Thursday, February 19, 2015

And On It Goes, The Rorting That Is

Hello and welcome to the blog...apologies for no post yesterday***...again, in and out all day and no laptop still 'cos The Man done got it in 'is l'il grubby hands because it apparently is the evidence said Man needs to use against me to prove in Court that I've done everything possible to engage appropriately via the appropriate authorities in seeking to improve my community by addressing the rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council, it's elected members, and it's vast bureaucracy...

(***and apologies for not posting for 2 days...flat-out writing other documents and gourd knows how many hours on the phone, going to meet people to discuss stuff, etc, particularly re the Show Grounds sale...please excuse dodgy synchronicity as this post written across 3 days, have dumped another post after request, etc, which means that there'll be a series of posts across this weekend...cheers***)

But First: late last week (around Friday 13th Feb) a drowned wallaby or small kangaroo was fished out of the Death Pit of Stupidity aka the $650,000+ Industrial Drainage Pond on the Rail Lands...wallabies/roos are regularly seen in the centre of town and may have been drawn by the water and green grass, whatevs...I did not see this myself but trust the source of the I understand it the animal 'looked drowned', meaning that it could have been in there for some days, even longer, probably on the bottom until the decomposing gases gave it buoyancy...(ick-Ed)...

I've re-attached a photo of the 6 foot deep 'pond' below because words cannot describe what an extraordinarily dangerous piece of deceitful crap this pit is, deceitful in that Council continue to lie through their teeth about it's covered in the many Rail Lands Retail Agenda posts, this is the drainage pond for the large expansion of the Lakes/Central Plaza that Council have always had planned for the Rail Lands site...please note the small metal 'hand-rails' stuck into the left side of the 'pond' in a half-arsed attempt to mitigate the deadly drowning potential Council has created, and they're currently putting in 1 metre high chopped-up railway track as a 'fence'...

It is no exaggeration to say that everybody in Mt Gambier...(apart from Council-Ed)...well obviously apart from Council...(and the wine-Ed)...what?...(the Aquaduct, they gave us the Aquaduct-Ed)...sorry you what?...(and at least the City's safe to walk in at night, remember what it used to be like Reg-Ed)...ok, ok, that's enough Monty Python homage, can we please get back to the post?...(sure-Ed)...ta...I appreciate you're trying to combat or at least diffuse somewhat the perpetual sense of dread that I have re that shreckin' pit and the potential for people to drown in it, but it ain't working...

I cannot, people cannot, fathom, pardon the pun, how everybody else must have strictly guide-lined fencing that child-proofs any pool, spa, etc, but Council can build this Death Pit and do it right next to the playground they've also just built and do the best part of nuthin' to fence it off safely..if someone drowns in that pond it is Council's doing...may it never happen, but I am not confident...the wallaby story leaves me gripped by a chilling foreboding...

Recently a newby Councillor was stating that 1) Council had bought the land and 2) one of the conditions was that there would be no Commercial development of the site...I will contact this Councillor to show them the many Retail/Commercial plans that Council has prepared and/or participated in, the Re-zoning to Commercial, etc...(yeah, and I note that last night, at Council's February meeting, the Rail Lands were a very popular subject, but with some noticeable absences-Ed)...and speaking of absences, former Mayor now Councillor Stevo Perryman rolled in 20 minutes late and did a vague 'sorry' which Mayor Andrew Lee acknowledged, but there wasn't any Motion to accept and/or vote, this appropriate?...(whatevs-Ed)...

Dunno, but getting back to the Rail Lands, I note that another newby Councillor, Christian Greco has been made head of the new Railway Lands Development and Management Committee, as you suggested, the exact strategy of pushing a potential fall-guy out in front of other's malfeasance and mischief to cop the flak that's inevitably coming...and 'Stage 3' wasn't mentioned by name, nor this recently conjured 'Stage 4', not a word...and omg there's going to be lots of 'Public Consultation' about what to do with the site, etc, and the first thing they're apparently going to do is provide Council with a report re the Old Rail Station...

As part of that discussion the question was asked of Daryl Sexton, Director Operational Services, 'what condition is the Old Station in?', and his response was "I don't know, I haven't been in there for ages"...(deadset? he's DOS and he reckons he doesn't know? Council have had that site for 10 years, have recently 'burned' $4million on the site, etc, and he hasn't even been in the building and doesn't know? bollocks-Ed)...indeed, bollocks, even if it wasn't an outright lie, it's an outright admission of abject incompetence...whatta' joke...

Rank Corruption: is a phrase that Electoral Commissioner Kay Mousley heard many, many times in our phone call yesterday (Tuesday 17th February 2015)...(whatcha' ring 'er for? is this about that Donations form thingy you're s'posed to 'ave lodged with Council?-Ed)...yes and no, in that yes, it was about my failure to lodge, but no, I didn't ring, Ms Mousley rang me...(rang you?-Ed)...yep, in response to my short but succinct email stating that, and I sortta' quote, "I ain't handin' squat about whom supports me over to the thuggish, bullying, rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council"...(you wrote that, and then Ms Mousley rang you? and why are we calling her 'Ms Mousley' instead of some intensely witty pseudonym?-Ed)...

