Thursday, February 5, 2015

SBC Part III - Just More Mt Gambier City Council Lies

Hello India, Taiwan, the USofA, And Ukraine, and welcome to the blog...thanks again for your patronage on this 'ere blog, clearly some people are concerned about Mt Gambier being arguably the most corrupt, pro-paedophile City in the country...(what, even ahead of Adelaide?-Ed)...but I'm still somewhat bewildered that not only do many of this town's 'polite society' seem almost happy to be living in this wholly corrupted paedophile central, but they attack me for trying to do something about it...(extraordinary-Ed)...

My Psychic Powers Are Waning: I have nothing to add to yesterday's post re my scurrilously disrespectful failure to guess that there was a Court hearing in my honour...(very bad show sir to not show, very poor form indeed-Ed)...well quite...again just for the record, I haven't been interviewed, I have not been charged, I wasn't informed about that hearing, I have heard/seen nothing from SAPol since they raided my home in May 2014 and seized my laptop, repeatedly stating "expect to be charged" but unable to explain what that charge may be...(well according to The Border Watch article it's,
       "...a charge relating to the publication of information about a person subject to a complaint."
...does that help?-Ed)...ta', but not really... 

Today's alternative title is 'Why Mt Gambier Council Don't Want Their Meetings Recorded'...please find attached the first 2 pages (actually pages 3 & 4, whatevs) of the Minutes for Council's meeting 27th January line in and it's an outright lie, and then this sudden appearance of 'Stage 4' of the Rail Lands, not spoken I believe in the Council meeting but mysteriously included here in the Minutes...(sorry, are you suggesting that Council has doctored the Minutes after the meeting to include and/or exclude what they do/don't want in there?...that's a very serious suggestion-Ed)...I'm not suggesting anything, I'm stating outright that Council have doctored the Minutes and that the Minutes are so erroneous as to be entirely unreliable...

What must the new Councillors think when they sit through that meeting and then see such corrupted non-truths reported as fact in the Minutes...I will take this up with Council as being a critical corruption of Appropriate Process...again...

I note that The Border Watch article (recent post), quotes Daryl Sexton's answers to former Mayor and current Councillor Stevo Perryman, and Daryl stating "...stage three and four elements...", and the Minutes have 'Stage 4' mentioned in brackets in the question, but I was in that meeting and did not hear either Perryman or Sexton say anything about 'Stage 4'...(prove it-Ed)...I can't, and neither can they prove it was said...(oh excellent. I can see where this is headed-Ed)...go on then clever clogs...(well basically, because Council have banned recording of their meetings it comes down to your word vs all of Council, all of the Council staffers present, and TBW...hilarious-Ed)...and hilarious because?...

(Because it then comes down to a question of who do ya' believe, who has more's you vs Council en masse and TBW...and quite frankly...-Ed)...exactly...I am prepared to concede that this 'Stage 4' bollocks was possibly deliberately mumbled somewhere in that exchange/meeting, but I was sitting right there and I heard nought...first I was aware was the statement accredited to Daryl Sexton in TBW...ultimately though, even that is irrelevant because the fact remains that there has been no discussion of a 'Stage 4' until now...for example, in TBW January 29th 2014 it clearly states '3 Stages'...

Council's Credibility Exits Stage 4:...again, this sudden appearance of Stage 4 is a further deceit from Council to strap to their broad raft of deceits re the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...having backed themselves into a corner with all the empty self-congratulation about how Stage 1 is finished and Stage 2 on track to be completed within months, Council is now stuck with Stage 3 and a list of projects/items they've lied about producing, namely the Sound Shell, renovating the Old Rail Station, and the access through to Margaret St...Council clearly have no intention of doing anything with these 3 items and so have had to create a 'Stage 4' to allow them to be deferred off into the future...   

The Minutes also have Daryl answering Stevo...(maaate-Ed)...about the flooding at the Eastern (Bay Rd) end of the Rail Lands as I've shown in this 'ere blog, and in the meeting Stevo had a red hot go at hangin' it on the Margaret St businesses as being their fault for having 'incorrect drainage'...I was thinking 'here we go, they're going to try and make those businesses pay for the recent flurry of drainage works there'...but the first thing Daryl Sexton said in response was, and I quote, "No, that's not correct..."...I believe I laughed out loud...(I know I did...but hang on, the Minutes have Daryl answering "yes"?-Ed)...indeed they do Ed...

The question as paraphrased in the Minutes does not accurately reflect Steve Perryman's extended and accusatory questioning, and the first word of response out of Daryl's mouth was "No", yet there in the Minutes it has him saying "Yes"...disgraceful...

And even when they're committing that massive deceit and trying to blame others and doctor the Minutes, etc, they still manage to out themselves as being responsible for creating the problem in the first says it right here, the drainage was just fine until Council removed it and then Council have had to repair their own shreck-up...(wow...where Council's rank corruption runs headlong into it's own incompetence, or vice versa-Ed)...the whole things such a farcical mess from people who cannot be trusted...(and tell me Stevo didn't have this 'ere blog in front of him when he penned those questions-Ed)...indeed, hilarious...

