Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Adelaide Is A Barrel Of Laughs...Going Over The Falls

Hello and welcome one and all to TMGI...still pushin' forward in an up-hilly direction...(and I'm not sure what exactly is that you're pushin', but it reeks to high heaven-Ed)...that Ed, that's a steaming pile of reality, a big steaming pile of it, and I'm pushin' it up this 'ere hill...(yeah, and that's not exactly a hill  though is it...more of a Mount really-Ed)...indeed...(and you seem to be pushin' the same load of stuff up the same Mount every day-Ed)...everyday...and I'm not going to apologise anymore when that pushin' gets to a point where I simply cannot summon the strength to continue...(and/or give a damn-Ed)...true, and decide to have a bit of a laydown...

(You're really sortta' pushin' stuff in all directions via this 'ere blog, aren't ya'...I mean, you're pushin' multiple issues uphill, pushin' your opinions via and/or on people via this 'ere blog, pushin' your luck re more possible charges, more harassment, more City Councillors fondling your letterbox-Ed)...cheeky...(and gourd knows what else sort of bollocks and shenanigans-Ed)...you mean like already facing a gazillion charges for talkin' about stuff...(err yeah, sorry, exactly like that-Ed)...don't apologise, it is true to a degree that when the pushin' comes to shovin', that 'push-back flak' is just par for the course...and that's exactly what my Court stuff is about, a 'push-back flak' political trial motivated by the rank pro-paedophile corruption that defines South Australia...(yay-Ed)...

And anyway, I do my best shovin' just standin' still, not even when pushin' that shizzle up that shreckin' hill, but by just standin' my ground...(nice, standing like stone almost-Ed)...

For example, I've recently just spent hours trawling through the various statements/affidavits/accusations re my Court stuff, and I've got to say, it makes fascinating reading...obviously I cannot go into any specific details about the various statements/allegations made against me in legally repercussive/accountable Affidavits, but from my barely concealed delight y'all 'll be gleaning that I'm furiously keening my rapier wit to be so metaphorically eviscerating those whom have had these things to say about me...(ummm, does that mean that you're looking forward to having your day in Court re these Affidavits against you, which in itself means that those Affidavits are likely to work for you rather than against you-Ed)...and not just that, these Affidavits give me the exact toehold I need to give a few people a bloggy-booting re a decade of their corruption and abuse...

(Yeah, it's one thing to run a whispering campaign of Pariahtisation and deceit about/against ya', a campaign designed and implemented to hide the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up by discrediting and denigrating those who have pursued it, but it's a whole world of pain that's gunna' rain down when those 'defamations' materialise on the page-Ed)...indeed, and that rain turns to torrent when the defamatory declarations get delivered into my very hands...I feel a bit like I am (or at least my Court case is) one of those extreme low pressure cells just dawdling across Kansas lookin' for somewhere to touch down, and when I do, it's gunna' be absolute carnage...(carnage-Ed)...  

That stuff in a recent post about "coming to get you" and the "Oncoming Storm", etc, etc, was all about these legally accountable documents and how shocked I am that these people would commit to paper these extraordinary statements about my alleged behaviours...(and as you say, in such an accountable fashion...writing lies in an Affidavit is an extremely serious offence-Ed)...indeed...and hence I ain't gotta' go nowhere to 'come and get' anyone, and the Storm is, well, just the Storm, nuthin' to do with me...(well it is to do with you...it's all about you-Ed)...ok, sure, in that context it is sortta' about me, a lot, but in the Stormy metaphor, my only involvement is to sit calmly on the porch and watch the havoc caused...(but you made the Storm, yeah?-Ed)...no, I'm just the butterfly whom fluttered by, and the Storm has just come to be...

But I digress because today we're doing the whole 'Apple Cart Called Gravy Train' motif/mixed metaphor thingy (previous posts) re the not so capital state of the State Capital, that being of course Adelaide, South Australia...(and ya' gotta be rotten to get in the barrel on the Apple Cart, etc-Ed)...exactly, but I doubt it'll be that particular barrel that goes over the falls...and if Adelaide suffers, then Regional SA is gunna' suffer more as our Adelaide-centric Body Politic, Labor/Liberal/whatevs, scramble to sure-up their precious 'safe-seats' in Adelaide and bribe the others...(sorry, Regional SA, where's that then?-Ed)...oh yeah sorry, it's that bit just there outside of Adelaide, just there...(here?-Ed)...no, left a bit...(here?-Ed)...no, bit more...(here? what's this then?-Ed)...no, that's only the Old Toll Booth at the foot of the South Eastern Freeway, keep going...(nnno...I can't see anything...are you sure that SA continues beyond, how you say, the Old Toll Booth?-Ed)...well you say ''The Old Toll Booth", and yes, there's some stuff beyond it, stuff known as SA...

(SA's known to be stuffed you mean-Ed)...most excellent segue Ed, hammering home the point, straight on the head of the nail...this week Premier Jay 'Am I Shiny Or What?' Weatherill was at the 'National Press Club' for what can only described as a farcical meander through the fetid mind of a man truly insane, and done with the pathetically complicit support of the Canberra press corp, pathetically pandering to the pointless pontificating of our precious Premier...I had to leave the room when Ray Jay started spewing about the welfare of children...(wouldn't it be easier to just change channels-Ed)...well one can hardly sweep melodramatically from the room gasping exasperatedly by changing channels, now can one?...(you can be such a diva-Ed)...shut-up and get my Panda fritters and Baby Fur-seal slippers... 

