Monday, July 20, 2015

Everything's Fine, Just Fine, Just and Fine

Hello to y'all and sundry and welcome to The Mount Gambier Independent...apologies for another brief break from this 'ere blog but that's exactly what I've had and y'all 'll please forgive me the indulgence of not projecting by publishing my extended absence from home over a certain period for various reasons...I appreciate in advance that y'all 'll appreciate why I wouldn't give advance notification...(yeah, I cannot believe the stuff that people put on Faceache and Shizzlebook and the ilk, including why and when their domiciles will be unattended and ripe for robbery, etc, it's madness, madness I tell ya's-Ed)...settle down, but I agree that it's not particularly clever...what really freaks me out are these Interweb sites that advertise 'hey, want to know all about that person, text us and we'll find out and send you the info asap'...(yeah, that's really just creepy-Ed)...

And of course these absences...(absenci?-Ed)...dunno...these times when I ain't here leave me unable to do any post on account of because SAPol still have my laptop what they done 'seize' when raiding my home in May 2014, and even if I wanted to try and do this 'ere blog via my phone, even if that were possible, I ain't Interweb connected, my phone/camera is just a phone/camera...did I mention that SAPol still have my laptop, which is actually not mine strictly speaking either, I 'borrowed' it...

Just like to say cheers for all the feedback and particularly the advice to 'ease-up on myself for the sake of my own health', and that a coupla' posts a week is fine...(just fine-Ed)...and that looking after myself is important because the blog is important and I need to be doing it...(yes, but you're still important as just a person with other responsibilities other than this 'ere blog, blah blah blah, whinge bitch moan-Ed)...oh, way to care Ed, I'm feelin' the love from here...(I just hate agreeing with you, so I like to do it mockingly-Ed)...fair enough and indeed that's exactly what I've been doin', just 'me' stuff including spending as much time as possible with my child/adult/person briefly back from university...on top of that I've also been working really hard on my own 'health', and anyone who's near me and/or reads this 'ere blog knows that means, 1) leaving the house as step one, followed by 2) as many other steps as possible on knackered knees, and that 3) I'm working really hard, and I mean sweaty hard...

And because of all that rather inconvenient Lymphoma tumour business and associated Chemo carry-on I did back in 2004/05, when I sweats, I really sweats...(uh-humm, excuse me, horses 'sweat' sir, gentlemen perspire, and ladies softly glow-Ed)...and what do ManBear StuffPigs do?...(just make the place look untidy and damp I'd suggest-Ed)...fair enough...and I mention this Cancer stuff re my self-confessed inability to divest myself of a sense of responsibility for the St Martins Cover-up, and 'feedbacky' observations that despite my massive tumor and tons of Chemo, etc, I all but strolled through that death-defying experience and barely skipped a beat re St Martins, appearing at various hearings, doing submissions, is put to me as a sign of both a sickness in itself and of extraordinary strength...and of course 'Tomorrow is the day my Cancer comes back, always Tomorrow'...(now that's a healthy attitude dude, practical in it's grip of reality yet optimistic in it's perpetual non-realisation-Ed)...yeah, I read it on a bus ticket...(really? about Cancer? that seems a little specific-Ed)...and that's because I lied, gotcha', that is one of mine, I think, and surely a post title all it's own...laters...  

Apart from that I've had a bunch of other personal stuff goin' on, but maybe for another day with that stuff...(or maybe not at all, we can but hope-Ed)...and of course there's been a coupla' Court appearances, etc...I've also been refused 'Legal Aid Funding' re my ludicrous charges of 'talking about stuff', a case that has also just been moved to Adelaide, on my legal advisor's advice/application, so's I could get a proper barrister, etc...(what? can't get one in Mt Gambier? can't imagine why-Ed)...that's what I my legal advice...who just laughed in my face...(so the State is levelling a wholly political trial at you, an unambiguous trashing of the long-lost principles of the Separation of Powers, a case with associated multiple ridiculous charges, etc, etc, and now you're somehow expected to get to Adelaide for your hearings, where you'll have no legal representation?-Ed)...yeah, I don't know that there's a lot of "trashing" goin' on, more 'dancing on it's grave' I'd reckon... 

(And the responsibility you do have to do this 'ere blog, well that's a self-instigated responsibility that's mired in, anchored to, and furiously fueled by your sense of responsibility for the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed) know me too well Ed...(yeah, yeah I do...and that's my point right there, it's not a responsibility of your creation, this was all foisted/dumped on you by the wholly corrupt Lutherans and the vast raft of rankly corrupt and/or spineless public officials and media half-wits who have created the St Martins've got to get your shizzle together dude and stop blaming yourself for the St Martins ain't healthy...13 years of your life forfeited to fighting the rank pro-paedophile corruption that defines this shrecked-up State, I think that allows a li'l wriggle room when it comes to divesting yourself of blame for this St Martins stuff...or at least some of the blame-Ed)...I'm lovin' the optimism Ed, but sorry, I ain't feelin' it myself...

Ed, you of all people know that I live every day with the haunting, driving image in my head of the day in late May 2002 when I saw teacher Glyn Dorling grooming/assaulting 3 girls in the classroom...every day I live with the guilt that I saw this stuff happening but because I was running late and caught-up in all my own stuff, etc, I didn't pick it for what it was...(dude, again, how the shreck were you meant to know that those brief, relatively innocuous contacts you witnessed were not spontaneous shows of affection by the kids for their teacher, the sort of hugs and stuff that kids had given you at reader, chapel, etc?-Ed) mean rather than tiny fragments of the direct application of the now clearly defined extensive regime of psychological, emotional and physical grooming and abuse behaviours committed by teacher Glyn Dorling in that classroom in 2002...(exactly, Dorling and the Lutherans et al are responsible for this, not you...let it go for shreck sake-Ed)...some day soon I'm sure...

