Monday, December 28, 2020

Scott 'Promo Scummo' Morrison - A Study In Lies, Propaganda, and Ideological Hatred

***pardon moi, started this post 3 weeks ago, so it's a bit clunky, but here 'tis***

Howdy dear availees everywhere...I know that we've covered a lot of this stuff recently, but it's been another extraordinary coupla' weeks of PM Scott Morrison just straight-out lying, and a litany of accompanying Liberal/National ideological hatred...personally I've had a very average week dominated by galloping depression and the worst coupla' days of hayfever that I've had in literally decades, still recovering days later...(yes, whatevs, apology accepted, let's get back to the far more pleasant topic of LNP bastardry and hatred and associated political posturing-Ed)...we closed out the Annus Horribilis with two weeks of the LNP openly demonising and attacking the poorer people in our supposedly egalitarian society, eg, those receiving welfare, part-time and casual and low-income workers, etc, and trying to ram through Union-busting legislation and new 'Anti-Terrorist' laws that are actually about shutting down any anti-government reporters and particularly anyone using Twitter and/or blogs, etc, and most particularly any 'Whistleblowers'...(but hang on, we're at least 2 of those things, arguably all 3-Ed)...absolutely we are, and we're exactly the sort of citizens that the LNP is targetting with this faux legislation, but even more specifically those who have access to public servants and/or politicians, etc...

This supposedly desperately needed latest round of 'improved Anti-Terrorist' laws, by design, can and will give the government the sort of control it craves over 'social media-style' reportage and activism, whilst simultaneously having a massive 'chilling effect' on potential 'Whistleblowers' and other complainants and any reporting/public disclosure of that material...(what is this crap?! 'must answer questions'? no right to silence? must reveal sources? wildly vague and all-powerful warrants? and all with 5 years gaol hangin' over you as a threat?-Ed)'ve missed the bit about 5 years gaol for just revealing that you've had a warrant served against you...(I know people like to make jokes about this stuff, but this is truly Orwellian Totalitarian stuff right here-Ed)..indeed it is, and it's got SFA to do with 'Terrorism', and everything to do with protecting the Institutionalised Corruption of the LNP...note how some of this stuff was rushed through both houses of Parliament in literally hours, but it's been over 2 years since the LNP 'promised' some sort of 'Integrity Commission'...(and what they've proposed recently is a fatuous shell of an IC that is virtually powerless to do what most people would consider it's fundamental job of stopping corruption-Ed)...and nor will it have the power to address and resolve any historical corruption, ie, everything that the LNP is doing currently to steal Taxpayer's money via a litany of Nepotistic Tenders and 'Consultancies' and rorted 'Funding Progams', etc...    

So anybody on Twitter and/or bloggers, etc, y'all/we're all potential Terrorists according to the LNP...(but they still won't acknowledged what their own security experts are telling them, that it's not us bleedin'-heart lefties that are the real concern, it's the Right Wing extremists to look out for-Ed)...well indeed, but when you're a government consisting of Right Wing extremists and dull-eyed god-botherers and the like, you're hardly going to call-out a major part of your supporter base, now are you?...(absolutely not, and that takes us nicely to the latest attacks on workers and the unemployed, etc and the associated demonisation of these vulnerable groups-Ed)...indeed it does...and don't let the wholly complicit pro-LNP Main Stream Media piss their self-serving non-truths into your ever-suffering ears, there is nothing about the COVID-19 pandemic that has stopped the Scummo LNP from pursuing their Ideological Hatred War against the various political punching bags that they love to target...and at every first opportunity, real or created, the LNP have axed support and gone straight back to their hatred hobby-horse of demonising and blaming the poor...(and women, what about the cuts to Child Care Wage Support and associated funding?-Ed)...exactly mate, what was the first area to have it's JobKeeper withdrawn, Child Care, and other funding was reduced or stopped completely, with the effect of both 1) forcing workers back into the Child Care work place, and 2) mothers back into the home to look after their a predominantly female-based area, this is unambiguously a gender-based action, with a heavy bent toward forcing women back into the home where the LNP believe they belong...

