Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Re-Booting TMGI For 2021

Howdy dear TMGI availees across the globe, across Oz, and here in the SE of SA...just a very quick message to say that I'm gunna' move toward doing this 'ere blog and the associated Facebook page as a daily 'job', ie, 5 posts a week mostly done on weekdays, with weekends and public holidays off, etc, a bit like when we first began...posts will be a bit shorter maybe, but will ultimately cover more topics more thoroughly...I know I've set-out down this path repeatedly in recent times/years, but there's a fundamental ground shift I've recently experienced, call it an epiphany if you must...and I know it was probably the wrong time of the year to start a Facebook page, just before Xmas and New Year, and with the recent 'decline' of Facebook's popularity it's potentially a case of shutting the gate after the horse has bolted, etc, but whatevs, it's happening people!...

Given myself a bit of a deliberate break across the last week or so, but there was also the fundamental re-evaluation of my motivations, etc, as prompted by someone's friendly enquiry, "why? why do you do the blog, etc? why continue to put ya'self through this, particularly given the grief you've copped for doing so?"...I was part-way through my traditional response about the guilt associated with my perceived failures to resolve the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, etc, and was politely challenged about that position, "ya' can't live ya' life like that"...and they're right ya' know...

So I've re-positioned myself somewhat around what others have observed/stated to me about the positives of my actions and/or situation...there will always be the guilt, that's just the way it is, but there's also the sense of genuine achievement for 1) standing my ground and even continuing forward despite all the abuse and persecution, eg, my "bizarre trial" re ICAC, etc, which others have noted is in and of itself proof that I am having an effect, ie, 'the ICAC and SA government and SAPol (police), etc, wouldn't have gone to all that trouble and expense if you weren't a problem for them'...and 2) I have fundamentally redefined the official narrative about Mt Gambier and South Australia, etc, by recording a genuinely accurate history sans the political vested interests influence...these things I have achieved and these are indeed things to be proud of...

This second point becomes it's own self-perpetuating motivation, 'cos I've established a massive foundation of knowledge and experience, etc, and, loathe as some would be to admit it, a certain credibility based on my accuracy of reportage...

So it's onwards and upwards, starting properly,

Tomorrow: Official Proof Of Mt Gambier City Council's Lies About Aquifer Tours Closure    

We here at TMGI try to avoid getting caught in the 'We Told You So' space, but there's a whole bunch a' stuff goin' on here that's been exposed publicly/officially, and it's as if the script of that exposure was writ large here on TMGI in advance...for a thoroughly entertaining and infuriating account of MGCC's definable corruption and vindictiveness and selfishness and incompetence, etc, etc, tune in right here...you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll spit venomous chips of belligerent disbelief and wanton retribution that your illustrious leaders have bare-face lied to you yet again...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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