Sunday, March 15, 2015

Gray-Gray Goes Cray-Cray Saying Say Nay To The Nay-sayers

Hello Israel, Philippines, Taiwan, and Ukraine...howdy y'all and welcome to the blog for this Sunday the 15th day of March...(oo look out, watch ya back Julius-Ed)...sorry?...(watch your back-Ed) my back? what, more than usual?..(.no no, well yes, probably, but I was just pointing out that after various religious observances, that March 15th is 'literally' one of the most famous dates on the calendar-Ed)...ah yes, the Ides of March, beware the Ides of that Shakespeare?...(I reckon that the Ides of March is/was a festival/observance thingy back in JC's day, but that line 'beware', yeah, I think it's the quote from the play by Billy S-Ed)...

(Oh, and that 'JC' is Julius Caesar the Roman Emperor, not 'JC' as in Jesus Christ-Ed)...oh thanks, really? I thought Shakespeare wrote Jesus Christ Superstar...(nnno, I don't think so, don't think he did any musicals as such-Ed)...and what happened to JC, Julius that is, on The Ides of March?...(repeatedly stabbed, right in the back, right in the rotunda-Ed)...taboomtish?...(taboomtish-Ed)...

High Time And Highly Ironic: that the reality of Medicinal Marijuana as being Cathartic Chronic received the media attention that a recent/current prosecution of a dealer has his defense, the evidence presented/claimed that he deals 1/2 price grass to several adjacent hospitals to be used for treating patients, particularly re Chemo stuff, etc...(I hear it's also good for joint pain...get it? 'joint pain'-Ed)'ll be gettin' some pain in a minute...(what? talking to you isn't pain enough?-Ed)...sorry?...(just saying, walking for you is often pain enough-Ed)...well yes, my knees do hurt quite a bit some times, but I'm talking about these very serious claims made in a Court hearing in New South Wales that, if true, are yet further albeit anecdotal evidence of the effectiveness of MM/CC...

Obviously the hospitals involved have jumped right on the claim that they score...(they didn't pause to mull it over?-Ed), they were on it, riiight on it...(no no, I said 'mull' it over, 'mull' as in 'cut up grass for smoking'-Ed)...yes thankyou, I get it, just ignoring it...and an official NSW Health Service spokes-Rastafarian said, "nooo mon, (puff) dar's no sweet gunga 'ere mon (puff) nooo sweet gunga 'ere (cough)" that must like be true, ya' know, 'cos he was an official spokes-Rasta...oh, and we can cross now live to that press conference, are you there Trish?...(ahahaaa, ooo there's chocolate cake, they brought caaaaake, ahhhhhhhaahaa, gimme' that...haahahaaaa.........)...yes, well, we appear to be having some technical problems there...(she's wasted dude-Ed)...ok thankyou...(wasted as-Ed)...alright, thanks...we'll get back to Trish later...(yeah, when she's mellowed out a bit-Ed)...indeed...(man, I'll say one thing though for NSW Health, they really know how to throw a press conference-Ed)...double indeed...

Even more obviously, the truth lies roughly around the reality that the dude wasn't dealing directly to the hospitals, but instead directly to patients via 'word of mouth' from other patients...but, and it's a very big but...( and I cannot lie-Ed)...settle, but it is a big ol' but that this dealing was/is a practise well known and tolerated by staff, because the staff/clinicians/doctors/etc understand/believe that MM/CC works in countering many of the most taxing aspects of treatments like Chemotherapy, eg, nausea, loss of appetite, even stress...

Bakin' Grannies: for their own best interests sake because for gourd sake Cathartic Chronic works, we all know it let's get over this Judeo-Christian 'all drugs are bad, mmmkayyy?' bullshit about the Evil Weed and let's get those li'l ol' ladies gettin Chemo and shizzle, let's get them 'baked' with a coupla' home-baked Oatmeal cookies and a nice cuppa' warm milky tea...(right on-Ed)...what have you got there?...(chocolate cake-Ed)...where'd you get that?...(your fridge-Ed) cake! is there any left?...(ummm, here, have this bit-Ed)...dude, I am not eating that now, it isn't even on a plate...

50 Shades Of Gray-Gray: and all of them blandly, blithely bullshit...(wow, now say what you really think-Ed), mate, if I'm gunna' have Graham Greenwood repeatedly shoved all up in my grill and shizzle as being the doyen of Mt Gambier journalism, and he is clearly more than happy to churn out this propaganda-soaked dross and bask in this ludicrously unjustified adulation, then I have a right to write what's right...and when I say 'I'm right' when writing about stuff, regular availees know that I write lots of stuff I believe to be true, full well hoping that it isn't...(fair enough-Ed)...

Please find attached below the article from The Border Watch Friday 6th March 2015, meet you back here in a there you go...again, I hope that the Jazz Academy is even half as successful as it's being touted, and most people feel the same way...some don't give a damn...that's just people...and like me, many I've spoken to don't believe the hype about how this Academy is the saviour of the South East's great as it will be in certain areas, eg, some tourism, it simply isn't going to provide anywhere near the number of full-time jobs that are needed to underpin a resilient/confident local economy...

