Saturday, February 21, 2015

Latest on Show Grounds Sale

Evenin', mornin', celebratin', mournin', welcome one an' all to this 'ere blog and apologies for not posting yesterday but I was a bittuva' write-off after a very long week which effectively started 'bout 12 years ago...and whilst I'm about apologies, just wait 'ere please whilst I quickly dodgeth-off back to a previous post in which I referred to Mr Andrew Tye (of the Mt Gambier Agricultural & Horticultural Society and/or Management Sub-Committee re the Land Sale to ALDI, etc) and apologise there/here in that I referred to Mr Tye as 'a Woolworth's employee'...go on Ed, I can see you're dyin' to say sumthin'...

(That news is like sooo last Millenium-Ed)...thankyou, and yes that was true a long time ago, but Mr Tye hasn't been with Woolies for many years, and currently works 'with' rather than 'for' Woolworths, and with any number of other businesses...Mr Tye explained this to me himself after the ALDI Sale meeting Thursday evening (February 19th 2015), and he also openly acknowledged and is well aware of the many potentials for 'Conflict of Interest' I explained to Mr Tye, I try to be accurate but I'm not in the practice of 'investigating' people...he readily accepted my apology, which I've made in the original post and make again here, and my assurance that I would correct this thusly...

And so I've literally just now gone back and actually literally acknowledged but not removed my error as such, and have put an apology on that post as well, etc...beyond that, I, as a MGA&HS Member, have also given an undertaking to the Sub-Committee to not discuss the outcome of that meeting until they do their public announcement thingy (Monday 22nd Feb) and it's probably already in  Social Media but I haven't checked...I'll just say that there are many issues to be resolved...unfortunately, to specifically discuss the meeting, outcome, subsequent discussions, etc, might compromise my undertaking, as above...but having said that...(doh, here we go, you are shreckin' unbelievable...ya' say 'not gunna' discuss it', and then straight away, you discuss it-Ed)...settle petal...

No, there'll be no 'discussing' as such, but I just wanted to say that I made a point of making my point...(pointedly no doubt-Ed)...but politely, yes, at the appropriate time toward the end of the meeting, in the question time bits, and afterwards was commended/mentioned for my "restraint"/respectfulness/whatevs...I don't particularly enjoy engaging in public debate/confrontation/whatevs, and perhaps that's why I do it reasonably well...I'm not there just to hear the sound of my own voice and am there to say some things that I genuinely feel need to be said...(well said sir-Ed)...

Others have commented, that, for example, at the Mayoral Forum in October 2014, I politely but passionately pantsed my fellow podium-jockeys, pretty much at the first question, and then proceeded to stroll calmly away...(and I reckon we're still waiting for a coupla' the stragglers...well except for the one who became Mayor-Ed)...well indeed...and again, that Forum was not (just) a demonstration of how amazingly fantastic I am, it was a scything indictment of the rest...(said he, also mentioning that at least fellow candidate Paul Jenner had a decent go at it, but he was the only one-Ed)...fair enough, fair enough...moving on...(hang on, whatta' ya' mean 'not (just) a demonstration'?-Ed)...moving on please...

Furthermore, I do not resile from any of the concerns I have mentioned previous (unless otherwise specifically identified) re the conduct of the entire Sale Process...again, unfortunately, to go into this specifically would necessitate discussing the meeting, outcome, etc...but my main concern in trying to deal with any of this has been the lack of specific information available and that any information provided often conflicts that which immediately proceeded it...and that's not even a specific allegation of 'lying' and/or 'deceit' and/or 'malfeasance', whatevs, it's a straight out stating of how I have experienced this experience...

By definition, in the absence of any genuine understanding as to the definable truth, any conflicting information renders all info at once both all true and all false...(sweet baby cheeses, my head hurts-Ed)...indeed...for example, whichever of the 4 versions of one specific issue renders the other 3 untrue, itself remains unknown until the truth itself is established, and with multiple conflicting 'truths' the truth itself is often difficult to establish...please refer to that hilariously accurate Donald Rumsfeld spiel about 'known unknowns and unknown unknowns'...(why am I not surprised that you like that, it's exactly your style, incoherent dribble that insightfully nails the situation, classic The Mount Gambier Independent-Ed)...indeed...

