even then, most concerning was what was in that article that I had not seen or heard anywhere else, granted I may have missed it, somehow, but it was the revelation/claim that 'Forestry SA had a 'first right-of refusal' on a further 5 year management contract come October 2017', taking their Contract to 2022...but on the wholly complicit and untrustworthy ABC South East, Forestry Minister Leon 'I Committed Fraud To Get Elected' Bignell...(and that ain't defamation availees, he did actually commit Fraud at the 2010 State Election, without repercussion-Ed)...indeed he did, well 'Neon' Leon repeatedly stated that he was doing workers a huge favour by getting them a 12 month extension on their supposedly guaranteed first 5 years after the Forestry Sale in 2012, so's an extension from October 2017 to Oct 2018...

And Leon repeatedly stated as justification for this bastardry, his personal belief that ForestrySA wasn't going to be the successful Tender in 2017 and therefore he's done workers a huge favour, etc, etc...(so over 2 years out from that decision, less than 3 years into a 5 year 'Contract', Leon's barely adequate psychic defenses may be crumbling, but his prophetic synapses are goin' right off?-Ed)...indeed...(I know that ForestrySA has it's critics and detractors and there have been mis-management allegations, etc, but I'm quietly confident that even they could win a Tender where they are the only candidate due to this alleged 'First Refusal' clause/agreement, indeed I could probably win it-Ed)...mate, in those circumstances, I could win that bloody Tender...(well, technically, as a confected literary device used to create a sense of discourse rather than diatribe where it is actually mostly just diatribe, my victory is your victory 'cos I is you-Ed)...I'm gettin' a headache...(me too-Ed)...stop that... 

And on Today Tonight (Channel 7) on Friday 24th July 2015, alleged Independent Nick Xenophon showed his true allegiances when he stated that 'Minister Leon's a top bloke who does a great job for SA'...(wow-Ed) this point I withdraw my support for Nick Xenophon...he has talked-up a big game re helping us parents resolve the St Martins nightmare, but apart from dumping us in yet another corrupt SA Parliamentary Inquiry that ran for nearly 4 years and then produced a farcically inaccurate and ineffectual roll of toilet paper cleverly disguised as the Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry Report no 54 re the Teachers Registration Board, good ol' Nick has completely abandoned us...he has not followed through once on his multiple promises to help us resolve the St Martins issue and/or attend the SARC hearings with us parents to support us, he has failed to respond at all to my repeated attempts to contact him, and immediately before the September 2013 Federal Election he sat across the table from me at a local car dealership where he was doing a photo-op and I effectively confronted/cornered him, and he sat there, looked me in the face, and asked me to back-off until after the election, to give him "a clear run at it"...(and then went back to ignoring you?-Ed)

And when I recently contacted his office re these ludicrous charges I'm facing for 'talking about stuff', contacted him via email, so I have a copy, Nick, mate...(maaate-Ed)...they rudely denied any responsibility because it was a State issue...(but he routinely ploughs into State issues as and when it suits him-Ed) point made to the voice on the phone, whom promptly hung-up on me and I've heard nothing since...charming...and from the Forests We See to the Forests Of The Sea...  

I understand that it's Rory McEwen and Grant King who are/were originally involved in the rank corruption of the currently un-ravelling Kingston/Robe Seaweed harvest debasco (where debacle tail-ends fiasco)...without any Environmental Impact statement or other investigation of the highly sensitive ecosystem that revolves around that Seaweed, the new Chinese owners have apparently been granted license to harvest and export 2,000 tonnes of dry seaweed product, reportedly roughly the equivalent of a semi-trailer per day, and a massively huge expansion of the current 100 wet tonnes...(sorry, is that 2,000 dry up from 100 wet?-Ed)...yep, that's what I heard...(but that 2,000 Dry would equate to gourd knows how much Wet, probably what, 5x the weight, even more?-Ed)...indeed Ed, seaweed is largely water, and according to my Interweb Research Team, from 75%-90% depending on species, so to get 1 tonne dry you'd need minimum 4 tonnes wet seaweed, and up to 10 tonnes...not my facts, just crunchin' the numbers as I'm readin' 'em...(it's Crunch Time!-Ed)...thankyou, settle down...

