Saturday, February 7, 2015

Why Being Polite Works

Hello Germany, United Arab Emirates, Taiwan, and Italy and welcome to the blog...apologies for no post yesterday but had a bit of a crash and burn day after several long weeks, not least of all still recovering from the luxury of a recent visitor with multiple dining-outs and a stoinking great brand new 4WD hire car...(oh the horror-Ed)...and now I'm back to myself for company and driving my darling li'l piece of S-Crap...(oh the horror-Ed)...

Yesterday arvo 'round abouts 1645hrs I was nipping past home to grab some documents and instead of coming into the rabbit-warrenny Housing Trust estate I call home, I parked out on the main road and walked I was passing the end of my actual street, a SAPol (police) 4WD 'paddy wagon' was pulling-out, saw me go sailing across their bow, and turned to follow me...I went 'round the corner as they sped up behind me, and then as I was pulling over anyway, on came their flashing  lights and I was officially being pulled over by the fuzz...(yay and ouch-Ed)...indeed...

I got out and threw my hat and glasses on the seat and 2 officers got out of their car...I said something about 'did you see me go past and decide to follow me', to which one replied "yes"...(fair enough-Ed)...yeah, yeah, I know, roughish looking bloke in a S-crappy li'l car, in a suburb 'Dick Stretcher' described in 'Comments' on this 'ere blog as 'Crappoville'...I recognised one of the cops as being he whom 'recently' took my statements re my ex-neighbour beating his small children...(again, yay-Ed)...they asked if it was my car, and to see my license, and did quick checks and then that was it...(that was it?-Ed)...yeah, they said thanks, got back in their car, and left...

I mention this as being the first time I've been pulled over in 20+ years, other than a couple of breathalyser stops, and as being just a relatively random policing issue as might happen anytime to anyone, and the 2 officers were perfectly reasonable and did their checks and then bounced (left in their car)...I believe it to be entirely unrelated to the knock knock the evening before...('knock knock'?-Ed)...who's there?...(no no, not 'knock knock who's there?'-Ed)...'no no, not knock knock who's there?' who?...(no, stop, this isn't a knock knock joke, I'm asking you who/what is 'knock knock'?-Ed)...dude, that doesn't even make sense...worst knock knock joke ever...(this is not a oh forget it, people, follow me please...this way-Ed)...

(Right, on Thursday evening 'round abouts 2030hrs there was an emphatic knocking in a front-doorly direction and it was a local SAPol officer delivering a Summons-Ed)...look, alright. I'll do it, it's my Summons...(fair enough, off ya' go-Ed)...and I had a coupla' goes at him about 'why wasn't I told before?', etc, and I didn't swear or yell or whatevs, but it was a fairly terse exchange in which the officer said he hadn't done that Summons previous and he simply didn't know...I took the Summons, flicked through it, and it was a 'Second Summons' with the First Summons attached and did seem to relate to the SAPol 'raid' of my home on May 8th 2014...

As he went to leave I went out and apologised for being rude as such, we hadn't met before, etc, and he responded that he'd experienced far worse, which put me in mind of what a prick of a job it must be to have to do that all evening, and I said so...and so why being polite works...because I went out and genuinely apologised and there was a brief exchange I gleened a fascinating piece of information...I repeatedly but politely explained how unhappy I was about the gross inappropriateness of holding a hearing that I hadn't been told about, and he mentioned that it (the issue of the Summons) should have come up in Court during the hearing...(of course-Ed)...

I am not a lawyer, but from this officers brief statement and other things others have claimed 'at' me, not so much 'to' me but 'at' me, apparently, SAPol should have been asked by the Court about my alleged non-appearance and the service of the Summons, and/or SAPol should have identified in the hearing that I hadn't been served a Summons and therefore I couldn't have known that the hearing was on...(and particularly that this is the first hearing, not an adjournment or whatevs where-in it could be argued that perhaps you should have known...and given that you haven't even been interviewed, let alone charged, and you didn't know, etc, surely all of that should have come up-Ed)...whatevs, I didn't question him about it, but it's my understanding that SAPol should have identified the non-service of the Summons and/or the Magistrate should have asked...

It was just a casual comment, but it immediately threw into sharp focus the reality of what The Border Watch has done with their reportage of this extraordinary series of events...(or that SAPol didn't do what they apparently should have, and/or neither has the Magistrate-Ed)...well, indeed, I'll get back to that...attached are the 2 articles TBW has run and my letter in response to the first, which is apparently what the second article is about...yet again I've written to TBW and yet again they've grossly censored me and printed their version of events regardless of the facts...I'll leave it to availees to decide whether or not this is appropriate conduct..and no I lied, now I'm going to shred it for the corrupted bollocks that it is...

I've covered the first article in the recent post 'Wow'...if SAPol correctly identified in Court that I was not served, then why hasn't TBW reported that? why have they reported as fact that I "failed to appear" but not reported the mitigating reality that I didn't even know it was happening?...either SAPol and/or the Magistrate failed to make/ask/whatevs this fundamental statement/question/whatevs about the non-service of the Summons, or they did state/ask/whatevs, and TBW has deliberately ignored that explanation in order to print a deliberately erroneous and denigrating article...(ouch-Ed)...oh it gets better...

