Sunday, February 8, 2015

Wind Turbines And Other Fascism

Hello Ukraine, Spain, Moldova, and France and welcome to the blog and there's something in the wind and oh gourd it's the caninely leaching of bottomly breachings of origins unfortunately known...(whaaa?-Ed)...the dog's farting alot...(oh, that's what that is, I thought you'd rolled in something-Ed)...oh cheers...moving on... 

As per various emails I've received (ta) and articles/interviews/whatevs, there has been the expected backlash against (Dr) Steven Cooper and his 'Interim Report' re Noise (and Vibration) Emissions from Wind Turbines following his extensive testing at Pacific Hydro's Turbine complex at Bridgewater Bay near Portland, covered in previous posts, this is the world-first genuine attempt to measure the various Emissions and potential for effects on residents due to these emissions...I refer to the ABC interview with Dr Cooper from 2 weeks ago (as posted) and hope that it is available via the ABC Local Radio site, under 'Rewind'...the Report itself is readily available...

Dr Cooper has been roundly criticised and/or outright dismissed...(I've seen him described as "a rogue acoustician"-Ed)...deadset? does that happen often does it, acousticians going "rogue"?...(only in the rutting season, and of course the occasional old angry bull-Ed) are they solitary, do they gather in groups?...(usually found as individuals or in mating pairs, but they do gather on occasions-Ed)...and what is a collective of acousticians called?...(a Frequency-Ed)...a Frequency of Acousticians, nice...

Anyhoos, Dr Cooper has been denounced as having produced an extremely limited 'non-medical' study with no control group and only using subjects who had already declared a dislike for Turbines and/or were already complaining about apparent Health issues stemming from the Turbine's operation, etc, etc...(but that's what Dr Cooper himself said in that interview, he stated outright that this was just the 'door-opener' (my words) for a proper study...he clearly said that this only indicated that there were various 'Turbine Noise Emission issues', and that they are occurring within homes near the Turbines at Bridgewater Bay-Ed)...exactly...

But I'm going to cut all these whingin', complainin' knuckleheads some slack on this one...(that's very generous of you-Ed)... because if they'd heard this ABC interview with Dr Cooper they wouldn't have ended up looking like the complete dickheads they have...(that's more like it-Ed)...for criticising and denigrating Dr Cooper about issues he's already publicly identified himself...and then there's those whom are just dickheads to start with and have hammered down on people like (Dr) Sarah Laurie and Dr Steven Cooper, vilifying them and dismissing their views as wrong and irresponsible, criticising whilst hiding behind the fact that appropriate testing has never been done...(you mean like that clown alleged Prof Simon Chapman-Ed)...precisely...

Mr Simon Chapman has been scathing in his dismissal of Sarah Laurie and Steven Cooper, and has done so from the authoritative high-ground of 'his opinion' entirely sans actual scientific evidence...(oh well, if it's his opinion, that's good enough for me, I mean, who needs rigorous, exhaustive scientific exploration when one has Simon Chapman's opinion-Ed)..indeed...the point I angrily make is that Simon Cooper has dismissed as nonsense other's concerns/opinions based only on the strength of his own opinion..(whatta dick-Ed)...well indeed...

Now it's been announced that the Jamestown Turbine complex will export it's energy to Canberra, some 1,000kms away...(how far?-Ed)...1000kms as the crow flies, 1200 by road (approx)...(and who's paying for all that wires and towers and shizzle? and how much electricity is lost in that enormously distant transmission? and losses of course are factored into the final price, so greater distances means greater losses means higher prices, simple-Ed)...yeah, yeah, and why are we having these monstrosities built all over SA to cater to the Eastern states whimsical want re 'Renewable Energies'? and where's Canberra gunna' get it's power when the wind ain't blowin' in SA? etc,'s all nonsense mired in the Fascist legislation and corruption and rorted subsidies that define Turbine development in's a bloody disgrace......

DUCK!: oh no, it's ok, it's just another giant decoy as Sow Strayn Labor Premier Jay Weatherill announces yet another Royal Commission....(oh sweet baby cheeses, what now?-Ed)...Nuclear energy and/or a dump, whatevs...this is a massive red herring, nuthin' but 100% distraction from the rank bastardry of closing the Daws Rd Repatriation Hospital and other massive Health Service closures that Labor have dumped on SA, and all to finance the disastrous new Royal Adelaide Hospital...(wasn't last week's red herring some bollocks about Time Zones?-Ed)...exactly, and today it's this nonsense, and next week it'll be something else...anything, everything except the reality of the Privatisation of SA Health and resultant dismantling of SA Health Services, as we are witnessing right now...

The best defence PM Tony Abbott has for his flagging PMship is 'let's not be Labor'...(ouch-Ed)...and a hilarious segue into this 'Nick Fletcher didn't show for Court' bollocks, given that several Liberal MPs have stated that they weren't aware that The Mad Abbott has brought forward the 'Leadership Spill' from Tuesday to tomorrow (Monday)...these MPs have found out what's going on via the media over an hour before Tones thought to tell them...(so you're not the only one who finds out about stuff happening in their own lives via the media, ala your recent alleged no-show for a Court hearing that you didn't even know was on, and reading about it the next day in The Border Watch-Ed)...indeed...  

Just some quick points re this alleged Court hearing, namely;
1)  when I was originally raided by SAPol (police) in May 2014, I took legal advice, and the first thing they had to do (despite the fact that I haven't even been charged) was write to the State Authority involved, whom I 'probably' shouldn't/can't name, and ask for permission to even be able to talk to me, quote,
      "Is he entitled to talk to his family and friends so that he can gain their support...and is he 
       allowed to talk to a lawyer for the purpose of legal advice and assistance?
This was after I repeatedly wrote to said authority and associated authorities unsuccessfully seeking clarification of the various issues re the ridiculous 'can't talk about nuthin' not never' legislation... 

2)  that said Authorities response was, quote,
       "I think they are matters that Mr Fletcher must consider upon advice given to him by you."
(So, lawyers write to that State Authority seeking specific clarification of the extraordinary legislation that you have allegedly transgressed, legislation that indicates to a legal professional that they need to write and ask for permission to even advice you, even though you ain't been charged, and the Authority writes back stating 'you figure it out and you tell him'...just absolutely unbelievable-Ed)...indeed..

3)  said legal advice has also had to chase SAPol for info about my 'seized' laptop, any potential charges, etc, and received the following response from the Operations Coordinator of the Prosecution Services Branch on August 12th 2014, quote,
       "I will advise if and when charges are to be laid, or a determination that charges will 
        not be laid...If charges are to be laid police will serve your client with a summons..." 
and of course none of this 'advising', no 'serving', not nuthin'...

At this point I might pull stumps and ask that availees just go back over the last few posts if y'all want to and read this extraordinary conduct of a debacley Court process based on farcical legislation, the entirety of which is about getting the Messenger whilst refusing to acknowledge the Message...(yeah, the state Labor government using dodgy legislation and the Courts to attack any opposition or criticism, that's not Fascism much is it?-Ed)...

I can only re-iterate/repeat that 1) I wasn't told in any way, shape or form about this Court hearing, 2) was never served any Summons, and 3) that it is my understanding that this 'failure to Summons' should/must have been discussed in that hearing, asked by the Court and/or identified by SAPol, which therefore 4) makes The Border Watch's reporting on this issue deliberately erroneous...again, I'll leave TBW, SAPol, and the Court to decide who amongst them is the incompetent, who's the liar, who's the corrupted...

Tomorrow: All Sortsa' Stuff

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...not simply reporting the news, but being the news...cheers and laters...  

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