Friday, February 13, 2015

Summons Goin' On

Hello and welcome and just for the record, approx 1 hour ago, at 0930 Friday 13th February 2015, I was reading the Summons and attached 'Apprehension Report' as received via my legal advice only yesterday, after a request to SAPol (police)...this is the first time I've even seen the 'Apprehension Report'...then there was a very gentle 'tap, tap, tap' at the front door...

I answered and it was a young blondish SAPol officer who stated that he had a Summons for me...I had the Summons + AR in my hand still, and said 'I've already been served', and he wanted to check that it was the same document...I went out on to the front step and we went through it page by page...

I can state, having seen every page of it, that the document he was holding was the 'Second Summons' (without the first Summons attached) and the 'Apprehension Report', the exact same document I had received only yesterday...I stated this to him and even came back inside to get the Summonses I was served on Thursday 5th 2014, as per previous posts...

Because it was right there in my folder I pointed out The Border Watch article  and the officer said he didn't know, the same answer he gave when I repeatedly asked why I hadn't been Summonsed to the first hearing, 'don't know'...he insisted on seeing the documents in my hand, and reached to take them...I turned away saying 'hang on, don't touch that'...he had a second then third attempt at taking the documents out of my hand and I ended up almost with my back to him...

He then snapped 'you've refused to be served' and stormed off up the driveway...I called after him 'where are you going' and he responded 'I was just trying to help you', and then again 'you've refused to be served (I think, he had his back turned)...I was standing there in my front yard saying 'where are you going, what about that (Summons)?', and he just kept going, got in his 4WD 'paddy wagon' car across the road, and drove off looking at me out the window...

How bizarre...whilst it is possible that this was generated by my request yesterday for the 'Apprehension Report', after we had already established that they were identical documents, this officer, who didn't have an ID no./badge on, insisted on comparing them and had several goes at snatching my copies out of my hand, to the degree that he was only inches away, reaching around me as I turned almost completely away from him...

I don't know where this 'incident' started exactly, but it concluded with the officer having 3 good goes at grabbing my documents out of my hands, and when I blocked him/refused he stated 'you've refused to be served' and stormed off...

I complied with his requests, I went out to speak with him and go through the Summons/AR, and the only thing I refused was to allow him snatching my documents off me.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and this is what happened on my front step this morning...

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