And here's the rank corruption of Rory and Grant at work again, and all with the pathetically complicit support of a wholly corrupted ABC South East who do nothing but run the Party line, up to and including covering-up the gross abuse of a class of 7 year old kids at St Martins...(steady on big fella', we're here about the weed man-Ed)...yeah, fair enough, sorry...we are talking about the wholesale devastation of a huge stretch of coastline and the collapse of the thriving ecosystems that revolve around that seaweed settin' exactly where nature intended, eg, the massive invertebrate population that lives in the rotting weed, grubs that feed birds, local and migratory, and of course wash back into the ocean as food that supports a thriving and economically important fishery...

And where's my good mate Greens MLC Mark Parnell?...where are the shreckin' pathetic Greens on this?...why isn't my mate Marky Mark jumping up and down and screaming blue-bloody murder about this licensed wholesale destruction of this critical ecosystem, destruction that is inevitable...these clowns have license to completely clear seaweed from 100% of large areas across potentially 50-70kms of coastline, with 50% clearage of the rest...(but that's bollocks, even I know that if you remove huge areas of weed, waves and tides and such will just redistribute along the empty bits, effectively further stripping those '50%' areas, and there'll be wholesale erosion of dunes, etc, along the rest, and the marine ecosystem the relies on the 'Washback Nutrients' will be drastically affected, etc-Ed).....and do the ABC get the Minister on and grill them about this? nup, it falls to a local Bird Expert to explain it...(and good on her-Ed)...indeed... 

I'm Tired Of All The Filth On My TV:...(well do some bloody housework and tidy-up a bit, look at the dust on this pelmet-Ed)...yeah ok, that's a fair call, things are a bit dusty right now, but that's not what I was referring to...(oh, you mean all the soft-porn video clips and stuff on at 0700 hrs in kiddies programming time, stuff like that ludicrous Tricky Minge film-clip about her Axolotyl-Ed)...well, again a good point, but 1) I think it's Nicky Minaj, and 2) the song's called Anaconda, and 3) sorry, that's still not what I was referring to...(well then you must mean that The Project show on Channel 10, where-in they're frequently talking about each others sex-tapes, and/or other purile and completely inappropriate highly sexualised dross?-Ed)...well I don't watch it much, but indeed, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that nearly every time I do watch this show, some sort of moronic highly sexualised 'banter' is evident...

(So if it's not that, and it's not the dusty ol' patina, and it's not the grossly sexualised gangster misogyny of crap songs that need a very distracting video-clip, then what?-Ed)...then all of these bloody repeats of police shows everywhere...(omg-Ed)...if it's not the bloody Midwinter Massacres or Miss Loster Marbles or Hercules Pinot Noir...(you're using 'filth' in it's slangness to indicate 'police', using Slanguage if you will-Ed)'s a swathe of unfathomable Scandinavian crime dramas that might actually be just long ads for Skodas or Volvos or Vodka or somethin', I just can't tell, and if not that then it's bloody Roadside Breath-test Custom Cops On The Border...(yeah, fair point, but I don't think that you can justify using that rather abusive pseudonym/slang just because it's in the opening line "Riding 'round on my bike all day 'cos the filth took away my license" of that Lily Allen song that was on high rotation on the ABC Local Radio a coupla' years back-Ed)...yeah I can and I just did...   

Pardon My Cynicism: but what the shreck is SAPol (SA Police) doing with this terrible incident of a small child's remains that were found in a suitcase on the side of a road in SA's Riverland? on Earth can SAPol rule out any potential identities of the child when they're (SAPol) saying they don't even know the gender let alone the accurate age let alone the identity of this child? doesn't make sense because it literally isn't possible...(yeah, unless they've suddenly resolved/solved those other missing children cases, which means they aren't 'missing child' cases anymore-Ed)...perhaps it's just my cynicism when it comes to SAPol, but there's something really wrong with this...(and now SAPol are charging people based on some 'new, world-leading forensic technology' that they supposedly have but the rest of the world doesn't-Ed), that doesn't sound suss much...