Perhaps broader negative publicity (that is, outside of Mt Gambier) about the deplorable pausity of Public Services in Mt Gambier, eg, Health, be it Dental/Mental/whatevs, the lack of an MRI scanning machine has been big news during PM Tony Abbott's recent visit...(how's about public transport?-Ed)...well exactly...any of the 45-50 full-time public service jobs lost due to the 'Shared Services' fiasco? and so it goes on...will the Jazz Academy bring any improvement to/replacement of these services?...(probably not-Ed)...unfortunately, probably good as it will be in some areas, how will these things be improved by the Academy?...

But I'd like to skip to the stuff about, "Slowly it is drowning out the "nay-sayers"", referring to various concerns people have about the future of the Jazz Academy...(some people have said to me that they believe that it's just a political stunt by Labor to try and win back the seat of Mt Gambier, a seat they have previously controlled via a series of Labor stooges masquerading as Independents until Troy Bell won in March 2014, and that the Academy will be in Mt Gambier until the next state election and no longer-Ed)...yeah, I've heard that a bit...and again, that's nuthin' about James Morrison and what he says or does, that's entirely about the people he's dealing with in Mt Gambier City Council and Labor...

And people have every right to be concerned when they look at the perpetual debasco (debacle meets fiasco) that is governance in South Australia...why wouldn't Ratepayers be at least a bit paranoid that their elected officials are possibly going to rort this situation stupid?...(and potentially root it up for all concerned-Ed)...exactly...and all the danger signs are there...(and all the social manipulation-Ed)...exactly, particularly the social, here comes a nay-sayer, getcha' torches and ya' pitchforks...

The Ratepayers of Mt Gambier have every right to question what their Council does, and they would be definably, fundamentally insane to believe that the Labor party of South Australia is doing anything that isn't entirely about the Labor Party...and describing/denigrating anyone whom expresses an opinion or concern or questions in any way, as being a "nay-sayer"...(even put in quotations to emphasise it-Ed) is yet another attempt to Pariahtise anyone whom may have a dissenting voice, heaven forbid uncomfortable questions...

I don't understand the stuff about the Academy having to be rushed forward by a year because of the 'termination' of the Tennyson Woods Year 13 course...I swear I heard it reported that the course was taken off Tennyson to be made part of the Academy, not the other way around, and with little if any notification to Tennyson...and across various interviews I've heard those involved saying that this has been years in the planning already...(that paragraph looks like a flaccid attempt to justify and/or distract from the secretive dealings and sudden announcement of the Academy-Ed)...indeed it is...

We all hope that the Academy is alive and too-boppity-wah-skidooing it's little heart out in 10, then 20, then 30 years, ad infinitum...but who knows...and there are clearly some very problematic things that have occurred already...and Graham mentions but fails to conclude/resolve one of them, the issue of this student housing in Harrald St, "...but that venture fell through dramatically...", but there's no explanation of what happened exactly...this was briefly mentioned during the ABC Radio coverage of the Academy's opening day during an interview with James Morrison, but I was in the car and missed the exact details if there were any discussed...

Excuse me if I take no pride what-so-ever as being potentially the 'dramatic' thing that happened to cock-up this accommodation stuff...(you mean us? do you think that posting stuff about how those houses were possibly/supposedly/allegedly meant to be Public Housing for the Housing Trust/Anglicare/whatevs, led to a withdrawl from/of an inappropriate contract/agreement?-Ed)...the timing's exactly right, but even if it's true it potentially could well be coincidence...(but there was also a large land agent's 'To Lease' sign out the front as well-Ed)...I know, it's like so confusing...

Bottomline, something went very wrong with that housing stuff and I doubt very much that it's James Morrison's very much concerns me that this is the sort of thing that can go wrong when people say 'no problems, how can we make it happen', and they start writin' cheques their chequebook can't cash...there's some other stuff that concerns me re the Jazz Academy, but that's for another post...

Tomorrow: Latest Rail Lands Malarchy 

Check Out My Guns: said a flexing PM Tony 'The Mad Monk' Abbott as he recently stated that Australia is going to start dealing black-market fire-arms, dealing in "illegal guns"...(rubbish, he never-Ed)...he sure did, I heard him, plain as day he stated, "...dealing in illegal guns, people can count on this government to do that."...unquote..(yeah, but he had prefaced that with '...cracking down on those who are....'...dealing in illegal guns, etc-Ed)...are you suggesting that this paragraph is yet another illustrative illiteration as to the power of words, both those acknowledged and those ignored, for example The Border Watch thrice reporting that I 'failed to appear' at a recent alleged Court hearing, and neglecting to report that the Magistrate had responded "yes" when put to him that I hadn't actually been Summonsed (by SAPol-police)...(sure, that's what I was doing-Ed)...

Oh, and Ed, re this alleged punch-up on the set of car show Top Gear, as an ABC/BBC announcer asked his guests, "where do you stand on Jeremy Clarkson?"...(the scrotum-Ed)...mmmokay, I'll have the throat then...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...   

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