Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Hello and welcome to a brief replacement post...apologies to the nearly finished post that just got shoved, but I find this article from today's (February 4th 2015) The Border Watch rather interesting...

(Well it's certainly bad news overall, but at least most of them have found work again-Ed)...what?, the other article thankyou...(oh, oh, sorry, yes of course...nice photo-Ed)...ta', it's not, but ta'...(but it's not very clever to not show-up for Court-Ed)...indeed...but it's a little difficult to show-up for something if you don't know it's happening...(sorry? you didn't know it was happening? you didn't know that there was a Court case that you were in? why not?-Ed)...can't say 'cos I don't know that either...

(Hang on, there's a case in Court about you, where you're the one who's been charged, and you haven't been told? what about a Summons? surely there's a Summons-Ed) idea, not one that I've seen and/or heard about...and I haven't been charged...(sorry what? you haven't been charged? but it says in TBW that you,
     "...failed to appear...on a charge relating to the publication (etc)"
and then,
     "...return to court to face the same charge (etc)" what charge?-Ed)...sorry mate, no idea because I haven't been charged, haven't even been interviewed as far as I'm aware...(hang on, hang on, back it up a minute-Ed)...sure...

But before you start, I know as much as is in that article...during a phone call this morning someone jokingly referred to my appearance in TBW re my alleged non-attendance at my Court case...apparently I/it was in I went and bought a TBW and here t'is...I assume that this has something to do with SAPol raiding my home back in May 2014, but I cannot say for sure because I don't know...not being a pedantic smart-arse, but I don't know what it is about because I haven't been interviewed about anything, let alone charged with anything...

(Slow down, slow've not been interviewed? not even when the 2 SAPol Anti-Corruption detectives came to your home 2 days in a row, including the day you were politely raided, or whilst at the Mt Gambier Police Station just prior to the raiding thingy?-Ed)...nope, I declined to be interviewed at my home on the first day and again on the second morning at the station because the detectives wouldn't/couldn't/whatevs tell me exactly what it was about...I also repeatedly asked if I was being recorded and was repeatedly told "no"...we spent far more time talking about various issues on the blog than the blog itself...

(So no interview?-Ed) that then makes the question 'have you been charged?' somewhat superfluous because you'd have been interviewed then, I assume-Ed)...gourd knows best I can tell, as far as I'm aware, I haven't been interviewed about and/or charged with anything...apart from the couple of letters I wrote to SAPol, etc, via my legal advice, and the responses, as all covered in previous posts, I ain't heard squat from no-one about nuthin'...

What I can say with certainty is that I was unaware that there was a Court hearing yesterday and as far as I'm aware there has been no attempt to contact me as per that Summons you mentioned earlier...(again, how are you meant to know to show-up if they don't even tell you it's happening?-Ed) idea, I rang the Courthouse this morning and they said it (the Summons) was SAPol's responsibility, and told me repeatedly albeit politely to go talk to SAPol...(is that the same SAPol who have been repeatedly present amongst all this bloggage?-Ed), that be they...haven't interviewed me, haven't charged me, haven't told me it's in Court, and yet I've allegedly failed to attend in Court supposedly 'to face a charge'...(wow-Ed)...

And the good ol' The Border Watch, yet again running a story about me without contacting me, eg, the  Councillor Ian Von Stanke coming to my home incident in 2011, my alleged complaints about the ABC in 2010, etc...and I will be pedantic as is my penchant for picking apart the manipulative nature of language, and so identify the language used quite deliberately here-in where I am described as Fullname (Alias) Full-middlename Surname and then as simply "Fletcher", twice...(ah yes, this language discusses you as though you are a hardened criminal, full name including middle name and an in-brackets alias...classic blaggard and clearly not worthy of the respect of a 'Mr' at any's like a template of implied criminality-Ed)...that's exactly what it is...language is a powerful tool my friend...  

Apart from that it appears to be 1) advertising my blog, and 2) discussing that which I'm supposedly charged for/with discussing...(hey yeah, how can TBW talk about you supposedly talking about something you're supposedly not supposed to talk about, because then they're talking about it too? but even then you haven't been charged or told about the Court hearing? sweet baby cheeses, I need to go lie down a minute-Ed)...fair enough...

I'll just conclude here and there'll have to be 2 posts tomorrow, sorry, but I've got a couple waiting...when I know more about this, and that'll be via legal advice, I'll post more...

I am Nicholas (Nick) Francis Fletcher and this 'ere is my blaggard's bloggage...cheers and laters...(can I do my name thing whilst we've got it there?-Ed)...alright, if you must, but a quick disclaimer first, namely, I don't particularly abide by any of it but I do get told a lot of this horoscopy hippy doolally about Star signs and so on, eg, the 'Which Tree Did You Fall From' post, and sometimes it is a bit oddly accurate...again I refer to the Tree thingy that has me as a Walnut Tree with all it's excessively divergent states of go...

(Ah yes, apparently if you go to one of those 'what does my name mean' sites, your last name means 'The Arrow Maker', a 'fletch' is the tail feather...and your given names mean Victorious People's Army (Nicholas) and Free (Francis), so it's 'Victorious People's Army Frees The Arrow Maker'-Ed)...fair enough, that is slightly interesting and mildly co-incident with my present position, but what I think is really interesting is that Nicholas means VPA when it was a VPA that put paid to the Court of Czar Nicholas in 1917...(a most excellent historical factoid dude-Ed)...dude, laters...(laters-Ed)...

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