And here again, it ain't my fault, but how can anyone trust anything said about any subject when the source of that info is SAPol? blog is not responsible for SAPol's complete lack of credibility on any subject, it's they're own demonstrated capacity for 'top-down' rank pro-paedophile corruption re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(and gourd knows what else cover-ups-Ed)...well indeed, wholesale cover-ups like St Martins don't just happen in isolation, they require complicit involvement of many Authorities, eg, the Crown Solicitor, SAPol, the Teachers Registration Board, etc, and a corrupt media, and many very corrupt individuals, eg, Rory McEwen, Jay Weatherill, Steve Perryman, et al, which segues all too neatly into the rank pro-paedophile corruption of our charming State Parliament...I remind availees that the Liberal Party is every bit as complicit and corrupt as Labor when it comes to St Martins... 

Learning From Exemplary Behaviour:...I'd personally like to thank the mighty Liberal Party for graciously educatin's us less intellectual folk as to what "entitlement" really means, educating by example, educating by lavishly flopping about the place in luxury limos and chartered aircraft of various configurations to show us just how truly offensive that sort of self-entitled indulgence is...(nice-Ed)...and what the shreck is 'Probation' for the Speaker of the House? it's a bloody confected nonsense that PM Abbott has mind-farted into existence to try and glaze over what Bronwyn Bishop has done by pretending to admonish's a crass joke from self-entitled loons...

And imagine my joyous surprise to learn via the ABC TV's The Drum program that Liberal politician's 'entitlement' claims have rocketted under the 'New Age of Entitlement Is Over' governance of The Mad Monk, who himself is in First Place...I just happened to catch 5 minutes of The Drum on my way from one channel to another, and it feels like a li'l pat on the head from the Universe again because they stated that Tones was first, followed by Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, with Foreign Betrayal I mean Trade Minister Andrew Robb, in third, and have a wild guess who was fourth with nearly $1.3 million in "entitlements" spent/claimed since he was elected in September 2013, so 18 months ago...(pull up a chaise lounge my mate Tony Pasin-Ed)...oh spoilers Ed, but yes you're right, Tony Pasin...

Imagine my surprise, not, that a goodly chunk of this $1.3m, $300,000+, has gone to renovating Tony's mate's building in Commercial St that Tony uses for his 'Electoral Office' here...(so's taxpayers have paid for that private owner/leasor's renos?-Ed)...yep, and Tony says it's nothing to do with him, he has no say in it, it's a Parliamentary Committee Oversight Authority or some shizzle...(bollocks, it's a massively unnecessary expenditure on a massively unnecessary office space, in a building Tony chose, that just happens to belong to his mate...there was no Public Tender for that lease/reno, so it's Tony's choice to his mate's great advantage...why can't every other property owner in town have a lazy $300k to do up their premises?'s a bloody disgraceful, avaricious outrage-Ed)...nah, come on Ed, it's all fine, just fine...oh, and by the way, we're also payin' for this blizzard of charmingly self-congratulatory postcard pamphlets that Tony keeps sending us to let us know just how lucky we are to have him...hilariously, this article is available to read/watch, just Interweb search The Drum under 'Tony Pasin entitlements'...(it's what I did-Ed)...ta' Ed...

Tomorrow: A Courtin' We Will Go...(If We Know It's On-Ed)...Stop That Ed...Orrr, Now Look What You've Done, You've Completely Stuffed This Title What Is Rapidly Becoming A Paragraph...(Well I'm Just Sayin' That You Didn't Get Summonsed Originally Until 2 Days After The Initial Hearing, Which Is Just A Fraction Crook-Ed)...Ok Ok, You're Right, But Tomorrow, Yeah?...(Sure-Ed)...

In responding to multiple feedback, yes, I will try to explain my Court stuff...(well good luck with that, I can't wait to see you try to make sense outta' that stuff when talking about it is in-and-of-itself potentially a breach of the legislation because virtually everything is a breach of the legislation involved if Prosecuting Authorities decide to have a go at ya' they're using this legislation to retributionally attack you for doin' this 'ere blog-Ed)...well, we'll do what we can, yeah?...seeya' tomorrow...(laters-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere is my blog...cheers and laters...

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