I'll politely flagellate the Sub-Committee with the Olive Branch of Accepting their stated position that, as a result of previous 'negotiations', there were all sorts of complications with what possibly could and/or couldn't and/or shouldn't be said and/or when and/or where and/or why...(and definitely whatevs?-Ed)...well ultimately yes, because that in itself is an issue...(sorry, you've lost me-Ed)...

Well, the October 2014 MGA&HS 'meeting that became an information session' did start it's somewhat truncated life as an official meeting about a quite sudden and relatively quite secret vote to sell of a chunka' Show Grounds to ALDI Supermarkets...sure, technically that 'vote meeting' never happened, but it was going to, and that right there is just plain wrong, so very, very wrong on so many levels...and it ain't over by a long way...(why do I believe you?-Ed)...the only thing that stopped this very, very dodgy process was the exposure of said via Social has been put to me that this 'ere blog has played a definable role in that 'exposure', but on this issue I only really picked up on others stuff...

Having said that, there were things that happened/were said on Thursday evening Feb 19th 2015 that indicated to me that certain people are reading the blog or are at least aware of it's content...(what, like when they told you-Ed)...yes, very amusing, and I think it's about 5 minutes since you last made that joke as well...I was referring to matters raised and/or statements made by others in the meat of the meeting...things what done indicate that perhaps there is a point to all this after all...       

I accept that there have been many things happen re this attempted sale, many things that the Sub-Committee inherited, did not create, and I have addressed these issues with the Sub-Committee in writing...again, I'll discuss this further after the announcement on Monday 22nd Feb...

And I further note...(oh come on! I thought you weren't gunna' discuss the meeting-Ed)...further note that the WIN TV Jammed Into An Ad-break 3-Story Local News for Friday 20th Feb 2015 ran a story re this meeting and stated outright that the media were "locked-out"...I saw The Border Watch newspaper's Sandra Morello was there early as people were arriving, but not after that, and no-one I recognised from the ABC Local Radio or any other media...dunno, I'll try to find out...

I do not believe that a single Mt Gambier City Councillor attended, certainly not Mayor Andrew Lee, CEO Mark McShane, Steve Perryman, Daryl Sexton, any of the senior Council officials who would be responsible for and/or engaged in many aspects of any future/potential development, etc...(surely City Council must have been involved in this process, in fact, if I, somewhere...ah, ummmm, wait, here 'tis, 'that the Committee will talk to Council', that's not a direct quote, but you get the idea-Ed)...sure...and Council's relatively minuscule support for the Society/Show Grounds, etc, etc, these are all issues...  

And I'll just drop it in here again, because others are equally perplexed, so call it Feedback, that somehow Mayor Lee's and CEO McShane's li'l ol' speeches justifying their un-costed Ratepayer funded junket to China, as made in Council's meeting Tuesday 17th Feb 2015, those statements wound-up being 'sound-bited' on ABC Local Radio starting 0700hrs on the Thursday morning (Feb 19th)...recordings from Council's meeting that 1) Council have banned any electronic recording of, and 2) the ABC never attend...on Tues 17th Feb there was only one other person in the public gallery and one The Border Watch put to me but certainly also my belief, this is a clear example of the rank complicity between Council and the local media to the extent that none of them can be trusted...

I'm certainly not the only person who would like to know how those 'sound-bites' were obtained, let alone were aired on the ABC Radio within 36 the absence of any other explanation, one is left with the potential reality that Council/a Councillor/whatevs has recorded that meeting and then immediately provided that to the the very least someone recorded it and Council has banned that...I guarantee you champs, this ain't over...but I digress...

Personally, I was actually quite unwell going into that MGA&HS meeting and was really pleased to, 1) be able to still be brutally blunt whilst genuinely respectful, and 2) yet again, have people be exposed to the reality of what Nick Fletcher is and how that freakin' Large Angry Hippy rolls...he doth roll thusly...and as put to me, this burgeoning reputation as a Genuine Freak Being Genuine is one worth having...cheers...

Tomorrow: Back To Revising Some Stuff

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

PS - couldn't get into the blog earlier and had an official Bigpond window come up stating that a "modem" was already using this address and would I like to change it and my password...(someone using the laptop? again?-Ed)...dunno, but deadset, that's what I'm advised as clearly the most likely explanation...(and who has that laptop currently?-Ed)...well the last I saw of it was when it marched out the door of my home, under the arm of a SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption detective, when they seized it whilst raiding my home back in May 2014...just sayin'...

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