Sunday, February 15, 2015

Are You Being Served?

(Well I'm free-Ed)...and so am I, for the moment, but plenty of people are crackin' jokes with me about bringin' me out ma' bread and water to the gaol, particularly given what happened yesterday (Friday 13th February) morning on my front doorstep...hello y'all and welcome to the blog and a quick review of just what's gone down around the man I apparently am this last 2 weeks...(man? blaggard I'd have said, what wif' you not fronting Court 'n all-Ed)...well indeed...

(And my pussy has mange-Ed)...ok, thanks, perhaps that's enough homaging dodgy British sitcoms for one day, and onto the important stuff...(you mean like you-Ed)...indeed, I don't see anyone else here...(many a true word spoken in jest-Ed)...indeed, and what with it bein' Valentines Day and all, and havin' that relentlessly shoved in my face is always a pleasant reminder to self that if I truly care about someone, the nicest thing I can do for them is not go out with them in the first place...(and that's even before ya' chuck the whole 'twice survived Cancer' stuff in there-Ed)...again, indeed...but I digress...

I'm not ignoring the rest of the world, and only today was listening to/watching the ABC/BBC/SBS regarding the total devastation in Kobane in Iraq, large areas of many Syrian towns, Donetsk in Ukraine, and multiple reports of more Sectarian violence with bombings and other that context, I always consider in good humour the life of relative affluence and security, dare I say it, safety, that I enjoy...but I do not apologise for putting thoroughly on the public record that which drastically affects every person in this state, namely the extraordinary pseudo-Judicial, Fasco-political attack I'm under for merely talking about the corruption that defines South Australia...and so, 'Are You Being Served' regarding Friday morning and the latest SAPol visit to my home to allegedly serve me yet another Summons...I gotta' say that I'm quite confused about the whole thing, and here's why...

Firstly, the very gentle 'tap, tap, tap'...when a SAPol officer came to my home approx 2000hrs on Thursday evening February 5th 2015, it was an emphatic 'Knock! Knock! Knock!' 5-6 times then a very brief pause and 3-4 more, all up 8-10 good loud knocks I'd ha' probably heard out in the garden...yesters it was barely a tap, only 3 was the reluctant knock of a kid who's kicked their ball into your yard, or a salesperson selling something they don't really want to, someone quite timid and/or not feeling confident or embarrassed to be bothering you, whatevs, y'all know what I was a very quiet knock for what turned out to be yet another SAPol officer with a Summons in his hand...

My first thought was 'this is/was a psuedo-attempt to serve me, knocking so quietly I don't hear it and don't answer, as part of trying to explain why I wasn't served at all prior to the Court hearing of Feb 3rd'...(ah, I get it, SAPol trying to retrospectively establish some argument about how many rimes they allegedly tried to serve you, but apparently you just didn't/don't answer your door-Ed)...exactly, trying to establish a justifiable defence for non-service, after the fact...

And I just happened to have in my hand because I was reading it, my copy of the original 'Complaint and Summons' + 'Apprehension Report' that I had received the day before (Thursday 12th February) after my legal advice rang SAPol to ask for it...(hang on, you had a hearing on Tuesday 3rd February and you haven't even been provided the Apprehension Report that outlines the basic aspects of the alleged charges and supposed evidence until your legal advice contacts SAPol 9 days later on the 12th?-Ed)...yep...(why wasn't it provided when the Original Summons was issued for the Feb 3rd hearing?-Ed)...well dunno, I wasn't served a Summons for that hearing...

I note that the Second Summons (SS2), as served/received the evening of February 5th, is a copy of the original 'Complaint and Summons' (5 pages, undated) with a Hearing Date listed of 3rd February 2015, at 1030hrs, stapled to a front page titled only 'Summons', which is Court stamped the 4th February...on that 'Summons', under 'Complaint/Information Details' it says "Refer attached copy..." and just under that, 'Date Complaint or Information made - 7th January 2015'...and that's it looks like that Summons was first issued 7th January 2015 and in a full month SAPol couldn't find li'l ol' me what hardly leaves 'is 'ouse...(and no Apprehension Report attached?-Ed), just those two...and that's the next point...

When my legal advice rang and asked for the 'AppReport', they received with it the original 'Complaint and Summons' sans the 'Summons' page...(so when you were finally served three days after the actual hearing, SAPol didn't provide the AReport, which supposedly details the details of the alleged charges-Ed)...yep...(and then send your legals the 'C&S' without the front-page 'Summons, that shows there is another Court hearing set for March 3rd-Ed)...yep...I don't care what part of this is deliberate and what part is just screaming incompetence, as far as I'm concerned SAPol deliberately didn't send my legal beagles the latest 'Summons' so that they (lawyers) wouldn't know there was an approaching hearing...  

