Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Post Apology Post Post

Hello and welcome to the blog and a 'get it posted whilst ya' can' type post because the post/blog keeps dropping -out...and yes, that title makes perfect sense thankyou, this is the post after (post) the post that itself was an apology...sorry, haven't checked the Show Grounds/ALDI Sale stuff yet, but there's no mad rush on that as it's mostly publicly known, including the outcome positive in that it was a resounding 'No'...

Here's to gettin' through a post without it deleting itself, and I say 'itself' in the context that I reckon someone is interfering with the blog and/or posts...that or I've found a magic button that just dumps everything without warning...(and how would that someone have access to your blog?-Ed)...well if they, for example, had my laptop and therefore it (the laptop) thinks it's me and therefore it's open slather on the blog or any post there-in and there's nuthin' I can do about it...(but don't SAPol still have your laptop?-Ed)...yep...

Fact is, anybody half-ways proficient at hacking might possibly be capable of this 'interference', but having access to my laptop would make it eezy-breezy...or someone having had access to my laptop had diverted/transferred/downloaded/whatevs all my programs/letters/whatevs to another computer/laptop/whatevs...whatevs, twice this week I've been part-ways through a post and it's just deleted/disappeared/whatevs and I've had to start again...(aaaaargh, how frustrating-Ed)...damn straight...problem being that it could be a range of problems, including me...

And here's a question I keep getting asked, 'how can SAPol (police) seize your laptop without charging you with anything?'...simple really, they lob at your home and use their permanent, anonymous, open-ended, go anywhere, anytime, seize whatevs, do what ever they damn well feel like 'Search Warrants', as distributed by the SAPol Commissioner...(ah, so exactly like happened at your home back in May 2014?-Ed)...yep, exactly like that...and apparently there was a story recently on Channel 7's Today Tonight about a couple who have been through a similar experience to myself, getting police offside for some reason and then not getting Summonsed to a hearing and then arrested and/or charged with that, etc, etc...sound familiar?...

Unfortunately my wondrous digital TV reception is reasonably crap, and the Channel 7s in particular, all 3 of them, are currently unwatchable, constantly pixellating and often just dropping right-out...(bloody hippy tv-Ed)...indeed, dropping out for 20+ second blocks...even if I'd been watching that program/report, it would have been disjointed, unintelligible nonsense...I'm still trying to get advice as to why I wasn't served re my alleged Summons re my alleged hearing earlier this month...gourd knows...but I have confirmed that the relevant legislation was changed back in November 2014...(not that there's anything dodgy about that-Ed)...indeed, but I digress...

Dole Recipient Bludgeoning: is popular again this week as the Liberals announce an exciting new plan for vilifying the many people whom are quite legitimately on Support Payments of some description...desperate politicians always like to try and drag a disaffected public onto a raft of mutual vilification, and the vulnerable and powerless are the perfect target for this sort of gutless, self-serving social thuggery...there's an ABC program on this week (Four Corners) that exposes some of the rorting of Service Provision funding that makes Welfare Recipients disenfranchised cattle, treated and traded as commodity...

I am on a/the Disability Support Pension because of the multiple and often colossal traumas I have endured, continue to endure, not least of all for being vilified as a 'Trouble-making Out-of-Towner' in this often very insular, bigotted, and deeply conservative community I've tried to call home...and it's been an absolute disaster...forget all the personal stuff around just seeing my child, my sole reason for moving to Mt Gambier in 1997/98 and the complications of trying to live your life around 'every Wednesday evening, every other weekend, and 1/2 school holidays' (the standard 4/14 Family Court Order for 'contact' with non-resident parents, where 4/14 means 4 nights in every 14, as spread out across the year)...(mention it all, but then forget it?-Ed)...fair enough...

This was my first, last, and every intermediate motivation/obligation/whatevs, to be available at these times for my contacts with my child...and in early 2000 I had worked my way into a full-time job at the Gambier Hotel and was very successfully juggling my 'contact times' and this job...when I was Illegally Dismissed from that job, these 'contact times' became a critical compromiser...(arguably, it's what got you sacked, apart from all the theft/fraud stuff you were reporting to management, because even though you were promised every second weekend off and a week for holidays, etc, you were immediately pressured to work those weekends, and duly refused-Ed)...yeah, but I still reckon it was the reporting stuff was the final kicker...

