Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Just Pushin' Stuff Uphill

Hello and welcome to the blog and more gettin' caught up with stuff, but it's all so grim that I'm not sure I want to play today...(ah yes, the malaise of concerned knowledge...my ol' Ma used to have a great remedy for that-Ed)...yeah? still got it?...(better, I memorised it-Ed)...oh great...(yeah, it's just take a cup of water, a teaspoon of cement, woof it all down, and harden the f*** up-Ed)...and how is your Ma?...(she sends her love-Ed)...charming woman...

Feedback: Yes, it is possible that the cops were laying in wait for me to go past the other day, and then pull me over, etc, and yes, it could even have been so'd they could turn around laters and say 'hey, we treat Nick Fletcher just super, check out when we pulled him over, polite as, we was', etc, etc, but as the person there at the time, and despite all the other shizzle goin' down around me, particularly re SAPol (police), it still just seemed to be what it was, a routine traffic stop of a roughish lookin' dude in a crappy car, who then turned out to be registered, licensed, etc, and so that's all cool and everyone was polite and off we all went...

I was joking and in turn it was joked right back at me re the bizarre Court hearing I wasn't told about (apparently on February 3rd 2015) re the bizarre non-charges I haven't even been interviewed about yet, etc, etc, it was joked/suggested that I should just rock-up everyday to the Courthouse in me' lucky suit, li'l ol' briefcase in hand, and be there politely waiting at the door when they open, 'hello, am I in a hearing today? no? ok, see you tomorrow then'...(ahahahaha, classic-Ed)...but now I have the Summons and it clearly states March 3rd 2015...(but that's what it said in The Border Watch article of February 4th 2015, 'Fletcher is compelled to return on March 3rd 2015', so that can't be right-Ed)...my turn, ahahahahaha, classic...

Just gobsmacked to see reportage that the massive WorkCover liability has come down a fraction because 'long-term claimees (so that's amputees, etc) have been drawing less on the fund since new legislation stopped them claiming' (paraphrase but damn close)...(so, sorry? the injured workers have had their compensation entitlements cut by a corrupt Labor government, as Labor tries to stem WorkCover losses, losses largely accrued due to the monies rorted by the bureacracy involved, and that was reported as a good thing?-Ed)...yep, that's the tone...not 'what bastardry from a supposedly Socialist Labor Party, attacking injured workers in this way', no, it was reported as a positive because the debt is marginally down...(disgraceful-Ed)...

Rail Lands: it appears that work has all but stopped on the ludicrous platform extension, the gap cut in it to let the water out, all the ramps and stairs and associated balustrading. etc, it all seems to be just sitting there for weeks now, probably going back just before Christmas...(well the contractor is still contracting, they're over at the Old Town Hall ripping out all the renovations from only a few years ago, so as to shove the Jazz Academy thingy in there-Ed)...indeed, and that's all public monies too...and James Morrison himself has said that 'when the Academy succeeds the way we foresee, this 'ere building ain't gunna' be big enough and we'll have to move' (paraphrase)...

(But then why move in there in the first place? why not go to the TAFE/Uni SA site on Wireless Rd where they've got all the buildings and empty space they could ever use? isn't Uni SA doing a massive expansion out there right now?-Ed)...I know, I know...and along with that yet another wall of dodgy secret Mt Gambier City Council deals and public monies thrown at it, etc, etc, with what The Border Watch has described as a "private business"...I'll say it again, the moment that you remove the name James Morrison from this equation, it is all exactly as I describe it, a litany of dodgy secret deals done with public properties and public monies, and with Mt Gambier City Council at it's centre...(well how could that possibly go wrong?-Ed)...

And people want to know exactly when this 'Academy' was decided and, amongst other things, whether that impacted on Council's mad rush decision to rip down the Old Hospital whilst 1) it was still riddled with Asbestos caulking in the rear window frames, 2) there was a Court case underway as the former owner sued the receivers re the value of the property, and 3) there was another critical legal issue at play at that time that I probably cannot talk about because that would possibly be talking about it...(dude, so bizarre-Ed)...indeed... 

But even as we speak a large tractor/loader, a bobcat loading the bucket on that, and three trucks and a handful of workers are back in that South East corner of the Rail Lands (below, June/July 2014), ripping up the soil again and looks like they're getting ready to pave it...(is this the same bit where they dug it up because of the flooding, and 'discovered' that Council had removed the stormwater drains from that bit whilst rooting about needlessly with the Rail Lands, and then placed large plastic 'drainage pipes' there and carefully filled it back in?-Ed)...yep...(and then Former Mayor Steve Perryman tried to blame those buildings and/or businesses in the January 2015 Council meeting?-Ed)...that's them...

I am also now under the gun from Electoral Commissioner Kay Mousley re the November 2014 Local Government/Mayoral Election...apparently I'm in trouble or soon to be, judging by the very officious and threatening letter I've just received for not handing over my 'Donations Declaration' to Mt Gambier City Council CEO Mark McShane...(what?! hand over info about whom supports you to this vindictively retributional, gutless, bullying, corrupt Council as headed by Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans? not on your life-Ed)...I know, an entirely corrupted system where the crooks run the election and then demand that you reveal your sources...(good luck with that, to her I mean-Ed).