(And of course you found out about the Feb 3rd hearing via a phone call when someone said that you were in The Border Watch re missing your Court hearing-Ed)...indeed, in TBW with a big photo, being vilified and denigrated as a Court-snubbing blaggard, about a Court hearing I didn't know was on, and I find out via a casual comment in an unrelated phone call ...which hilariously segues into tomorrow's post re the Showgrounds sale...
Following the recent Liberal Party leadership shenanigans...(where Tony Abbott comprehensively beat no-one hands down by a narrow margin?-Ed)...with both hands tied behind his back even...yeah, I've heard some quite troubling confessions from the clearly despondent Liberals...(do tell, do tell-Ed)...well, Treasurer Joe Hockey has stated that people don't want to talk to him and are snubbing him in the street, "...they say to me, 'keep on going Joe''...", and Tony Pasin admitted that he deals with the pressure by going out early and thievin' stuff, "...I get out of bed each morning and I steal..."...(oo you are a naughty boy, now stop doing a dodgy attempt at humour masquerading as a demonstration of how easy it is to manipulate language, and explain yourself-Ed)...alright, alright...

Smokin' Joe was actually saying that people support his Budget Bastardry and tell him to 'keep on going with the Budget, etc', not as I've presented, 'don't talk to me Joe, keep on truckin' mate'...and Member for Barker Tony Pasin was asked something about 'what now?' or 'how do you deal with the pressure?', something, sorry I wasn't really listening, but Tony's response was 'I get up each (every?) morning and I steel myself for, etc'...I just heard that 'and I steel myself' and immediately made that terrible pun...and terrible pun that it is, it is still such a simple demonstration of the simple manipulation of language...(it's all about context I said-Ed)...indeed, manipulation that makes 'context' the 'text that cons'...(nice, where 'cons' means 'deceives', yeah?-Ed)...exactly...(nice-Ed)...

And quite predictably I'm going to plow straight off that into a comparison with the recent 'reportage' from The Border Watch re my alleged failure to show for Court, what I done cover in a recent post...carefully worded denigration and ignoring the truth by not even bothering to check...pathetically unprofessional in pursuit of a vindictive agenda...(I know you are , but what about TBW?-Ed)...taboomtish...

The Recreationing Ball:...I also note that Mt Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee has stated in that recent article (and related post) about this suddenly announced giant red-herring called a 'Regional Recreation Centre' and Council's plan to apply for a $10million Federal grant, a 'grant' that requires a $ for $ investment from Council, meaning Council are planning (but have not admitted) to borrow yet another $10m, after borrowing and spending $6m in 2013/14...(sweet baby cheeses-Ed)...borrowing another $10m allegedly to build a $20m Rec Centre that will rule out Mt Gambier ever having a proper Indoor Aquatic Centre...(so Council must have $10m at hand to even be able to apply?-Ed)...which they don't, they have to borrow to apply...but then Mayor Lee says, according to TBW so gourd knows, but TBW quotes Mayor Lee,
     "We are not committed to building, we can just apply for the funding.

(Well that's maybe not word perfect, but that is what he/they said when the debate turned to commitment, etc, 'if the application fails Council's not committed to a Rec Centre', so's we're just gunna' blow that borrowed $10m on something else-Ed)...well indeed, they didn't say the last bit but that's certainly where this is headed...but the fact remains that to even apply Council must have a proven access to $10m, and then he's/they're admitting that Council is not obligated to spend that on this bullshit lie Recreation Centre...

The whole Rec Centre argument is yet another attractively distractive lie from Council, conjured suddenly from desperate minds as they try to justify 1) not doing the Sound Shell or the access through to Margaret St, or renovating the Old Rail Station, all on the Rail Lands, and 2) finally ending the discussion about an Indoor Aquatic Centre, and worst of all 3) justifying borrowing another $10m...and the exact argument that Steve Perryman uses over and over, the scare tactic, is that a pool would see rates rise by $100s per citizen per year...(along with all the crap about 'must have a business plan', 'must be viable', etc, all the stuff completely ignored on the Library, The Main Corner, the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter, ripping down the Old Hospital, everything done thus far on the Rail Lands, etc, etc, ad infinitum-Ed)...

Yet more lies from Mt Gambier City Council as they try to access another $10m...absolutely outrageous, whatta' disgrace...(and if it does proceed, watch them try to shove this Rec Centre bullshit onto the Rail Lands rather than the Olympic Pk sports precinct on Margaret St, and then use Ratepayers money to set down a giant concrete slab for said Rec Centre, which then winds up under the massive Retail development Council has always in all ways been pursuing on the Rail Lands, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda-Ed)...I see what you're sayin', given that moving the Rail Easement, the $700,000 Drainage Pond, the easily moved Palm trees, etc, are all simply about using Ratepayer's money to clear the footprint for the RLRA Retail building and put in stop-gap storm water management for it's huge roof area...

And Ratepayers will pay for every cent of all it, and all the interest, and it'll end up in private hands, exactly the way Council has always planned, same as The Main Corner, etc...and it segues beautifully into tomorrow's post re the Show Grounds and a clearly corrupted attempt to flog it off cheaply to ALDI supermarkets...disgracefully mishandled to the point of outright deceit...

 Tomorrow: Showgrounds Showdown

Yet another farcically inappropriate series of events/deals/whatevs that reek of malfeasance and self-interest...this will be a beauty of a post, even if I say so myself...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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