Wednesday, January 20, 2021

He Doth Protest Too Much, And Yet Not At All - The Ambulance Chaser Reprise

Howdy dear response to our last post, A Disaster Cocktail With An Ambulance Chaser, Monday 18th January 2021, the subject of said post, former Mt Gambier City Councillor Josh Lynagh took all of 12 hours to post this 'Comment' on this 'ere blog...***  

What an absolute load of shit. How hypocritical of you to lie about me online given your constant criticism of others for apparently doing the same about you. You had every opportunity to fact-check this, to contact me, but instead you've gone and made up a complete bullshit story about me based on what, some gossip someone passed on to you? I wasn't at the scene, Nick. I was 100m down the road from it. I didn't "question witnesses" - I've never talked to a single witness here. I didn't approach a single person. I didn't talk to anyone there. What you've claimed here is a complete fabrication. Your theories about me having connections with emergency services are also completely false. I also don't have a scanner or any app that notifies me of incidents. A member of the public contacted me about it, and I was at a house right around the corner from it. Same goes with the house fire. I haven't made a single negative comment about you in years, and you're still writing essays about me. Get a new hobby, Nick. Because making up fairytales online about people you don't have the guts to actually meet in person hasn't exactly worked in your favour so far. Enjoy using this comment to fuel a four-part series about me. Surely there's bigger things to deal with in the world than someone on Facebook reporting news. If you don't have the decency to contact me before lying about me online, then don't expect me to be reaching out to you to talk about what you want me to talk about. I already offered to sit and talk with you, and you threw it back in my face. I made a genuine attempt to meet in person and hash out whatever issues exist, and you had zero interest in doing that.  

***...(fascinating, what do you call a person who is a proven hypocrite who lamely accuses someone else of hypocrisy, whilst simultaneously avoiding the actual issues?-Ed)...well for the sake of this particular post, I call them Josh Lynagh...(aha, nice one man-Ed) again is Josh furiously back-peddling away from the realities as he knows them to be, and studiously ignoring those issues he can't dismiss with his faux-outrage and hyperbolic abuse...and the opening abuse immediately reminds me of watching and/or listening to Liberal/National Party politicians at the dispatch box in Parliament...(where-in the volume of their lies and the degree of personal abuse is directly related to the level of deceit they know they're spewing?-Ed)...indeed, the louder they talk/yell and the more abusive they get, the bigger the lie...and that's exactly what we've got here from Josh...if y'all 'ave read the previous post you'll know that 90% of it was about Josh's penchant for making inflammatory statements and losing arguments, etc, then removing/censoring that content, as evidenced by the 2 very specific examples provided...y'all will have also then noted that Josh completely avoids these issues in his 'Comment'... 

1) People rarely lie about me, it's far more likely to be anonymous personal abuse that doesn't actually address any of the issues I cover...I clearly identified that what I've written is what others have said about Josh's attendance at a violent assault and his resultant 'coverage' on his Facebook page Limestone Coast Community News...(upto and including an exchange on LCCN that Josh 'lost' and then promptly removed-Ed)...indeed, and Josh admits he was present but denies other aspects of what has been said/alleged to me about his actions...I do note that Josh carefully avoids addressing the issue of the related terse exchange on LCCN and the fact that he has removed it...he's all piss and vinegar when it suits him, but doesn't have the courage of his alleged convictions to wear/own any contradiction and/or condemnation of his actions... 

2) I've not contacted Josh to ask his opinion/version...what a hypocritical li'l coward...with everything Josh has had to say about me on LCCN...(you mean the stuff where he holds forth about you and your ICAC trial?-Ed)...yeah, that stuff...(the stuff about how you're a 'Conspiracy Theorist', and 'Defame' people and talk "nonsense"? that stuff?-Ed)...yeah yeah, all that stuff...(as with this derogatory,  mocking 'comment' about you from LCCN, March 2018?-Ed)...yeah Ed, exactly like this...*** 

Sorry, I forgot to warn you guys that our conspiracy theorist blogger friend would be reading these comments and would likely address them in his blog.
Here's over 2000 words mostly consisting of nonsense and conspiracy theories as a response to this post. Enjoy. 
***...and exactly how many times did you contact me Josh before making these very specifically derogatory and discrediting statements about me? sorry mate, what's that? how many? what, not shreckin' once? so you deliberately denigrated me and tried to undermine my statements and my credibility, etc, and did so without contacting me once...(and smugly tries to ingratiate himself with the readers with snide, smart-arse comments about "our...friend", and then concludes with the equally obtuse "Enjoy"-Ed)...yep, smug, smart-arse and obtuse describe it perfectly...(and did he even attend your 'Trial'?-Ed)...not that I saw, no...