Basically, it's a win-win for the blokey half-wits in the LNP...given the basic nuclear family male/female paradigm, etc, which is pretty much all they want to acknowledge anyways, given all that, it 1) literally forces the lower income earner in the household, almost always the female partner, given they're likely working part-time and almost always at a lower rate than male counterparts, etc...(mate, there's so much going on there-Ed)...indeed, but it forces those people to consider what's more financially advantageous, work and use that wage to pay for Child Care, or stay home...(which is effectively what it amounts to for many people, does the income justify the employment when the wage only just covers the cost of child care? better off just staying home and looking after your own kids, right?-Ed)...which brings us to 2) this then acts to reduce unemployment numbers and costs, etc, 'cos there's many women who are forced to return to work in the sector, and/or become their own 'primary carer' and withdraw from the job market...("and/or"?-Ed)...well how many women are forced to return to work in the sector 'cos there ain't no JobKeeper, etc, and have to put their own kids in 'care' for that time?...(ouch, it's a double whammy-Ed)...and one that affects almost entirely women...(and in contrast the LNP threw $$$hundreds of millions at Homebuilder and 'Apprenticeship' programs, both of which are hugely dominated by male workers, eg, tradies-Ed)...a perfect contrast Ed, axe all support for the female-dominated industry, but sling $$$millions at male-dominated areas...and it ain't no accident...

And whilst this was the first example, and occurred months ahead of other cuts to 'COVID Support', at every turn the LNP have hacked-back Jobkeeper and particularly Jobseeker, then in this past fortnight we've seen the LNP just launch themselves at workers and their incomes and rights, etc...we've seen Work Choices Mark II tabled with supposed benefits for casual workers, but at the cost of part-time and other low-income workers, and with no genuine repercussions for employers who transgress against these faux-improvements...(and right alongside that there's the renewed attack on Trade Unions, again promoted with the fraudulent justification that this is about improving things for workers-Ed)...absolute gaslighting, like the LNP give a stuff about workers welfare and/or rights...(well as I like to say, you know why we have Unions?-Ed)...why?...(because of employers-Ed)...hmmm, many a true word spoken in jest...(oh I ain't jokin' mate, if employers could be trusted to treat their employees justly and with respect and pay them properly, etc, the entire business model for Unions would be redundant-Ed)...great point mate...(if employers could be trusted the entire reason for Unions existing would be moot-Ed)...absolutely true mate, with a few genuine exceptions it's employers who are the problem...(yep, and their conduct creates the environment where Unions aren't just possible but are essential-Ed)...just look at the swathe of Food Industry problems where high-profile employers have ripped-off their employees, often totalling $$$millions...(and it's never an over payment 'errors', it's always underpayment 'errors', suggesting that it's not 'errors' but actually quite deliberate-Ed)...yep, certainly has that look about it...

Rebooting RoboDebt:...after the criminal and deliberate 'failures' of Robodebt, the LNP have established a Version 2.0 using private debt collectors to 'recover' alleged includes large quotas/retrievals, and specific directions that the collector must immediately notify the department if the 'client' threatens self-harm...(as was/is an issue with Robodebt I, with over 2,000 deaths associated, including several suicides directly linked to receiving a 'debt' notice-Ed)...indeed, but this notification directive is not about the welfare of the 'client', it's specifically defined as being about "reputational damage" to the department...and there's a further directive that the department must be advised "within one hour" if the 'client' threatens to contact a politician or go to the's 100% LNP bastardry...(and didn't Scummo and Christian Porter and Alan Tudge, etc, didn't they capitulate on a class action against Robodebt?-Ed)...yep, a minimum $1.2 billion capitulation that was entirely without empathy, compassion or contrition, it was entirely about protecting these corrupt, sociopathic LNP clowns from having to front Court and be held to account for their deliberate's an excellent story about it from Independent Australia...,14644#.X-LgwS07VA8.twitter  

Never let y'allselves be distracted away from the truth, namely that everything that was done to support workers and protect jobs and to protect our society in general, eg, the JobKeeper payments and temporary increase to JobSeeker (NewStart) and border closures, etc, etc, all of that was forced on Scummo and his band of Merry Rorters by a combination of the State Premiers and/or the Unions and business leaders, etc...all of's an excellent summary of Scummo's attitude from staunch LNP supporter Niki Savvas...(well actually, she may lean heavily that way, but I've seen her increasingly critical of the LNP, and whilst she still has her LNP_blinkered moments, sure, she's certainly far more balanced than most of her rabidly conspiratorial and complicit colleagues-Ed)...fair call 'tis..***

