Monday, February 9, 2015

My Hair's Tenth Birthday

Howdy USofA, UK, Ukraine, Germany, France, India, Venezuela, Turkey if you're still out there, Taiwan, Moldova, howdy yáll and apologies if I've missed you but welcome to a rather self-indulgent celebratory post re my last of 8 rounds of Chemotherapy as pumped into me on February 8th 2005, a treatment regime known as CHOP for it's constituent chemicals/medications...(I liked the bright orange one that they come at you with whilst wearing smocks, masks, and goggles, 'cos it's so shreckin' toxic, and then they pump that into ya' arm-Ed)...yeah, that makes ya' pee bright pink a few hours later, hilarious...

Just checking my old diary and note that I had my last Chemo early that morning and a scan to get 'tattooed' for the upcoming month of 20 Radiotherapy treatments (March-April 2005)...they measure/line you up under a scanner and figure exactly where to direct the Radiotherapy 'blast', and then put a small green tattoo there so as to ensure accuracy each and every time...then it was up to WorkCover for an unassociated hearing re my Unfair Dismissal from the Gambier Hotel, a case I had proven in Court in 2000-01 (previously posted)...admittedly, I still don't know/cannot remember how exactly that wound-up in WorkCover, but it did, and I think on 08/02/2005 it was just an 'adjournment hearing' due to my illness...

Can't remember exactly, but it was only a few minutes because I was 200m up from the Workcover building at Parliament House (North Tce, Adelaide) just on 1000hrs to meet the then Speaker of the Lower House Peter Lewis and the Child Protection volunteers working effectively from his office...this was the first time I'd met any of them...and then it was pretty much immediately off to the Child Abuse (of Children in State Care) Royal Commission and an hour long meeting with Commissioner Ted Mullighan (now deceased)...

No need to go into any specific detail about that meeting as it was entirely about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, particularly the then recent (November 2004) decision by the Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitor to take no action what-so-ever against "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling, and I have covered in numerous posts in some detail the many aspects of that Cover-up and the TRB/CSO exoneration of Dorling, including of course the role that Comm Mullighan played in perpetuating it...I maintain that Comm Mullighan never had any intention other than to stuff us parents about and run us ragged with repeated promises of support and help and resolution, etc, etc, but he constantly failed to follow through...

I note the letters (previous posts) where the then Premier Mike Rann and current Premier, then FAYS Minister Jay Weatherill, officially denied Comm Mullighan the powers he claimed to have asked them for...these vacuous exchanges of correspondence between Comm Mullighan and parents, various politicians, the Lutherans, etc, dovetail far too neatly to be coincidence, and carefully resolved absolutely nothing...Comm Mullighan soon started abusing me in writing and ultimately just turned his back on the other parents as well and quite literally walked away...(truly a deceitful and manipulative man-Ed)...indeed... 

But at this first meeting he was all deeply contemplative 'mmm' and empathetically critical 'oh' and supportively sighing and quizzically questioning with a raised eyebrow, and all done all at the right times...all of the carefully rehearsed body language and practiced vocalisation to impart to the observer the impression of a deeply caring, sympathetic, moral and believing man who is clearly shocked and will undoubtedly act to resolve this situation that he clearly finds so disturbing...bollocks...(well we know that now, but back at the time you thought it was a chance, yeah?-Ed)...oh absolutely...what a naive and stupid young man I was...(as opposed/compared/whatevs to the cynical old man I see before me-Ed)...indeed...

And as we left that meeting, still in the Commission foyer, the Child Protection Activist I was with received a phone call from the lawyer who represented paedophile teacher Glyn Dorling in the TRB/CSO hearing, one Stephen Lieschke...(oh I love this one, where he rang and said 'I heard you're dealing with these St Martins parents and because I know you from previous, mate, I just want to warn you to not help those parents because they're all bonkers and there's no evidence in the TRB/CSO', etc, etc...and the CPA put their phone on speaker so you heard it all for yourself-Ed)...indeed, Stevo several times went over and over the same lies and slanderous denigration of parents...