3) Josh has previously stated on LCCN that he 'contacted the heads of the emergency services and received their specific permission to attend and report incidents'...others have challenged this assertion as itself being a falsehood, but who knows...  

4) Scanner stuff...I have merely identified what others have theorised to me about Josh's ability to just 'be there' when stuff kicks-off, and then I've clearly identified that a) it's apparently not illegal, and b) SAPol and AmbulanceSA apparently use encrypted radios so a scanner would be pointless...if anything, I've carefully researched and then I've argued against the likelihood that he could be using a scanner...that said, I find it an extraordinary and extended series of 'coincidences' that Josh just happens to be 'just around the corner' for so much stuff...
5) 'I haven't said anything abusively derogatory about you for years';...(wow, yeah, 'cos that makes it all okay mate-Ed)...absolutely, why would I still be upset that Josh has repeatedly sought to denigrate me and discredit me and undermine what I'm saying?...(well no, actually, I was joking, it doesn't make it okay, if anything it makes it worse, 'cos he's not taking responsibility for the damage he's done, indeed, he's dismissing it as irrelevant-Ed)...denying, ignoring, dismissing, all classic Josh traits when it doesn't suit his self-promotion and/or self-protection...  
6) 'get another hobby...fantasies';...more derogatory abuse designed to discredit me personally and deny the reality that Josh already knows about why I started this 'ere blog, and why I continue despite the relentless personal abuse and corrupt political retribution, etc...

7) 'Don't have the guts to meet me';...Josh, mate, remember the last time we actually physically crossed paths? ya' mate?...'cos I was 28th March 2018, when we stood opposite each other at the Main Corner lights, then as we went across, you scurried past me in a wide arc, carefully avoiding eye contact, and then watched me in the reflection of the bank window...hilarious...I recorded myself on my phone as a 'self-protection' just in case something did kick-off...I needn't have worried, you couldn't get past me fast enough...and I'm the coward... 

8) 'what you want me to talk about'; mate, by your own words you have clearly stated that you have extensively discussed the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up with 'others'...and beyond that, it's got absolutely nothing to do with what I want to talk about, it's 100% what needs to be talked about, and you are apparently happy to discuss it with taken from your 'Comments', as covered in the previous post...***

I know a lot of people doubt what you've said about what happened there, but I don't. All I know about it is what you've told me, and what a few other parents have told me. Stories from both sides.

*** by your own admission Josh you have frequently discussed the St Martins Cover-up...I don't suppose that any of these "people" who "doubt what (I've) said" are some of your colleagues from Mt Gambier City Council?...(particularly the Councillors who are intimately complicit in the Cover-up-Ed)...yep, particularly that who you've talked to and who doubt me and whom provided you with the other 'side'?...and obviously I don't need to know actual names, but who are the "few other parents" you've supposedly discussed this with? were they people directly involved? were they Lutherans? so many issues here...(and what in the shreck is "both sides"?-Ed)...well quite, there is no "both sides", and you damn well know it, this is straight-out discrediting and undermining the realities as you know them to be...and your repeated references to me as a 'Conspiracy Theorist' are about achieving the same gaol, discredit me and thusly deny/refute the realities...

If I've made an error in my original post yesterday, it's that I didn't explain myself well enough...for example, I have absolutely no interest in meeting with you Josh 'cos you've proven that you cannot be trusted to tell the truth, so what's the point, and I completely dismiss your fake offer to meet...(that is an entirely disingenuous 'offer' made to deceive and manipulate his 'followers'-Ed)...of course it is...I refer to the above facts about Josh's previous conduct, eg, mouthing-off about me and my 'Trial' without bothering to contact me, and the way he scurried past me refusing to make eye-contact the last time we crossed paths...I thought I'd made myself abundantly clear, I don't trust you Josh 'cos you can't be trusted, and I have no desire to spend anytime with you...but, as I clearly stated, there are far bigger issues at play here, eg, the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption defined by the St Martins Cover-up, and in that context my personal animus is irrelevant...

My second error follows directly on from that first one, namely, I thought some other parents wanted to meet with you Josh to help you to an accurate understanding of what's occurred at St Martins and with SAPol (police) and Child Protection and the Lutherans, etc, etc...apparently I was wrong, nobody wants to meet with you Josh, what they actually want is for you to rectify the discrediting falsehoods you have already broadcast, and most particularly as your comments relate to discrediting me and what I've exposed about the horrendous realities of the St Martins Cover-up via this 'ere blog... 

