Monday, December 14, 2020

PUBLIC INTEREST ALERT: Mt Gambier City Council's Latest Act Of Base Corruption

Howdy dear availees...have interrupted my own blog with 2 posts part-finished but shoved aside, etc, due to this appallingly concerning issue...please to be availling y'allselves of the MGCC Agenda for tomorrow night's Full Meeting, Tuesday 15th December 2020, and go to item 16.4, Unreasonable Conduct Policy, pages 39 and then in full 238 - 276...

In a nutshell, this is not about the 'Unreasonable Conduct' of Councillors and/or Council staff and/or contractors, etc, this is about MGCC giving themselves the 'legal right' to ignore and/or target and/or ban problematic Ratepayers, namely, those Ratepayers who write to Council asking embarrassing questions about MGCC's relentless Corruption, Nepotism, and/or Insider Trading, etc...(or anyone Council doesn't like who attend Council meetings, etc-Ed)...exactly...(and Council is trying to justify this by blaming the supposed but unidentified 'inappropriate conduct' of a supposedly large number of un-named 'perpetrators'-Ed)...absolutely, with faux concern for the welfare of Council staffers, and/or the burden on Council's meagre abilities to respond, etc...

This 'legislation' is solely and wholly about empowering Councillors to be allowed to officially ignore people they don't like and/or questions Council doesn't want to answer, and try to ban people from contacting Council and/or attending Council meetings, etc, etc...(well what about the stuff in the Background preamble, is that about the South Australian Ombudsman?-Ed)...I believe so, referring to the Ombudsman's Unreasonable Complaint Conduct Model Policy...(and who are these supposed but unnamed "best practice organisations"?-Ed) idea, looks like a construct of the report writer's imagination...whatevs, MGCC have clearly deliberately misrepresented or twisted the intent to suit their purpose, eg, this doesn't just include 'complainants' but anyone Council chooses...(so does that mean that they could/would come after people who don't attend meetings, etc, and don't complain to Council, etc, but who for example might write a blog critical of Council?-Ed)...well call me paranoid, but it certainly looks that way... 

I had intended to write a thorough review of this 'policy' but it is riddled with so many gaping pro-Council loopholes that it's going to take several posts, eg Council gets to define who and/or what constitutes 'Unreasonable', but by their own definition here-in, at page 243-4, dot point 3.3, under Unreasonable Persistence, a Ratepayer seeking a legally sanctioned review of a Council decision can be deemed 'Unreasonable' and therefore subject to this outrageously corrupt pseudo-legislation...(well doesn't that render this legislation technically 'non-legal' or unlawful' or whatevs the correct legal term is?-Ed) so?...(well if it unambiguously seeks to stifle and/or stop and/or punish Ratepayers from accessing their legal rights under other legislation, eg, appropriately Appealling, doesn't that contradiction/clash make this 'policy' therefore 'unlawful'?-Ed)...well damn Ed, it most certainly looks that way, but it ain't stopped MGCC before, so why would it now?...(and doesn't it also allow Council to just say 'nup, ain't lookin' at that' a coupla' times, and/or 'we've already answered that', etc, when in fact they haven't which is why the person keeps calling/writing/whatevs, and then Council can slam the door on ya' having never actually replied at all?-Ed) mean like they do now anyways?...(yep, but this supposedly allows and justifies that 'non-answering'-Ed)...absolutely, like I said, trying to legally allow what they already do, with the added bonus of being 'allowed' to 'officially' ban people...   

Excuse me, I've accidentally headed off down that rabbit hole of trying to carefully explain just how pro-MGCC corrupt this is, but like I say, literally every 'justification/explanation' and related 'action' is riddled with loopholes that allow the Institutionally Corrupt Mt Gambier City Council the supposed legal right to target people they don't like, and that's people who try to hold MGCC to account for their relentless Corruption...(and this follows on from MGCC's recent-ish legislation whereby Councillors (and staff?) are obliged to 'report/log' any conversations they might have with the general public, be it at the supermarket or in the street, etc, and that 'report' must include a synopsis of that conversation-Ed)...yep, hobble any vaguely genuine Councillors and clamp down and hopefully ban problematic Ratepayers who keep asking problematic questions about definable Corruption, or heaven forbid, exercising their legal rights, etc, etc, and try to present it all as being in Ratepayer's best interests...this is Totalitarian Gas-Lighting 101...

As I understand it some people are trying to organise some sort of protest tomorrow at the Council meeting, but I am also aware that Council has been loading the gallery with Council staffers, thusly allowing only a couple of Ratepayers to actually be in the room, so's Id get there early if ya' wanna' actually get in the Chamber before they shut the doors on ya'...and they will, shut the doors that is...

I've only read it through the once, but I am absolutely certain and therefore repeat, this 'policy' is unequivocally about attacking and shutting-down those handful of people who currently cause 'problems' by simply trying to hold the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council to account, and then dissuading/stopping anyone whom tries in the future...I myself am still currently 'banned' from attending Council meetings due to Magistrate Ian White's reprehensibly vile politicised mis-use of Final Intervention Orders, and this is exactly the sort of outcome/powers that MGCC is trying to gift themselves here...and whilst I don't believe that this legislation is actually legal, in that it contradicts laws in higher jurisdictions, eg, rights to Appeal any Council decisions, etc, any and all efforts to stop it being passed in the first instance must be exhausted...(and good luck with that given the effort Council has clearly gone into to present this crassly corrupt farce in the first instance-Ed)...fair point Ed, but to those whom can, please do attend and make your displeasure known...  

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, and Mt Gambier City Council is a text-book study in Institutionalised Corruption...cheers and laters...

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