Indeed, I look forward to discussing many issues with Ms Mousley re the massively corrupted Electoral System she resides over, and the rank corruption in Local and State Government, and how it's not my  "allegations" or my "complaints" or anything other than the realities as I have experienced them as a candidate in 2 elections, a 'hard-as' if unwilling political operative and part-time observer of the human condition...(I get the sense she may already be regretting whippin' the lid of this particular can of worms-Ed)...and I will work diligently to realise that regret for her...(I believe you will-Ed).

(You now, it must be rather disconcerting for some of these people that they keep on tryin' to open a can of Whoop-arse on you, and the damn cans are always full of worms-Ed)...beautifully said Ed, beautifully said...

I am all for the accurate disclosure of all Council/political related donations/gifts/whatevs because then it would reveal perhaps instances where say for random hypothetical example a former local Council CEO was say directly involved in handing multiple lucrative Council contracts to the contractor whom, just for argument's sake, had built that CEO's holiday home for what could be politely described as 'mates rates'...(wow, that's a very specific 'random hypothetical...in fact, it's almost like you're referring to an actual incident of gross corruption involving a former CEO, a clearly favoured contractor, a 'cheap' holiday house, and lucrative Council contracts awarded to unsaid contractor by unsaid CEO as reward for the holiday house-Ed)...can't get anything past you can I?...

Listening to Liberal Finance Minister Matthias 'Always Blue' Cormann bangin' on the other day about how he supports Tony Abbott in the approaching (now passed) Leadership spill, and how 'The Mad Monk is the only one to lead us', and 'he led us to glorious victory in 2013', etc, etc, but then he stated that Labor were an incompetent rabble going into the 2013 Election and 'we're fixing the debt and deficit blah, blah, it is not a tumour, blah, blah', etc, etc...it occurred to me that Tones was only leader over Malcolm Turnbull by one vote at their Liberal leadership contest back in 2012 (2011? sorry)...'AB' completely undermined his previous justifications that Tones is The One, The Only One by carefully pointing out that whoevs was Liberal leader in 2013 would have won anyway...(ahahaha-Ed)...

Yesters on ABC Local Radio, Grant District Council Mayor Richard 'Mumbles' Sage "they...them...they"d his way through an interview re Fracking (Coal/Shale Seam Gas extraction) and the declaration by 5 areas within the GD Council that they are 'Fracking Free'...(hang on, he said "3 areas", not '5'-Ed)..indeed he did...Richard clearly demonstrated his/Council's taciturn support for Fracking by referring to those involved with organising this 'FF Declaration' as "them" and "they" and playing down the number of areas involved and stating that Council/he must remain neutral, blah, blah, blah...very carefully letting all involved back in Adelaide know that he's right on board with Fracking, and those whom oppose are "them" and "they"...

(Well I'm sorry, but I just don't trust a word the man says after he stood up at that Wind Turbine Interim Development Plan Amendment meeting at Casadio Pk in late 2011, and belicosely opposed the DPA and banged on about how his Council now had no powers re approvals, Turbine placement, etc, etc, and then within weeks the official GD Council submission stated 'we support the DPA'-Ed)...well indeed, it's hard to trust someone whom has proven themselves capable of lying to ya' face in a public meeting...

Sue Charlton is now the 'patron' of the Stand Like Stone Foundation and my li'l legal bestie Bill DeGaris is the new Chair...(Billyyyyy Billy Bill...heard anything more from good ol' Billy since those ludicrous attempts to threaten you for 'defamation' for telling the truth about the corruption and betrayals he perpetrated against his own client, you, when supposedly representing you and others against the Lutherans and/or St Martins School and teacher Glyn Dorling?-Ed)...orr yeah, he's gunna sue me isn't he?...whatta' joke from whatta' crook...and now he's the Chair of Stand Like Stone, whom themselves are hence stained corrupt by mere association with this professional shyster.  

I direct availees to Billy's 'complaint' to Google/Blogspot about my original posts from March 26th 2013 re his corrupt behaviours, eg, the clearly corrupted SERDE building sale process, and Billy's hilarious opening line, 'orr yeah, sure that deal looks shonky, but hey fella, it's fine, just fine'...(he never said that?-Ed)...true, what he actually wrote was;
     "The process involved in the sale of the building, whilst unusual, was not corrupt, and 
      not a favour for a mate. No betrayal in respect to St Martins occurred, and no 
      malfeasance occurred in respect of the purchase of the SERDE building."
 (OMG, he did say that, that's exactly what he's sayin'...'yeah sure the sale looks dodgy, but it's fine, just fine'...ludicrous-Ed).

Perhaps Billy would care to come onto this blog and explain 1) how exactly, and 2) why exactly that sale was "unusual"...reckon it's time to go to the Real Estate Council or whatevs and see what they think of "unusual"...(hilarious-Ed)...and as for the St Martins stuff...well Billy, the stench of the reality of what you've done will never, ever leave you...ever............

Tomorrow: More Recreationing Ball Stuff

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...and as you know it's always SUNO, Strike Up Not Out...cheers and laters...

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