I find it absolutely hilarious sans the humour that it's me that is fighting tooth and nail for the future of this sad little town, whilst it's elected officials rort and rip-off Ratepayers with routine regularity...I'm fighting everyday in every way I can think of and at great personal cost, and no-one else even shows for the Council meetings...(sweet baby cheeses-Ed)...and you wonder why your corrupt Council just keeps on blatantly colluding internally to defraud your Ratepayer's dollars...shreck me...and in this modern age too, where any knucklehead can hop on the Interweb and do their own stupid blog...(anyone I know?-Ed)...

I don't use Facebook or Twitter or any other Social Media stuff, but I do look at some stuff and recognise that there's been some issues that have been publicly exposed via these media...some...however, it seems plenty of people can get on Twitbook and mouth-off vociferously about whatevs but don't actually do something about it...why aren't dozens of people all over Facebiter cuttin' crook about their Council's corruption and what it's costing citizens, the Ratepayers, who finance every red cent of this...

And they are all 'red cents' when it comes to this Council because they have already driven the City into irretrievable debt, and then fraudulently misappropriated most of it, and they are laying the groundwork to borrow yet another $10million re this 'Recreation Centre' that is in the Agenda and Minutes, but not mentioned elsewhere that I've seen/heard...I'll check...

This 'Regional Recreation Centre' was front and centre of Council discussions in their January meeting, including the observation that it "might have a wet area", but that the cost of said RRC would rule out Mt Gambier ever affording a covered Aquatic Centre...Council passed a Motion for Council staff to start organising to apply for $10million of Federal funding to pay for the RRC, an application that requires Council to stump-up $10m first...and that's $10m they'll have to borrow because they ain't got nuthin' left of the $6m they borrowed only 18 months ago...

(So Council is manoeuvring to borrow yet another $10m and all done with the reverse justification that we must have that $10m to get the 'grant' $10m, but you still won't get a pool?-Ed)...exactly...this RRC and Stage 4 are constructs of deceit designed to allow Council to borrow another $10m, not spend it on the things it's promised, and gourd knows where the majority of that $20m will end up but I'd reckon straight into the pockets of the vested interests running Council, in the exact same manner as everything else Council does, would be a fair guess...    

Local Boy appears that all of my concerns re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the apparent complicit behaviour of the Labor state government are soon to be resolved, because former local lad Kyam Maher is now a Labor Cabinet Minister, so I'm sure he'll be keen to use his new influence to resolve the St Martins Cover-up...(but I thought you said he was just another corrupt politician spewed out by a wholly corrupt system, eg, via the Crown Solicitors Office, and that there's a snowball's chance he'll do anything but perpetuate the St Martins Cover-up?-Ed) got me Ed, that's exactly what I've said and it's exactly what I continue to say...

The Walls Are Closing In:...(yeah, I know it seems like that, but it's just that Labor keep whackin' up new wallpaper on the same corrupt ol' wall-Ed)...ah yes, the previous post about Kyam Maher and the line 'Different Wallpaper, Same Wall'...I challenge Kyam and his parents, former City Councillor Jim and mother Viv, both serial Labor candidates and both intimately complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Cover-up, I challenge them to sit down with me and they can explain how they aren't completely complicit in the St Martins Cover-up, and then I'll put that explanation on this 'ere blog along with my genuine apology...

The Spirit Of Jazz: is moving heaven and earth according to James Morrison in a recent ABC interview re his JM Jazz Academy...unfortunately I was driving when this was on, but Mr Morrison clearly stated that 'Mt Gambier City Council et al have always said to me whatevs ya' want, wherevs, whenevs, etc, and others have said the same but they probably don't mean it'...(anything he wants, anywhere he wants, anytime?-Ed)...that's what he said...(wow, how could that go wrong for the Ratepayers of Mt Gambier?-Ed) all the same ways that the corruption of Mt Gambier City Council has royally rooted things-up for years now...

Now Mr Morrison is claiming that all of the renovations/office spaces/whatevs Ratepayers funded in the Old Town Hall are being removed and replaced with sound-proofing, etc, but that if as successful as predicted, the Jazz Academy will be too big for the site it's currently being moved into, and too big within 3 years...(so why spend all that money on that site? why not invest in say the TAFE/Uni SA site on Wireless Rd where it can get as big as it likes because they've got acres of buildings and surrounds?-Ed)...good point Ed...

Again, as soon as you remove Mr Morrison from that equation it becomes a long list of dodgy secret deals done by dodgy public officials, and still no official statement as to exactly what sort of Financial Support Ratepayers have been signed-up for by a Council that cannot be trusted...(yay-Ed)...

Tomorrow: SA Health In Freefall

It is tres gauche to say 'I told you so', but 2 years ago I posted that Labor have privatised Health Provision in SA by signing onto a 'guaranteed profit' contract re the new Royal Adelaide Hospital...I stated that the rest of the Health System would be devastated/dismantled to finance that 'deal' recent weeks Labor has announced a 'Health Review' and has now axed 3 major Emergency Depts and the Daws Rd Repatriation Hospital, all with vacuous promises about magically improving services elsewhere in hospitals already failing to deal with their patient numbers, eg, the chronic 'Ramping' of patients in ambulances at Flinders Medical Centre...I told you so...and this is just the beginning...

And what a disgraceful attempt to distract from this Health Service disintegration as Premier Weatherill re-launches the discussion about Daylight Saving times...(disgraceful doesn't begin to describe it-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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