Here's some simple homework for ya' Josh's some of my 'Conspiracy Theories' for you to check-out, mate...firstly, read the blog again and re-acquaint yourself with the vast library of documented facts about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and after that, check it all for ya'self, eg, go to the South Australian Parliament webpage and look-up the Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry no. 54 into the Teachers Registration Board...go to the official pre-amble about why the Inquiry has been established, and read where it refers directly to "a school in Mt Gambier", that school is St Martins...then read our submissions...then go to the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission and look at the submissions that several families provided, myself included...(but the FCARC rejected parent's submissions and refused to accept anything to do with the St Martins Cover-up and refused to even look at it-Ed)...exactly, and furthermore, the Lutherans were not even called as witnesses and never asked a single official question...go for it Josh mate, 'search term' ya' li'l heart out right through the entire years of FCARC and see what ya' find... 

Language Warning...and when you've finished finding fuck all there, mate, go to the SA ICAC website and 'search term' my name and my 'Trial'...see if you can find a single reference to me and/or this massively important precedent prosecution of the bizarrely undefinable yet all-encompassing ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, 'Confidentiality Legislation'...see if you can find where it's even mentioned the extraordinary outcome that a private citizen was 'Convicted' via a 3year trial and fined $540,000, etc...and again, you'll find sweet fuck all...not one single mention...see if you can find it reported in the Adelaide media at guessed it, fuck all...but you already know all this stuff, don't ya' mate...End Language Warning... 

(And that's how Josh's conduct is way worse than just ignorant abuse mate-Ed) so?...(well he claims to have read the blog and to be aware of all the things you've said, etc-Ed)...yeah, so?...(so he's seen all of the documents you've posted about the St Martins Cover-up, eg, the way that the Lutherans threatened ya'self and other parents-Ed) those letters from complicitly corrupt lawyers Piper Alderman screeching about 'defamation' and 'damages for their client', etc, all that stuff?...(exactly, and that Labor Premiers Rann and Weatherill were fully aware of the realities and intimately complicit in the Cover-up-Ed) when they wrote to SA's Child Abuse Royal Commissioner Ted Mullighan and told him he couldn't continue to investigate St Martins?...(yeah, all that stuff, and how the rancidly corrupt former Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen betrayed you parents, including openly attacking you on the front page of The Border Watch in May 2005-Ed)...ahhh, good ol' Rory, arguably the most Pro-Paedophile Corrupt person I've ever personally met...(and then there's the various written threats from the Crown Solicitor-Ed)...yeah, attack and threaten a parent of an abused child in trying to deny/defend/hide their rancidly complicit role in the St Martins Cover-up, great work Crown Solicitors Office...

(And who could forget the extraordinary self-exposure and self-conviction of the rancidly corrupt betrayer, lawyer Bill DeGaris?-Ed)...indeed Ed, a perfect storm of self-incriminating idiocy from an alleged legal professional...(Josh has undoubtedly read the various 'defamation' threat letters from Bouncin' Billy, and your excruciatingly eviscerating responses, where-in Billy's complicit role in the St Martins Cover-up is irrefutably defined-Ed)...and we've covered that stuff again only just recently via TMGI Facebook page...(and that post addressed to The Googles about how Billy deceives and manipulates them into pulling-down TMGI articles, that post is still Top 3 on a weekly basis, and has been for the last 6-8 months-Ed)...hilarious... 

(So Josh has seen/read most if not all of the irrefutable, documented proof about the St Martins Cover-up that's been posted on this 'ere blog-Ed)...your point?...(that knowing all of that, having witnessed all of that, he constantly refers to you as a 'Conspiracy Theorist', which in this context, is undeniably about him trying to discredit you and trying to deny the realities of the St Martins Cover-up-Ed)...well that's what I was saying about how he's effectively as complicit as anyone else involved, regardless of when he was born or when he was on Council, etc...he's set himself up as and presents himself as the accurate and balanced source of news for the Limestone Coast...(and yet, knowing what he does about the St Martins Cover-up, rather than report and disseminate the reality of the message, instead he chooses to attack the messenger-Ed)...exactly...(and by any definition, that is being complicit in the cover-up-Ed)...yes Ed, yes it is, absolutely complicit...