Then when I write to TBW and explain the errors in their article, they haven't printed my letter, but have instead done yet another 'authorless' article, buried on page 11, that fails to identify any of the realities, eg, that I've had my home raided, etc, and talks about my "claims"and "He says...", etc, reinforcing by reporting as fact the non-truths that I 'failed to appear' and was 'absent', neither of which is true given I didn't know the hearing was on...repeating these falsehoods again, indicates that 1) this cannot have come up in Court, at all, or 2) TBW are knowingly lying to pursue an agenda of discrediting and denigration...which is it?...(extraordinary-Ed)...well, quite...

But the crowning glory...(what, there's more?-Ed)...oh their own further attempts to denigrate me, TBW have clearly identified that they haven't checked my "claims", or what it is I "says", because they haven't contacted SAPol and/or the Courts to ask them if what I'm saying is true...I've made statements of fact that identify a swathe of very serious concerns with the alleged 'legal processes', and TBW deliberately hasn't bothered to contact anyone, hence allowing them to print the lies they have...their own words confirm it..."Nick Fletcher has claimed..."", and "Mr Fletcher contacted TBW and said...", and "He said..."...(OMG-Ed)...

(Their own story shows that they haven't made any attempt to correct their erroneous reporting, haven't even called the Courts or SAPol to ask if these serious breaches have occurred or for some comment, whatevs...omg-Ed)...yeah, that or we're back to either,
    1) the non-service was discussed/identified/whatevs in Court, at which time either SAPol lied and
        said 'yes we did, don't know where he is', and TBW haven't reported that discussion for some
        reason, or;
    2) SAPol stated 'no he hasn't been served, doesn't even know', but TBW refuse to acknowledge
        it because it conflicts with what they want to say about me, or;
    3) the issue of the Summons never came up at all, which is simply unbelievable...

And ultimately, even that's all irrelevant in the context of this latest TBW article, because TBW outs itself as having not bothered to even check the statements in my letter...and you wonder why I started my own blog, and then ya' whinge about that as well...for shreck sake...

For over a decade I and other parents tip-toed cap-in-hand around TBW and the local/Adelaide ABC, etc, desperately trying to get someone to do something about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up from 2002, all whilst not compromising alleged investigations, or other families rights, not exposing too much re the abuses, etc, etc...10+ years of that and we have been routinely royally screwed over, abused, threatened, attacked, vilified, denigrated, etc, etc, by TBW and the ABC...what a bloody disgrace...and then y'all beeyatch about it when the worm turns to bloggin'...for shreck sake...(and not really a worm is it dude? more of a Large Angry ManBear StuffPig Scorpio Fire Horse Hippy sortta' thing-Ed)...fair enough...

As the officer was leaving, I asked if I needed to sign anything re the Summons 2.0, but he said no and just kept walking to his car away up the street...again, I've had people all up in my grill with their shizzle about this as being 'totally inappropriate' and  'of course you're meant to sign it', etc, etc...(sounds like a set-up to me-Ed)...sorry, not with you...(well you weren't served the Summons the first time, for whatevs reason, and either it didn't come up at all in the hearing, or TBW have knowingly lied about it by omitting the one fact that renders their entire reportage wrong?-Ed)..with you thus far, but that doesn't sound like a set-up...(but have TBW reported correctly, albeit without bothering to contact you, and the issue of the Summons didn't come up in Court, and are SAPol now going to try to 'plausibly deny' not serving you and say 'orr yeah, we served 'im alright, we never get signatures' or some similar bollocks?-Ed)...

Well I can see what you're saying, but that's just not gunna' fly, I wasn't served a Summons or notified in any way that there was a hearing, and that's that...I haven't been interviewed let alone charged and read about my alleged hearing in TBW the day after I allegedly missed it...what's also irrefutable, that TBW have now twice reported on the issue of my alleged hearing and associated alleged non-appearance and have not identified that the Summons was discussed, indeed their reportage indicates that it wasn't...(or TBW is deliberately lying about it?-Ed)...there is that third option of course...(do tell-Ed)...

Well the issue of my non-appearance was raised/discussed/whatevs, and SAPol responded/stated/whatevs that I had been served, which of course would be a lie...(ah yes, of course, you already said that, sorry-Ed)'re cool, but I'm just gunna' chuck all that out there for TBW, SAPol, and the Courts to fight over amongst themselves and I just can't wait to see what they come up with next...and last week it was my credibility vs that of Council and TBW, and this week it's mine vs SAPol, the Courts, and again TBW...hilarious if it weren't so sad...

Again, for the record, SAPol and the ABC have both told me they are monitoring this 'ere blog, but not with any intention of dealing with some of this crap, no, they're going right past all of that, ignore all that, they're watching me to try and come and get me...(this is an outrage-Ed)...indeed... 

Tomorrow: More And More Stuff

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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