Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Just A Little Light Housekeeping

Please read relevant previous posts.

Dental - after Tanya Plibersek promised $344 million to replace Chronic Disease Dental Scheme recent announcement South Australia will get $5.8 million federal funding to address children's chronic dental issues. Surely this is not it. Surely there has been and/or will be more cash for SA than that and I missed it ...again, I'd rather be wrong.

I heard either Tom Koutsontonis or Jack Snelling (Labor state ministers) on ABC Radio saying that the closure of the CDDS is to blame for the 4 year waiting time for Public Dental services in Mt Gambier. Bollocks, the reality is much worse.

The waiting time has blown out to 4 years while the CDDS was in place, not because it was cancelled; imagine how bad it is going to get now with all those extra patients.

And even that $5.8m will not get anywhere near Mt Gambier. In the same ABC story Dr Jack Gaffey (?spelling-sorry; from 'the Adelaide Dentists Assoc' or something like that-sorry didn't hear) stated that that money would not even make it into dental services in Adelaide, so Mt Gambier's got no chance.

Mt Gambier City Council - everybody, and I mean everybody I've spoken to about the current 'street paving' says the same things; it is entirely unnecessary; Council doesn't have the money and/or has other things it should be spending on; they are ugly and don't match the others already there; and the best one of all...

It appears that it isn't just me...woohoo...because everyone asks "Who got payed for all those pavers?" Which Councillors son, nephew, sister-in-law, business partner, etc? Given the relentlessly corrupt nepotism of City Council, people are automatically assuming that the prime motivator for an otherwise in-explicable expenditure is that a Councillor will profit.

It's the literal metaphor that writes itself; lining their pockets whilst paving the streets, all with our money.

And now they're picking on the trees...oorrrh, give the trees a go...yes, they're very pretty...what's the matter...they say the trees are killers...etc (apologies to Monty Python-Life of Brian fans).

Safety is important, but if Council properly maintained trees, particularly Eucalypts, then they would not become so overgrown that they drop large limbs. Thirty plus years ago Adelaide Plains Councils 'cropped' mature River Red Gums in the Torrens Catchment to stop them dropping large limbs; they were literally hacked back (albeit neatly) to 30-50 foot high stumps, trunks with no branchs. Hundreds of beautiful mature trees were saved from removal.

Eucalypts are tough as in the right place, and it wasn't long before they started sprouting from the tops of the otherwise bare trunks; it looked hilarious for a while, like giant broccoli florets. I believe that all those trees marked for removal in Mt Gambier can and must be saved simply by pruning them right back to the trunks and allowing them to re-sprout.

This greatly reduces the cost of full removal and subsequent replacement with semi-mature trees, and means that within a couple of years there will be mature trees offering good shade without dropping killer limbs. Replacement trees will take decades to get to the same size.

There is absolutely no need to completely remove mature natives from Valley Lake. It is a costly and unneccesary and stupid idea. Council should be trimming by approx one third to one half, every native tree  in town, not wasting money on pointless, ugly paving...and doesn't the new Bus Shelter look and work a treat....ahhhhhhhhhhhh....go on, give it a feels can can stop now...hhhhhhhhhhhh...oh,go on...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Marine Parks - What is so chronically wrong with the issue that the state government feels it needs to be so repeatedly advertised, dare I say it rammed down our throats? What is it costing for this bullshit feel-good propaganda to justify a scheme based not on science, but political expediency, eg, what protections for the critically endangered sea grass beds immediately off metropolitan Adelaide?

It is the Forestry Sale and Wind Turbine issues all at sea; 'recreational needs' mean forests near Adelaide are not sold, but the cornerstone of the South East economy is sold-off hollus bollus, with copious servings of outright lies and barefaced corruption...liars, bastards, and incompetents...and areas near Adelaide are exempted from Turbine legislation.

Areas that Adealide wants for its' entertainment are especially protected for Adelaide, and everyone else in the state can just get stuffed.

The Child Abuse Royal Commission - Even as the Commission starts NSW police have refused to give 'whistleblower' protection to Peter Fox, the officer who 'exposed' the abuse cover-up in the Catholic Church.

The Commission is a stop gap measure designed to make it look like something is genuinely being done that will spend years only to achieve nothing - please read my previous posts.

With Julia Gillard, Julie Bishop, Jay Weatherill, Mike Rann, Michael Atkinson (arrrcktugh...a spitting noise), et al, all complicitly involved in the cover-up of abuse at St Martins Lutheran School, what chance they want to see these things properly resolved?....Absloute zero...

"This is a history..." is the phrase the Catholics are using...oh, gee whiz, yes it's terrrible... but it's all in the past... it's aaaall in the're getting sleeeeepy...verrry slleeeeeppy...ohhhh, look at the new Pope...isn't he funny...washing feet...look at his funny hat...this is Chewbacca...a wookie...look at the monkey...(the famous South Park "Chewbacca Defence").
Even as it's launched today, it's all about 'people getting to talk about it'; 'put in submissions'; 'no criminal charges'; 'recommendations for legislation'; and all due respect to the person involved; but it appears that the
'un-official spokesperson' has been chosen, and is already being promoted through the media, and that they are effectively a Judas Goat...I know it sounds harsh, but I've been through too many of these 'Inquiries' not to see the parallels.

Again I genuinely apologise to the person concerned, but those genuinely running the Commission, the government, want someone they can trot out at very opportunity to praise up the Commission. And hence, a Judas Goat, someone being used to manipulate and deceive others.

I hear what you're saying, but cynic is what an optomist calls a realist (an oldie but a goodie) and I don't doubt this persons sincerity or question their motive and I doubt that they will be the only one in the years of the Commission, but it is what it is.

As contradictory as it sounds I encourage people to please participate in the Commission, do a submission, request to be heard formally, etc, because it can help to talk and these things must be exposed, and beyond that, we are all obliged to fix what we have allowed to happen...we as adults in this society are responsible.

Just don't expect that one single paedophile priest will end up in jail (goal), let alone heads of Churches, or senior politicians, etc...again, hope I'm proven terribly wrong.

This Arvo: Some Interesting Documents

...well I think so; and as Simon 'Smokey' Crean insists on holding forth about superannuation in what is clearly a gambit to position himself as the fiercely independent next leader of a desperate Labor party,

Tomorrow: Smokey and the Gambit 

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