(I loved the bit where he repeatedly stated that a father had admitted in the TRB/CSO hearing as to being a co-conspirator in a plot to "get Dorling and throw him off a cliff", unquote-Ed)...indeed, that's exactly what he said, repeatedly, and given that I was the only father who gave evidence, Stevo was talking about me...I'm standing there listening to that prick repeatedly make a wholly untrue but incredibly serious claim ...(I mean yeah, the guys a corrupt, paedophile protecting prick, but I love his work re this call...I mean just saying let alone telling you, albeit unwittingly, that you've confessed to being in a murder plot whilst giving evidence in the TRB/CSO hearing...classic-Ed)...

Yeah, funny that for all of the denigration heaped on me by the TRB/CSO and their attempts to destroy my credibility as the only eye-witness prepared to give evidence in the hearing, eg, saying exactly that in their Reasons For Decision November 2014, that they just don't believe me, I find it incredible that after all of that the TRB/CSO would fail to mention that I sat there in front of them and 'fessed-up to all 'dem murders I done...(really? 'tis for want of better airs and graces that I am condemned-Ed)...on and on he went repeating the same points over, 'check the parent's psychological state, no evidence, murder foul murder plot, etc'...and I listened to it arsehole Stephen Lieschke...

So in review, Lieschke was Dorling's lawyer in the TRB/CSO in a context where we parents were deliberately set-up as unrepresented sitting ducks by the wholly corrupt CSO and TRB, where Stevo was given carte-blanche to attack parents, question us from documents we hadn't seen, etc, etc...and of course Stephen Lieshke is/was (Premier) Jay Weatherill's business partner...(shazzam-Ed)...and that immediately puts me in mind of the March 2010 State Election Forum at the Helpmann Theatre where St Martins was raised by the last question...

(Yeah, and you were the only one who addressed the issue, and Viv Maher (Labor), Don Pegler (then Grant District Council Mayor and alleged Independent), then Mt Gambier Mayor and Liberal candidate Steve Perryman, and Family First's Henk Bruins, they all just sat there heads bowed, hands clasped on the desk in front, legs crossed beneath, all set in the exact same frightened closed self-protective position-Ed)...oh ai, that be then and that be they and the memory that leaps at me nearly as emphatically as the man himself, is when the then Mt Gambier Councillor and now Federal Liberal Member Tony Pasin was half outta' his chair with excitement when I named Lieschke and then identified him as Weatherill's partner...Tony clearly knew already and was clearly delighted...

I happened to be lookin' right at Tony as I went through this, and he was beaming throughout, then clasped his hands together almost applauding when I named Lieschke, and then when I said 'he's Weatherill's partner' Tony was I swear entirely 'arse-off' with glee, grabbing the armrests, half outta' his chair'...he was absolutely delighted that I'd made that statement and that connection...and now that gleeful little man is our deliriously Abbott-lovin' Federal Member...(yay-Ed)...indeed...

And so I seamlessly flow from the shit being pumped into me for the last time 10 years ago to save my life to a staged presentation of that which has become my life since, and on to the ownership of the bucket of shit I'm about to dump into Tony's joyous lap...

You were there Tony and you already knew all about the St Martins Cover-up because that wasn't the first time it had been explained to know about the gross and systemic failures re St Martins, and even if they are genuine mistakes/failings, you are now the Member and have done nuthin' about it...for nearly 18 months now you have been the Federal rep for Mt Gambier and what have you done to resolve St Martins?...(nothing?-Ed)...well yes, it's a rhetorical question but he's done nothing...and knowing and doing nothing is by definition being complicit...those who avert their eyes or look away...and that's you Tones...

I'm gunna' pull-up here and have a quiet evening's contemplating of the futility of human existence and/or my navel...  

Tomorrow: Back To Health Service Issues SA Style

(Congrats on the Big 10 after the Big C, but what does that have to do with your hair's birthday?-Ed)...that Chemo technically killed all my hair, etc, and at that stage I had no toenails and no hair apart from eyebrows...(no idea why the eyebrows stayed?-Ed)...nope, whatevs, but it kills off hair, white blood cells, etc, and then the next day I'd have a $1500 Steroid injection that kick-started all the white cell regrowth, technically sortta' today my hair, which hasn't been cut since Chemo therefore never, is 10 years old...(fair enough-Ed)... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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