Credit where credits due! Huge wraps to Niki Savva. Admit I’ve never been a fan, but doesn’t she nail it smack bang with this #2020Wrapped
report of #screenshotsaturday #ScottyFromPhotoOps Ms Savva has nailed Morrison’s lack of action and opposition to everything to a tee!
***The only thing Niki has missed is Scummo's 'Let It Rip' attitude/strategy that relates to all this...(the stuff about just letting COVID-19 go through the community unchecked and whoever dies dies, etc, that stuff?-Ed)...yeah, exactly that stuff...and then there's bloody David Speers...(Speersy! maaate!-Ed)...yeah, poor old sad Speersy, what sort of drooling LNP stooge looks down the camera, and without the least trace of irony or sarcasm, tells the ABC viewers that Scott Morrison has had a great year...(if it weren't so sad and so deeply disturbing, it'd be hilarious, you know, in a comic-tragedy kinda' way-Ed) mate, it's just sad, sad and corrupt and a massive problem 'cos when this is the only story the people get fed, then unfortunately many are going to believe's a great Twitter thread (below) that covers a lot of it...(yet more great work from the Twitterati-Ed)...absolutely...I would add to this list of abject failures, Scummo's heavy personal involvement in a series of losing elections, from the Eden-Monaro by-election, to Labor wins in the Northern Territory, Canberra, and in particular Queensland...(yeah right, Scummo was all over Eden-Monaro like stink on a monkey, and completely took over the lNP's Queensland campaign, frequently forcing LNP leader Deb Frecklington to literally stand quietly behind him-Ed) a good LNP woman should, right?...(well that certainly looked like it was the case, but whatevs, Scummo made those 2 elections all about him, and he lost, massively-Ed)...yay for Scummo...

And I know this is next bit is about USofA President Donald Trump, currently setting-about destroying whatevs remains of the US's democratic processes and global standing as a functional world power, etc, but given Scummo's unambiguous and wholesale subscribing to 'Trumpian Politics', it's an apt descriptor/critique...again I've seen this several places so I don't know who was the original author...and I'm somewhat bemused but disturbed by the Trump supporters...(well you could stop that sentence right there, ahaha-Ed)...indeed, nice one man, but seriously, how do these people keep on keeping on with their 'Stolen Election' manifesto when 1) Trump's own lawyers have withdrawn  from multiple 'cases' when they go to Court and are asked to provide evidence...(because there ain't any, evidence that is-Ed)...exactly...and 2) a series of Republican judges have denied or thrown out numerous attempted 'cases'...and 3) the biggie, the Republican-controlled Supreme Court, bulging with Trump appointees, the highest Court in the land, etc, etc, now they've politely laughed the latest attempt right outta' the building...(and all this follows the pre-election campaign by Trump to compromise the election in his favour by voter suppression, eg, de-registering voters, de-funding the Postal Service to compromise mail-in voting, etc-Ed) on! he tries to rig the election, still loses, and then squeals foul, what a class act... 

        Whoever wrote this, pretty much captured the thoughts of millions around the globe . #LoserOfTheYear

Now just for a closing laugh at the laughable, corrupt, B-grade, repeatedly sacked, failed marketting stooge who has back-stabbed his way to be our illustrious PM, cop a gander at this...I'm not sure who the original artist is, but I believe that the image was first done using USofA Vice-President Mike 'Tup' Pence...(oh I've seen that one, it's even more disturbing than this version-Ed)...well quite, but anyways, here 'tis, enjoy... 

#ScottyFromPhotoOps Why, because I can! All credit to the unknown original artist

(That is truly, truly hilarious-Ed)...yep, I reckon it sums him up perfectly, it's all flash and pomp and fantasy and professional fakery whilst poncing-about like a prize pony, making endless 'announcements' about things that do not and will not exist...but it ain't really over until the old lady sings...and never forget the attacks Scummo/the LNP have made on pensioners, eg, cutting the pension several years back...(and what about Scummo's recent comments about not counting on the Aged Pension as being a 'right', and even referring to it as 'welfare'-Ed)...well quite, but let's allow those whom suffer these crass indignities and abuses to speak for themselves, ma'am... 

This is far more relevant to #ScottyFromPhotoOps ... #auspol

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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