Thursday, March 26, 2015

Meta-Data Bollocks Rates High

Howdy y'all in Singapore, Slovenia, Italy, and the United Kingdom...(what was that?!!-Ed)...what was what?...(who's there?!-Ed)...who's where?...(I feel like someone's watching us...who is that?!-Ed)...well, when it comes to being watched, I'd suggest that that is availees of this 'ere blog doin' what they do, avail themselves of said blog, which by definition involves 'watching us'...(yeah, no, I mean someone else...or something else-Ed)...ohh, that'll just be the exciting new raft of Fascism that the Abbott Liberal government are jamming through parliament in the name of 'safety from terrorism'...(oh I feel safer already-Ed)...

**apols no post laid plans Of Mice and Men and all that...(how surprising, not!-Ed)...and Rail Lands tomorrow...(ohh, come on!-Ed)...yeah, sorry, but from now on, promise, now there'll be a post every me...I'm a pseudo-politician...**

These new 'Meta-Data Laws' include such sweeping restrictions on free speech that I cannot see that anyone doing a blog, other than a 'registered journalist', will be able to continue...(but you put your name on everything, you go to all the meetings, well some at least, when you're able...and when, for example, the cops want to find you to raid your home re this 'ere blog, they know exactly where you are, same place you are 95% of the time-Ed)...correct...regardless, my crime will be talking about criminality...

For example, with these new laws, authorities can come to me and say 'who told you that stuff about that rank institutionalised corruption?', and when I politely respond 'get stuffed', I'll be goin' to gaol for it...and not for defamation or treason or threats or anything other than merely pointing at stuff and saying 'surely that can't be as corrupt as it appears', and then not shoppin' 'n' droppin' others right in it for telling me...prove me wrong about someone else's allegations/claims/whatevs, and hold me to account for that, fair enough...but what ain't appropriate is punishing me for genuinely trying to improve my society in a relatively calm and appropriate manner, and furthermore, thus knowingly hangin' myself out to be hammered by a hail of official abuse, eg, from Council...

Go Directly To not pass an not collect fundamental 'Human Rights' to express an not act with genuine intent because it won't matter...etc, etc, blahhhhh...I don't care what other 'bloggers' are doing and if they intentionally defame or won't name themselves or threaten someone, etc, then they should be held to account...apart from that, this new legislation is unquestionably an attempt to monitor and shut-down dissenting opinions and/or exposure of institutionalised corruption...

Please Note: that I see nuthin' much being done about any of the many deeply concerning issues I raise on this 'ere blog, other than a continuing attack on me for saying would appear that the official position is that official corruption up to and including the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up is officially acceptable and officially condoned...kinda' rips the rug out from under the alleged pillars of our community, shanks their collective credibility, and generally gives the populace good cause to say 'stuff you buddy, sit in judgement of me will you, I'll do whatevs I bloody want, you do'...

Again, I ain't no Constitutional lawyer with no book-learnin's or nuthin', but I do believe that this new legislation is the Capitalist Party utilising the lack of protections of personal freedoms in said Oz Constitution...there are no protections, you/I have no rights to 'freedom of speech', and that is being pushed to it's logical Fascist conclusion by the wholly socially immoral Capitalist Party...(alright, who the shreck is the Capitalist Party?-Ed)...oh yeah, just continuing on the debate as raised by the death of former Liberal PM Malcolm Fraser, and the thread that his increasing recent criticisms of the Liberals were a result of the Party changing, not was discussed that Labor have slewed so far to the Right that they are now effectively the Liberal Party, and the Libs are now 'the Capitalist Party'...(ok, yes, I can see that, the CP-Ed)... 

And what really concerns me is the direct parallels between this 'Anti-Terrorism' legislation and the entirely Fascist legislation of our (South Australia's) version of an 'anti-corruption authority', the Independent Commission Against per various previous posts, the ICAC Act 2012 specifically states that no-one can ever discuss corruption because it might end-up in the ICAC...(I think that's a slight exaggeration-Ed)...really?...check it out for yourself, just Interweb 'South Australian ICAC Act 2012, section 56, and check it out...

It is effectively illegal to ever discuss corruption, and the critical word there-in is "may" little 3 letter word that makes it illegal to ever discuss any corruption, ever, in any context, because it (the corruption) "may" be subject to a future SA ICAC hearing...and it certainly cannot be reported via 'the media', and bloggers et al, are rooted...(but how are you meant to expose corruption and resolve it, etc, if you can't even talk about it?-Ed) tell me...

