Saturday, March 21, 2015

Demolishing Democracy Aussie Style

Hello Malaysia, Lebanon, Poland, and Israel and welcome to the blog...apologies for no post yesterday, but still going forward and the World cup (Cricket) is on today so's I'll be watching some of that and whacking-up a coupla' posts...cheers...(**and now further apologies that that didn't Interweb yesterday, at all, and still cannot access my's not saying wrong password or anything, just won't connect...gourd knows**)...

Well Blow My Whistle: because alleged human-being Federal Liberal Attorney General George Brandis is in the news stating that "bloggers aren't journalists"...(oh, what a lovely thing to say about you, that you're not a journalist-Ed)...well indeed, but it means that therefore I won't be covered by the special new provisions for said alleged journos...(what new provisions?-Ed)...well with this ludicrous Metadata Retention shizzle that's just been rammed through federal parliament under the guise of 'anti-terrorism' laws, it's open slather on Mr Joe Average blogger, whilst the entirely complicit, pathetic, herd of self-important automaton half-wits that are the Canberra press pack, well they get 'special provisions' to 'protect their sources', etc, etc...

('A herd of halfwits'?'s always about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up with you isn't it?...always about the pathetically gutless 'roll-over to have ya' belly scratched' attitudes of Australia's media...the pathetic, immoral, sanctimonious self-serving stuff-pigs who flap about self-aggrandising because they think they know who stabbed the latest PM in the back or whatevs, but refuse to expose the St Martins Cover-up?-Ed), I'm not exactly sure what the question is, but I'll hazard a 'yes'... 

These laws are clearly about clamping down on freedoms of speech...(freedoms we don't actually have in the first instance-Ed)...well indeed, obviously said 'freedoms' are not included in our Federal Constitution as they are in the USofA, if our illustrious leaders can just introduce laws to block them...(wow, and you thought that Fascism was a peculiarly South Australian form of governance, hence the political descriptor 'Fascocracy' what you done pen to encapsulate the psuedo-democratic processes that allow us plebs to vote for which one of two pro-paedophile Partys, namely Labor or Liberal, which one will get to lord it over us with rank incompetence and institutionalised corruption-Ed)...again, is that a question or a statement?...  

Fast Tracking Fascism: may well occur in other states, eg, these exciting new federal 'Get The Bloody Blogger' laws, and it's just possible that I notice it better here because here is where I is (Sow Straya), but by crikey we're royally screwed in SA because it appears that all these nasty Interweb rumours about Nazi paedophiles running the state have lived themselves large in the protective shadow of the Child Abuse Royal Commission...(and whatta' cynical piece of political posturing to present this Commission as being the picture that something is actually being done to address the institutionalised paedophile corruption that defines the  political system in Australia, let alone SA-Ed)...indeed...

And as for the SA Liberal Party...entirely complicit in the St Martins Cover-up, just as many paedophiles sitting there in their ranks if not more than the Labor Party, and all singin' from the same sick songbook when it comes to protecting their own best interests, and that means officially covering-up Child Abuse...and they do...and the Adelaide media are just as complicit...and when some poor idiot...(cue you-Ed)...indeed, when some idiot dares to stand-up to the vilification and police harassment and intimidation and social Pariahtisation, etc, etc, then everyone from the Premier there-on down gets on board with attacking said 'idiot'...

Now just this week, SAPol have granted themselves/been granted by parliament/whatevs, the power to force random finger-print scans for no reason, just the cop feels like it at the time...(sorry what? random instant fingerprint checks? so exactly like their own self-granted, open-ended, undated, anonymous, go anywhere, do anything wherevs/whenevs they feel like it, Search Warrants?-Ed) yes, exactly like that, only better...(better? than open-ended Search Warrants?-Ed)...absolutely, because you can also get gaoled for refusing to comply...(gaoled? for refusing to be randomly finger-printed in the street without having committed any crime/having been charged/arrested/whatevs?-Ed)...yep, welcome to the New Democracy...