Today we're celebrating the crowning glory that is 8.2% Official Unemployment for South Australia, nearly 1.5% higher than the next state, Tasmania, at 6.7%...(these numbers were current late last week and of course are the OU figures, figures that themselves don't account for/include people working only a few hours a week-Ed)...8.2%, this is the pinnacle of achievement achieved after 13-14 years of the Mike Rann/Jay Weatherill Labor government, as voted for by South Australians, allegedly...(why allegedly?-Ed)...because my personal experience of the SA Electoral system is that it is as rankly corrupted as everything else in this rankly corrupt state...(fair enough-Ed)...

Particularly, Local Government elections which are an absolute farce, where the incumbent Council is the Electoral Office and the Council CEO is the person whom candidates are supposed to supply all our personal info to re donations/supporters/whatevs...(and what did happen to Electoral Commissioner Kay Mouslet's personal phone advice that you'd best just lodge the 'Donations Declaration' form or get into trouble in the Courts?-Ed)...well I agreed, just to be co-operative, but she just sent me the same form addressed to the CEO...more in next post...

(With most metaphors you'll find one directly conflicting, but with the whole 'downhill from there' metaphor the exact same metaphor means different almost opposite things-Ed)...not with you...(well, it's often used to describe a decline toward an often terminal outcome, 'his health went downhill after the surgery', or 'stock prices peaked at $1, but it's been downhill from there', but the same phrase also means that all the hard work is done and so therefore it's 'all downhill from here' as we 'coast to the finish line, etc-Ed)...excellently observed Ed...but we digress.

And this is where I drop in a nice 'taunty' paragraph about 'well done Adelaide, this is what you get for electing a rankly corrupt pro-paedophile political party to power'...(but given the experience you've had of an equally pro-paedophile corrupt Liberal Party, what difference would it make who we vote for?-Ed)...way to bring the 'yay' Ed, but unfortunately you're exactly right, and there's nothing to be celebrated about that...

Bracket Creep: in the real world refers to wage/income increases that push people up into higher tax 'brackets', amongst other things, hence increasing their tax burden and possibly denying them other payments/entitlements, etc...but in Mt Gambier it's how The Border Watch newspaper attempts to portray that bastard Nicholas (Nick) Francis Fletcher...(oh nice, you're a 'Bracket Creep'...clearly a reference to our previous post about the wording of TBW stuff about you and the desperate attempt to 'criminalise' you by giving you a criminal alias in brackets, an alias that's you're actual name-Ed)...indeed Ed, and I'm not goin' back over all that stuff again 'cos I don't need to 'cos you've spotted and explained the joke well...but a lovely segue into...  

If The Subs Don't Fly We're Sunk: because the dreaded 'brain-drain' will turn into a 'talent-torrent' as highly qualified people...(often with massive training/tertiary debts, mortgages, families, etc-Ed)...indeed, the selfish bastards, I mean, fancy having jobs and homes and plans for a future applying their skills and building a career building something, anything...(the bastards-Ed)...but they'll find nought heres-about given the demise of Holden's car manufacturing at Elizabeth and with the Subs contract likely already on a dozen desks in Japan...(ouch-Ed)...indeed, and carried along with the 'talent-torrent' goes the barrel, and over the falls and far away, ne'er to return... 

Families SA staff have apparently been 'spoken to' re their involvement/mistakes/failures re the death/murder of 4 year old Chloe Valentine...(spoken to, not sacked?-Ed)...yep, they've received 'counselling' because "it weren't their faults 'cos it was a dodgy system what we've done all fix now, fixed all fine, just fine", so that's all just fine...(oh yeah, and who said that then?-Ed)...well of course it was the former SAPol (police) officer now running Education and Child Protection in South Australia...um...(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison there...(I didn't know TH was a qualified Counsellor?-Ed)...well he's not, he's got no Educational qualifications or experience either, he's a cop...(and that's why SA Labor has him running Education, Child Protection, and Staff Counselling-Ed)...indeed...

Give Me A Break-In:...none of it's good, but consider the multiple 'suspended sentences', etc, that SA Courts have recently given to men convicted of Child Pornography and/or Child Sexual Assault offenses, but the dude who broke into the cafe Presto By The Main gets 13 months with a non-parole of 5 months, so he's doin' 5 months inside...one is a property crime, all the others involve acts of gross violence and abuse against children...and the property crime does time, and the paedophiles all walk away free...South Australia is a bloody disgrace...

Feedback: re that latest TBW 'article' about my latest Court appearance re the charges I probably cannot/should not/whatevs identify because that would identify the massively powerful State Authority involved, an Authority that I probably cannot/etc identify because that would identify that they've done something (albeit what they're supposed to do) and that's possibly an offense in and of itself...(I need to sit down for a minute-Ed)...indeed, it's truly mind-boggling...but the feedback's been great...because it's a long post already, I'll chuck this feedback into...

Tomorrow: My Court Stuff  

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

1 comment:

  1. good luck with your endeavour, sounds like a lot of corruption in the Mount. I'm pro rail so when I hear/read articles on stopping rail back to The Mount then my ears start to listen. I'm also pro economic development particularly in Mt Gambier that will assist a freight rail industry