First last...Ms Mousley had the decency to call me, then wore with relative good humour a good 20 minutes of me politely but emphatically explaining "the rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council" and the alleged charges I'm allegedly facing for trying to get something done about it, etc...and on that point Ms Mousley stated they she/they had met with the Banana Lord, as I'm forced to call the head of the State Authority that I'm forced to refer to as Club GoGo Bananas, forced because it may be an offense for me to even identify said Authority...(ludicrous and bizarre and hilarious and terrifying and everything else-Ed)...indeed, but Ms Mousley stated that the relevant legislation was changed in November 2014 'because it was too restrictive', as explained to her/them at an 'info session' by the Banana Lord him/herself...

(So you're being charged, or at least allegedly have been, or will be, whatevs, with legislation that was changed last year because it was too restrictive?-Ed)...yep, these are the changes that were mooted by Attorney General John Rau and the Banana Lord, in the media, only 5 days after I was raided in May 2014...(do you sometimes wonder if it is 'about you'? I mean the timing of the legislation and the legislation itself and the raid and then the changes to the legislation because it's 'too restrictive' and yet you're apparently still being charged under that exact legislation and then the Court hearing you don't get told about, etc-Ed)...whatevs, ain't nuthin' but The Thang, mate, nuthin' but The Thang... 

Whatevs, I defer to Ms Mousleys very sage advice/reminder that if I wind-up in Court for failing to lodge my Donations Form, I won't get to say why, it'll just be 'have you lodged?', 'no', 'you're nicked matey'...thusly I shall lodge my form stating that I have no financial supporters and received no donations...whatevs...  

Apparently ADASE (Anxiety Depression Assoc South East) will fold without increased funding according to it's founder Helen Williams, whom reckons that 'I'm worth $80,000 a year' for what she's been experience of Ms Williams was less than positive, but I can't see that the closure of yet another of the very limited services available here-abouts is in anyway a good thing...(well what are you worth then? you may only be chipping away at the edges of a wholly, institutionally, pro-paedophile corrupted 'system', but it's all consuming and has in many respects forcibly become your life, and what do you get for it? the DSP? and I say forcibly because the vast majority of this crap has been foisted on to you by the malfeasance and corruption that saturates everything in this town/state-Ed)...

Fair enough Ed, but the real point is that I am on the Disability Support Pension because of related traumas, eg, the nightmare of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up as supported by local politicians like Rory McEwen, Steve Perryman, Jim Maher, Jay Weatherill, etc, etc, and I don't have to do this...I do this because I cannot not do it, and in many ways attacking these issues and doing the blog, etc, is about dealing with my personal stress at being aware of this stuff...for example...

As posted previous, Council (Tuesday night) voted to send Mayor Lee and CEO Mark McShane to China on a 9 day Ratepayer funded junket to a Chinese province where the South Australian state Labor government already have a "permanent office"...and as if on cue, the ABC Radio running snippets of CEO McShenanigans and Mayor Lee explaining to Council's meeting (Tuesday 17th Feb) why it's a good idea for Ratepayers to pay for these 2 shonks to swan off to China...(and again with McShenanigans on the ABC Radio)...

(Hang on, that's Mayor Lee speaking in the Council Chamber, that's his li'l speech from Tuesday-Ed)...yes, I just said that...(and McShenanigans as well, same meeting, Tuesday-Ed)...again, yes, I know, I was there, you don't have to tell me...I note that they're not using the bit where Cr Penny Richardson opposed, saying 'no' to the undefined nature of the approval...that is, Council has approved a 'blank cheque' for these 2 for 9 days away, airfares, etc, and Mighty Marky Mark stated that it only cost a bit more to fly to China than what it cost Ratepayers to fly him to Adelaide last week...(I know, I know, it's all absolute bollocks, but you're missing the point-Ed)...the point being?...

(Think mate, what did this new Council ban at their first meeting?-Ed)...omg, they banned recording of Council meetings so's to hide their en masse malfeasance, so how do the ABC have a recording of that meeting? and hang on, there wasn't anyone from the ABC at that meeting, there never is, it's part of the corrupted ABC's agenda of plausible denial and how they support the corruption in Mt Gambier, they just don't attend important meetings, eg, Council meetings, the Mayoral Forum in October 2014, might have been that young woman who was in the public gallery for 3/4 of the meeting and then left, but 'media' sit on the opposite side with Council staff, guests, etc...

(Exactly, so how has the ABC Mt Gambier, who weren't at that meeting, and even if they were they're not allowed to record it, how do they have recordings?-Ed)...I can only assume that Council has recorded it themselves and supplied it to the ABC as part of their dually complicit conduct in covering-up the rank corruption of public officials and/or employees in Mt Gambier...mates lookin' after mates and screw everybody else...

Tomorrow: The Completely Corrupted ALDI Bid For The Show Grounds

And just as I go to post, up comes the 'network error' window stating that another computer is on the network with the same IP address...(would that be someone on your laptop again?-Ed)..dunno, but that's what's been put to me and it's been happening regularly since my laptop was 'seized' by SAPol (police)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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