Monday, February 16, 2015

Latest ALDI Show Grounds Grab

Hello and welcome Romania, Spain, Belgium, and Aotearoa (New Zealand)...howdy y'all to the blog and a bit of a cut-and-paste post with the letters and the associated The Border Watch article from Wednesday 11th February 2015 re the attempt to flog of a section of the Show Grounds before anyone realises what's happening...

At the meeting of October 16th 2014 no vote was conducted, but the outcome of the meeting was clearly that people were not interested in the ALDI offer, whatever that was, but instead wanted an opportunity to research the issue of selling, full stop...if that was then a 'yes, let's sell some', the discussion was then to move to which part/s of the Show Grounds were appropriate for sale...only after these things had been appropriately researched, publicised, and voted on by Members, etc, only then was there to be any consideration of any offers...

What has happened is almost the exact opposite, with no info from the Committee until the undated interim letter that raises only more questions...where this letter says "...members will be asked to vote on the proposed sale." that is in a context of 'any sale' as described is a gross distortion of events/facts to then try and argue, as the Committee has, that that first letter refers to the ALDI offer...that is simply not true...that meeting October 2014 concluded with the healthy majority calling for a vote purely to decide to sell at all, to be held at a future meeting.

My notes on that first letter show that **(Andrew Tye is a senior Woolworths employee so I cannot understand how he is on that Committee, surely that's a Conflict of Interest)**...also scribbled, Peter Woodroofe's* contact to Mr Woodroofe* for returning my calls, it's more than I usually get, but I cannot support his position with this Committee, indeed, with any of the Members of this Committee or the original Committee that immediately proceeded happened to be Mr Woodroofe* returning my call whom alerted me to the TBW article Wednesday 4th February 2015 stating that I'd apparently missed a Court hearing (previous posts)...

***Saturday 21st February...rather than 'edit-out' my errors, apologies to Mr Peter Woodruff that I have repeatedly misspelled his name as 'Woodroofe'*...I've just noticed that when I came back to now further apologise, but to **Mr Andrew Tye whom I have referred to as 'a Woolies employee'**...Mr Tye explained to me himself (after the ALDI Sale meeting) that he had worked there, but many, many years ago, and now works with Woolworths and many other local businesses...I take him at his word that he is aware of the many potential 'Conflict of Interest' issues that his employment presents...further apologies and commentary re ALDI Sale meeting in future posts***

I do believe that these 4 Committee Members have largely inherited a chronically inappropriate process, and in that context am prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt re the clearly corrupted attempt to ram through a completely inappropriate sale...I do, however, note with extreme concern some of the names associated with these 'secret negotiations'...    

Regardless of whom is responsible for initiating this shambles, the current Committee has been responsible for this woefully inadequate 'info process'...I'm not the only Member who is filthy that they have been approaching  the Committee for said info, but the first real detail is in TBW before any Member hears it...the second attached letter was post-dated Wednesday 11th February, the day that TBW ran this front is unfortunate timing that my alleged Court no-show interrupted that phone call with Mr Woodroofe*, but ultimately it is irrelevant because the process shouldn't have got to here at all...

I'll pull stumps here because there's heaps to read below, and in the context of that October 2014 meeting, the gross inappropriateness of this process is self-evident...there are also multiple glaring contradictions in these 2 letters, eg, how can there be an offer if the land hasn't even been assessed/valued? is, however, all irrelevant because the commitment/agreement at that October meeting was for a vote on the idea of is completely inappropriate to railroad this toward a vote on a specific offer that isn't even identified in the letters...the whole thing is a shambolic disaster...

More on this tomorrow along with other stuffs...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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