(And then of course there's the reams of documentation that TMGI has posted that proves that the Parliament did change the ICAC legislation after you were supposedly 'Reported', and that those changes identically address questions raised by your Legal Eagles with ICAC Comm Bruce Lander, etc-Ed)...yep, again you're right, nobody's 'Theory', absolute fact as proven by the Leagles' letters and the Parliament's Hansard record of proceedings, etc, all as presented here in this 'ere blog...(and as eventually acknowledged by Magistrate White when you backed him into a corner about it-Ed)...yep, in his Addenda as posted here-in...(and also proven, that you were never 'Charged', nor even Summonsed and thusly they started your 'Trial' in February 2015 without even telling you it was on-Ed)...maaate, change the legislation retrospectively and then start a 'Trial' without 'Charging' or even telling the defendant', all perfectly reasonable conduct of arguably the most critical 'Trial' in recent SA legal history...(and then the fact that Magistrate Teresa Anderson recused herself from the original 'Trial' in November 2016, citing her concerns about an 'Abuse of Process', as recorded in the Court's own official Certificate of Record-Ed)...yeah, but then, without explanation, Magistrate Ian White gets parachuted in from Adelaide, and the 'Trial' just continues anyway, and he abuses and threatens me and ignores it when I catch SAPol Prosecutions straight-out lying, etc, etc, etc...

I take your point Ed, that Josh knows all of these facts, and that they are facts, and that they are in many instances facts proven by the documentation already available on this 'ere blog...(and that despite that, and arguably because of that, he seeks to avoid actually addressing the issues, and simultaneously to discredit you-Ed)...and I think that's the exact point we're making mate, and I'll say it again, Josh has sought to discredit me personally and carefully avoided actually discussing the actual issues/facts, etc, with an agenda of helping to deny/refute the realities of those often appalling issues/facts...and in this 'Comment' he's at it again, completely ignoring that which doesn't serve his agenda and/or suit him, and instead slinging hyperbolic abuse...  

See, that's the difference between you and I Josh, mate...I am a man who has endured literally decades of extraordinary abuse and threats and denigration and persecution and public humiliation, not least of all by people like you, and mostly for speaking-out about the horrendous truths of the St Martins Cover-up...and I have suffered massive personal trauma and loss, it's had a devastating effect on my Mental and Physical Health, such that I've ended-up on the Disability Support Pension for Agoraphobia, Depression and Anxiety...and it was after a decade of being screwed-over by the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia that I finally started this 'ere my own admission, this blog was/is a last-gasp act of desperation spawned by the abject failure and/or refusal of the complicit authorities to appropriately resolve the St Martins Cover-up...and I include The Border Watch and ABC South East Radio in that list of complicit authorities...  

I am one of a handful of parents who have fought tooth and nail to try and 1) get some sort of justice for our kids, and 2) to fix a fundamentally dysfunctional Child Protection System to try and protect kids into the future...and the reality is, if teacher Glyn Dorling can get caught and exposed the way that he was, and then literally every authority from SAPol to the Teachers Registration Board and the Crown Solicitor and the State Premiers, etc, etc, if they all commit themselves to protecting the paedophile teacher, what hope do kids have?...and nearly 20 years later, nothing has's an abhorrent disgrace and an absolute indictment of South Australia...and for our efforts, us parents have all been subjected to the same abuse, denigration, threats and complicit Pro-Paedophile Corruption of South Australian authorities and the Lutheran Church...unfortunately, there is nothing special about what we have experienced because it's Standard Operational Procedure for these various institutions, particularly religious organisations, SOP to protect the perpetrator and the institution by attacking the victims, the parents, and/or 'Whistleblowers'...the only thing exceptional about my personal experience is that I've become the focal point of the St Martins Cover-up SOP backlash and therefore my life has become a text-book study in Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Retributional Political Persecution...  

You, on the other hand, are a cowardly observer standing on the sidelines and carefully choosing what you do and don't get involved're very careful to not upset the 'wrong' people, including the wholly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, of which you were a Member from November 2014 to November refuse to take even minimal responsibility for your own actions, and snidely and condescendingly retaliate against anyone who dares to even question you...and when you get called-out and caught-out, you remove/censor that stuff and try to pretend that it hasn't have repeatedly removed factual statements about St Martins posted on LCCN by a committed parent directly involved...why would you do that?...I may be a deeply imperfect person, and not always handled things as well as I might, whatevs, but on the very few occasions I've genuinely erred, I have owned it fully and apologised accordingly, etc...but when it comes to you and dealing with LCCN, I have nothing to apologise for...   

I don't just have a bit of skin in the game, Josh mate, I have my heart and my soul in so much of the stuff I blog about, I am the skin in the game...(and frequently the meat in the Pro-Paedophile grinder-Ed)...well that's a grotesque metaphor, but unfortunately a very accurate one...

So Josh, mate, any time you're ready to admit your faults and/or failings as they relate to St Martins, and publish the truth about the St Martins Cover-up, you already know what the truth is and have at your disposal, via this 'ere blog, every document, etc, that you need to justify/support publishing that truth...we all look forward to reading it...

Tomorrow: MGCC's 'Unreasonable Conduct' Legislation

And yes I know, I promised that last time, but this other stuff needs to be addressed, so, tomorrow...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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