New Democracy: of course being the company that ran the ludicrous 'Public Consultation via a Panel' process re the repair/maintenance of the South East Drainage System...why do we have government when we're doing their work for them? why aren't the Labor government simply taking responsibility for the maintenance of public utilities, namely roads, bridges, artificial drains, etc? many times in future will we get this ridiculous 'New Democracy' pantomime, not an exciting new age of public input but rather a case-study in political 'buck-passing'...but I digress...

Y'all will excuse me please if I feel a little bit like this legislative 'Fascocracy' stuff is aimed at me, and if not at me specifically or even with me directly in mind, then certainly at my ilk...(and you would define that as what? your ilk is...?-Ed)...just a father who was delivered the responsibility for resolving the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up by a raft of rankly corrupt, pro-paedophile public officials in SAPol (police), local and state government, official authorities, etc, etc...from Premiers Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill, local Members Rory McEwen and Don Pegler, former Mayor Steve Perryman and the entire previous City Council, the Lutheran Church, the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission, etc, etc, etc...

Life's A Dazy Chain: where not a day passes in my reality that I do not encounter one of these sad shrecks and they scurry away and there ain't not nuthin' good about any of that...not one day passes that the Royal Commission doesn't get pissed in my ear by the ABC or whoevs...only yesterday it was more bollocks from City Council, via the ABC, about whatevs bloody initiative that's related to Council's extraordinary Children's Charter...(it was about some works at a playground somewhere-Ed)...whatevs, the Children's Charter and the associated shreckin' catch-cry 'it takes a village to raise a child'...everyday I live with my failure to resolve the outrageous situation at St Martins...(shall we move on to something equally depressing?-Ed)...yes please...

Just A Thought: that encompasses some of the very confronting issues involved with 'illegal immigation', usually referring to travel by fishing boat via Indonesia...forget arguments about whether theses people are 'asylum seekers', or 'refugees', or 'illegal immigrants', how ever they came to be there, there has been some recent reportage re the Manus Island Detention Centre 'detainees' and the riots that occurred there only months ago...for those unawares, Australia currently either 'turns-back' theses boats, or puts those people on commercial emergency lifeboats as seen on oil tankers, container ships, etc...we take people off one shitty boat, put them in a bright orange one, then point them back in the direction of Indonesia, and give them a parting kick in the seat of the pants, 'get back whence you came'...

We have also given 2 patrol boats to the Sri Lankan navy to help them intercept any boats from there as people flee the ongoing but officially denied violence and discrimination in that country, and have already handed people back over to the Sri Lankans via 'at-sea' exchanges...leaving aside the debates about genuine refugees, our national obligations toward those seeking asylum, global population problems, etc, etc, it was the situation at Manus Island during those riots that was so bizarre...please excuse the humour inherent in this following observation because there's nothing here that I find funny, please feel free to be ill-at-ease...

The 'detainees' in the Manus Island Centre protested against conditions, the time to process 'asylum applications', etc, and did so by barricading themselves in the centre, blocking access by guards/officials/whatevs...(so they've barricaded themselves into a centre they're already locked in?-Ed)...yep, forcing the authorities to break into the centre and arrest the alleged ring-leaders...(so detainees barricaded themselves inside the detention centre, forcing authorities to break into their own centre, and then some detainees were further 'detained' as punishment?-Ed)...yep...nothing funny about any of that, just bizarre upon bizarre...

In a similar vein, I was half-watching Aljazeera News and/or other international news services whilst doing the blog the other day, and the footage was of a war-ravaged, rubble-strewn city somewhere in Syria...when I glanced up later the footage was still of a large destroyed building, but the wording at the bottom was no longer in Arabic, but looked more 'Eastern European', possibly Russian even, and with a sense of dawning disbelief, I realised that this was the shattered remnants of the Donetsk Airport in was clearly the shell of an expansive 2 story building, that could have once been a shopping mall/factory/carpark/whatevs, but was otherwise unrecognisable...and this amid ongoing reports of spasmodic fighting and deaths even though yet another ceasefire is supposedly operating...again, I just don't have a commentary for this but felt it needs to be acknowledged...