And that segues beautifully into the latest episode being also the inaugural...(whaaa?-Ed)'s just the first one...(oh right, please carry on then-Ed)...certainly Matron oooooooh...(homaging the Carry-On series?-Ed)...yep, and the Shaun Micallef show, and now you've taken us right into the Dead Joke Zone, again, so's best we jump straight to our exciting new comic-strip...welcome to the birth of a legend, the dawning of a new age of public corruption and spineless self-indulgence, the rise of a new superhero, Jellyfish Man, the story of a mild mannered newspaper Editor bitten by a radio-active jellyfish, immediately gaining wondrous super-powers...more in coming issues... 

Just Some Council Corruption: and it's business as usual with Councillor Des Mutton's nepotistic gravy train pullin' outta' the station again for a $10,000 romp at Ratepayers expense, namely $10,000 to a 'Consultancy group'...(more Cash for Consultancy Corruption, yeah?-Ed) Mt Gambier City Council's meeting Tuesday 17th March 2015, when this matter came-up for review and voting, Cr Des Mutton gets up, mumbles something about how his 'grandson/godson/whatevs' was the Manager/Director/whatevs of one of the companies who tendered, and walks out...then the vote was taken and bingo, I think the same company won the tender as named by Des mate...(maaate-Ed)...I'll check that and get back to you...(just have-Ed)...what, already?...(yep-Ed)........and?!...(oh, yeah, Council's Minutes match your notes in saying "Quark Consulting" and "grandson"...charming-Ed)...I'll cover this in a Council meeting post soon...

Batch Of A Sun Panels: are goin' in/on all over town now apparently...(why was this all not done during the original/recent renovations/revamps?...'solar power' has been around for a few years ya' know-Ed)...I know, I know, but I don't know why these panels weren't fitted during those works...and confirmed also that 90 'solar lights' are going around the Blue a grand total of 'approx $450,000', to be ready apparently by the end of April 2015...(wow, that's not corrupt much is it?...I thought there were 'official complaints' afoot and to hand?-Ed)...gourd knows, that's what I was told...and I believe when you say "corrupt much" you're referring to the fact that Council allowed 2 tenders from Stuckey Electrical, granted the contact at the lower, and then immediately 'negotiated' back to the higher...(said it before, wow-Ed)...

(It's the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter corruption all over again-Ed) so?...(well with that project, Council rejected all local tenders as being far too expensive, and then awarded the contract to a Queensland company, for what turns out to be half the project local companies bid to do-Ed)...ah yes, the Great Wall of Where The Shreck Is It?...(correct, the original plans were for a high wall right the length of the structure, providing shelter from the South, a wall that was never built-Ed)...that 'bus station' remains an absolute embarrassment for 'the second largest city in SA'...(so sick of hearing that too, 'second largest', blah blah-Ed)...yeah I'm hearing you on that...  

Which reminds me, speaking of embarrassment, Council also plan to get in some 'external consultants' to tell them how to 'activate the Rail Lands' and 'utilise the precinct'...there was some other stuff, but I missed that because I was laughing so hard into my briefcase that my ears where ringin'...$4.2 million spent and now they're thinkin' about how to use it...after they've done the works...disgracefully incompetent and hilariously typical of Mt Gambier City Council...

Tomorrow: The Rail Lands Stuff...All Things Being Equal...And They're Not...Equal That Is.

(Ya' think ya' pretty funny don'cha?-Ed)...both actually...(both?-Ed)...I'm real perrrty and real funny too...(oh boy-ED)...which segues beautifully into this...

The Greatest Dad Joke Of All Time:...(if you do say so is pretty funny but-Ed)...and we were driving along Jubilee Hwy (6-7 years ago) when, during a discussion about the Red vs Blue franchise (a spin-off of the very popular Halo shoot-'em up computer games) I observed to said child of mine that my favs character was a certain 'Mr Bollickwraites'...child responds, 'there ain't no such character', and I says 'yeah there is, think about it'...and this is the genius of this particular Dad joke...I could have presented the punchline, just slammed it down, like ripping off a band-aid quickly...but I didn't...(you bastard, you beautiful bastard-Ed), I sent the child on a journey to discover the truth...and they did...and thus...

The Grimace Of Dawning Realisation: on said child's face as they quickly mentally scroll through all the characters before finally coming to the character called, drum roll please, The Meta...(you are one sick puppy-Ed)...that look will remain with me forever...such sweet nectar to a Dad...and goodnight...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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