Friday, December 18, 2020

Robe Council Trying To Use 'Unreasonable Conduct' To 'Ban' Former Mayor William Peden

Howdy dear availees the previous post we covered the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council's deeply deceitful but blatant attempt to try and empower themselves to 'ban' troublemakers, and that this was unambiguously about denying Ratepayers/citizens from being able to hold MGCC to account for any of their (Council's) litany of Nepotisms, Conflict of Interests, and/or Insider Tradings, and/or other various corrupt dealings and/or mismanagement, etc...I had intended to mention that this 'Unreasonable Conduct' was very similar to what Robe District Council did a coupla' years back to former Mayor William Peden, when they passed 'special rules' stating that they weren't going to answer Mr Peden's letters, etc, etc...(didn't we cover that in the post Dear Robe Council CEO Roger Sweetman, "Whim And Fancy" This Champ, 19th February 2019?-Ed)...indeed we did Ed, and in a coupla' other posts, but it appears that we were a tad premature in our observation that this was a historical issue...(how so?-Ed)...well 'cos Robe Council is right at it right now, literally as we speak, as I was alerted to after we did the most recent post about MGCC...   

And partly 'cos I had planned to mention it anyways, but mostly 'cos it's a real-time example of exactly what MGCC is seeking to allow/'justify' in 'banning' people from contacting them, here's just a super quick post to get this stuff on the record...I can only apologise that I've not been as thorough with covering the local news as I might be, 'cos this was publicly exposed via the Naracoorte News on Wednesday 25th November 2020, as attached below...(well mate, you can't be following everything everywhere all the time-Ed)...sure, but perhaps this is the reasonable prompt I need to get a bit better organised, etc...anyhoos, here 'tis, the reportage of Robe Council straight-out threatening and denigrating a leading local citizen for having the brazen temerity to ask perfectly reasonable and appropriate questions about the conduct of the Council...(and not least of all, about stuff that should be placed on the public record by Council without having to be asked, eg, remuneration issues regarding former CEO Roger Sweetman who 'resigned' in disgrace!-Ed)...well quite, and regarding that specific point, it appears that Robe Council is not just attacking Mr Peden, but also failing/refusing to do what the Ombudsman 'ordered' them to do...   

For some reason there's a lotta' doubling-up there, but it's still an extraordinary story being told...(I think the really critical point in all of that is how Mayor Nunan refuses to answer the questions, particularly about whether or not that info is publicly available-Ed)...indeed, she certainly seems to be arguing that all of that stuff is somehow "in confidence" 'cos it's Mr Peden asking about it...(but I do also love the stuff where Robe Council is squealing about what this is supposedly costing Ratepayers, but they're the ones getting copious legal advice and holding single issue Special Meetings about one li'l ol' person, etc, all motivated by their own debilitating desire to avoid answering basic questions about their conduct, rather than just answer the questions-Ed)...yeah, but that's Mr Peden's fault 'cos he asked the questions...(ah right, I see, my bad, I thought it was the straw-clutching machinations of a desperate Council that was the actual issue-Ed)...well yeah sorry, I was being sarcastic, it is of course the Robe Council that's guilty of 'Unreasonable Conduct', in fact, I'd call it outrageous conduct...

This issue is going to continue across the next few posts, but I also have some other news...starting tomorrow, 19th December 2020, TMGI has a Facebook page of the same name...we'll mostly be using it to briefly alert the public to local issues like this one with Robe Council, and MGCC's latest actions in the same vein, etc, issues that will then be covered at length on this 'ere blog...I've been urged to use Facebook for some time, years in fact, and a series of recent events have finally pushed me to take the plunge, eg, the appalling mis-reportage of the MGCC Unreasonable Conduct stuff...I'll cover this in my opening post on TMGI Facebook...

Tomorrow: More MGCC Unreasonable Conduct Corruption 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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