And as if getting sacked wasn't traumatic millstone enough, I was then trying to get work whilst saying to prospective employees that 1) I was in the process of suing my former employer, and 2) I couldn't work such-and-such times because of the limited opportunities I had for 'contact' with my child...(oh well, good luck with that-Ed)...not really, I very soon gave up and concentrated on volunteer work, a great deal of it for the St Martins Lutheran School...and didn't that work out a child's grade 2 teacher commits abuses against the entire class (2002), and then I get vilified and Pariahtised every day since for trying to get something done about it...and that was 13 years ago nearly, and as if it happened yesterday because it's still happening today...

The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up is as current as the current Premier Jay Weatherill and the multiple roles he has played in complicitly supporting, even directing, this gross is neither exaggeration nor admission to state that it haunts me to the degree that getting involved in all this other bullshit is almost a cathartic distraction...apart from that, for some strange reason, frankly my darling, I do give a damn...and it's cost me dearly...

Ask yourself if you'd like to be looking at life from the perspective where you're genuinely grateful for having fallen so far but into the safety net of the Poverty Line income DSP and Public Housing...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...having said that, I've really enjoyed spending hours this week watering the oasis that is my garden, albeit trying to minimise the direct application of tap water due to it's heavy chemical content (natural Calcium Carbonate from dissolved Limestone, Chlorine, and Sodium Flourodose, which is Flouride) has proven to cause major stress to the garden...I fill my catchment bins and let sit a few days, and/or 'drift-spray' into the canopy so that water drips down, both done in an effort to allow some of the chemicals to dissipate/evaporate/whatevs...but again I digress...    

And it could quite thoroughly be argued that the biggest problem I've had is trying to act respectfully and responsibly, often in a context that I'm being left to discover and define exactly what that means, a context that therefore escapes others...for example, despite how physically hard I worked as a volunteer with Lifeline and St Martins, and I've been through it in many previous posts, some people have still felt that it was/is their right nay responsibility to publicly vilify me as a 'dole-bludger', eg, as per the 'Comments' on this 'ere blog from August 2013...

I do personally feel I've been treated like one of those people who gets 'written-off' by the Welfare System as being too difficult to process, for whatevs reason, and I offer this stuff again as being my personal experience of a hugely problematic 'industry' where the Welfare Recipients are far from the main concern, clearly profits and quotas my blog and look at what one person has gone through, and extreme as some of it is, there are plenty whom struggle/suffer/whatevs their own worlds of debilitating trauma/disability/whatevs...please, before you even consider engaging with this Liberal agenda of vilification of often already vulnerable people, consider my experience and cut us alleged slackers a bitta' slack, yeah? cheers... 

One can only hope that the Local Government Assoc is correct in their recent declarations that Liberals and other Independents/Cross Benches in the Upper House (Legislative Council) of Sow Strayn state parliament will block the Weatherill Labor government's plans to axe Pension Subsidies to the tune of $190 per year...

Gobsmacked: to see Trade Minister Andrew Robb crowing about what fantastic work he's done signing us unto a 'Free trade Agreement' with Japan, and proffering puffedly like a truly insane peacock, offering up as proof of the wonder and glory of his works, citing as success the $6.5billion takeover of Toll Holdings by Japan Post, with the resultant likelihood that Australia Post gets it right in the package...(ouch-Ed)...indeed, in that Aust Post will struggle to compete with parcel delivery rates against such a massive company...

Aussie Post has obligations re National Letter Service delivery, an obligation that reportedly runs at a loss, and that in the context of this takeover makes it almost impossible for Oz Post to compete with Japan Post's purely parcel-based business model...this is a simplified version of other longer discussions/reports/whatevs, and I gotta' admit that chunks of it I didn't understand business wise, but the overall result is irresistibly makes calls to raise the stamp price to $1 (up from 70c) a steep but defendable suggestion...however, there is also a case to be answered by Oz Post as to why they've let it get to here before calling the impending disaster as such...bottomline, Australia Post is right under the pump standing neck-deep in the mire that Andrew Robb has just dumped them in...(yay-Ed)... 

 Tomorrow: Show Grounds And Jazz Stuff   

Fantastic to see that Work For The Dole participants have helped repair the walking trail steps what got ripped out by a 4WD last t'is the exact proof of what I've just been sayin'...I fully support WFTD and it certainly helped turn my life around 6 years ago...(albeit clearly an ongoing process-Ed) only concern is that people who want to should be offered the opportunity to work full-time for a minimum wage...sod pointless courses that lead nowhere, and they're gunna' get the Dole/DSP/whatevs anyway, so apply all the cash to the worker and give them the respect and sense of achievement of employment...(and get a shreck-load of work done, eg, the Show Grounds-Ed)...right on bro...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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