Back To Feedback:...because for all my whinging about it, I fully appreciate that people are 'terrified' to speak-out because of the fear of official retributionalisation that I call 'Pariahtisation...(and that reading about how you've been treated/targetted/attacked for speaking-out about the rank pro-paedophile corruption that runs this sad, sick state that is South Australia, yes, I can also understand why some people would find that intimidating-Ed)...and so it bears saying again, and so I will...

For all of the issues I've covered on this 'ere blog, the rank and often pro-paedophile corruption of public figures and official Authorities like SAPol and the Crown Solicitor, all of that remains wholly ignored or summarily exonerated/dismissed, and I am now being investigated and prosecuted by those exact same corrupt Authorities...and I'm not facing defamation or libel, whatevs, I'm being charged with talking about a State Authority supposedly appropriately doing what they're allegedly supposed to do with a resultant A1 Exoneration of all involved...for talking about stuff that's fine...(just fine-Ed)...just and fine...moving on...

Wind Turbines: are up again tomorrow because I am fully sick and tired of the millions of ludicrous exaggerations and outright lies spewing out of the pro-Wind Turbine lobby and the Greens political party when it comes to issues of Wind Turbines...and last Friday evening that serial liar Greens MLC Mark Parnell went back to that trough of deceit and got himself soakin' wet...and again with the pathetically complicit lack of accountability from the ABC...(but that was your phone message/question that was asked, and it drew the highly defamatory response from Mark Parnell re infrasound testing at Portland?-Ed)...yeah yeah, tomorrow mate...

It's All About Context:...particularly when it comes to our charming Treasurer 'Smokin' Joe Hockey's declarations about people who are "lifters" and those who are "leaners", and his associated comments about how he/they (Liberals) have to hack apart Disability funding, Domestic Violence funding, attack those of us on Disability Support Pensions or other 'support payments', etc, because it's a 'Budget Crisis'...and all of this self-excusing Class War ideological rhetoric lumped together under the catch-cry that "the age of entitlement is over"...(and this from the the man who uses his Parliamentary Travel Entitlements to pay rent to his wife-Ed)...indeed, that's some 'context' right there ain't it dude...(unbeshreckin'lievable-Ed)...

But now it's time to cross to the TMGI In The Sky traffic helicopter for the latest update, where are you Ed?...(wooka wooka wooka wooka...well, we're supposed to be over the over-turned truck on the M2 Nick, but some mad woman has hijacked us and we're now apparently on the way to the Geelong Golf Club-Ed)...hijacked? is she armed?...(wooka wooka...she's gotta' big sack of stale croissants that she's throwing at cars, Nick, and a helmet I think, but that might actually just be her hair, but no other visible weapons-Ed)...has she made any demands?...(wooka wooka wooka...other than 'take me to Geelong now you bloody peasant'?, she's just slingin' croissants and screamin' 'let them eat cake' at the traffic below-Ed)...croissants aren't cake though, they're more bread than cake...(wooka wooka...yeah, she's also babbling something about 'the plebs being grateful for this manna from heaven'-Ed)...intriguing...and, um, Ed, if she doesn't have any weapons, how did she manage to hijack an entire helicopter with attached burly crew, and your good self...(wooka wooka was her overwhelming sense of self-entitlement, we didn't stand a chance-Ed) poor bastards, come home safe...

And The Context:...that the $5,000 that Speaker Bronwyn Bishop spent/claimed on a chartered helicopter flight from Melbourne to Geelong to attend a Liberal Party fundraiser, rather than use her government car/driver for the one hour drive, a charter that is "an entitlement" that she refuses to acknowledge as wrong and/or apologise for, instead claiming that repaying the money is "the best apology" she could make, that that $5,000 for that one flight to a Liberal function, that $5,000 is 1/4 of my yearly income on the DSP, and that's if you include the monies I 'borrow' from my family to own/run a car...(whatta' bloody disgrace-Ed)...all class Bronny, all class...

Tomorrow: Wind Spin - Another Round Of ABC Turbine Propaganda

The ABC South East has been goin' flat-chat with it's Labor Propaganda shizzle, and the ABC in general continues to just sell-out the people of this state...for example, last week in an interview with Regional Development Minister Geoff 'Motormouth' Brock the announcer Annette Marner briefly put it to him about SA's horrendous 8.2% Official Unemployment rate, further impending job losses, and future job creation, and Geoffo mate...(maaate-Ed)...actually stated that the OU rate in Regional SA is only near 6%...(bollocks!-Ed)...then mumbled something about "abbatoirs" in the South East and "tomatoes" in the Mid-North...(what a ridiculous load of rot-Ed)...absolutely, and apart from a brief and tepid protestation from Ms Marner that really only set-up the next load of crap, there wasn't one word of accountability from the ABC...bloody disgraceful...

The ABC's conduct re Turbines continues to be a one-way stream of carefully worded lies and propaganda on behalf of and/or by Turbine proponents like the Clean Energy Council and the Greens...and the Greens are provably relentless liars on this issue because they've had most of this stuff explained to them by clowns like me, yet they continue to ignore what doesn't suit their argument/agenda and lie where necessary...(and in supporting Turbines there's a shreck of a lot of realities to be ignored and many lies to be told-Ed) would appear so Ed...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters and 'ron...(sorry, ''ron'?-Ed)...yeah, later on, 'ron...  

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