Radio Rortals: apparently make half their profits from 'finance deals' set up with Social Security recipients via the Direct Pay option attached/available to some SS clients/payments...this sees people who cannot afford new stuff, eg, a fridge, taking the only finance option/deal they have access to, and then winding up taking years paying-off $1,000s more than an items actually worth (due to interest payments)...I ain't the only one suggestin' that this is yet another crass and completely inappropriate manipulation and defrauding of often very vulnerable people, as per the various dodgy Job Search/training providers whom have recently (finally) been exposed as rorting funding for training of unemployed people...

Today's Attempted Humour: is courtesy of Zantar the Wonder Hound (not his real name) whom has invented an exciting new game we play when I go to give him a treat/snack of a 1/4 handful of muesli/cereal, a game called Scatter Snacks, whereby he bunts my hand outta' the way as I put his reward/snack on the floor, thusly sending bits everywhere and leading to a quiet and now extended frenzy of snuffling and licking across the kitchen floor...(hilarious-Ed)...and to the tune of 'She Sells Seashells by The Seashore', a brief ditty that perfectly describes his latest excretionary expeditionings, namely, 'He Sits Six Shits By The Screen Door'...and this occurred to me the moment I encountered said turds neatly and expertly excreted only feet from the back step...given that this sentence happened in an instant, it is also an insightful sunning of the frightful punning running in my head throughout any given day...

Tomorrow: More Of The Rail Lands Stuff And Council Also

(Wow, you've worked really hard on that witty title haven't you?-Ed)... it's a work in progress...and still better than the other day where I forgot to title a post and then retrospectively called it 'The Post With No Title'...(clever-Ed)...more 'obvious' really, than clever...(well, you'd be surprised at just how many times just how many allegedly clever/intelligent people can  miss the bleedin' obvious-Ed)...yes, but is that 'miss' or deliberately ignore because it's careerially expedient?...(hang on, are we back to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up again?-Ed)...well if you're looking for a better example of the soulless, sanctimonious, selfish, self-focussed shambles that is the South Australian Child Protection System, and how all officials involved have chosen to refuse to see the pro-paedophile corruption that they condone and perpetuate by their in-action, and just so's they can continue in their precious shreckin' jobs...(their precious shreckin' jobs they get paid a relative fortune to do-Ed)...exactly, and paid to do exactly what it is they they fail/refuse to do...

Condemned By Their Own Actions: is every single person involved in the St Martins Cover-up, from the other teachers/staff whom failed to come forward and tell authorities what they'd been telling us parents about what they'd witnessed of teacher Glyn Dorling's behaviours towards the 7 year olds in his care, many of whom still work there, right on up to the current Premier Jay Weatherill, Speaker Michael Atkinson, all of the alleged Opposition Liberals, etc, etc...(well, look, I do agree that these failures have happened, it's a bit unfair to pick on everybody in the same way, to condemn them all for different failings-Ed) so? whoevs did or didn't do whatevs, we are where we are and we have the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

(Yeah, fair enough, but please consider you're own previous thoughts on this...there is a world of difference between, for example, a teacher/staffer who tries to help and is immediately taken to Adelaide by/with Principal John Alexander and forced by senior Lutherans to sign a Confidentiality Agreement that directly threatens that persons employment, etc, and one whom repeatedly states to parents and SAPol (police) that they saw Dorling in the classroom with an erection, but then withdraws that statement and is duly promoted well above their abilities-Ed)...okay, when you put it like that...(I do put it like that-Ed)...

No apologies for straying onto the St Martins stuff again, because it's really only a matter of time before laws are introduced to finally shut-down this 'ere blog, and that's exactly the sort of issue that will again be buried deep...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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